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Test 1 READING = Thour PART ONE Questions 1-7 aacrncaiesaaments blo ane te atl abou te developmen =f AE Tisiness leaders onthe opposite Bee ot (1-7) ater to? ae ion ofthe arte (A,B, .2¢D) dove each sere «in secon tt, mare on ett Ay B,D) our Anew SH 6 For ea ayo ve some ofthese laters mare han ove. — | 6. mnowormaisnon es beenfomed toast pep | | msindevsaningrionivers | a 1 Managers reek acton acorns higher oftheir aie se organo edo look beyond ahi fey ae caret vo 1g Theresa concer tnatfirs investing ntaining for oh yore may not gun thebenefis themselves «e Managors eed expen axisanc fom wi tern sin devslapng ie Ayers 4 Fincarrerl ion gh fer without the apport ofa gudan SEY «Managers re frequent to busy ode dvelpment of MNS + Fhmawhe work nad onthe reputation a an'empoye wees ah SWE inthe benefits 1g high ers. neay. yor. vrs. Reading The Stare ofthe Future Existing management research does not all us much about howto find and consdored Setcorsthe | 25 A dever Bring © move D tke taoentl VTuere- | 26 A polos 8 stands © tome condone wdind ane 28 A dense B rigid © oop D solid Selfeie | A mney 8 pny 6 pay 9 pty 21 A apartrom —B otherthan © exeptfor—_—etherthon stock or time | BA 2 ae © 0 D come Tet PART FIVE Questions 94-45 + Fond the advice balow about meetings wth clint = inmost ofthe lines (34-4), hore is one extra word sthoris grammatically incor a does nat fin with the meaning ofthe text. Some lines, however, ae cozet. + Haine scone, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet, * there is an extre word inthe lina, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet, ‘The exercise begins with two examples (0 and 00 BHOAEHwnOH SWMHAwHOOO Examples: oO A © Regular mectings with clients are important to healthy collaboration. They (00 may be set up by the liot, for example to roviw with the progress of currant 34 projects, © give new instructions that mey have load to a contract variation 35 oF to discuss any concsens. The client meoting which can also be aranged 36 by you oF another member of your company to attract from new business, 10 237 edérass a problem unless that needs to be solved or to ive an update or status {38 report on current business verturs. Your partis in these mestings will tae 138 the kind of information you neod and how you should prepare for them. If you 40 will be responding to questions put by your client, the material you prosent 41 should dea! in specteally with the request that was made, The meeting should not 42 only move off the agenda without the permission ofthe pereon you are meeting 43 tyou have prepsred properly, you should be able to anticipate both questions and 4 to respond properly. Ifyou are put on the spot and ested for details you do not 45 have, respond honestly - do not speak about matters 6s you are not familiar with Writing WRITING — 45 minutes o PART ONE i «+ You are organising a maating to decuts posible outs to your department’ i budget i ‘¢ Wits an emit o ail stain your department «= giving tham the date ofthe meeting {+ explaining why some cuts have tobe made 1 saying why itis important forall staff attend fon. They cof euront stl ditto om. if you ould not 'e macting ] you do not | Tet 1 PART Two 16 The retail company you work fore considering intalling @TV system init store torgive customer information on products and services wile they shop. You hheve seen en edvertieomont fora company which provides this typeof system, + Look atthe information below, on which you have already made some handeriten notes Thon, using all yur handwritten note, write a letter to Chie Taylor at “Vinesystams. 1 White 120-140 words Sonera _ tos vying eine arent wile Ysa pag “pre curemere wih oon sryour | \ est eoneny rec amd eons (GRE . _ + complete TV systems ~~, + any numbor of sroens wart customar training service provided Ne " Urano spcaty Ta Wn Cc \teoled reatymone )| Forfurhar dea, contct Cris Taforat | Se L_ created 7 LISTENING — 40 minutes (including 10 minutes’ transfer time) PART ONE ‘You wil heer three telephone conversations or messages. Listening «= Write one or two words or # number in the numbered spaces on the notes or + After you have listened once, replay asch cocoring, Conversation One (Questions 1-4) 1 Look at the nota below, ‘You wil heara man phoning a customer about an order | MESSAGE To: Bob Cale From: Ala Pe ar at Pllton Engineering # The delivery date for cur new been delayed. © He asked CF we needed. to apply the 2 contract on this occasion. # He is now offering Free © One thing not clean én the contract ~ she for during transit? machines has | ix the Tet 1 Conversation Two (Questions 5-8) + Look at the notes below: 1 You wil hear oman leaving am gue about another company's press conforonce ROTES Op WeEsTEe's PeESS cOveseENcE Webster bnencts te 8 hrerense ninber of (8) few gear. create positon of (6) Mearkatiag, Direct eattralice the aystom for (7 hrodven (8) 1 net Listening Conversation Thee (Cuesvons9-12) ji 1 Look athe notes below Wl Nes aman elphoning scolesgue abou bung he hs seen | ENTERPRISE BUSINESS COLLEGE Notes about [5 Lemmington Road Good points © Rot necessary t 9)... it. ea ee oer than many other buildings for rant. j © Tis in the suburbs, so the (1) cess . tex is lower. 4 But © further From HQ. © In the 112) it may not he spacious enough be at I Tet 1 Questions 12-22 (Ouestions 18-17) + You will hear five shor recordings. Five speskers are talking shout the use of technology in recruitment 1 For each recording, decide whot recommendation the speaker makes concerning technology In reruitment 1 Write one letter cH) net othe numberof the recording bo not uso any later more than ones, * Attar you have Istened once, opin the recordings 2 ‘A. Adverse posts within the company a8 wel ot outside, “ Include detailed information about vacancies, Moko aure your wetate is Kopt uptodate 6 Allocate sutable staff to maintain tho website, Re-design your nomweb-besed recruitment verising Use a range of technologies for contact with ‘questions fist. Maximise the opportunites offered by the internet. (Questions 18-22) ‘You wil hear anther five recordings. Five speaker are talking about how to desl vith complaint about goad, ‘For ench recording, decide what action the spesker is recommending. 