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1.Any person holding a license shall notify the issuing board of any changes in mailing address
within ____ days after change
30 days

2.It is prohibited to dispense, prescribe of sell eyeglasses not made of shatter-resistant lenses or
non-flammable frames to _______
1. one eyed person
2. law enforcement officer
3. fireman
4. person < 18 years old

*note: a practitioner, unless informed by person obtaining the eyeglasses or has personal
knowledge of age or occupation, is not required to conduct an investigation of the person's
occupation in determining if shatter-resistant lenses are necessary.

3.Anti-kickback/fee splitting law

it's unlawful to offer/receive/accept any rebate/refund/commission/discount/compenstation for
referring patients.

*Public offense punishable by jail or fine.

4.Federal stark law: it's unlawful to refer to a health care provider in which the practitioner or
immediate family member has a financial interest ($5000 or 5% of the whole) with the person
receiving the referral.

What qualifies as an immediate family member? What are the exceptions to this law?
1. parents
2. spouse
2. children
4. spouses of children (e.g. daughter in law)

Permitted if financial interest is disclosed in writing at the time of referral/consultation request.

Patient may be referred if there is no alternative provider within 25 miles or 40 minutes.
*Can't refer to spouse or children but can refer to brother. If 25 miles/40 mins you can refer

5.True or False: Any price advertisement must be exact and clearly identify the price for each
product or service.

Cannot use words such as "as low as", "and up to", "Lowest prices" or statements/advertisments
of bait, discount, premiums, or gifts.

6.true/false: can use the term "lowest price" or "as low as" for ads

7.What 10 items can be included in advertising?

1. Name, address, office hours
2. Languages spoken
3. Certification or eligibility for certification by a board or organization recognized by SBO
4. Degrees received, names of schools, post grad training
5. Publications authored
6. Testing positions (current or former)
7. Affiliations with hospitals or clinics
8. Fees for services or products and methods of payment
9. Personal picture or picture of facilities/products
10. Description for products advertised

8.True/False: an optometrist can lease a space from an optician or health plan


9.True/False: an optometrist can be employed by an optician


10.True/False: if an OD leases a space from an optician or health plan the lease cannot be less
than one year and cannot be terminated for a reason that interferes with the practice of optometry

11.True/False: if an OD leases a space from an optician or health plan the lease payments can be
based on number of eye exams performed, prescriptions written, patient referrals, or the
sale/promotion of products of an optician, optical company or health plan

12.True/False: if an OD leases a space from an optician or health plan the optometrist has
exclusive control of their schedule, how many patients they see and the time interval for

13.True/False: if an OD leases a space from an optician or health plan the optometrist has
exclusive control over the selection and supervision of optometric staff.

14.True/False: if an OD leases a space from an optician or health plan the optometrist has
exclusive control over the fees charged, examination procedures, and treatments provided.

15.True/False: if an OD leases a space from an optician or health plan the optometrist is not free
to contract with a health plan of their choice.

16.True/False: if an OD leases a space from an optician or health plan the optometrist's records
are the sole property of the optician/health plan
sole property of the optometrist

17.True/False: if an OD leases a space from an optician or health plan the optometrist's leased
space is definite and distinct from the space occupied by others on the premises, must have a
signed designating the leased space is occupied by an independent OD, and must be accessible to
the OD after hours or in the case of an emergency.

18.True/False: if an OD leases a space from an optician or health plan all signs and displays are
separate and distinct from that of the other occupants and have the OD's name and the word
"optometrist" prominently displayed. There can be no signs displayed on any part of the premises
or in any advertising indicating that the optometrist is employed or controlled by the optician,
health plan, or company.

19.True/false: to encourage prompt payment of health or medical care claims, health care
providers are authorized to grant discounts in health or medical care claims when payment is
made promptly within time limits prescribed by the health care providers or institutions
rendering the service or treatment.

