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NURS23921The Realities of Practice

Assignment #2 Professional Practice Case Summary Report

Name: Rajandeep Singh Final Score: 85 15%: 12.8

Criteria 1- Interpretation of initial case information-10%

1. Provide a summary of the situation in your own words, including background information and key issues related to the selected case scenario.
2. Describe the presenting issues that you believe are more important in the care of the patient and their family.

10 7.5 5 0-1.5 Score

 Provides a summary of the  Summary of the situation or key  Summary of the situation or  Does not provide a 10
situation in own words. issues incomplete. key issues is vague or unclear. summary in own words.
 Includes background information  Prioritization of the presenting  Does not prioritize the  Does not include
and key issues related to the issues is not clear. presenting issues. background information
selected case. or key issues.
 Content has some factual errors.  Content is anecdotal in nature.
 Describes and prioritizes the  Does not prioritize or
 Application of critical thinking is  Application of critical thinking
presenting issues that are most describe the presenting
apparent. is not apparent.
important in the care of the issues that are most
patient and their family.  Majority of the information is pulled  Information is pulled from important in the care of
from credible sources and credible sources. the patient and family.
 Content is evidence based.
 Information is poorly laid out  Content has significant
 Reflects application of critical
 Content is evidence based. and lacks focus. factual errors, or
thinking throughout.
 Information is well laid out. misinterpretations.
 Information is pulled from
 Application of critical
credible sources and referenced.
thinking is absent.
 Information is well laid out and
 Information pulled from
constructed in a logical pattern for
incredible sources.
optimal readability.
 Information is poorly laid
out and appears
unfinished or haphazard.

Criteria 2 Development of therapeutic goals-30%

1. Describe how you would approach developing a care plan for the patient and their family (the assignment is not a nursing care plan).
2. Describe the major/significant issues in the situation that require immediate attention.
3. Describe other issues Realities
NURS23921The that should be addressed later in the care of the patient.
of Practice
4. Discuss how the College of Nurses of Ontario Practice Standards or Guidelines are relevant to your case scenario (be specific).
30 20-25 10-15 0-5 Score
 Includes a description of an  Unclear description of an approach  Incomplete description of an  Does not describe an 30
approach to developing a care to developing a care plan for the approach to developing a care approach to developing a

Comments: Please see the attachment for comments.

NURS23921The Realities of Practice

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