1 Write one lear (AH) next othe numberof the recording, {Do not use any eter more than once. 1 Aner you have listened once, replay the racerdings 1 Intoting an irvostigation ° ‘ving money back providing an iortial replacement 20 Boring an upgrade arranging fee servicing a organising fra training trtencing the warranty 2 oitering 8 crecitnote 2 sing ath Listering PART THREE Ovestions 23-20 # You wit hear John Sergeant, # retail analyst, being interviewed about a chein of clothing stores ealed Sangre For each question (28-30), mark one letter (A, Bor Gor the cores answer, {Alor you have listened once, rplay the racoring, 23 According to John Sergeant, why ie Sangra doing so badly? ‘A. ithasfallo behind changes inthe market. Bie employing uneutabe designers, © te stores are unattractive buildings, 24 In John Sergesnt’ opinion, Sangr has fled to realise that ‘A. some competitors are seling identical tam more cheaply. B__ middle-market customers have more monoy to spend © ite curent advertising campaign Is unsvocesstu 25 John Sergeant blames Sangra’ lat Chief Executive for not AA faliowing the advice ofthe Board B planning who should follow him. © choosing 8 good time for expansion. 2 Winat ctfeuty is Sangra having in intragucing the “festye idea? A Few of ts stores ar large enough B__Thestalf oppose the change, © The cost ae too high 27 John Sergeant expects Sangra to solve its problems by A improving productivity B closing a numberof stores. (© reducing is prof margins 28 Sangra's management are staring to ‘A work more closely with the supplies © encourage suggestions fom the sat 38 Test 1 29 John Sergeant advises Sangrato B return tos proviouseraoay. © develop an atenatve strategy. 30. Sangra ie about to change by A opening large, new outoftown stores B taking over foreign company. © staring to sell non-lothing product Speaking SPEAKING — 14 minutes SUSIE PART ONE In this ar, the interoeutor asks questions to each ofthe cancidatesin turn, ‘You have to give information sbout yourself and express personal opinions PART TWO Intis part of te test, you are asked to give a shor talk on @ business topic. You have to choose one ofthe topics fom the three below and then talk for about one riuro. You have one minute to prepare your ess, ‘A: Whatisimportane when ..? Planning a presentation fe Absence © Equipment needed Be Whatisimportant when ..? Selecting an interpreter for a meeting with foreign cliente © Experience = Relabilty Ce Whatis important when ..? Toeroducing anew peoduet range ont the macket © Timing Advance publicity 35 Test k PART THREE look st the task prompt 2a example of whichis blow, and then about thre ‘mieutas i discuss the topie with your partner. After thatthe examiner will gk you ‘mare questions related tothe topic. Fortwo cendidstes Selling old stock “The manufacturing company you work for needs to make space in its warehouse to stock its new products The company would lke to sl off end-ofraage products at discount prices. ‘You have been asked to make recommendations Discuss the situation together and decide: « whether to offer the same discount onal products + how customers could be informed of the disoounts, For three candidates Selling od stock “The manufacturing company you work for needs to make space Jn its warehouse to stock its new products The company would like to sl off end-of range products at discounted prices. You have been asked to make recommendations Discuss the situation together and deve: ‘how much discount shouldbe offered ‘whether fo offerte same discount on lf products ‘bow customers could be informed of the discounts Speaking Follow-on questions ‘* Do you think discounts area good wey of sling old stock? (Why2/Why not?) ‘+ Inwhat other ways do you think companies can get of unwanted stock? (Why?) ‘What do you think I the msi desdvantage for a company of having toa much stock nite warehouse? 5 ‘+ How da you thnk companies could plan thelr stock requirements more acurately? Why do you think itcan be dificult 0 sel stock somatimes? How do you thnk iscounting could atfect a company’s Image? (Why?) Test 2 READING 1 hour PART ONE uestions 1-7 * Look at the statomente below and th advise to businesses onthe opposite pege ‘bout using other companie to run ther IT services, # Which section (A B,C or) does each statomont (17) refer to? ‘For each statement i1-7, mark one leter (A, 8, Cor D) on your Answer Sheet. ‘You will nad to. use some ofthese letters more than once, Example © outsource processes not being entirely separate from the resto he business AB eo the need to teach sis to employees working onthe outzouroed process remembering the intl reeson for setting up the outsourced project the need t0 draw up agreements tha stout how integration isto be achioved addressing the issue of ste who work on the outsourced process being at 3 ditant ats {heimportance of making someone responsiba for he integration process staf onthe outsourced projet familaising themselves with various details of the business problems being associated with an alternative to cutsourcing Reading When a business decides to outsource its IT services, it neds to consider the question of integration. Four experts give their views. A | Gianluca Trameet,Sies Systems ‘An outsourced If service is never fly indepandent entity. sted tothe home: company’s previous and continuing systems of working. But despite the added responsibilty of managing new ways of working, many Businesses ignore the Imogration process. They fait stabi corkeactetet define the ways n which the two companies will work slongside one anther, and focus solely on the technologies! aspects of eervice delivery * & | kevnnay, oomete Doaasten fondo bul hierton comtney cntes det to Mtbougnconpuescentinkotoumeueat scavenger oes _ tndentos thy ped oranda, wine ametine easoaeoe ees 7 Goning prop Socus how Tva nn eaionbangcoreton ingot May onto atire hore podem ous avews soa bao © | ctayton Locke, Digital Sotstions Communication isthe key to svecess, and outsourcing to other regions ot | countries can lead to @rangeof problems. For any such ntve itis neceseary i to create @ team where there Is good, open communication and @ clear Understanding of objectives and incartives, Bringing people to the home