21.True/false: ODs are allowed to grant discounts for health/medical care provided to any patient
that the provider reasonably believes is not eligible for or is not entitled to insurance
reimbursement or coverage under the MediCal or health care service plan for the health/medical
care provided.

22.True/false: can do a discount if you encourage prompt payment such as if the patient pays
cash now they can get a discount or if the patient is low income you can do a discount

23.True/false: an OD does not have to disclose their name and license status on a name tag and
communicate their name, license type, and academic degree in writing at the first visit if they
have a prominently displayed license visible to the patient.

24.What is an inactive license? How is it maintained?

license that is not suspended, revoked or restricted and used for purpose of maintaining licensure
in a non-practicing status.
Maintained: may be renewed by paying renewal fee and completing CE requirements.

25.True/false: a state license is not required by an exclusive employee of either the federal
government or tribal health program.

26.The state board must be notified within _____ of a licensee's convicted crime
48 hours

27.true/false: any person unable to practice because of impairment due to mental or physical
illness affecting competency, the licensing agency may order appropriate exams, revoke or
suspend license, place on probation, or apply other restrictions.

*reinstatement occurs when competent evidence of the absence or control of the condition is

28.true/false: an ophthalmologist cannot be employed by an optometrist


29.What is considered a prescription lens?

Any device that alters or changes the visual powers of the human eye. This includes any plano
contact lens.

30.What 5 components are required on a spectacle prescription?

1. patient's name
2. dioptric power of the lens
3. issue and expiration dates
4. name, address, telephone, and license number of OD
5. Signature of OD
*Any prescription by an OD for ophthalmic lenses must include as a minimum name, address,
telephone, signature of issuing doctor; patient's name and issue and expiration date.

31.What is the expiration date for a spectacle rx?

cannot be less than 2-4 years from the date of issue unless by patient history or circumstance,
including: presence of visual abnormalities related to ocular/systemic disease, reasonable
probability of change earlier than 2 years.

The expiration date must not be less than the recommended reexamination date (unprofessional

32.true/false: you can fill an expired glasses prescription in the case that the glasses were broken,
lost, or damaged.
In such cases, the dispenser shall recommend that patient returns to prescriber for an eye

33True/false: prescriber must orally inform patient of their spectacle rx expiration date.

34.True/false: a glasses rx expiration date may be extended by the prescriber


35.True/false: expired glasses prescriptions may be filled in the event of loss, breakage, or

*in such cases, the dispenser shall recommend that the patient return to the prescriber for an eye

36.For clinical practice, if there are any differences between California law and federal law,
which supersedes?
federal law

37.What is the expiration date for contact lenses?

cannot be less than 1 year and no more than 2 years from date of issue, unless by patient history
or circumstance and there is reasonable probability for change earlier than 1 year. Expiration date
must not be less than re-exam date.

38.true/false: the prescriber has discretion in releasing a CL rx for RGP lenses (spherical,
biotoric, bifocal), keratoconus lenses, and other custom design lenses manufactured for a patient
and not mass produced.

*for federal law, there is no discretion. prescriber must release rx for all lenses, whether
requested or not.

this means that in California you must give the prescription at the end of a soft CL exam. For
GP/specialty lenses you are not required to like in other states.

39.true/false: federal law states that in clinical practice a prescriber cannot charge for standard
lenses required for fitting, but can share for "speciality" lenses

40.true/false: A registered dispensing optician may fit, adjust or dispense contact lenses or

if the prescription by an ophthalmologist or optometrist specifically authorizes contact lenses or

glasses, and acting on the advice, direction, and responsibility of the prescriber. assistant/student optometrist can do what 10 exam procedures under the responsibility and
supervision of a OMD/OD?
1. fit prescription lenses
2. Prepare patient for exam
3. VA, pupils, and ocular motility testing (EOMs)
4. Automated visual field testing
5. Ophthalmic photos and digital imaging
6. Tonometry
7. Lensometry
8. Non-subjective autorefraction
9. Administer cycloplegics, mydriatics, topical anesthetics
10. Pachymetry, keratometry, A/B scans, electrodiagnostic testing

*Cannot administer controlled substances or do confrontations!

