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7 This question is about esters. Ester A reacts with water to form ethanoic acid and ethanol. The displayed formulae of the reactants and products are shown in this equation H | 2 H H H wow HH oO tA | Noe We ,you HH H HH esterA The molar enthalpy change (AH) for the reaction is 0k/mol. (@) () Drawa ring around the functional group in ester A. a (il) Give the name of ester A. a (iii) Describe a chemical test, other than using an indicator, to show that the reaction mixture contains ethanoic acid. @) (b) Explain why the molar enthalpy change (AH) for the reaction between ester A and water is OkJ/mol. In your answer, refer to the bonds broken and the bonds formed. (2) P7ro702A802428 VaUV SIH NI LUM LON OG VaUV SIHLNI4LIUM LON OG VaUV SIHLNIALIUM LON OG DO NOT WRITE INTHIS AREA. THIS AREA (c) A mixture of ester A and water is left in a sealed container until the reaction mixture reaches dynamic equilibrium. (Describe what is meant by dynamic equilibrium. (ii) Explain why adding a catalyst does not change the position of equilibrium. (2) ‘Question pee Answer Notes 7a @ REJECT any other atoms 4 Hu in the ring, eo H HH (ii) | ethyl ethangate ALLOW ethylethanoate ALLOW ethyl acetate (ti) | Mt add a metal such as magnesium, aluminium, | must be a named metal Zinc or iron REJECT Group 1 metals M2 effervescence/bubbles/fizzing ‘ACCEPT test gas with lighted splint which pops M2 dep on reference to adding a metal or IMI add a carbonate ‘ACCEPT any named carbonate N2 effervescence/bubbles/tizzing ‘ACCEPT test gas with limewater which goes cloudy/mitky M2 dep on Mt © Ni C-0 and one / two O-H bonds are broken and | ALLOW the same Bonds formed 2.50 the same amount of energy is needed to break the bonds in the reactants as is given off when the bonds in the products are formed are broken and formed ALLOW energy of bonds formed equals energy of bonds broken ow «iy M1 the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the backward reaction ‘M2 the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant M1 a catalyst increases the rate of forward and backward reactions (M2 equally REJECT concentration of the reactants and products are the same 2 dep on Mt 7 Hydrogen gas and iodine gas react together to form hydrogen iodide gas. Ha(g) + L(g) = 2HI(g) (2) (i) The pressure of an equilibrium mixture of the three gases is increased. Predict the effect of this change on the yield of hydrogen iodide at equilibrium, giving a reason for your answer. (2) (ii) A catalyst is added to an equilibrium mixture of the three gases. Predict the effect of the catalyst on the yield of hydrogen iodide at equilibrium, giving a reason for your answer. (2) Wau SIHLNI LIM LON OG VAN SIHL NI LIUMLON OG ‘Question ze Answer Notes Marks 7 (a) (i) | Minoeffect on yield IGNORE comments 2 about rate M2 because same number of moles (of gas) on both | M2 dep on M1 sides of equation (ii) | M1 no effect on yield 2 M2 because catalyst increases rate of both forward | M2 dep on M1 and backward reactions by same amount 7 Methane reacts with steam to form carbon monoxide and hydrogen. This is the equation for the reaction. CHAg) + H:0(g) = CO(g) + 3Hx(g) AH = +206 kJ/mol (a) State why carbon monoxide is poisonous to humans. ) (b) Explain the effect, if any, on the yield of hydrogen at equilibrium when a nickel catalyst is used. (2) (0) The reaction conditions for this reaction are a temperature of 700°C and a pressure of 5 atmospheres. (i) The temperature of the reaction mixture is reduced to 600°C, but the pressure is kept at 5 atmospheres. Explain the effect on the yield of hydrogen at equilibrium, (2) 1B P719352A01 820 -_— Wau SIHLNI LIM LON OG W3UV SIHLNI3LIUM LON OG WAU SIHLNI 311M .LON OG DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA RITE IN THIS AREA (ii) The pressure of the reaction mixture is reduced to 4 atmospheres, but the temperature is kept at 700°C. Explain the effect on the yield of hydrogen at equilibrium. (2) (d) Calculate the volume, in dm’, of methane gas at rtp needed to produce 6.6 tonnes of hydrogen gas. {at rtp, molar volume=24dm? —_1 tonne = 10°g] Give your answer in standard form. (4) volume of methan Catal far One. m7 = 11 marke) dm’ ‘Question Answer Notes Marks number 7 (a) reduces the capacity of blood to transport oxygen | ALLOW carbon monoxide 1 round the body OWTTE Ait binds with haemoglobin ) ‘An explanation that links the following two points 2 M1 no effect M2 as increases rate of forward reaction and rate of backward reaction equally M2 dep on M1 or missing (<)_ (i) | Anexplanation that links the following two points z M1 yield decreases M2 as (forward) reaction is endothermic (so ALLOW backward equilibrium shifts to the LHS / reactants side) Ireverse reaction is exothermic M2 dep on M4 or missing IGNORE references to Le Chatelier (ii) | An explanation that links the following two points 2 M1 yield increases M2 as there are fewer moles / molecules (of gas) on the left-hand side / there are 2 mol on LHS and 4 mol on RHS (so equilibrium shifts to the RHS / products side) ORA M2 dep on M1 or missing IGNORE references to Le Chatetier @ correct answer with or 4 M1 (Hy) = 6.6 « 10+ 2 OR 3.3 x 10° (mol) M2 n(CH,) = 3.3 