location from the outsourced centre ie necessary, since tcan aid understanding ofthe complexes ofthe existing systom. To inograt efficent, outsourcing Personnel have to talk to the home company’s executives and users to oa Undorstend their experiences ne | DJ Kimnoon,J@ Tech One way to avoid the ditficules of integration isto create a jintventure } company withthe cutsoutest. Thus, a company ean sap its assets fore share ofthe profs Yet joint ventures bring potential roubles, and companies should be careful not to los sight of he origina ationse for autzouring to gein cost sfficiencios and quality of servic in an ares that for some reeson could not be catied out entirely invhouse. The comploxitiae end costs of jointventure initiative should note underestimated lof Tet? PART TWO Questions 8-12 ‘Road ho article below about the changing rol of human resources depertments {Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fil each of tho gop. ‘For each gap (8-121, mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet, {= Do not use say eter more than once, 1 There is an example at the beginning The best person for the job Employees cn make a busines scoed or aco the peopl whe chose them "hve vita te toy Employees are a company’s new ideas sts public face and its main asset. Hiring the ight people is Uherefore a significant factor ina company’s success (hereon MF the human resources department makes mistakes with hiring keeping and diomisang staf, a business can disappear overnight. Many ‘companies now realise that recruiting the best recruiters is the key t success Sarah Chol, Head of HR at Enco ple Deuoves that thinking commercially fe 4 ey quality ia BR. Brery decison an HR manager makes needs to be relevant to favancing the business, (@) ‘Thats ne longer the ease. HR managers have to thinle more strategically these days. They continually necd #0 think aboutthe impact oftheir deisions on the bottom tine. (8) or example, & chef exccutie wil expect the HR department to advise on everything fom the headcount to whether to proceed th an acquisition Why do people go Into HR in the frst lace? Chot has @ ready angwer. think most people im the profession are attracted by a longterm gol (a0) Nothing happens. in the ‘company which Sant affected by or ‘eesnt impact on its employees, so the HR department isa eruell part of any Not all operational managers agree. An Informal survey of athitades to HR departments that was carried outlast year by a leading business journal Fecelved comments such as “What do they actsaly contribute? (14) ‘AS Cho points ot, salaries have never been higher and, in addition, HR. managers often recewe substantial sna bomses, Despite the financial rewards, HR managers often feel undervalued, and this Is a major reason for many leaving ther jobs. 12) However alackof twaining and development is & more iguicant factor. ‘These days, good professional development opportunities fare considered an essential part of an attractive package, Choi explain. Reading came [0] [A Butrisng lavele of remuneration demonstrate thatthe profession's growing importance is widely recognise, ae eb 18 Atone ime, a professional quelficaton was raquited inorder to progress to thetop of Other departments and senior executives used o see HR managers as having. 3 purely administrative role 80 the tof any FF Thoy thorefore nged te be competent in many aspects ofa company’s agree. An G- Onthe other hand, recruiting the wrong staff can lead to diester. out last | “journal | ‘What do | , | don, HR abetantal sds, HR wed, and xy leaving alackof ‘ye, good wert of an =e | a Tea? PART THREE Questions 12-18 ‘oad the article bolow about a technology company an the questions on the «For each question (13-1), mark one latter (A,B, € or D) on your Answer She Dave Heyden founded company Creal Path tena prorgr In a take Path becae pt company two ere ae, and Haye ook the opportunity sep down pot rt eae tine eed {obeon the up and up. Homer yey 250, Iwasa treble Shasta ad been worth $25 180, wen they wee bat ol wre ‘eying desperatly eacae what he oul The rgene ah scp, Stor’ ay aye, "The head fSepariment ‘ia commented hy ht ea Bat ayden ne tat egg the gars under Forks that eat geting beck the ood of ha happened Bet ahh hey wee ary ‘ehh company they ait ave ba lags owiehe hn cage The nent hing Hayes hat acl was hours with them nyt, was asumed that apt war ots espn: Conta Irn practi Haye was reat oy Dope la pat rom no plc prope rks anenangeithengh he ‘dently ey peopt teapot te company ‘sto were gen mare rors But Haye sas, lore a company that any feel acor or acetate yng axon tne something neds be 2 cama wheat i it Steady share pice of One tig that ped save ashton tochnagy ‘Because the product kept on werking” With dene for eh tenure denanding hie TT, Reading 18 What event coincided with Ceti Path becoming» public company? [A Haydon bocame the Executive Director of Cita! Path, B Investors hired areplacemant tam to run Cri! Path, (© Critica Pat lsunched a succastul new product onthe marke Critica Path wes floated onthe Stock Exchange at 24 cents pe sha, 16 Which ofthe folowing situations dl Hayeon face at Cli Path in 20017 8 One reason Haydon was able to turn Cite! Path around wos that ‘A. he managed to find new investors. B the financial stuaton wae not as bad ashe had thought a © nehsd built up a good elstionship with the manegement eam, 2 Downe given the suppor that he nonded, 18 What was Hayden's policy regarding the etal of Ceca Pth? [A He peid overtime to averybody who worked outside office hours. ve BH reduced the workforea by operating an oarly retirement scheme © He gave kay eta the opportunity to help him sot goals fo the company o D He restored motivation by showing willngness to work alongside sat, 17 According to Hayden, what could indlete that 2 busines isn trouble? , ‘A problams keeping sesounts uptodate suppliers refusing to ater now credit txms © a frequent need to increase the amount borrowed D lificultes in geting payment rom customers on tine 18 Haydn lt Critical Path ater he hed reseved the company because ‘A he wanted to develop the technology for anew internet sevice 8 hewantod 0 concentrate on founding a new enterprise. © _hehad beon offered «job with a majr internet company. he decided tego