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 CLASS: 12 (A)
 ROLL NO. :
1. Certificate

2. Acknowledgement

3. Introduction

4. About the programming language

(Python + SQL)

5. Libraries

6. Modules

7. Function used in project

8. Source code + Screen shots

9. Bibilography
This is to certify that the project on Daily
travel booking System reported here has
been successfully completed and submitted
by KUMAR ATHARV of class XII A under
the guidance of Ms. Anjali Malkoti for the
academic session 2024-25 in partial
fulfillment of practical examination to be
conducted by Central Board of Secondary
Education (C.B.S.E)


It gives me immense pleasure to present this project. It
would not have been possible without the kind support
of my Computer Science Teacher Ms.Anjali Malkoti
under whose guidance and constant supervision, the
project was finally brought to the present state.I would
also like to express my gratitude towards my parents for
their kind cooperation and encouragement which helped
me in completion of this project. I thank them for
providing me with ample resources for the project.

I am also thankful to PANCHSHEEL PUBLIC SCHOOL

for giving me such an amazing opportunity to prepare
this project.

I would also like to thank my friends for providing

constant support and necessary web links for the
completion of this project.
With the evolution of technology and the
Internet, travel has become extremely easy and
cost-effective due to the introduction of the
online travel booking engine offered by travel
agents worldwide through travel technology.

The travel booking system has made the

traveler's life simple and hassle-free. From
booking a flight to booking a hotel, it is only
possible with the aid of the travel booking
system within minutes.

Travel booking engine simplifies the booking

process for you and your customers by
automating transactions such as customer data,
updating booking information, payment,
scheduling, and many others.

It helps to keep consumers on your website so

they can see the choices available and book the
one they need without switching among
different sites and services or without having to
make phone calls.

So, if you'd like to take advantage of the

modern way of doing travel and hospitality
business, the integration of your travel booking
system with your website is must
Python programming language was developed
by Guido Van Rossum in February 1991. Python
is based on or influenced with two
programming languages:
ABC language, a teaching language created as a
replacement of BASIC, and Modula-3
Python is an easy-to-learn programming
language. It is a very high level programming
language yet as powerful as many other
middle-level not so high-level languages like
C,C++, Java etc.

1. Easy to Use:
Python is compact and very easy to use
object oriented language with very simple
syntax rules. It is very high level language
and thus very-very programmer-friendly.

2. Expressive Language:
Python is an expressive language - fewer
lines of code and simpler syntax.
3.Interpreted Language:
Python is an interpreted language, not a
compiled language. It makes Python an
easy-to-debug language
4. Open Source
Open source and large active community
base: Python is open source, and it has a
large and active community that
contributes to its development and
provides support.

1. Not the Fastest Language
Python is an interpreted language not a fully
compiled one. Fully compiled languages are faster
than their interpreted counterparts. So, Python
offers the development times but execution-times
are at fast compared to some compiled languages.

2. Lesser Libraries than C. Java. Perl

Python offers library support for almost all
computing programs, but its library is still not
competent with languages like C, Java, Perl as they
have larger collections available. Sometimes in
some cases, these languages offer better and
multiple solutions than Python

3. Not Strong on Type-binding

Python interpreter is not very strong on catching
"Type-mismatch' issues. For example, if you declare
a variable as integer but later store a string value in
it, Python won't complain or pin-point it.

4. Not Easily Convertible

Because of its lack of syntax, Python is an easy
language to program in. But this advantage has a
flip- side too: it becomes a disadvantage when it
comes to translating a program into another
programming Language. This is because most other
languages have structured defined syntax.
SQL stands for
Structured Query Language.
 It is used for storing and managing data
in relational database management system

 It is a standard language for Relational

Database System. It enables a user to
create, read, update and delete relational
databases and tables.

 All the RDBMS like MySQL, Informix,

Oracle, MS Access and SQL Server use SQL
as their standard database language.
 SQL allows users to query the database
in a number of ways, using English-like


SQL follows the following rules:

 Structure query language is not case

sensitive. Generally, keywords of SQL are
written in uppercase.

 Statements of SQL are dependent on text

lines. We can use a single SQL statement on
one or multiple text line.
 Using the SQL statements, you can
accomplished most of the actions in a

 SQL depends on tuple relational calculus

and relational algebra.


1. Simple and easy

One of the things that make SQL a popular
choice is that it doesn't require any substantial
knowledge about coding and writing programs.
SQL has some basic keywords such as, SELECT,
UPDATE, etc that can carry out tasks.
2. Faster Query Processing
SQL works with an efficient speed. It can be
processed in seconds.

3. Standard Language As already mentioned,

SQL is a standardized structured query
language approved by ISO and ANSI for
relational databases. It's long, detailed and
established documentation overs years also
stands a strong plus point.

4. Portable
It is highly portable as used in PCs, computers,
independent laptops having any operating
system such as Windows, Linux, Mac etc. It can
also be embedded with other applications.
5. Highly Interactive
As it has simple commands for all purposes,
becomes an interactive language for its users. It
easy to understand and the commands are also
understandable to the non-programmers.