x 10% + OR 1.1 x 10% (mol) WB vol(CH,) = 1.1 x 10 x 24 OR 26 400000 (dm) 42.6 x 107 without working scores 4 ACCEPT 3 300000 ACCEPT 1 100000 M2 x24 ACCEPT 2.64 x 10” ALLOW ECF throughout common answers: 7.92) « 107 scores 3 5.28 x 10” scores 3 1.584 x 10° scores 2 Total 11 DONOT WRITE INTHIS AREA BO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA ITEIN THIS AREA (b) Hydrogen gas reacts with fluorine gas to form hydrogen fluoride gas. Hug) + Fg) > 2HF(g) The table gives some bond energies. as) HOH 436 r+ 158 HHoF 562 22 ven. 4 5 Use the equation and the data in the table to calculate the enthalpy change (AH) in kd/mol, for the reaction, Include sign in your answer. A= (2) Draw an energy level diagram for the reaction between hydrogen and fluorine. Label the enthalpy change, AH. Energy ku/mol VAUY SIH NI LRM LON 0G. (b) {c) ‘Mi bonds broken = (436 + 158) OR 594 (ignore sian) ‘M2 bonds made = (2 x 562) OR 1124 (ignore sign) MB AH = -530 (kJ/mol) ‘M1 right hand line below left hand line ‘M2 correct names/formulae of reactants and products ‘M3 enthalpy change, MH correctly shown and labelled with arrow pointing down if the answer to (b) is positive ‘M1 right hand line above left hand line 2 correct names /formulae of reactants and products ‘M3 enthalpy change, AH correctly shown and labelled with arrow pointing up -530 with no working scores 3 #530 or 530 with no working scores 2 #32 or 32 with no working scores 2 ALLOW reactants and products ‘ACCEPT line with no arrow head / double arrow head if -AH or -530 is labelled REJECT arrow pointing upwards ALLOW reactants and products ‘ACCEPT line with no arrow head / double arrow head if (+)OH oF +530 is labelled REJECT arrow pointing downwards Total marks for Question 7 = 10 (d) The equation shows the combustion of methane. CH, + 20; > CO, + 2H,0 AH =-890ki/mol This is the equation showing the displayed formulae. H | 0=0 H-O-H H-C-H + > O-c=0+ | o=0 H-O-H H The table shows the bond energies for O=0, C=O and O—H ‘vat Vu SIHLNI SLUM LON OG YY SIHL NI ALIUM LON OG a ° DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (OY (Calculate the bond energy of the C—H bond, using information from the equation and the table, CH bond energy = ons. (ii) Complete the energy level diagram to show the products and AH. Energy CH, + 20, (4) (2) (Total for Question 7 = 11 marks) lu/mol @ 0 «i MAY bonds broken = xCH +2498, M2 ¥ bonds formed = 2x 805 + 4 x 463 OR 3462 M3 4 x C-H + 996 ~ 3462 =~ 890 M4 CH = 1576 + 4 » 394 (kJ/mol) [coe+2H20 MA horizontal line to show products in correct position and correctly labelled M2 vertical tine n correct position and labelled ‘AH /- 890 (kd/mol) ‘correct answer with or without working scores 4 ALLOW 2x 498 OR 996 ALLOW ect throughout £839 without working scores 3 616.5/617 without working scores 3 [ACCEPT double headed arrow oF atrow pointing from reactants level to products level REJECT arrow pointing from products level to reactants level IGNORE any attempts at including activation energy If endothermic reaction shown M2 can be awarded for correct arrow/line labelled ‘AH/+890 (k/mol) (b) This is the equation for the decomposition of hydrazine. 3N.H,(g) > 4NH,(g) + N,(g) The equation can be shown using displayed formulae. H. H N N 7 7\\ N—N HHH yoN H H AN H. H \ Z HHH N—N —— + N=N yoN n u H 7IN HHH H. H NO N N—N fos “IN H H HHH The table gives the relevant bond energies. Bond Bond energy in kJ/mol NN 158 N-H 391 N=N 945 (i) Use the data in the table to calculate the total energy needed to break all the bonds in the reactants. (2) energy needed = P7 1694802428 VaUV SIHLNIALIUM LON OG WaUV SIHL NI@LINM LON OG VaUV SIH NI BLUM LON OG DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (il) Use the data in the table to calculate the total energy released when all the bonds in the products are made. (2) energy released = J (ili) Calculate the enthalpy change, AH, in kJ/mol, for the reaction. q) AH= kJ/mol (iv) Explain, in terms of bonds broken and bonds made, why this reaction is exothermic. (2) 3 = 00000000 0 0 008 tone ) (iti) (iv) MA (3x158)+(12391) M2. 5166 kJ M4 (12%391)+945 (M2 5637kJ ~471 (kJ/mol) ‘An explanation that links together the following two points: ‘M1 bond breaking requires energy / is endothermic, bond formation releases energy / {s exothermic M2 more energy released than taken in / making bonds involves more energy than breaking bonds 5166 kJ without working, scores 2 IGNORE sign of final answer 5637 kJ without working scores 2 IGNORE sign of final answer ECF on b(1) & biti) 1 If final answer is +ve do not penalise lack of sign “bonds” only needs ‘mentioning once “more energy is given ‘out when bonds are made than is taken in when bonds are broken” scores (2) 6 Ethanoic acid reacts with methanol to form an ester. ‘The equation shows the displayed formulae for the reactants and products. HO H HO oH ll | Lol | H—-C—C-O-H + H-C-O-H > H-C-C-O-C-H + H-O-H | | | | H H H H (a) (i) Give the name of a suitable catalyst to increase the rate of this reaction. a) (ii) State how you would know that an ester has formed. a (iii) Give the name of this ester. @ 16 P7rto952A801 620 VaUV SIHLNI3LIuMLON OG V3UV SIHLNI SLUM LON OG Va4V SIHLNI LUM LON OG DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (b) The