Graded Lab 3

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Graded lab 3

Five different scenario statements demonstrating

single-level inheritance in object-oriented

1. Vehicle and Car:

Scenario: In a vehicle management system, a `Car` class
inherits from a `Vehicle` class. The `Vehicle` class
includes properties like `make`, `model`, and `year`, and
methods like `startEngine` and `stopEngine`. The `Car`
class extends this by adding properties specific to cars,
such as `numberOfDoors`, and methods like
2. Employee and Manager:
Scenario: In a company's HR system, a `Manager` class
inherits from an `Employee` class. The `Employee` class
includes basic employee information such as `name`,
`employeeID`, and `department`, and methods like
`clockIn` and `clockOut`. The `Manager` class adds
additional properties such as `teamSize` and methods
like `conductMeeting`.
3. Shape and Circle:
Scenario: In a graphics application, a `Circle` class
inherits from a `Shape` class. The `Shape` class provides
basic properties like `color` and `position`, and methods
like `draw` and `move`. The `Circle` class introduces
properties specific to circles, such as `radius`, and
methods like `calculateArea`
4. Appliance and WashingMachine:
Scenario: In a smart home application, a
`WashingMachine` class inherits from an `Appliance`
class. The `Appliance` class includes properties like
`brand`, `power`, and `status`, and methods such as
`turnOn` and `turnOff`. The `WashingMachine` class
adds specific properties like `loadCapacity` and
methods such as `startWashCycle`.
5. Animal and Dog:
Scenario: In a zoological software, a `Dog` class inherits
from an `Animal` class. The `Animal` class provides
general properties such as `species`, `age`, and
`habitat`, and methods like `eat` and `sleep`. The `Dog`
class includes specific properties like `breed` and
`barkSound`, and methods such as `bark` and `fetch`.
Here are five different scenario statements
demonstrating multi-level inheritance in object-
oriented programming:

1. Device, Smartphone, and AndroidPhone:

Scenario: In a mobile device management system, an
`AndroidPhone` class inherits from a `Smartphone`
class, which in turn inherits from a `Device` class. The
`Device` class includes properties like `serialNumber`
and `manufacturer`, and methods like `powerOn` and
`powerOff`. The `Smartphone` class adds properties
such as `screenSize` and methods like `makeCall`. The
`AndroidPhone` class further extends this by adding
properties like `androidVersion` and methods like

2. Person, Employee, and Manager:

Scenario: In a corporate structure, a `Manager` class
inherits from an `Employee` class, which inherits from a
`Person` class. The `Person` class includes properties
such as `name`, `age`, and `address`. The `Employee`
class adds properties like `employeeID` and `jobTitle`,
and methods such as `submitTimesheet`. The
`Manager` class adds additional properties like
`managedTeam` and methods like `approveLeave`.

3. Shape, Polygon, and Triangle:

Scenario: In a geometry software, a `Triangle` class
inherits from a `Polygon` class, which in turn inherits
from a `Shape` class. The `Shape` class includes
properties like `color` and `position`, and methods like
`draw` and `move`. The `Polygon` class adds properties
like `numberOfSides` and methods like
`calculatePerimeter`. The `Triangle` class adds
properties such as `base` and `height`, and methods like

4. Appliance, KitchenAppliance, and Blender:

Scenario: In a smart home application, a `Blender` class
inherits from a `KitchenAppliance` class, which inherits
from an `Appliance` class. The `Appliance` class includes
properties like `brand`, `power`, and `status`, and
methods such as `turnOn` and `turnOff`. The
`KitchenAppliance` class adds properties specific to
kitchen use, such as `isDishwasherSafe`, and methods
like `adjustTemperature`. The `Blender` class includes
properties like `bladeSpeed` and methods such as

5. Vehicle, Car, and ElectricCar:

Scenario: In an automotive management system, an
`ElectricCar` class inherits from a `Car` class, which in
turn inherits from a `Vehicle` class. The `Vehicle` class
includes properties like `make`, `model`, and `year`, and
methods like `startEngine` and `stopEngine`. The `Car`
class adds properties such as `numberOfDoors` and
methods like `playRadio`. The `ElectricCar` class further
extends this by adding properties like `batteryCapacity`
and methods such as `chargeBattery`.
Here are five different scenario statements
demonstrating multiple inheritance, where a class can
inherit from more than one base class:

1. FlyingCar from Vehicle and Aircraft:

Scenario: In a futuristic transportation system, a
`FlyingCar` class inherits from both `Vehicle` and
`Aircraft` classes. The `Vehicle` class includes properties
like `wheels`, `engineType`, and methods such as `drive`
and `park`. The `Aircraft` class includes properties like
`wingspan`, `altitude`, and methods such as `takeOff`
and `land`. The `FlyingCar` class combines these, adding
properties like `flightMode` and methods like
`switchMode` to transition between driving and flying.