inte partnership with major cent Tet 2 Ovestions 18-33 «# Read tho news tam below shout company that runs health snd fitness cubs. * Choose the best wordt fill each gap fom A,B,C or on the oppasita page, ch question (18-83), mark one eter (A,B, Cor D} on your Anawer Shee 1 Theron example atthe boginning (0) Fighting Fit | Fe Fes, ehe Heath and finesse opus (0) Du. an Inpro of eu tardy (20) non ofthe reba (21 at wel by al Top Ft According to Samara Calla the chi exact, Fe ees (22) sn SONG 2h 109 (23) nt reach age of 10D cbs win eee years, srogy inflate by the pare 28) nn oon the econ “The company opened 2 new cb inthe pas yu (25) te vez 5. They Fave (26). tobe iy sucesso with poplin in rz nambars, eps nth 5040 agerange Even the more (27) a ub re sl einen roth, long wih sg raion 28)» of mor han 0 parce Thien be son as dear (2). of he appeal of Fie Fes, Me Colfer adiuad da a er wae (80) ve 100 my 8 compet with one another, there woud snort cerca be 4 he haven fines sector of he ight be onl about tine major companies silo (32) However she del to ich hee ware ly be a Profits rose by £53 millon, sous there was 8 film gros rar rom 31 pir cent to 286 percent bec of higher Insuranee premiums, era management costs and strep copenses forthe companys new (83), Se ae Reading Example A sated B expressod © sla D announced 19 A Stating B Reporting _ Remarking ——D._Informing 20 A taken 8 fet © experiences caught 21 A eelesed B issued © opened D revealed 2 A save B romaine © maintains keeps 2a A track 8 direction way D tne 4 A felling B breaking © cutting D slowing 25 A. bringing 8 putting © gexing > mounting 26 A shown 1B resutes © proves D demonstrated 27 A icataled 8 formed © established confirmed 28 A rates B standards proportions —D_ volumes 2A witness B sign © display D. evidence 30 A purely B merely © simply D barely 31 A usion B consoldation alliance combination 2 A trade 8 office © commerce business A teal B venture © proposal speculation 4s Tet2 PART FIVE Questions 24-45 «# Read the article below about a msnufacturing company caied Lebrun, «in most ofthe lines (34-8), there is one extra word either is grammatically incorrect ‘or doesnot iin with the meaning of tha txt. Some lines, nowever, are coroc. ‘Ifa tina ecorrct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. 1 there i an extra word in the lie, wre the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your 1 The exercise bogie with two examples (0 snc 00, 0 After 88 years of trading, hostel manufacturerLebrun knows tom experience as how 00 aifcut fluctuations in the economies cycle an be for suppor such as themselves. 24 Since many of te nation’ largest production companies which aa its customers, {35 Lobrun i adversely fected by any change fo the worse inthe economy. Yet Labrun 36 has managed to kaep on sales steady (nthe region of anproximately $25 bilion) 137 and has recorded only one annual loss duting the difcuties of the pat five 438 yesrs, but despite tho efocts ofthe ongoing indus slowdown. James Grit, 39 president of Lebrun, now has the task of tufning up survival into growth, and his strategy Is slready becoming clear to those industry observer. In February of this your, the company sequited Bronson ple, aditionally @ one-ime competion. This merger will greatly expand the size of both Lebrun’ labour fore, and CGrifth estimates it wil boost its revenue by nesrly 80%, while too increasing the number ef plants and R&D centres in much a similar way. Grifth te ‘optimist that wile the steel Industry is about to pull out of recession, and he wants Lebrun tobe ready fortis, WRITING 45 minutes PART ONE 1 The software company you work for has decided to introduse identity cards for ora saffin your department. # Write an ema to al stain your depertment + saying which staff wll nee ident care + explaining way the identity cards ae needed * informing staff naw to get a card ete 40-80 words, Tet 2 i PART TWO. ‘© The numberof staf leaving Parkside, one of your company’s retail stress high compared to another of ts stores. Your line managar has asked you to write @ + Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes ‘Then, using all your handwritan notes, write your report. i 1 Write 120-140 words —_—— (© small number om | Number of staff leaving stores | Paid Wsining wanted <— more paid hoiéey bonus schemes a \_] 8 | Listening LISTENING — 40 minutes lincluding 10 minutes’ transfer time) PART ONE Questions 1-12 ‘You will hear three telephone conversations or messages + Write one or two words ora number inthe numbered spaces onthe notes or focme belo «Ate you have listened once, replay each recording, SY Conversation One (Questions 1-4) # Lookat the nate below, # You will eer aman carting some information about ebslance sheet, / Message for Bill Tom rang re queries on balance sheet for (1) = 5 Figures in coke A deal wilh (2) seins Labikeies. Figures: for asseks inchde (8) snnenin vs ASSeES only, Section 4 figues indicate (4) over last bio y aa Conversation Two (Questions 5-8) 1 Look st te notes below, ‘You will heer a men leaving a voicemsll meseage about» negotiating problem, "ANSWERPHONE MESSAGE Kristof called from Australia, CCliont now unhappy about proposed date for fhishing the 6 Also wants to include () hich could cost us 8% per week. Te finish on tie, we would neod extra workers from start of project. (Our company willbe given 8). or next project it we complote on time, so Listening Conversation Three (Questions 9-12 « Look at the nates below. ‘You will near awomen telephoning scollegue about anew project. E-commerce Website Project Notes Team: we need ko recrik on is) be coke progroymiing problems Report: needed by end of week, Should include # some indication of (10 : OF prgject. © details of im hak will be needed # clear stokement. of the (12) er se ss | ‘Test2 PART TWO Questions 19-22 a Section One (Questions 12-17) + You will heer fve short recordings. + For each recording, decide which aspect of conducting intrviows each spanker considers pariculeiy important. Wire one eter (4-H nex tothe numberof the recording # Do not use any later more than once. + Attoryou have listened once, reply the recordings. ‘A. saking the applicant some hard questions i n B including aprectical task nthe interview I © holping tne