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The PROPERTY. 112 Byron Avenue,London E12 6NG

means the room at the Property which has been agreed between the Householder
The HOUSEHOLDER and Lodger to be taken by the Lodger

Abdul Mateen Arif Vora

The LODGER whose address is the Property above

Najma Fatema

THE SHARED Nationality: British



6 months beginning on EARLY TERMINATION Either party may at any

time end this Agreement earlier than the end of the Term by giving
to the other written notice of week(s)/month(s)*

ns the services that the Householder hereby agrees to provide to the
Lodger which include [cleaning the Room]* [laundry]* [breakfast]“ [dinner]*
PAYMENT £ per week/month“ payable in advance on the of each week/
month“ being payment for the Room and Services

The INVENTORY means the list of the Householder's possessions at the Property/Room* which
has been signed by the Householder and the Lodger




BEFOR (The Householder)

Witness Occupation

Witness Address

THIS AGREEMENT comprises the particulars detailed above and the terms and conditions printed over-
leaf whereby the Room is licensed by the Householder and taken by the Lodger for occupation during the
Term upon making the Payment. Nothing in this agreement is intended to create a tenancy or any other in-
terest in the Property, or in Scotland an assured or short assured tenancy by virtue of paragraph 9 of
schedule 4 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1988.

" delete as appropriate

1. This agreement is personal to the lodger, cannot be assigned to any other party,
and can be terminated by either party on notice or without notice in the case of
6. The Lodper shall not have exclusive possession of the Room and the identity
serious breaches of the agreement.
of any other occupiers of the Property shall be in the absolute discretion of
2. The Lodger will: the Householder.
2.1. only in conjunction with the occupation of the Room be allowed to
7. So lonp as the reference to a right of early termination in the definition of‘the
share with the other occupiers of the Property the use and facilities of
TERM' overleaf (the ‘early termination right’) has not been deleted then ei-
the Shared Areas of the Property;
ther oarty may at any time durinp the Term terminate this Agreement by giv-
ing to the other prior written notice to that effect, the length of such notice to be
that stated in the early
termination right, and upon the expiry of said notice this Agreement shall end
2.3. cook at the Property only in the kitchen; with no
oay the Payment at the times and in the manner set out on the first further liability for either party save for any existing breach.
page of this Agreement; 8. It is hereby agreed that if the parties agree to the Lodger continuing in occupa-
2.4. keep the interior of the Room in a good and clean state and condition tion of the Room after the end of the Term, his occupation shall still be sub-
and not damage or injure the Property or any part of it (fair wear and ject to the Terms and Conditions set out in this Agreement, and this will con-
tear excepted); tinue until such time as a new agreement is signed or the Lodper vacates the
vacate the Room at the end of Term and leave the Room in the same Property. However after the Term specified on the first page of this agreement
clean state and condition it was in at the beginning of the Term (fair has ended, either party will be entitled to end this agreement by giving one
wear and tear excepted); month's notice. This notice may expire at any time, but if the notice period
2.6 maintain in the Room and keeo in a good and clean condition all of ends during a Payment Period, the Lodger shall only be responsible for pay-
the items listed in the Inventory if any (fair wear and tear excepted); ing a proportionate part of the rent for that Payment Period.
2.7 not make any alteration or addition to the Room or without the House-
holder‘s prior written consent do any redecoration or painting of the 9. If at any time the Lodger is in breach of any term of this agreement, or any
sums due under this agreement are more than 14 days late, or if the
Lodger is declared bankrupt or enters into any form of arrangement with
2. not do or omit to do anything on or at the Property which may be or
his creditors, this agreement will terminate immediately without any form
8 become a nuisance or annoyance to the Householder or any other oc-
of notice and in England & Wales and Northern Ireland, but not in Scot-
cupiers of the Property or sharers or occupiers of adjoining or nearby
premises or which may in any way prejudice the insurance of the land, the Householder will be free to secure the Property against the
Property or increase the insurance premium payable by the House- Lodger.
holder; 10. At the end or at sooner termination of this Agreement any items remaining in
2. not without the Householder's prior consent allow or keep any pet or the Property or Room which are the property of the Lodger must be removed.
9 any kind of animal at the Property; Should any items be left behind by the Lodger the Householder will store
not use or occupy the Room in any way whatsoever other than as a them for a period of 14 days after which time the Householder will be permit-
2. private residence; ted to dispose of the items as he sees fit.
10 not let or purport to let or share any rooms at the Property or take in
In Scotland only:
any lodger or paying guest or, without the consent of the Householder
2.11 (not to be unreasonably withheld) to permit any person to sleep or In terms of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 the Householder must ensure
stay at the Property; that the Property meets the Repairing Standard as laid out in Section 13 of
provide the Householder with a forwarding address when the Agree- that Act. That means that the Householder has an obligation to ensure
ment comes to an end and remove all rubbish and all personal items that:
212 (including the Lodger's own furniture and equipment) from the Prop- - the Property is wind and watertight and in all other respects fit for human
erty before leaving; habitation;
pay interest at the rate of 3% above the Bank of England Base Rate the structure and exterior of the Property are in a reasonable state of re-
for the time being upon any payment or other money lawfully due from pair and working properly;
2.13 the Lodger under this Agreement which is not paid within 14 days of the installation for supply of water, gas, electricity, sanitation, heating,
falling due in respect of the period from when it becomes due to the and water heating are in a reasonable state of repair and working prop-
date of payment; erly (as long as the Householder has some form of responsibility to main-
make a reasonable and proportionate contribution to the cost accord- tain these installations whether directly or indirectly);
ing to use of all charges in respect of any electric, gas, water and tele- furnishings supplied by the Householder under the tenancy can be used
phonic or televisual services used at or supplied to the Property and safely and for the purpose they were designed;
Council Tax in England & Wales and Scotland or rates in Northern Ire- - there is satisfactory provision for fire/smoke detectors;
4 there is satisfactory provision for the detection of carbon monoxide de-
land or any similar tax that might be charged in addition to or replace-
ment of it during the Term; tection in quantities hazardous to health.
12. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland only:
2.15 [have use][not have used* of the garden at the Property, if any. that except in exceptional circumstances the Householder shall not retain
3. The Deposit the Deposit for more than one month.
3.1. The Deposit will be held by the Householder and will be refunded to 3.3. At any time during the Term the Householder may apply any part of the
the Lodger at the end of the Term (however it ends) but less any rea- Deposit to cover any reasonable costs incurred as a result of any breaches
sonable deductions properly made by the Householder to cover any of his obligations by the Lodger or other sums properly due to the
reasonable costs incurred by or losses caused to him by any Householder, in which case the Lodger shall upon demand pay by way of
breaches of the Lodper's obligations under this Agreement. No inter- additional Payment to the Householder any additional payments needed
est will be payable by the Householder to the Lodger in respect of the to restore the full amount of the Deposit.
deposit money. 4. In the event of destruction to the Property or of damage to it which shall make
3.2. The Deposit shall be repaid to the Lodger, at the forwarding address the same or a substantial portion of the same uninhabitable, the Lodger shall
provided to the Householder, as soon as reasonably practicable. How- be relieved from making the Payment by an amount proportionate to the extent
ever the Householder shall not be bound to return the Deposit until he to which the Lodger's ability to live in the Property is thereby prevented, save
is satisfied that no money is repayable to the Local Authority if the Lodger where the destruction or damage has been caused by any act or default by the
has been in receipt of Housing Benefit and until after he has had a rea- Lodger or where the Householder's insurance cover has been adversely affected
sonable opportunity to assess the reasonable cost of any repairs required by any act or omission on the part of the Lodger.
as a result of any breaches of his obligations by the Lodger or other 5. To enable the Lodger to comoly with clause 4 above, the Householder will upon
sums properly due to the Householder under clause 3.1 above, save
request provide to the Lodger a copy of his insurance policy (if any) or an ex-
tract of the relevant terms.