2. Smartwatch from WearableDevice and Computer:

Scenario: In a tech gadget application, a `Smartwatch`
class inherits from both `WearableDevice` and
`Computer` classes. The `WearableDevice` class
includes properties like `batteryLife` and `comfortLevel`,
and methods such as `wear` and `remove`. The
`Computer` class includes properties like
`processorSpeed` and `memory`, and methods such as
`compute` and `storeData`. The `Smartwatch` class
integrates these, adding properties like
`heartRateMonitor` and methods like `trackFitness`.

3. TeachingAssistant from Student and Employee:

Scenario: In a university management system, a
`TeachingAssistant` class inherits from both `Student`
and `Employee` classes. The `Student` class includes
properties like `studentID`, `major`, and methods such
as `attendClass` and `study`. The `Employee` class
includes properties like `employeeID`, `department`,
and methods such as `work` and `attendMeeting`. The
`TeachingAssistant` class combines these, adding
properties like `assignedCourses` and methods like

4. HybridAppliance from Appliance and SmartDevice:

Scenario: In a smart home ecosystem, a
`HybridAppliance` class inherits from both `Appliance`
and `SmartDevice` classes. The `Appliance` class
includes properties like `brand`, `powerUsage`, and
methods such as `turnOn` and `turnOff`. The
`SmartDevice` class includes properties like
`connectivity`, `firmwareVersion`, and methods like
`connectToWiFi` and `updateFirmware`. The
`HybridAppliance` class integrates these, adding
properties like `remoteControlCapability` and methods
like `scheduleOperation`.

5. Artist from Person and Worker:

Scenario: In a creative industry management system, an
`Artist` class inherits from both `Person` and `Worker`
classes. The `Person` class includes properties like
`name`, `age`, and `address`, and methods like
`introduce` and `move`. The `Worker` class includes
properties like `jobTitle`, `salary`, and methods such as
`work` and `takeBreak`. The `Artist` class combines
these, adding properties like `artStyle` and methods like
`createArt` and `exhibitArt`.
Here are five different scenario statements
demonstrating hybrid inheritance, which combines
two or more types of inheritance, such as single,
multiple, and multi-level inheritance within the same

1. Employee, Manager, and Intern (Single and Multiple

Scenario: In a company hierarchy, an `Intern` class
inherits from both an `Employee` class and a `Student`
class, while a `Manager` class inherits from the
`Employee` class. The `Employee` class includes
properties like `employeeID` and `department`, and
methods such as `work` and `report`. The `Student`
class includes properties like `studentID` and `major`,
and methods such as `study` and `takeExam`. The
`Intern` class combines these, adding properties like
`internshipDuration` and methods like
2. Shape, Polygon, Rectangle, and ColoredRectangle
(Multi-level and Multiple Inheritance):
Scenario: In a graphic design application, a
`ColoredRectangle` class inherits from both a
`Rectangle` class and a `Color` class. The `Shape` class
includes properties like `position` and `draw`. The
`Polygon` class inherits from `Shape` and adds
properties like `numberOfSides`. The `Rectangle` class
inherits from `Polygon` and includes properties like
`length` and `width`, and methods like `calculateArea`.
The `Color` class includes properties like `colorName`
and `hexValue`. The `ColoredRectangle` class combines
these, adding properties like `borderColor` and
methods like `fillColor`.

3. Appliance, KitchenAppliance, Blender, and

SmartBlender (Multi-level and Multiple Inheritance):
Scenario: In a smart home management system, a
`SmartBlender` class inherits from both a `Blender` class
and a `SmartDevice` class. The `Appliance` class includes
properties like `brand` and `powerUsage`, and methods
like `turnOn` and `turnOff`. The `KitchenAppliance` class
inherits from `Appliance` and includes properties like
`isDishwasherSafe`. The `Blender` class inherits from
`KitchenAppliance` and adds properties like `bladeSpeed`
and methods like `blend`. The `SmartDevice` class
includes properties like `connectivity` and
`firmwareVersion`, and methods like `connectToWiFi`.
The `SmartBlender` class combines these, adding
properties like `remoteControl` and methods like