oppicantto relax 1 6 gina itrfonse aes 1. FE discussing references with the interviewee Judging how the applicant would behave at Gi G checking the relevance of the applicant's having several intarviawers onthe pane! Section Two ° (Questions 18-22) + You will har another five recordings Five speskers are talking about problems «For each recording, decide whet the problem was. {Write one eter (HI next othe numberof he recording, 1 Do not use any eter more than once {Alter you have listened onea, replay the racordings | . ‘A. Stott wore unhenpy about working overtime. ry B The budget was inadequate ©The wrong equipment was delivered. D The equipment was unraible, E The customer changed the speciation. F Stffockedrtevant ll {G _The supple won beni. H Too few ttf wore ecruted a Listing PART THREE (Questions 22-20 * You will ear araco reporter talking about dificult faced by the new Chie Excoutive of Healthwey pl, chain of health and Boauty stores. ‘+ For each question (28-30, mark one ltter (A Bor 6) forthe correct answer 1 After you have listened once, replay the recording 23 The Chel Executive is ina dificult postion becouse Healthway ples ‘A. becoming less popular withthe go Baling to ateect now shareholders, © sutferinggsom a history of state sales 24 What form of compaton ie threat to Meakthway ple? A. the growth ofimernet shopping 8 supermerkots undercutting ts prices © other heatth and beauty chains opeing stores 25 How does Heatthway ple ifr from Robert Herlow/s previous employer? ‘A. Most senior staff have been promoted internally Senior staff ao generally appointed irom outside © thas. high turnover of senior tat 26 Thoroporers criticism of Charles Hamiton's nancial strategy ls thet the company ‘A. undrlovested in ts systems. B feild to grow trough takeovers © paid too tte atention tle share price 27 With regard to the beauty treatment contre, Charis Hamiton i ericied for ‘A. closing «chain which hed the potential for making a profit 8 ovarinvosting inthe contos atthe exponse ofthe coe stv © starting 8 now concept that was una to succeed 28 What mistake ld Charles Hamsiton make with regard to staf? ‘A. aling to ensure that the need for reorganization wes understood '8 concentrating redundancies inthe wrong parte ofthe company © getting rd of too many people with essential skis, ‘rest? 28 Whatdoes the consultant’ report recommend? ‘A. reducing the total numberof stores 'B increasing tho average sizeof the sores © leaving salt numbers unchonged 30 Why is Robert Heniow/s new poston a persona challenge for him? [A Ho hss never worked in a company with euch serous problems. B_ Rishis ist eppoiniment as Chet Executive of elge company (© Ho's unfamiliar with the soctor in which Heathway opertos You now Speaking SPEAKING 14 minutes SS PART ONE 'n this pan, the interiocutor sake questions ta eech ofthe candidates in turn You have to give information about yourelf an express personal opinions PART TWO inthis par ofthe test, you aro ssked to give a short tlk om a business topic. You have to choose one ofthe topics fom the three below and then tle fr about one ‘minute. You have one misute to prepare your ideas ‘A: Whatis important when. 2 Aiming 0 insprove carer prospects fo Reading busines artes © Learning foreiga langage ‘Whats important when ...? Deciding how to transport goods © Dasinstion Spee ©: Whatis important when ..? Purchasing new machinery 2 Level of automaton Test2 PART THREE In this part of the tot you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 second to Took a he task prompt an example of whieh is low and then about three ‘minutes to clcuss the tapiowth your parner After thatthe examiner wil ack you ‘mare questions relatod tothe top Fortwo candidates Promoting anew model “The car manaacturer you work for plans to producea new del and to tarot consumers between 18 und 25 years old You have been asked to make sugustions for promoting the car. Discuss the situation together and decide ‘which features of acer might be important to the target group ‘sow an advertising campaign could present theca. Promoting anew mode The car manufacture you work for plans to produce a new model and to target consumers between 18 and 25 years old You have been asked to make suggestions for promoting the car. Discuss the situation together and decide ‘which festutes of cet might be important othe target group ‘© how an advertising campaign could present the car «where you could advertise the car. Speaking Follow-on questions If you were buying a car, which features would most iflusnce you? (Why?) * bar from the age of target consumers, what might influence companies when pricing new products? Why?) '* How sanity influenced do you think consumers ae by advertising ampaigns? (Why2/Why not ‘+ Why might tbe necessary for companies to introduce new products regulary? ‘Bo you think timing is important when launching new products? Covnyazwny not) += Why do you think companies decide to stop making @ produc? Test 3 READING 1 hour PART ONE Ovestions 1-7 * Look at tho statements below and the ate about pricing on the oppesite page # Which section (A,B, Cor D) does each statement (1-7 coer to? * For each statement (1-7), mak one later (A, 8, €or D) on your Answer Sheet. {You will need to use som of thee laters more thon once, {the price deponding onthe product facture chosen by th customer Eee de 1 the falure ofa company to sat its prices appropriately 2 a-contoxt that moka it dificult neresse prices 3 the consequences of companies trying o conceal thelr approach to pricing 4 themeons by which 8 company ensured precision in the priogs I atfered 55 thefactthat companies can learn shout the effects ofa price reduction 5 the first sector to price products according to how much customers were prepared to spend ‘the widespread use of rough gual Reading Gotting the price right A | chietexceuives need to pay more atantionto pricing, scoring to Roberto Lipp the Apex Group a consulancytatoffersedvce on pricing tratgy. He accopts ‘that low inflation figures In many industritieed countris makes raising prices tough, but argues that this should not necessarily deter companies, He gives the ‘ample of the aitines, which, with their minimum atey requirements nd "massive premiums fr flexibility le the way