42.Upon receiving a CL request from the seller, the prescriber has ____ business days or until
______ to confirm, alter, or deny the prescription request.
1 business day or 2 pm of next business day (whichever is sooner).

(fed law: 8 business hours)

--seller may communicate by phone, fax, or email

--Fed law: Business hours-between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, and Saturday if open, not
including holidays.

43.When does a spectacle rx have to be released to the patient?

release upon completion of the exam

44.When does a contact lens rx have to be released to the patient?

release upon completion of exam or upon completion of the fitting process. (fed law)

45.After completing the fitting of CL, but not more than _____ days after receipt of the
prescription, a registered CL dispenser must direct patient to return to prescriber for evaluation.
60 days

46.true/false: patients may take their prescription to any eye doctor or registered dispensing
optician to be filled
47.true/false: ODs are not allowed to sale Plano goggles, sunglasses, or color lenses/occupational
protective eyewear

48.How long must an OD keep a patient record for? Is this any different if the patient is a minor?
7 years from the date treatment is completed

If a minor, record must be kept for a minimum of 7 years or until patient reaches 19.

*Ex: patient is 8 years old. Record must be kept till he is 19.

49.ODs can treat anterior segment and adnexa infections excluding what 3 conditions in children
under 12 years old?
1. lacrimal gland
2. lacrimal drainage system
3. Sclera

50.true/false: OD can treat ocular allergies of anterior segment and adnexa


51.true/false: OD can treat traumatic iritis in a patient over 18


53.true/false: OD can treat peripheral corneal inflammation, keratitis, and episcleritis in a patient
over 18

54.true/false: OD can treat unilateral nonrecurrent nongranulomatous idiopathic iritis in a patient

over 18
55.true/false: post-surgical ocular inflammation does not have to be co-managed with the treated

56.True/false: ODs can treat nonmalignant ocular surface disease and dry eye disease

57.True/false: ODs can treat hypotrichosis and blepharitis


58.What types of 4 types of glaucoma can ODs treat in patients over 18?
2. Pigmentary
3. Exfoliation
4. Steroid-induced

58.For a TPA certified OD, may prescribe topical steroids but must consult with an OMD if
condition is worse in _____ days after diagnosis
21 days

59.ODs are limited to prescribing codeine and hydrocodone with compound and tramadol to
____ days
3 days
*refer to OMD if pain persists

60.Can ODs prescribe oral antiviral medication?

Yes - topical and oral antiviral medication (no formulary) for herpes simplex and varicella zoster
- keratitis, conjunctivitis, periocular dermatitis.
61.true/false: a TPA certified OD can perform corneal scraping with cultures and debridement of
corneal epithelium

62.true/false: a TPA certified OD can perform mechanical epilation and treatment or removal of
sebaceous gland cysts by expression

63.true/false: a TPA certified OD can collect blood by skin puncture or venipuncuture for testing
for patients with diabetes or high cholesterol

can do skin puncture for diabetes only, cannot do for cholesterol

64.true/false: a TPA certified OD can remove sutures with consultation with the treating

66.true/false: a TPA certified OD can administer oral fluorescein for patient with suspected
diabetic retinopathy

67.true/false: a TPA certified OD cannot use an auto-injector to counter anaphylaxis


68.true/false: a TPA certified OD can order smears, cultures, CBC, mycobacterial culture, acid
fast stain, urinalysis, X-rays for diagnoses of eye/adnexa conditions. May also order other types
of imaging with prior consultation with OMD or other appropriate physician

69.true/false: a TPA certified OD can perform punctacle occlusion by plugs, including laser,
diathermy, cryotherapy, or other means defined as surgery.
false; can do punctual plugs only... no surgery:

