Physics Derivations Book

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After Chorging the batterie 47~ clr (ennected . Connet botn Lapacibr © !™ 4 Conolu charg wire» Tere a beflow Charge shom one acl wo the Flow Shp. s ak apemr when bon Pre seme led Common potahed: Va “oe - 41% Hy Crotal” Cr Celt When two capacubar gre Connected do exch otner antl Beg 2€ach | tsmmen potenhal (v) . Then Enotny befare Connecting el be | mot thon Cntiyz appher br thes Meech Common potewhel The Cnergy loss (s 10 form 4 | boot 4 Gy th Gn Fintral ~ Efnat = 4€4G)v™ _ DE= EL -ES =(% avead L cout) “L EO v apacihy is | eatneenis canned os battery y ve aftr fully 4 oy! & the capacidey. Ty 5pxt Aielectyic. > Awe Sikiahons Batty olicconnecta/ | batters lonrectey C — KT Ca Koo | = -wemain Const] 4 = O72 OCA? = - Ve Con sant E “y Fo vu Eo = ConsHet = 0, Mev, Tf kneagy Lev? Energy 4 Qo 2 v-con- ct. 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