table shows the number of bonds in the reactants and the number of bonds in the products. f Bond ca c* co | co | O-H Number of bonds in reactants 6 1 2 1 2 | Number of bonds in products 6 1 2 1 | 2 (i) State which two bonds need to be broken in the reactants. (i) Explain why the enthalpy change in this reaction is approximately 0k! /mol. (Total for Question 6 = 6 marks) 7 os {NH 00 0 0 0 > P7196 24801 72 0 Tontover ‘Question eerbee Answer Notes Marks 6 (a) (i) | sulfuric acid / H,50, ‘ACCEPT hydrochloric acid 1 7 HCL and nitric acid / HNO, / phosphoric acid / HPO. (ii) | distinctive / sweet / fruity smelt ACCEPT an oily layer 1 forms (on the surface) (iii) | methyl ethanoate spelling must be correct 1 ib) [C—O ando—# 1 (i) ‘An explanation that links the following two points M1 the same (two) bonds / C—O and O—H are broken and formed 2 energy needed to break bonds equals energy released when bonds form (so overall enthalpy change is 0) ALLOW ecf if wrong bonds in (i) IGNORE the same number of bonds are broken and formed Total 6 (a) Hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form water. The equation shows the covalent bonds in the molecules. 2H—H + O=0 > 2H—O—H The table gives the bond energies. H—H | O=0 | O—H kJ/mol 436 498463 () Use the equation and the values in the table to calculate the enthalpy change, AH, for the reaction. Include a sign in your answer. (3) AH= fa) (i) Complete the diagram to show the energy levels of the reactants and products, and the enthalpy change, AH. @) Energy (Total for Question 7 = 14 marks) TOTAL FOR PAPER = 70 MARKS 2 01 a ra ‘VaUV SIHLNI3LIUM LON OG VaUV SIHLNI 31M LON OG VUV SIHLNI3LIUM LON OG (@ (i) | MTE bond energies on LHS = 2 x 436 + 498 OR 1370 (kJ) | Correct answer without 3 working scores 3 M2, bond energies on RHS = 4 x 463 OR 1852 (kJ) M3 (1370 — 1852) = 482 (kJ) ALLOW ecf on M1 and m2 ALLOW -241 (kJ) (for 1 mole of water) for all 3 marks sign required to score M3 Question Raber Answer Notes Marks 7 (4) (fi) | M1 two horizontal lines in correct positions with ‘ALLOW ecf on incorrect 3 products line to the right of reactants line positive value for M3 ‘M2 horizontal lines labelled correctly with formulae of reactants and products 13 vertical line in correct position and labelled AH ACCEPT double headed arrow or arrow pointing from reactants level to 2h + On products level | | 4H REJECT arrow pointing | from products level to | reactants level IGNORE activation energy hump Total 14 DG NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA 5 This question is about the metal aluminium. {a) Aluminium is malleable and conducts electricity. The diagram shows the arrangement of the ions in aluminium metal. Sates G) aluminium ion (Explain why aluminium is malleable. (2) (ii) Explain why aluminium conducts electricity. (2) (b) Aluminium cannot be extracted by heating a mixture of carbon and aluminium oxide, Give a reason why heating a mixture of aluminium oxide and carbon does not produce aluminium. a TAN A 0 > P6708 1A0 7 32 4 sumaver 13 (c) Aluminium is extracted industrially by the electrolysis of molten aluminium oxide ALO, at a temperature of about 950°C. ‘Aluminium metal forms at the negative electrode and oxygen gas forms at the positive electrode. The positive and negative electrodes are made of graphite. The diagram shows the apparatus used. sitive graphite electrode positive grap molten aluminium oxide molten aluminium metal negative graphite electrode Explain how aluminium metal forms at the negative electrode. (ii) Write an ionic half-equation for the formation of oxygen gas at the positive electrode. 4 P6708 1A 01 4 24 Wau SIH NI LIM LON OG Wau SIHL NI LIM LON Oa ‘Vauv SIBLNIZLIEM LON OG DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITEIN THIS AREA (ii) Suggest why carbon dioxide gas is also produced at the positive electrode. (2) (d) Aluminium reacts with iron({ll) oxide. The reaction is exothermic. The equation for the reaction is 2Al + Fe,0, > ALO, + 2Fe (i) State how the equation shows that iron(lll) oxide is reduced. a) (ii) Draw an energy level diagram for the reaction between aluminium and iron(lll) oxide. (3) Energy (Total for Question 5 = 14 marks) 5 INA MA » P6708 1A01 524 Turn over Question M2 which reacts with / burns in oxygen An: Notes Mari number a = 5 (a) (i) | M1 layers /rows (of atoms / ions) 2 M2 can slide over one another M2 is dependent on mention of layers / rows in MI (i | 1 detocalised electrons 2 M2 can move / can flow / are free to move (throughout | IGNORE references to the structure) charge or current IGNORE free electrons M2 dependent on mention of electrons in M1 (b) aluminium is more reactive than carbon ALLOW references to 1 position in reactivity series e.g. aluminium is higher in reactivity series than carbon. ALLOW carbon is less reactive than aluminium (©) (i) | M1 aluminium / Al*ions are attracted to the negative 2 electrode / cathode (because they are positively charged) ALLOW Al? +3e—Al M2 where they gain electrons (forming aluminium) IGNORE references to reduction (i) | 20? + O2 + 4e ALLOW 20? - 4e — 02 1 (i) | Mt electrodes are made of carbon 2 @) ci) iron oxide loses oxygen Iron + suns oxide M1 right hand line below