ASJI Sir - Transducer, CRO

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Electronics EE 2105


6/26/2018 ASMJI

A transducer is a device which transforms a non-electrical

physical quantity (i.e. temperature, sound or light etc.) into
an electrical signal (i.e. voltage, current, frequency).
In other word it is a device that is capable of converting the
physical quantity into a proportional electrical quantity.

Pressure Voltage

6/26/2018 ASMJI
Transducer Applications

• Pressure • Magnetic Flux

• Displacement • Vibration
• Force • Velocity
• Torque • Light
• Temperature • Position
• Sound • Humidity
• Power • …
• Current
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Transducer Block Diagram

Transducer contains two parts that are closely related

to each other
❑ Sensing element and Transduction element.
❖ The sensing element is called as the sensor. It is
device producing measurable response to change in
physical conditions.
❖ The transduction element convert the sensor output
to suitable electrical form.

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Transducer Advantages

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Transducer Selection Factors
❖ Sensitivity:
❖ Operating Range
❖ Accuracy
❖ Cross sensitivity
❖ Errors
❖ Operating Principle
❖ Transient and frequency response
❖ Loading Effects:
❖ Environmental Compatibility:
❖ Insensitivity to unwanted signals

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Transducer Classification

On The Basis of Transducers/

Transduction Active/Passive Primary/Secondary Analog/Digital Inverse
principle Used Transducers




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Transducers ,on the basis of nature of output signal, may be classified into
analog and digital transducers.

❖ Analog transducers converts input signal into output signal,

which is a continuous function of time such as THERMISTOR
,strain gauge, LVDT , thermocouple etc.
❖ Digital transducers converts input signal into the output
signal in the form of pulses e.g. it gives discrete output. These
transducers are becoming more popular nowadays because of
advantages associated with digital measuring instruments and
also due to the fact that digital signals can be transmitted over
a long distance without causing much distortion due to
amplitude variation and phase shift.

6/26/2018 ASMJI
Transducer on the basis of methods of applications, may be classified into
primary and secondary transducers .
❖ Some transducers contain the mechanical as well as electrical
device. The mechanical device converts the physical quantity to
be measured into a mechanical signal. Such mechanical device
are called as the primary transducers, because they deal with
the physical quantity to be measured.
❖ The electrical device then convert this mechanical signal into a
corresponding electrical signal. Such electrical device are
known as secondary transducers.
❖ For example , in case of pressure measurement , bourdon tube
is a primary sensor which converts pressure first into
displacement, then the displacement is converted into an
output voltage by an LVDT. In this case LVDT is a secondary
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❖ Transducers as already defined , is a device that converts a non
electrical quantity into an electrical quantity. Normally a
transducer and associated circuit has a non electrical input and
an electrical output.
❖ For example : a thermocouple , photo conductive cell pressure
gauge , strain gauge.
❖ It is a device that converts an electrical quantity into a non
electrical quantity. It is a precision actuator having an electrical
input and a low power non electrical output.
❖ For example a piezoelectric crystal and translational and
angular moving coil elements can be employed as inverse
transducers. A most useful application of inverse transducers is
in feed back measuring systems.
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Active transducers :These transducers do not need any external
source of power for their operation. Therefore they are also called as
self generating type transducers. The active transducer are self
generating devices which operate under the energy conversion
principle. As the output of active transducers we get an equivalent
electrical output signal e.g. temperature or strain to electric potential,
without any external source of energy being used.
Passive Transducers :These transducers need external source of
power for their operation. So they are not self generating type
transducers. A DC power supply or an audio frequency generator is
used as an external power source. These transducers produce the
output signal in the form of variation in resistance, capacitance,
inductance or some other electrical parameter in response to the
to be measured ASMJI

6/26/2018 ASMJI
Temperature Transducers

• Transducers that can be used to measure

– Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD)
– Thermocouples
– Thermistors
– Other temperature transducers

6/26/2018 ASMJI
Resistance Temperature Detectors

• Usually make use of platinum, nickel or resistance

wire elements.
• Resistance varies with the change of temperature.
• Almost all metals give high resistance when
temperature increases.
• High value of temperature coefficient is required to
sense a small changes in the temperature.

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Resistance Temperature Detectors

• Expression below relate the resistance of the conductors and

the temperature;

– Rt is resistance of the conductor at temperature t°C

– Rref is resistance of the reference temperature (typically 0°
– α is temperature coefficient of resistance
– Δt is the difference between operating and reference

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Resistance Temperature Detectors

• Platinum RTD is the most widely used.

• Advantages:
– Wide operating temperature range.
– Stability at high temperature.
– Linearity.
• Disadvantages:
– Low sensitivity.
– Expensive.
– Easily affected by contact resistance.

6/26/2018 ASMJI
A THERMISTOR is a type
of resistor whose resistance varies
significantly with temperature.
Semi-conductor thermistor have a
Negative Temperature Coefficient
(NTC). i.e. as temperature increases,
the resistance decreases. The word is
a contraction of thermal and resistor.
Thermistors are widely used as inrush
current limiters, temperature sensors,
self-resetting over current protectors,
and self-regulating heating elements.

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• Also called thermal resistors as the resistance

varies as a function of temperature.
• Manufactured in the form of beads, discs and
• Most thermistors have a negative coefficient
(NTC) of temperature resistance.
• Three important characteristics:
– Resistance-Temperature
– Voltage-Current
– Current-Time

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•The thermistor may be in the form of beads, rods and discs.
•The thermistor provide a large change in resistance for small
change in temperature. In some cases the resistance of
thermistor at room temperature may decreases as much as 6%
for each 1ºC rise in temperature.