Punctal occlusion by plugs, excluding laser, diathermy, cryotherapy, or other means defined as

70.True/false: to order an MRI, an OD must consult with a PCP


Ordering smears, cultures, sensitivities, CBC, mycobacterial culture, acid fast stain, urinalysis,
and x-rays for diagnosis of eye/adnexa conditions do not require prior consultation. An OD may
order other types of images (e.g. MRIs) with prior consultation with OMD or other appropriate

71.true/false: a TPA certified OD can remove foreign bodies from cornea, eyelid or conjunctiva
with any appropriate instrument other than a scalpel, as long as corneal FB is non perforating,
and no deeper than mid-stroma and does not require surgical repair.

72.true/false: a TPA certified OD can probe the nasal lacrimal tract


cannot probe nasal lacrimal tract at any age

73.true/false: a TPA certified OD can perform lacrimal irrigation/dilation on patients 12 years or


74.true/false: a TPA certified OD can perform intravenous injection for the purpose of ocular
angiography as part of an active treatment plan without an ophthalmologist present.

ODs only allowed to do FA at the direction of an ophthalmologist as part of an active treatment

plan in a setting where a physician and surgeon is immediately available.
75.What are the limitations of skin testing to diagnose ocular allergies for an optometrist?
limited to the superficial layer of the skin

76.What are the 4 requirements for an optometrist to be certified for the administration of
1. complete an immunization training program endorsed by the federal CDC that includes hands-
on injection technique, clinical evaluation of indications and contraindications of vaccines, and
the recognition of emergency reactions to vaccines, and maintains that training.
2. Complies with all state and federal record keeping and reporting requirements, including
providing documentation to the patient's PCP and entering information in the appropriate
immunization registry designated by the immunization branch of the state department.
3. Is certified in basic life support.
4. Applies for immunization certificate on board approved form

77.What 3 immunizations are able to be administered by an optometrist for patients 18 years of

age or older?
1. influenza
2. herpes zoster virus
3. Pneumococcus

78.True/false: when treating steroid-induced glaucoma, the optometrist must inform prescriber of
steroid if the prescriber of the steroid did not refer patient to the optometrist.

79.true/false: in an emergency, and OD can stabilize and then immediately refer a patient with an
acute angle closure attack to an OMD

80.Requirements for glaucoma certification to treat glaucoma patients over 18 years of age
Requirements for Glaucoma Certification-effective as of January 8, 2011.

1. Hold an active license as an optometrist in California

2. Be TPA certified

3. Complete a 24-hour didactic course in the diagnosis, pharmacological and other treatment of
glaucoma if graduated prior to May 1, 2000. This requirement is waived for those graduating
after this date.
4. Complete a case management requirement of a minimum of 25 patients each prospectively
treated for minimum of 12 consecutive months. This requirement may be satisfied by any one or
combination of the following:
--16 hour case management course through accredited CA school
--16 hours grand rounds
--completing a preceptorship program

5. Licensees that are glaucoma certified shall be required to complete 10 hours of glaucoma
specific CE every license renewal period. These 10 hours shall be part of the required 35 hours
on diagnosis, treatment and management of ocular disease.

*Licensees graduating from an accredited school or college of optometry after May 2008 are
exempt from didactic course and case management requirement.

81.True/false: CPR certification is required by an OD


82.What are the CE requirements for an OD in California?

1. 50 hours of CE every 2 years
2. 35 of the 50 hours must be in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of ocular disease in
any combination of glaucoma, ocular infections, inflammation and topical steroids, systemic
meds, and pain meds.
83.No optometrist and no two or more optometrist jointly may have more than _____ offices

84.true/false: an OD can use the title "optometric physician" in california

85.true/false: it is illegal for opticians to advertise the availability of services by ODs or OMDs

86.a written request from a patient for clinical records must be released within _____ days
15 days

87.Any accusation filed against a licensee shall be filed within ____ years after board discovers
the act of within ____ years after the act, whichever occurs first. In the case of a minor, the filing
is extended to ____ years or age of majority.
3 years; 7 years
10 years

88.When does a license expire?

last day of the holder's birth month every two years if it is not renewed

89.what 6 items must be included on a drug prescription?