left hand line M2 correct name / formula of both reactants M3 correct name / formula of both products IGNORE references to electrons IGNORE horizontal axis, drawn IGNORE activation energy if shown If only use words reactants (on left) and products (on right) award 1 mark from M2 and M3 M2 and M3 can be scored from an endothermic diagram 14 marks 2 Astudent investigates the rusting of iron. (a) She places an iron nail in a test tube of water and leaves it for several days. water (i) Predict the appearance of the iron nail after several days. a) (ii) Name the main compound in rust. a) (b) The student then sets up two more test tubes containing iron nails. drying agent oll-— fa _-boiled a water tube 1 tube 2 Explain why the iron nail in tube 1 and the iron nail in tube 2 do not rust. (4) tube 1 tube2 (Total for Question 2 = 6 marks) a P6605 7A 0420 WAU SIHL NI LIM LON OG VaUV SIHLNI LUM LON OG WaUV SIHLNI4LIUM LON OG ‘Question number. Answer Notes 2 @ @ i red-brown (coating on nail) (hydrated) iron(lll) oxide/ ferric oxide ‘ACCEPT orange-brown / brown ALLOW orange IGNORE rust colour IGNORE red alone ACCEPT (hydrated) iron oxide REJECT iron oxide with incorrect oxidation state ) ‘An explanation that links 4 of the following 5 points tube 1 M1 air/oxygen is needed for rusting 1K2 boiled water does not contain air/oxygen M3 oil keeps air/oxygen out tube 2 M4 water /moisture is needed for rusting 1S drying agent keeps water/mofsture out ALLOW 1 mark for no air/oxygen present as an alternative to M1 and M2 ALLOW 1 mark for no water/ moisture present as an alternative to M4 and M5 Total 6 6 The diagram shows how hydrogen gas and chlorine gas can be prepared in the laboratory by electrolysis of a concentrated solution of sodium chloride. hydrogen negative electrode (2) (i) Give a test for hydrogen gas. power supply chlorine concentrated solution of sodium chloride positive electrode a Wau SIHLNI LIM LON OG VaUV SIH NI LUM LON OG DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (b) The ionic half-equation for the formation of chlorine at the positive electrode is 2c > Cl, + 2e° (i) State why this reaction is an oxidation reaction. a (ii) Give the ionic half-equation for the formation of hydrogen at the negative electrode, qa) (ii) State why it is safer to do this electrolysis in a fume cupboard. a {iv) Suggest why the volume of chlorine collected during this electrolysis is less than the volume of hydrogen collected. a 8 {N00 A A » P6605 7A01 52 0 Turn over Question eee Answer Notes Marks 6 (a) (i) | (squeaky) pop with lighted splint 1 2 (ii) | M4 (damp) litmus papers universal indicator M2 bleached ACCEPT turns white OR decolourised ‘ACCEPT (damp) blue litmus turns red and is bleached scores M1 and m2 (b) Gi | chloride fons/Cl- lose electrons electrons are lost| ALLOW oxidation state 7 of chlorine increases changes from -1 to 0 REJECT chlorine loses electrons REJECT reference to gain of oxygen (ii) | 2H + 200 > He 1 (iit) | chlorine is toxic/ poisonous 1 1 (iv) | (some) chlorine dissolves (in the solution) ALLOW chlorine dissolves in water 6 This question is about the electrolysis of copperttl) sulfate solution (2) The diagram shows the apparatus used for the electrolysis. power supply + positive electrode. lamp negative electrode copper) sulfate solution A student records the total increase in mass of the negative electrode every minute for 8 minutes. The table shows the results. Total increase in mass of Time in minutes the negative electrode in grams 0 0.00 1 0.15 2 0.27 % 0.34 4 039 5 041 6 0.42 ¥ 0.42 8 0.42 P7ro7o02A802028 ‘VaUV SIHLNI ALUM LON OG VaUV SIHL NI 3LIUM LON OG Wau SIHLNI3LIUM.LON OG DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (i) Plot the student's results. q) (ii) Draw a curve of best fit. a) Increase in mass in grams Time in minutes (iii) Explain the shape of the graph. (2) se = 0 000 0 0 ant (b) The product at the positive electrode is oxygen gas. (i) The student repeats the electrolysis using different apparatus. positive electrode —_ _— negative electrode Describe how the student should collect a sample of pure oxygen at the positive electrode. (2) (il) Give an ionic half-equation for the formation of oxygen. (2) Pro 7 02802228 Va SIHL NI aLIUM LON OG Wau SIHLNI LIM LON OG ‘Vad SIHL NIZLIUM LON OG DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (©) The wire used to connect the power supply to the electrodes is made of copper metal. The diagram shows the arrangement of the ions in a metal. ee Gsan (i) Metals that are malleable can also be stretched to form long, thin wires. Suggest why metals can be stretched to form wires. (2) (ii) Explain why metals conduct electricity. (2) (Total for Question 6 = 12 marks) 23 — {000 Eg 0 , P7TO702A023 28 Turnover ‘Question ber Answer Notes Marks & (a) (| all points plotted + half a square 7 (ii) | curved line of best fit (iii) | An explanation that links the following two points 2 M1 curve shows increasing mass (of negative electrode) because (more) copper deposits/forms M2 line becomes horizontal because there are no | ALLOW line becomes more copper!) ions left in the solution/ all the | horizontal as there is no copper has been deposited/formed OWTTE copper sulfate solution left (6) (i) | Adescription that refers to two of the following z points MM fill a test tube/measuring cylinder with copper | ALLOW fill a test tube/ sulfate solution measuring cylinder with water M2 place the tube over the positive electrode M3 collect gas/oxygen by displacement of solution/water (fi) | 24,0 + 02 + 4H" + 40? % ‘M1 all formulae correct M2 correct balancing of correct formulae 2 dep on M1 OR 40H’ + 02 + 2H:0 + 4e Mt all formulae correct M2 correct balancing of correct formulae ‘M2 dep on M1 ()_(_| Ni layers (of atoms or ions) ‘ALLOW sheets/ rows z M2 can slide over one another Na dep on M1 ALLOW atoms/ions slide over each other for MZ (ii) | M1 delocalised electrons IGNORE sea of electrons 2 /iree electrons M2 are free to move (throughout the structure) | M2 dep on mention of electrons in M1 (O marks if reference to ‘ons movin Total for question = 12 (b) The diagram shows the electronic configuration of a potassium atom and an oxygen atom. potassium oxygen Potassium oxide (K;O) is an ionic compound. Draw the electronic configuration of a potassium ion and an oxide ion, Show the charge on each ion. (3) potassium ion oxide ion 10 Pe6059RA01 02 4 VaUV SIL NI ALISA VaUV SIHL NI aLIUM LON OG Vu SIHLNIALIUM LON OG DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (d) Explain why ionic compounds conduct electricity when molten or in aqueous solution, but not when in the solid state. (2) " {A000 00 0 , A011 2 4 Turn over Pes 05 9R tb) M1 potassium ion M2 oxide ion (MG (K)" and (0)? ALLOW any combination of dots and crosses If only outer shells shows - max 2 @ (e) ‘MT (when molten or in aqueous solution) fons can move ‘M2 (in solid) ions cannot move M1 X is chlorine / Cla (M2 Y is hydrogen / H MB 2CL" 4 C+ 2e M4 2H* +20 (+ Hy ALLOW oxygen / O2 If both given but wrong way round or unclear which is which allow 4 mark from Mi and M2 2H_0 + 02 + 4H" + de" or 4OH»02 + 2H.0 + 4el Total marks for Question 4= 13 (€) The diagram shows the apparatus a teacher uses to demonstrate the electrolysis, of a concentrated aqueous solution of sodium chloride. inert electrodes gas X sodium chloride solution During the electrolysis two gases, X and Y, are formed. One of the gases produces a squeaky pop when tested with a lighted splint. Use ionic half-equations to identify X and Y. (4) (Total for Question 4 = 13 marks) VAY SIHLNI SLIM LON OG V3UV SIHLNIALIEM LON OG WALIYM.LON OG fe) 1X is chlorine / Cl, ‘M2 Y fs hydrogen / Hy MB 2CL- + Clh+2e M4 2H" +200) + Ha ALLOW oxygen / Oy If both given but wrong way round or unclear which is which allow 1 mark from M1 and M2 2H20 > Oy + 4H’ + 40 or 40H +02 + 2H,0 + del? Fatal marke far Gnactlan a= 1% ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA SS oaoI——n00 STII (i) Explain the different ways that magnesium and magnesium chloride conduct electricity. magnesium magnesium chloride (d) During the electrolysis of molten magnesium chloride, magnesium is formed at the negative electrode. The ionic half-equation for the reaction is Mg™ + 2e > Mg (i) State why this is a reduction reaction. (ii) Write an ionic half-equation for the formation of chlorine at the positive electrode. (4) a) q) ‘An explanation that links the following four points 4 ‘M1 (magnesium) has delocalised electrons ‘M2 electrons can move REJECT reference to fons or atoms moving for M2 ‘M3 (magnesium chloride) can only conduct when molten/in solution OR (magnesium chloride) cannot _| tons are free to move conduct when solid when (magnesium chloride) is motten/in M4 ions are free to move solution scores M3 and M4 REJECT reference to electrons moving for M4 (@ (| magnesium ions/ Mg gains electrons ‘ALLOW electrons are 7 gained REJECT magnesium /Mg gains electrons REJECT reference to loss or gain of oxygen 2c + Ch + 204) ALLOW 2CI- ~ 2e!-> Cla 1 ALLOW multiples or fractions IGNORE state symbols even if incorrect Total 11 _—_—«¥—¥«—“—“w—=—=“n—wonwwoonanm@jTwOon9m99g}Oo0mnmnamam090w7O90T TEE SSSSS—aqaqaqp] 5 This question is about metals. (2) Explain why metals are malleable. (2) (b) Sodium metal is extracted by the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride. Sodium metal forms at the negative electrode and chlorine gas forms at the positive electrode. The diagram represents this electrolysis. positive electrode negative electrode molten sodium chloride (Explain why molten sodium chloride conducts electricity. a (ii) Explain how sodium metal forms at the negative electrode. ei 16 {N00 0 EA —" ‘VaUV SIHLNI LIM LON OG V3UV SIHLNI3LIUM LON OG Wau SIHL NI BLUM LON OG DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOTWRITEINTHIS AREA — ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (ili) Write an ionic half-equation for the formation of chlorine gas at the positive electrode. qa) (iv) Give a reason why sodium metal does not form in the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium chloride. a Question number aneer Notes Marks 5 (a) ‘M1 layers / rows of atoms / (positive) fons REJECT molecules 2 IGNORE refs to electrons, ‘M2 can slide over one another a REJECT electrons 2 ‘M2.can move M2 dep on ions in M1 (11) | M1 positive sodium fons / cations / Na‘ (fons) are | ALLOW move 2 attracted (to the negative electrode) REJECT atoms / metal ‘M2 where they gain electrons OR where they are —_| ALLOW balanced ionic reduced equation (Na* + @ > Na) (iit) | 2cb + Cl + 2e ALLOW 2Cl: ~ 2e" + Cl: 1 (iv) | sodium is more reactive (than hydrogen) / higher in | ALLOW (in aqueous 1 the reactivity series (than hydrogen) solution) hydrogen ions are discharged / hydrogen is produced 5 When copper) sulfate solution is electrolysed, copper forms at the negative electrode. A student uses this apparatus to investigate the electrolysis of copper) sulfate solution. power supply lamp positive electrode negative electrode — copper(li) sulfate solution (@) Describe how the student could test a sample of copper(ll) sulfate solution to show that it contains copper(ll) ions. (b) Describe how copper metal forms at the negative electrode. 