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Solutions for DIHO1002102

Solutions for questions 1 to 6: Solutions for questions 7 to 10:

1. We have to check whether the production of D as a 7. The market share of Penolds in different years is 2010
percentage of B is more than 80% but less than 120% or 200 2
= x 100 = 22 %
not i.e., the difference between the production of D and that 900 9
of B is less than 20% of B or not. 200
2015 = x 100 = 20%
Year Difference 20% of B
2016 = x 100 = 25%
2014 700 1220 1200
2015 500 1080 300 1
2016 1000 820 2018 = x 100 = 33 %
900 3
2017 900 840
2018 800 1000  It is the highest in the year 2018 i.e., 331/3%.
Ans: (33 13 )
 It happened for 2014, 2015, and 2018. Choice (B)

2. The total production in 2000000 − Exp

8. Given, 20 =  100
2014 is 23300 2000000
2015 is 20400 400000 = 2000000 – Exp
2016 is 20500  Expenditure = 1600000 = `16 lakh. Ans: (16)
2017 is 20800
2018 is 24900 9. As the cost price of each pen is not known, sales value
cannot be determined, for any company.
By observing the above values, the change over the Hence, through the ratio of expenditures is known,
previous year is the highest in the year 2018. profitability cannot be determined for any company.
Choice (D) Choice (D)

10. The average annual percentage change is the highest for

3. In 2017
1 200 − 100
3 Pentex i.e.,   100 = 20%.
Exports of D is  5100 = 1912 5 100
Choice (B)
Exports of A is 1912  6 = 2295
5 Solutions for questions 11 to 15:
 Percentage of exports = 2295  45%.
5200 11. Bala’s expenses on clothing = 20% his total expenses
Choice (B)  Bala’s total expenses `18,500
Food and tuition fees together constitute 35% of Bala’s total
4. In 2018, B forms 20% of total production. (5000/24900) 35
expenses which is 18500 = `6475 Choice (B)
Let total production be 100; production of B is 20 100
Production of B in 2019 is 60% x 20 = 12
Total production in 2019 is 60% x 20 + 1.35 x 80 = 120. 12. 15% of Anand’s Expenses = `1620
Production of B as a percentage of total production is 10%. 85
(12/120) Choice (A)  the remaining 85% =  1620 = `9180 Choice (C)

5. From the choices we can observe that II is present in all 13. Let the total expenses of Bala and Chetan be `300 and
the four choices. `500 respectively.
 By checking II (which is false), (A), (C) and (D) can be 30 35
eliminated. Now as the only option left is choice (B) and The ‘other’ expenses are  300 and  500
though it appears that D in 2016 and 2017 is the same, 100 100
there could be a marginal decrease (For example 5100 and respectively.
5090). So the answer is (B) as it is the only option left. Had i.e. `900 and `1750
the question had 'None of these' as an option, then it would The required ratio = 18 : 35 Choice (A)
have been the answer. Choice (B)
14. Let Damodar’s total expenses be D and that of Edward
6. The production cost of D > B > A > C. To get the minimum be E
possible number of years in which production cost of D and 20 15
Given  D = 115 % of E
A together is more than that of B and C together, the 100 100
production of D > B and A > C.  0.2D = 0.1725 E
Both the above two conditions must be satisfied in any year
D 0.1725 86.25
for the production cost of D and A together to be more than =
B and C together. This happened only in the year 2018.
E 0.2 100
Choice (B)  D is 13.75% less than E. Choice (D)

 Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd.(T.I.M.E.), 95B, Siddamsetty Complex, Park Lane, Secunderabad –500 003.
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15. 10% of Anand’s expenses (on clothing) is at least equal to 18. We do not know if users of C.C mail already claimed
15% of Chetan’s expenses. the reason of ‘easy to use’ for C.C mail itself.
 10% of A  15% of C They can shift to Eudora claiming the same reason.
A Thus we cannot determine the change in number of
  1.5 respondents claiming ‘Easy to use’. Choice (D)
 Total expenses of Anand is at least 1.5 times that of
19. Let the total number of users of e-mail packages = 100x
Chetan. Choice (B)
out of which user group saying ‘don’t know’ is excluded.
= 100  – 5x = 95x
Solutions for questions 16 to 20:
Now, among these 95x users, except for C.C-mail
16. Number of respondents who said ‘don’t know’ = 5% users, others claim only one reason each.
Half of them = 2.5% Number of package users excluding C.C mail
Number of AOL uses = 12% = 95  – 9x = 86x
Number of Eudora users = 13.5%  These 86x users account for 86x reasons.
Total number of users of either AOL or Eudora The total number of reasons by respondents
= 12% + 13.5% + 2.5% = 28% [total respondents] = 7140 = 14x + 34x + 16x + 28x + 11x + 17x = 120x
Ans: (7140)  Number of reasons claimed by C.C-mails users
= 120x – 86x = 34x
17. Respondents claiming ‘features’ = 16% The average number of reasons per C.C mail user
Respondents claiming ‘prior usage’ = 17% = 34x/9x  3.8 approx. Choice (B)
But all of these are users of pine/elm = 21%
 There must be some respondents claiming both reasons. 20. UNIX + AOL = 12 + 8.20 = 20.20%
Let the percentage of such people = x As maximum percentage of respondents who claimed
 21% = 16% + 17% – x at most one reason is greater than 20.2%, the required
 x = 12% (25500) = 3060 Ans: (3060) answer = 20.2% of 25,500 = 5151. Choice (C)

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : DIHO1002102.Sol/2

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