1. name of patient
2. Name, quantity and directions for use of drug
3. Date of issue
4. Name, address, telephone, license number
5. DEA number if controlled substance
6. Signature of the prescriber
90.True/false: no title, subtitle or phrase can be used to convey impression of exceptional
proficiency in any phase of optometric price. NO state in advertising can imply use of particular
system or procedure that is superior or safer than taught at schools or by standards of care.

91.What are the 5 conditions for an optometrist to rent and practice from a commercial space?
1. practice owned by OD and every phase is under their control, including records being the sole
property of the OD and free from involvement with unlicensed person
2. rental space must be apart from other occupants
3. signs, advertisements, displays are to be separate and distinct and must show "optometrist"
4. no legends as "optical department, optometric department, optical shop," etc can be displayed
on premises or any advertisement.
5. no linking of OD's name or practice with commercial concern.

92.What are the standard precautions in an office for proper hand washing?
each office must have within the premises: a hand washing facility with:
1. hot and cold running water
2. liquid hand washing soap
3. sanitary towels or air blower for drying hands

*not hand soap and sanitizer, not hand towels and air dryer

93.What is the minimum amount of liability insurance that an optometric corporation must have?
$50,000 times the number of employed licensed persons rendering optometric services

94.true/false: a licensed optometrist can solicit a pupil or his/her parent or guardian to advise
treatment or consultation at a school screening

no licensed optometrist should use any voluntary vision testing for the generation of referrals for
financial benefit

95.What 6 components must be included on a contact lens prescription?

(fed law)
1. Patient's name
2. exam date
3. issue date and expiration date
4. name, address, telephone, and fax or prescriber
5. power, base curve, other parameters, material of CL
6. manufacturer, trade name, or equivalent brand name if private label

96.True/false: a prescriber can require patients to pay a fee for exam, fitting, and evaluation
before releasing the contact lens rx only if the prescriber requires immediate payment of fees
from patients that do not need contact lens or other ophthalmic goods.

Prescriber can require patients to pay fee for exam, fitting and evaluation before releasing CL
RX only if prescriber requires immediate payment of fees from patients that do not need CL or
other ophthalmic goods. However, if specialty lenses are purchased in order to complete fitting
process, charges for these lenses can be added to the fees for fitting process.

97.true/false: a doctor cannot refuse to give the spectacle prescription if the patient has not paid
for the eye examination, even if no ophthalmic good were required.

It is an unfair act or practice for an ophthalmologist or optometrist to fail to provide a copy of a

spectacle prescription immediately after the eye examination is completed. HOWEVER, the
doctor may refuse to give the prescription if the patient has not paid for the eye examination,
even if no ophthalmic goods were required.

98.For a patient to access health records, inspection may be permitted during business hours
within _____ working days; copies need to be transmitted within _____ days.
5 working days
15 days

A reasonable fee may be charged for clerical and copy costs. Any adult patient who inspects
there records has the right to provide a written addendum up to 250 words in the record.

98.true/false: a health care provider may withhold the release of patient records or summaries
because of unpaid bills for healthcare services.
99.true/false: in lieu of allowing access to the entire record, a healthcare provider may provide a
summary of the record within 10-30 working days from written request.

100.Adult patient records must be kept a minimum of _____ years following discharge.
7 years
101.For a minor (under 18), the record must be kept for at least _____

minor: at least one year after reaching the age of 18, but not less than 7 years.
102.If an OD knows or suspects that a patient's injury was the result of assertive or abusive
conduct, specifically domestic violence, then the OD must contact a local enforcement agency by
telephone and must send a form to local law enforcement within _____ working days of
discovering the injury
2 working days

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