The ‘Repairing Standard’ under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 (see
0 Lawpack Publishing Limited clause 11, above) does not apply in England, Wales or Northern Ireland. However, under separate regulations the Householder must ensure that:
any gas fittings are checked annually by a Gas Safe-registered gas fitter
and a copy of the certificate is given to the lodger before they move in and
within 28 days of it being renewed;
all furniture and furnishings supplied to the lodger must be fire-safety com-
pliant in accordance with Furniture and Furnishing Regulations;
all electrical equipment supplied to the Lodger is in good repair and not
damaged or defective.
These requirements do not create contractual rights for the Lodger.
13. Where the context so admits:
13.1. the ‘Householder‘ includes the successors in title to the House-
holder's interest in the Property;
the ‘Property’ includes all of the Householder's fixtures and fittings at
or upon the Property and all of the items listed in the Inventory if any
and (for the avoidance of doubt) the Room;
3. the ‘Term’ shall mean the period stated in the particulars overleaf or
any shorter or longer period in the event of an earlier termination or
an extension or holding over respectively;
4. the 'Payment Period' shall mean the period of time elapsing between
the date when a payment falls due from the Lodger and the next due
4. all references to the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and
any obligations or liabilities of more than one person shall be joint and
several and an obligation on the part of a party shall include an obliga-
tion not to allow or oermit the breach of that obligation;
5. all references to ‘he’, ‘him’ and ‘his' shall be taken to include ‘she’, ‘her’
and ‘hers‘;
6. any clause requiring any person to do or not do something includes
an obligation to use reasonable endeavours to prevent others doing
or not doing that same thing.

F403/P203 0R1

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