4. Vehicle, LandVehicle, Car, ElectricCar, and SolarCar

(Multi-level and Multiple Inheritance):
Scenario: In a transportation management system, a
`SolarCar` class inherits from both an `ElectricCar` class
and a `SolarPoweredDevice` class. The `Vehicle` class
includes properties like `make` and `model`, and
methods like `startEngine`. The `LandVehicle` class
inherits from `Vehicle` and includes properties like
`terrainCapability`. The `Car` class inherits from
`LandVehicle` and adds properties like
`numberOfDoors`. The `ElectricCar` class inherits from
`Car` and adds properties like `batteryCapacity` and
methods like `chargeBattery`. The
`SolarPoweredDevice` class includes properties like
`solarPanelEfficiency` and methods like
`harnessSolarEnergy`. The `SolarCar` class combines
these, adding properties like `solarRange` and methods
like `switchToSolarMode`.

5. Person, Athlete, Swimmer, and Triathlete (Multi-

level and Multiple Inheritance):
Scenario: In a sports management system, a `Triathlete`
class inherits from both a `Swimmer` class and a
`Cyclist` class. The `Person` class includes properties like
`name` and `age`, and methods like `introduce`. The
`Athlete` class inherits from `Person` and includes
properties like `sport` and methods like `train`. The
`Swimmer` class inherits from `Athlete` and adds
properties like `swimStyle` and methods like `swim`.
The `Cyclist` class includes properties like `bikeType`
and methods like `rideBike`. The `Triathlete` class
combines these, adding properties like
`triathlonRanking` and methods like

Here are five different scen snario statements

demonstrating hierarchical inheritance, where
multiple derived classes inherit from a single base

1.Animal, Dog, Cat, and Bird:

Scenario: In a pet management system, `Dog`, `Cat`,
and `Bird` classes inherit from a common `Animal` class.
The `Animal` class includes properties like `name`, `age`,
and `species`, and methods like `eat` and `sleep`. The
`Dog` class adds properties like `breed` and methods
like `bark`. The `Cat` class includes properties like
`furColor` and methods like `meow`. The `Bird` class
introduces properties like `wingSpan` and methods like

2. Employee, Engineer, Salesperson, and Manager:

Scenario: In a company HR system, `Engineer`,
`Salesperson`, and `Manager` classes inherit from a
common `Employee` class. The `Employee` class
includes properties such as `employeeID`, `name`, and
`department`, and methods like `clockIn` and
`clockOut`. The `Engineer` class adds properties like
`specialization` and methods like `developSoftware`.
The `Salesperson` class includes properties like
`salesTarget` and methods like `makeSale`. The
`Manager` class adds properties like `teamSize` and
methods like `conductMeeting`.

3. Vehicle, Car, Truck, and Motorcycle:

Scenario: In a vehicle management system, `Car`,
`Truck`, and `Motorcycle` classes inherit from a
common `Vehicle` class. The `Vehicle` class includes
properties like `make`, `model`, and `year`, and
methods such as `startEngine` and `stopEngine`. The
`Car` class adds properties like `numberOfDoors` and
methods like `playRadio`. The `Truck` class includes
properties like `cargoCapacity` and methods like
`loadCargo`. The `Motorcycle` class adds properties like
`type` (cruiser, sport, etc.) and methods like

4. Appliance, Refrigerator, WashingMachine, and

Scenario: In a home appliance management system,
`Refrigerator`, `WashingMachine`, and `Oven` classes
inherit from a common `Appliance` class. The
`Appliance` class includes properties like `brand`,
`powerUsage`, and `status`, and methods like `turnOn`
and `turnOff`. The `Refrigerator` class adds properties
like `capacity` and methods like `setTemperature`. The
`WashingMachine` class includes properties like
`loadCapacity` and methods like `startWashCycle`. The
`Oven` class introduces properties like
`maxTemperature` and methods like `bake`.

5. Shape, Circle, Rectangle, and Triangle:

Scenario: In a graphics application, `Circle`, `Rectangle`,
and `Triangle` classes inherit from a common `Shape`
class. The `Shape` class includes properties like `color`
and `position`, and methods like `draw` and `move`. The
`Circle` class adds properties like `radius` and methods
like `calculateArea`. The `Rectangle` class includes
properties like `length` and `width`, and methods like
`calculateArea`. The `Triangle` class adds properties like
`base` and `height`, and methods like `calculateArea`.

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