1. Limited Scalability for Complex Queries:
While SQL is scalable for basic queries, it may face
limitations when dealing with highly complex
queries or large datasets. In such cases,
performance issues may arise, impacting the
responsiveness of the database.

2. Non-compatibility with NoSQL Databases:

SQL is designed for relational databases, and it may
not be the ideal choice for organizations working
with NoSQL databases that prioritize flexibility and
scalability over a rigid, structured format.

3. Steep Learning Curve for Advanced Features:

While SQL is easy to learn for basic operations,
mastering advanced features and optimization
techniques can be challenging. This learning curve
may deter some users from fully leveraging the
capabilities of SQL.

4. Vendor-specific Implementations:
Different database vendors may implement SQL in
slightly different ways, leading to variations in
syntax and functionalities. This can create
compatibility issues when migrating between
database systems.
5. Security Concerns:
Despite its security features, SQL databases are not
immune to security threats. For instance, SQL
injection attacks can exploit vulnerabilities in poorly
coded applications, potentially leading to
unauthorized access or data breaches.

6. Limited Support for Hierarchical Data:

SQL is not inherently designed for handling
hierarchical data structures. While there are
workarounds, such as recursive queries, managing
hierarchical data can be more complex than NoSQL
databases designed for this purpose.

7. Performance Issues with Large Datasets:

As datasets grow more extensive, SQL databases
may experience performance degradation,
especially if the database is not optimized correctly.
Tuning and indexing are critical to maintaining
optimal performance.

8. Cost of Implementation and Maintenance:

Implementing and maintaining a robust SQL
infrastructure, including licensing costs for
commercial databases, can be a significant
investment for businesses. This cost may be a
deterrent for smaller organizations with budget

9. Lack of Flexibility:
While the structured nature of SQL is advantageous
in many scenarios, it can be limiting for applications
that require frequent schema changes or dynamic
data structures. NoSQL databases may be more
suitable for such cases.
What is library?
Python has created several open-source
libraries, each with its root source. A library is
an initially merged collection of code scripts
that can be used iteratively to save time. It's
similar to a physical library in that it holds
reusable resources, as the name implies.
A Python library is also a group of
interconnected modules. It contains code
bundles that can be reused in a variety of
programs. It simplifies and facilitates Python
programming for programmers. So then we
won't have to write the very same different
programs. Machine learning, computer science,
data visualization, and other fields rely heavily
on Python libraries.
How Python library works?
A Python library is merely a bunch of code
scripts or modules of codes that we can utilize
in a program for specific operations, as stated
above. We use libraries to don't have to rewrite
code already written in our program. However,
here's how it works. The library files have a DLL
extension in the MS Windows environment
(Dynamic Load Libraries). When we import a
library to our program and run it, the linker
looks for that library automatically. It extracts
the library's functions and then interprets the
program accordingly. This is how we use library
methods in our program.
a. Standard Libraries of Python
Python's syntax and tokens are all contained in
the Python Standard Library. It comes with
built-in modules that give the user access to
basic functions few essential modules.The
Python libraries have been written in the C
language for the most part The Python
Standard Library is extremely important.
Programmers won't be able to use Python's
features unless they have it. Apart from that,
Python has several libraries that make a
programmer's life easier.

b. Matplotlib
The plotting of numerical data is the
responsibility of this library. It's for this reason
that it's used in analysis of data. It's an open-
source library that plots high-definition figures
such as pie charts,graph etc.

c. NumPy
NumPy is one of the most widely used open-
source Python packages, focusing on
mathematical and scientific computation. It has
built-in mathematical functions for convenient
computation and facilitateslarge matrices and
multidimensional data.It can be used for
various things, including linear algebra. Along
with this, it can be used as a random number
generator.In Python, NumPy is recommended
over lists because it uses less memory, is faster,
and is more convenient
d. Pandas
Pandas is an open source library licenced under
the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD). In the
domain of data science, this well-known library
is widely used. They're mostly used for analysis,
manipulation, and cleaning of data, among
other things.

e. Scipy
Scipyi Scipy is a Python library. It is an open-
source library, especially designed for scientific
computing, information processing, and high-
level com . A large number of user-friendly
methous and functions for quick and
convenient computation are included in the
library. Scipy can be used for mathematical
computations alongside NumPy.
f. Scikit-learn
Scikit-learn is also an open-source machine
learning library based on Python. Popular
algorithms and the SciPy, NumPy, and
Matplotlib packages are all already pre-
included in this library. The most well- known
Scikit-most-learn application is for Spotify
music recommendations.
The act of partitioning a program into individual
components (known as modules) is called
 A module is a separate unit in itself.

Advantage of module: -
 It creates a number of well defined,
documented boundaries within the
 Its contents can be reused in other
programs, without having to rewrite or
recreate them
Python module
A Python module is a file containing Python
definitions and statements. A module can
define functions, classes, and variables.
Grouping code into a module makes the code
easier to understand and use. Some of the
modules from python's standard library are
math, random,cmath etc.

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