2) (3) 4 P7195 2A01 420 VaUV SIHLNI3LIUM LON OG VaYV SIHLNI3LIUM LON OG Wau SIHLNIS.LIUMLON OG DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE INTHIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (c) State the appearance of the copper that forms on the negative electrode. a (d) Oxygen forms at the positive electrode. () Give a test for oxygen. a (ii) Complete the half-equation for the formation of oxygen at the positive electrode. (2) 2H,0 > . + oo + (ii) State why the formation of oxygen at the positive electrode is an oxidation reaction. a (Total for Question 5 = 10 marks) ‘Question ane Answer Notes Marks 5 (a) M1 add sodium hydroxide (to the copper(II) sulfate | ALLOW potassium solution) hydroxide or aqueous ammonia No M1 if any incorrect, reagent added 12 blue precipitate (forms) IGNORE qualifiers e.g. pale / dark etc. 12 dep on addition of a OR correct alkali WM flame test ‘ACCEPT description of flame test M2 blue-green (flame) ALLOW green M2 dep on flame (b) ‘An description that refers to any three from M4 copper ions are positively charged / cations ALLOW M1 and M3 for a 7 Cu® (ions) fully correct half equation M2 and are attracted to / travel to the negative | i.e. Cu*+ 2e > Cu electrode / cathode 13 where they accept electrons IN4 and become (copper) atoms © Pink solid 7 deposit / coating / metal ‘ACCEPT pink-brown 7 orange-brown / brown / orange / red-brown REJECT red REJECT precipitate (@)_ Gi | relights a glowing splint (ti) | 24,0 > 4H + 0, + det OH" > 2H,0 + 0» + det scores 1 IGNORE state symbols even if incorrect M10, + et? IGNORE any numbers in front of 0) +e and any ‘2 equation fully correct other species (iit) | electrons are lost ALLOW H,0 / water loses electrons Total 10 7 (a) Sodium chloride is an ionic compound. Explain why sodium chloride conducts electricity when it is molten or in solution, but not when it is solid. (b) A solution of sodium chloride can be electrolysed Pim fee e) 9 power supply (2) using this apparatus. a sodium chloride solution 20 P73 4 5 AO 2 N00 cm mes V3UV SIHLNIZLIUM LON OG VaUV SIHLNI SLUM LON OG WU SIHLNI SLUM LON OG DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE INTHIS AREA (i) Ifthe solution is dilute, a significant amount of oxygen collects at P. Complete the ionic half-equation for this reaction. (1) H,0 > Hi + QO, + < (ji) If the solution is concentrated, chlorine is the main product that collects at P. This is the ionic half-equation for the reaction. act > Cl + 2e State why this is an oxidation reaction. (1) (0) The gas that collects at Q is hydrogen. (i) Give a test for hydrogen. (1) (ii). Explain how hydrogen gas forms at the negative electrode. (3) 5 re 000 0 00 0 tino Question Raabe Answer Notes ‘Marks 7 (a) ‘An explanation that links the two points 2 M1 in solid sodium chloride ions are in a fixed position/in a lattice/cannot move §M2 when molten or in solution fons are free to move/flow No marks if reference to electrons moving (b) i) [2:0 > 4H + (10; + 4e ALLOW multiples and 1 fractions IGNORE state symbols even if incorrect (ii) | chloride (ions) /(2)Ct-/it lose electrons ALLOW electrons are 1 lost REJECT chlorine loses electrons (©) @ | Gqueaky) pop with lighted splint REJECT glowing splint 7 (ii) | An explanation that links any three of the following four 3 points M1 solution/water contains hydrogen fons/H* M2 hydrogen ions/H” are attracted to the negative electrade/cathode M3 hydrogen fons/H’ gain electrons M4 and (combine in pairs to) form hydrogen molecules/H» IGNORE sodium ions Can score M3 and M4 for fully correct half equation i.e. 2H" + 2e > Ha (©) Anester is formed by adding ethanoic acid to ethanol in the presence of sulfuric acid. Give the displayed formula of the ester produced when ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol. (2) (Total for Question 3 = 8 marks) P67 1 A 0 8 2 4 ‘VauV SIH NIALINM LON OG W3UV SIHLNI LUM LON OG WAU SIHLNI3LIUM LON OG iC) M1 ester linkage as a displayed ° structure -b-o- M2 rest of molecule correct as a fully displayed structure my be oben roe i 6 4 8 marks DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA 7 This question is about octane (C.H,,) which is produced in the gasoline fraction during fractional distillation of crude oil. (a) The diagram shows a fractionating column. crude oil —> Describe how crude oil is separated into fractions in the fractionating column. (4) (b) Octane can also be produced by the process of cracking. Give