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• Major applications of thermistors are measurement and
control of temperature.
• Other applications of thermistors:
– Measurement of power at high frequencies.
– Measurement of thermal conductivity.
– Measurement of level, flow and pressure of liquids.
– Measurement of composition of gases.
– Vacuum measurement.

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• Advantages • Limitations
– High sensitivity – Characteristics of
especially in NTC region. resistance and
– Fast response over temperature are
narrow temperature non-linear.
range. – Not recommended for
– Cold junction wide temperature range
compensation is not applications.
required. – Need a shielded power
– No problems on contact lines or filters and low
and lead resistance. excitation current.
– Low cost and small size.
6/26/2018 ASMJI

As the junction temperature increases a small voltage is created in the

loop. The voltage produced at the junction of the dissimilar metals is
due to a phenomenon called the “Seebeck Effect”.

• The higher the temperature at the junction, the greater the voltage
produced by that junction.

• The relationship between voltage and temperature is constant and

6/26/2018 will graph as a linear line.

See beck Effect

When a pair of dissimilar metals are joined at one end, and there
is a temperature difference between the joined ends and the
open ends, thermal emf is generated, which can be measured in
the open ends.
This forms the basis of thermocouples.

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• Advantages:
– High speed.
– Cheap.
– Rugged.
• Disadvantages:
– Low accuracy.
– Placed remote from measuring devices.
– Reference junctions compensation.

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• They are inexpensive.
• They are rugged and reliable.
• They can be used over a wide temperature range.
• low output voltage
• low sensitivity
• non-linearity
• electrical connections

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Difference in performance

6/26/2018 ASMJI
What is Oscilloscope

Oscilloscope is a laboratory instrument commonly

used to display and analyze the waveform of
electronic signals. In effect, the device draws a graph
of the instantaneous signal voltage as a function of

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Types of Oscilloscope
It is the simplest and earliest type of oscilloscope
comprises of a vertical amplifier, a cathode ray tube,
time base, a power supply and a horizontal amplifier.
These are commonly known as analog CRO.
It is a complex electronic device composed of various
software and electronic hardware modules that work
together to capture, process, display and store data
that represents the signals of interest of operator

6/26/2018 ASMJI
Invention of Oscilloscope
• In 1897, Karl Ferdinand Braun invented
the oscilloscope, which was an adaptation
that he made to the cathode ray tube.

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Parts of the Oscilloscope

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Application of Oscilloscope
• Show electrical waves
• Communications
• The medical field

6/26/2018 ASMJI
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope is an instrument
which we use in laboratory to display measure and
analyze various waveforms of various electrical
circuit and electronic circuits. Actually cathode ray
oscilloscope is very fast X-Y plotters that can display
an input signal versus time or other signal. Cathode
ray oscilloscope uses luminous spot which is
produced by striking the beam of electrons and this
luminous spot moves in response variation in the
input quantity. The general forms of cathode ray
oscilloscope operate on voltages.
6/26/2018 ASMJI
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
So the input quantity that we have talked about is
voltage. Nowadays, with the help of transducers it is
possible to convert various physical quantities like
current, pressure, acceleration etc. to voltage thus it
enable us to have a visual representations of these
various quantities on cathode ray oscilloscope.
Now let us look at the constructional details of the
cathode ray oscilloscope

6/26/2018 ASMJI
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
The main part of cathode ray oscilloscope is cathode ray
tube which is also known as the heart of cathode ray
Let us discuss the construction of cathode ray tube in
order to understand the construction of cathode ray
oscilloscope. Basically the cathode ray tube consists of
five main parts and these main parts are written below:
❖ Electron gun
❖ Deflection plate system
❖ Fluorescent screen.
❖ Glass envelope.
❖ Base.
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Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

6/26/2018 ASMJI
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
Electron Gun:
It is the source of accelerated, energized and focused
beam of electrons. It consists of six parts namely
heater, a cathode, a grid, a pre-accelerating anode, a
focusing anode and an accelerating anode.

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Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
The control grid with its negative bias, controls the
number of electrons or indirectly we can say the
intensity of emitted electrons from cathode.
After passing through the control grid these electrons
are accelerated with the help of pre-accelerating and
accelerating anodes. The pre-accelerating and
accelerating anodes are connected to a common
positive potential of 1500 volts.
Now after this the function of the focusing anode is to
focus the beam of the electrons so produced. The
focusing anode is connected to adjustable voltage 500
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Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

6/26/2018 ASMJI
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

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Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
Advantages of CRO
Resolution and Aspect Ratio: it operates at any resolution,
geometry and aspect ratio without the need for rescaling the
Highest Resolutions: it runs at the highest pixel resolutions
generally available.
High Contrast level: it produces highest contrast level suitable
for use even in dimly light or dark environment.
Fast Response: CRT gives fast response to the signal so it is
best for a rapidly moving and changing wave.

6/26/2018 ASMJI
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
Disadvantages of CRO
Very Sensitive : sensitive device and requires complete
isolation from noise prone resources.
Physical: they are very large ,heavy and bulky. they
consume a lot of electricity and produce a lot of heat.
Brightness: relatively bright but not as bright as lcd’s. its
not suitable for very brightly lit environment.
Control terminals : there are lots of control terminals
over the control panel that leads to a greater complexity
of the device making it difficult to use.

6/26/2018 ASMJI
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
TO SEE THE WAVEFORMS- we can see the waveform of
input signal with the help of CRO.
determine the frequency of the unknown waveforms.
Mathematically: (y axis value X CH*)=T(time period)
So, Frequency=1\T.
VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT- Y AXIS of waveform give the
amplitude value of input signal in volt.
advise to see the exact output of new develop circuit. And to
check the defective components in new circuit.
6/26/2018 ASMJI

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