in soringeustomersinta categories, basod on ther wlingnesst pay. 8 |The key 10 pricing is to avoid slonsting custome. As Lippi points cut, once & bad price has been established, It can be very aiffeut to turn the situation around. He gives the example of e consumer goode company that went ‘benkruplagely because itd not price it digaleameres propel. contast he cites the case of « Swise drug company that Introduced softwere for every sos representative's laptop, enabling them to provide consistent and ascurste rice quotes. To help staff with thisinnovation, the company ato ereatod» ew Post of director of pricing trategy. ©] Many oftocay’s menagers have th benefit of modern technology to help them with pciting. Supormartat ehsing, for example, can easly track customers ‘elasticity’ ~ how thair buying habits change in rasponee to » price rise or & iscount aut although a company can naw measure this sort f thing ina ore sophisticated way, folowing basicrule is tlhe mast common way oF sting prices. Most bosses stil worry more about their costs than the prices they ‘charger one recent survey found that they spend as ite as 2% of ther time on pricing. D_ | One popular approach to pricing illustrated by the cr compenies thet charge ‘xa for product ade-ons suchas electri windows, instead of ofeing them a: part ofthe standard rice. Although many customers are prepared to pay extra, Upp! recommends that companies make sure that pice differences reiet ral sifferencas inthe product, etter in qusity or inthe extra servic on offer. The Worst approach isto try to keep the prising structure saeet from customers. Nowadays, thats more tkely olen te last contacts than large pros Le — Tests PART Two uestions #12 « Foad the aril below about the role of executive rocruitment agencies, { choose the best sentance ftom the opposite page toil each of the eo 1 Forsch gon (812), mark one ltr (A-G) on your Answer Sheet, 1 Do not uso any eter more than ones. 1 Thoreioan example atthe baginning (1 In the competitive world of investment Benkng, good sonioraxecitives are not ‘easy find So whet shovla the industry hard-pressed cectors do lien they need to find senior staf? Increasingly, they ‘decide o callin the hoadunters, These Ferment egencies that dominate the world of executive search end selection, (©) -S% They needed now people to revitalise thelr operations ond the rest han been a boom in the recruitment market. Pinnacle, 2 leading recruitment aganey, hashelped various UK investment banks to. rebuild. their entra senior ‘monagement tess. is hard to overstate the significance ofthis 1) But_now everything hes changed, and Pinnacios nat the only major player inthe field. Some. analysts boleve that rival recruitment opeciatiets ALT Aesociatos hos 2 larger share of the market, However, there Ts litle doubt that over its 13.yoat history, Planscle and is chelrman, Matthew Edwards, have ult up en Edwards estimates that his company contrls between 10 and 18 per cont ofthe FReedhuntng market for senior investment ETT ecole banking jabs inthe UK (9 ens Rater, itis the high-calibre jobs and people that Pinnacle dosls with that. define. the companys success, For example, the company was receily commissioned to finda new chairman for NBS Bank, & Vacancy that was one of the most tale bout inthe banking word Most HA diectors recognise that headhunters sush ae Pinna play" ¢ ‘aluabe role in the recrultment proces {Ho}... Some are concarnedtnata fr companies, incloding Pinnacle, have Yoo (11). As Tim Davidson, HR Director at Cowiiid Bank, explains, “They can be KEngmokors, Theso are the poople, who decide who gets afuture and wine dacs. WW Fgwarde forms a. vow about an Individual, ean affect thei ably to get a particular job That view could just have boon formed on a bad ay: (12) Finel decisions inthe elation process always taken. by his clits, he. says, ‘The role of headhunters should not be ‘exaggerated. Many compeniee never use tham. But 25 top executives are hard to find there wil always be a role for poople lke Mathew Edwards. o os be aie Reading cam Ae cpers Although others may putit lower, ts important to remember thatthe company’s ‘reputation i net based on market ahare alone, Their chef worry is thatthe headhunters can now make or break ma ‘Acsording to Edwards, this is a futher Ingestion that the way Pinnacle serches for 8 ‘candidate tends to favours cenain type of manager. ‘But this acceptance does not mean they are universally happy, either with the state of the markator with Pinnacles role within Unt afew years ano, oven the biggest companies wers unlikely to use headhunters to {ill more than one oF two jobs a yee, Edwords objects to this suggestion, claiming thet all he dossis find cancidetes and ‘encourage them to appt fra peiular pos numberof big investment banks reconty decided to make changes to thelr ‘management boards efter deappointing end-of-year results ot Test 3 PART THREE Questions 12-18 + Feac the advice bslow about producing @ company brochure andthe questions 1 For each question (19-18, mark one ltr IA 8, €oFD) on your Answer Shek. THE ART OF PERSUASION ‘moet commeny tod ras in sineesButall story issn, Pounded i 57, We ae bon enquiry because many brochires appear to be that eustomers are river going t0 sty to Produesd not cary and fo vet bit to themselves “They've boca around for 20 themselves critical questions like, ‘Who will you've done in that time. The important point tho brochure be sent” "Wat owe want to tga cross atthe begining iat you have fchieve witht? The wu eat arochure good tare record Ones his Hae been Tas usualy been produce ae no othe than thatthe competition nas one However wih alte research, st oten commis hat what the lent watts eI is help with content t get inst the str: pert nll shot partes erporsto_cutomer ad your aie young Trochure and’ part procictexalogue'- end trendy br cretive and colour At Combination realy far, Hating ald tht, ways retools Ut {budgets itty tobe fit, Theremay nat penal eatomrs now prin om ing eenouth money to mectllthree marketing sins wit ou, Tor cmample Trott neds ste fit takin opm the brocre, uals, brut of tangy, expres {king ino account the most sient of aad so on But remember ta snot enor hese The eer reaufenen’s wil hve to beast fo sate ean de