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The actress version of Maggie that I liked better from the play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is Jessica

Lange’s portrayal. Her portrayal resonated with me due to the depth of emotions brought by the
character. Lange’s portrayal showcased Maggie’s determination, desperation, and vulnerability,
making her compelling and relatable. The way Jessica Lange conveyed the complexities of
Maggie’s character and her interactions with other characters felt emotionally charged and
Lange’s performance also stood out to me because of how effectively she utilized drama
elements. Through her delivery of the play’s dialogue, Lange captured the essence of Maggie’s
conflicted nature, showcasing her longing for love, her frustration with her husband Brick, and
her manipulation tactics. Her facial expressions further enhanced the dramatic impact, allowing
the audience to connect with Maggie’s journey truly. Although Elizabeth Taylor’s portrayal was
undeniably captivating and brought a certain glamour level to the character, it did not resonate
with me as firmly as Lange’s performance.

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