fo prstade, ey tet in aiferent wae Afr al Inducing eed‘ be spe oat Ove posabiy Oats bya se diferent ak rom sings tow Talo akes he ochre ern You, Sasor'senlsedonocrstngeuioners. "rather tan iteimpy lng Sto supstes The seootask isto ete content ah. IngyMO}ETAPE wth our name on Metont Pereentetcasyacompeny wilhireadesigner At the design sage there are many teoversee he oso the fal rut ks production fenares ht ca tng yur Sts, interesting and presi: bt they roche frm te ru o eh Yo any dantgztacopyuitrorsomeonewiththeight think tht thing like cto or pop pe wl experi preface the et ote iy do ise go tse ou sao oe Up ens shows Abie aig fst ouray hn yo aera ins profuse a brochure deat toot customer {ate cost Gothroughltheopios nde Toews Your ctr shou cover ares ef nec hmght be ht al fort age Ingres he costmerconceneating one grein ‘ena bang om os, reason sltiehed, the test ot the bree should Bi fo convince customers ha your produets re th beston te mari "Tt me ad you our brochures probly tho sea, thousands of brochures stat with a « 8 6 ” * Reading \Wnat point doss the writer meke about brochure in the fst paragraph? ‘A. Customer expectations of them ae too high They ought to bo more straightorwardin design {© Insufficient thoughe tends to go into producing them, D__Companias should ensure thay use thom more wal. The writs advice to companies inthe second peragraph eto A produce a brochure to advertise new product ines Buse a brochure to extend the customer base, © accapt hata brochure cannot fli vary objective. 1D simto gets bigger budget aloestion for producing brochures, Inthe ties paragraph, which ofthe folowing does the writer aay would improve the majority of brochures? ‘A _brtter language and expression B _bener overall appearance Dore product information Inthe introduction to @ brochure, the writer advises companies to focus on ‘A. their understanding ofthe business environment. B tho rango of product they afer © theicunique market poston. the eputation they have bult up, \Winen discussing brochure contnt inthe fith paragraph, the writer reminds ‘A. consider old customers a well s new ones. B provide suppor forthe claims they make. {© avoid using thelr own photograph clude detis of quality cotiicaton. What does ‘run ofthe nil in ine €7 meen? A eyecatching 8 complcsted © stylish ordinary 6 PART FOUR ‘Questions 19-23 «© Read the article below about online exchanges, 2 type of internat busines { Choote me best word ar phrasa to fil ch gap from A B,C orD onthe opposite eve. 1s For each qusation (18-28, mark one letter (A, B, €or D) an your Answer She 1 Theron example atthe Beginning (0, Online exchanges? Online exchanges have emerged as some ofthe internet's best ‘businesses ~ but alzo as some of the worst swatch movies. But there is one thing the internet does very well. I can bring together (19) dispersed buyers and sellers to create active, efficient markets where none (20), ‘before This fei has (2 to the emergence of online exchanges: retail businesses with naneof the usual traders Fiske ~ no merchandise, no storetrante ~ and with nothing to do bul take & co ‘ofeach transaction that takes place on the st. “This may sound straightforward, but some high-profile online exchanges have cy ‘out to be major embarrassments. One company. which tied to fstablish central marketplace on the intemet for auto part, as fvested, in a) ‘massive 250m and i 25 Co stay in business. Another businesoman, who fretted oaline trading in business equipment and supplies, (26)... after he had lost §280m, So the internet hasn't revolutionised the (0) AL... most of us buy petra, oF ‘So what docs a company need in order tobe successful? You could call it good “market architecture a sreture that (27)... the right business plan and top technology with good timing and the (28) ....ofbath bayers and sellers | suxe Pham's company, eStream, it an excellent example of one business that met these (29) Back in 1006, when Pham was loking for a loan, he id lke fling in the same form everytime he (90) to a new lender. “That got im thinking, Why not (31) ‘prospective berrowers to complete a standard form and circulate that to numberof lenders, who would then make fi offer to the borrower, G2) nn. th each other? Pam's company Se doing well Last year, eStream (38) sore than 1.5 milion loans on behalf of 170 lenders Reading Example A way 8 eve © meted manner 194 toasty 8 domly © rainy D widely 20 A cvined ——«B accured © appenod_-—«D_davlopod A ted 8 trouohe © eauned Brose 22 & number B percentage dvsion D aquanty i 251 pul 8 mace © tunes D caries Gs 248 sum B total © amount D fgue 25 A sniving exerting srgting—— tocng “ 26 A lohtout B gaveup © diewbsck —D_ randown in 2 A wa © comecs © combines Dns ad 28 A confidence B security © cortsinty D promise ve 29 A necessios —B propositions masturee —Beterio ae 30 A rogues B asked © epplied demandes sat 3A sas 5 ive © suggest ——_D_rezommend = 32 A comme B conft’. © chalnge—_—D_comptilon oes 83 A performed dealt © handled D treated 1s PART FIVE jestlons 24-45 ‘ead the exact below from a company report ‘ Inmost ofthe lines (84-45, theres one extra word, tis ether grammatically incorect or oes not i wit the meaning ofthe text. Some lines, however, are correct Haine eorret, write CORRECT on your Answer Shee. «theres an extra word inthe line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet 1 The exercise bogin wlth two examples (0 and 00, ® O8 Dit) OB ~~ DEERE ol fe & eae ©! am pleased to report another year of progress by the compeny. This 00 performance has been achioved in the most roughest markat conditions we have 134 seen for many yet ot. It reflects the effort over the past five years thet has {35 gone into transforming of our company into & highly competitive world-class 86 business. Since 2002, e have managedto improve almost double our profits, snd this, 37 ineroase in profitability has been placed us atthe top ofthe global less industry {38 We have managed to succeed this in dificult trading conltions for @ nurnber of 39 reesons, the most important of which has been from our ability te stay ahead 40 of our competitors. We have refused to allow stand stl and have continued to bing 41 out 2 number of new products, most of which are already on the sale in our key 42 markets Al this goes to confirm that the company’s position as the recognised 48 industry leer in tachnieal innovation. We realise that there is stil much moze to ‘4 be done, but we believe that wo know precisely what extra this is end we have 45 sleeady put into place organisations! and technical changes to bring this about ead “ng key eed WRITING 45 minutes PART ONE ‘You work fora fargo company. You are going o be transferred to another department within your company, © Wee an email al state, { teling them which department you are moving to ¢ saying when you wll be moving depermene « explaining what your new responsibilities wl be 1+ Write 40-50 words, Writing Tees PART TWO. «You area regional manager for retail company Your ine manager at heed fice would ikea report about thes ofthe stores in your region, including 3 ‘ecommendstion to close one of them. 1 Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwriton noas. ‘¢ Then, using all your hendwrtten note, write your report. 1 rte 120-140 words, In order to reduce cose, we are constaring closing ene of the ores in youregion Which stores performing badly and shouldbe closed? Ie thera a new service we could offer to act mace customers tothe sor wok (Bases cases) Cassese”) Performance of stores Caen ») rots ~ nad viage sre 20000 tovr-conte sre £130,900 ((vercertxan >) (Goth cate « Listening LISTENING — 40 minutes (including 10 minutes’ transfer time) PART ONE Questions 1-12 ‘You will hear tives telephone conversations or messages ‘Write one or two words ora number inthe numbered spaces onthe notes or 1 Aor you have Fi 1d once replay each recording Conversation One (Questions 1-4) 1 Look at the notes below, ‘You will hear a phone conversation between @ manager and hs PA. Fax to Barry Document extitled Saved in Pilder Wo need to include Fas to uy ° Conversation Two. (Questions 5-8) 1 Look atthe notes below 1 You will near two colleagues clecvesing an edtional locaton for her business Discussion Notes Subject: Location of) - Business park more convenient for (6) ‘Accor t our) ene tome Wil Go t Business ark tse rent spe in business park, company willbe abe to cai @ 7 ing Conversation Three (Questions 12) # Look atthe nate below, ‘You will hear 8 women leaving » message about where to hold @ meeting [7 Message From: Emily Parker She has found appropriate venue for the co meeting The 110) at the Carlton Hotel is available on 25/10 ‘The Cariton can provide a an for free. Call the i Manager on 357209 40 b LL Test 3 PART TWO Questions 19-22 Section One (Questions 12-17) ‘¢ You wll hear five short recordings. Five speakers are talking about delegating at work ' For each recording, decide whet advice the speaker gives sbout delegating t work {Write one letter (eH) next to the number ofthe recording, 1 Do not use any eter more than once {After you have listened once, replay the recordings. ’A_ Make sure you delegate forthe ight reasons “ B Dont delegate to very new stat, © Discuss fully what probloms might arise 6 D Setup support network for staf E Gv pool redam to at or tama, rovde staff with fodback during tasks i _Roviow performance when tasks are complete. ” H Dont be eiscouraged bya lack of sucess. Section Two, (Questions 18-22) + You will hear another five recordings. Five epeakers are talking about the reason {or te succes oftheir company’s most recent TV advertising campaign. + Foreach recording, decide what reason the epeaker gives forthe suosess ofthe 1 White one eter (AH nes othe number of the recording Do not use any letter more than one. { Ataryou nave iatened once epy the recordings. 1° B_Anow produttion company was used forte commerci ©The advice of conautenta was actoé upon ~ DA citforent type of customer was attracted, competitors problem benefited the company. a F The campaign was accompanied by mallshet samples. More comprehensive reesan wat dane, 2 H_ Anew team took responsibilty for he projec. n Listening PART THREE ‘Questions 22-20 ' You wil hear aracio intrviw with @ businessman called Beet Porter who developed 2 product called Rainawa, aye of waterproof map. + For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A,B o 6 fo the correct nsw ‘ Aftor you hovelitoned ones, replay the recorsing. 23 Why cid Bret decide o try to produce the Rainawey map? [A He was assur that it was better than exiting products of that ype. B Ho could see 9 way of manufacturing it roasonably cheep. © Howas unable to buy anything siarHimeel 24 When he started to develop Rainaway, Brett was confident of his knowledge of A target customers B citribution methods, © pricing stratogin. 25 What hlped Brot’ business to grow? ‘A. alowintorost oan trom a commercial bani B_aninformal discussion with 9 business adviser © free sofware trom 2 firm called Croner Consulting £26 What problom was therewith he tal production of Reinoway? [A tho mel sive ofthe printed produet B the low quality of the print materials © thesiow printing process used 27 What problem cid Brett have wth printing companies? A_They wore unmiling to make a ong lasting produc B They misunderstood his business lobe. © They wanted to charge more fra high-risk projet. 2a avatt A copy his ae © take over his business Test 3 28 Since the company wa launched in 2001, ‘A turnover as reached move than £700,000. 1B the average etal price par map has reached £24 (Cs total of 200,000 copies of Rainaway maps have ben sol ‘A. maintaining the effectivances oft advertising developing e new range of publications © expanding the size of its call centre You now have 10 minut to twansfer your answer to your Anewer Shoot ™ Speaking SPEAKING — 14 minutes TO In this pr, the interlocutor asks quastons to each ofthe candidates in turn, ‘You have t0 give information about yourself and express personel opinions, PART ONE PART TWO In this par ofthe test, you are asked to give 6 shor talk on a business topic. You have to choose one ofthe ropes fam th three Below and then tak for about one minut. You have one minateto prepare your dees Wha is important when Selecting a real sales assistant 18 Previous experience Appearance Bs Whats important when ...? CConcactng lens by t Calling a the cght time © Listening carefully “What is important whea Managing change 15

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