the conditions for cracking. (2) 2 TAN AA 0 > P6708 1A 024 2 4 Turn over Question nine Answer Notes Marks 7 (a) Mi crude oil is heated / vapourised ‘ALLOW boiled 4 M2 vapours / gases / compounds / hydrocarbons rise up the column MB the column is hotter at the bottom than the | ALLOW temperature top gradient of the column ALLOW vapours / M4 vapours / compounds / hydrocarbons ‘compounds / condense at their boiling point hydrocarbons / condense at different heights ALLOW the vapours / ‘compounds / hydrocarbons / fractions have different boiling points. © M1 temperature of 600°C - 700°C 2 M2 catalyst of silica / alumina ALLOW aluminosilicates / zeolites / silicon dioxide / aluminium oxide IGNORE references to pressure 3 The diagram shows the industrial equipment used to separate crude oll into fractions. >A = ——=-= gasoline ——-> kerosene ———-> diesel —> fuel oil crude oil vapour —> ‘ > F (@) (i) Give the name of the industrial equipment. a) (il) Give one use of the fuel oil fraction. a (iii) Give the names of fraction A and fraction F. (2) fraction A. fraction F P66 OS 7A0B 20 VauV SIH NI LUM LON OG VauV SIHLNI4LI9M LON 0G ‘VauV SIHL.NI ALUM LON Od DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (b) One compound in the gasoline fraction is the alkane octane (CjHy,) and one compound in the kerosene fraction is the alkane dodecane (C,H) These two alkanes are covalently bonded and have simple molecular structures. (i) Give the general formula for the alkanes. a) Explain, in terms of their structures, why C,,Hys has a higher boiling point than C.Hys (3) (©) Catalytic cracking can be used to convert the alkane C,,Has into more useful products. (Give the name of the catalyst used for catalytic cracking. a (ii) Complete the equation for this cracking reaction. ) CuHas > GHao + (Total for Question 3 = 10 marks) {N00 0 A > P6605 7A0 720 Turnover, 7 ‘Question pane Answer Notes ‘Marks 3 (a) (i) | fractionating column/ fractionating tower ‘ALLOW fractiontal) column 1 /fraction(al) tower IGNORE fractional distillation (ti) | fuel for ships/fuel for power stations 1 2 (fi) | M1 Fraction A refinery gases §2 fraction F bitumen ©) @) | Glin ‘ALLOW x or Nin place of n 7 (ii) | An explanation that links the following 3 points 3 M4 CiaHis has larger molecules/longer chain/ORA M2 Caotashas stronger intermolecular forces/ORA | ACCEPT forces between molecules for intermolecular forces ALLOW intermolecular bonds /bonds between molecules 13 more energy is needed to separate the no M2 or M3 if implied that motecules/ overcome the forces in CizHz /ORA | covalent bonds break (©) @) | sitica/alumina ‘ACCEPT silicon dioxide 1 Jaluminium oxide 1SI0;,/At.03 /aluminosilicates /zeolite i) | Ciotas > Gta + Cae 1 Total 10 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA 5 Ethanol, C,H,OH, is a member of the homologous series of alcohols. (a) Give two characteristics of a homologous series. (2) 1 Dan (b) When ethanol is resid with potassium Aionaieta and one other reagent, the ethanol is oxidised to ethanoic acid, CH;COOH (i) Give the formula of the other reagent. (1) (ii) State the colour change that occurs during this oxidation reaction. (2) from to (iii) Draw the displayed formulae for ethanol and ethanoic acid in the boxes. (2) ethanol ethanoic acid = 00,0000 0 ton > (c) Ethanol can be manufactured by two different methods. The table gives some information about the two methods. Hydration of ethene Fermentation of glucose raw material crude oll sugar cane rate of reaction fast slow purity of ethanol pure impure | operating temperature 300°C 30°C operating pressure catalyst 60 - 70 atmospheres phosphoric acid atmosphere enzymes in yeast (Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these two methods, using information from the table. (6) 2 0 0 VaUV SIHL NI ALUM LON OG VaUV SIHLNI ALUM LON OG VU SIHLNI4LIUM LON OG ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (ii) The word equation for the fermentation process is glucose —> ethanol + carbon dioxide Complete the chemical equation for this reaction. q) GH1.0; > — + (Total for Question 5 = 14 marks) 3 {N00 A EA > P6605 7A01 320 Tange? Question plans Answer Notes Marks 5 (a) ‘Any two from: M1 same general formula 1K2 each member differs from the next by CH: 13 same functional group ‘4 similar chemical properties/reactions ALLOW same chemical properties/ reactions 1S trend/steady increase in physical properties | ACCEPT named physical properties e.g. trend in boiling points () (| Hs0. fname and formula given, name must be correct. (ii) | M4 from orange colours must be in the correct order M2 green city | Penalise no bond M2 % =m-O-= ooh Z between O and H once only ‘Question ‘number Answer Notes Marks 5 ©) W wo ‘A discussion which refers to any six of the following points: Advantages of fermentation /disadvantages of hydration M1 sugar cane can be re-grown/is renewable M2 crude oil is finite/cannot be replaced/is non- renewable M3 fermentation uses lower temperatures so energy costs are lower/ hydration uses higher temperatures, so energy costs are higher M4 fermentation uses lower pressure so energy costs are lower! hydration uses higher pressure, so energy costs are higher MS yeast is a natural substance and not harmful/ phosphoric acid is corrosive Advantages of hydration/disadvantages of fermentation M6 hydration is a faster process/ fermentation is a slower process M7 hydration gives pure ethanol/ fermentation gives impure ethanol 8 growing sugar cane takes up land which could be used for growing food/rearing livestock 9 hydration is a continuous process/fermentation isa batch process 2C2HsOH + 2CO2 ALLOW 2C2H:0 for ethanol ALLOW muttiples and fractions, Total 14 ‘Answer ALL questions. Some questions must be answered with a cross in a box X. If you change your mind about an answer, puta line through the box 5€ and then mark your new answer with a cross XX. 1 This question is about the unsaturated hydrocarbon, ethene. The displayed formula of ethene is H H NZ c=c ce ON, H (2) (State the meaning of the term hydrocarbon. (ii) Give the reason why ethene is described as unsaturated. qa (b) Ethene is bubbled through bromine water until there is no further colour change. Which of these is the appearance of the solution formed? OA colourless Cl B orange 1 ¢ purple OD eed 4 {N00 0 00 oom VaUV SIHLNI aL LON OG ‘Va SIHLNI LUM LON OG VauV SIHLNIALIUM LON OG DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (©) Ethanol is produced industrially by the reaction between ethene and steam. The equation for the reaction is CH,CH.(g) + H,O(g) > CH,CH,OH(l) (i) State the temperature and pressure used in this reaction. (2) temperature pressure (ii) Give the molecular formula of ethanol. a (Total for Question 1 = 7 marks) 5 =o {0 A Tum over » Question paste ‘Answer Notes Marks T (@)_(f) | Mtacompound/substance/molecule containing | no M1 W reference to 2 hydrogen/H and carbon/C (atoms) ‘element containing C and H OR C and H molecules Ma only 2 dep on Mt or near miss (tt) | ethene has a double bond 1 ® ‘colourless 7 ‘A\s the only correct answer because alkenes such as ethene react with bromine water forming a colourless solution B is not correct as bromine water is orange before it reacts with ethene C is not correct as the solution produced is not purple D is not correct as the solution produced fs not red (2 | temperature = 300°C ‘ACCEPT any value or z range of values between 250 and 350°C If no unit given assume it is Celsius ACCEPT equivalent temperatures in other Units provided the unit is given pressure = 60-70 atmospheres ACCEPT any value or range of values between 60 and 70 atm If no unit given assume it is atm ACCEPT equivatent. pressures in other units provided the unit is given (H) | Cato IGNORE size of 4 numbers REJECT C:HsOH ‘Total for question = 7 (€) The structures of two organic compounds are shown. H HOH x |p Ll ee ea to 4 ? HH These compounds react together to form a polymer. Give the repeat unit of the polymer formed. 2 (Total for Question 7 = 15 marks) TOTAL FOR PAPER 0 MARKS, ‘V3YV SIH. NI LYM LON OG ‘VaUV SIH NI ALUM LON OG fe) correct answer scores 2 marks oe eo we keel oe 6-6-0 1 ‘M1 three carbons from the dicarboxylic acid and two from the diol and the ester linkage M2 -OH lost from the dicarboxylic acid and -H lost from the diol ALLOW structure without extension bonds IGNORE brackets and n and + H,0. ALLOW -OH lost from diol and -H lost from dicarboxylic acid Total for question = 15 (ii) | CHyCOOH ACCEPT HCOOCH, OR OR i LS ° H-C-C 1 (b) (i) | 2HCOOH + Na,CO; — 2HCOONa + CO, + H,0 ‘M1 CO, + HO IGNORE numbers in front: of CO: and/or H20 if only M1 scored ‘M2 HCOONa and equation correctly balanced REJECT NaCOOH ALLOW natcoo (it) | bubbles/ fizzing/ effervescence IGNORE gas given off ALLOW sodium carbonate: disappears/dissolves {) (i) | propyl methanoate ‘spelling must be correct reversible reaction ‘ALLOW propyl formate ALLOW reaction which goes both ways IGNORE equilibrium BO NOT WRITE IN THIS DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (a) Alcohols react with carboxylic acids to form esters, Which alcohol could react to form the ester ethyl propancate? A cHOH Ge CHOW De GHoH 1D GHOH (e) Polyester are formed in condensation polymerisation reactions between icarboxylic acids and diols. () State one difference between condensation polymerisation and addition polymerisation. 1° Turn over > (0 The epentunt ofa pbs ls 20 uk tboéto 4 H Give the displayed formula of each of the two monomers needed to form this polyester, (ii) Give one advantage of biopolyesters. ‘VSUV SIH NIALIUM LON 04 VU SIHLNIaLIuM LON 00 (a) B_ GH,OH is the only correct answer ‘Ais not correct because CHsOH could not form the ester ethyl propanoate Cis not correct because CsH+0H could not form the ester ethyl propanoate Dis not correct because C,H,0H could not form the ‘ester ethyl propanoate eo 0 (i ity {in condensation polymerisation) two different monomers used / water is produced Mt ho we oo toll nono biodesradale ALLOW small molecule 's produced ALLOW -OH ACCEPT in either order ALLOW -OH ACCEPT description Total marks for Question 6 (i) Draw the structural formula of a compound with the molecular formula C;H,O, () 10 Pro 94 7A 01 020 (b) Methanoic acid (HCOOH) reacts with sodium carbonate solution to give three products, (Complete the equation for this reaction, 2HCOOH + Na,CO, > + + (ii) State what you would observe in this reaction, (c) Methanoic acid also reacts with propanol to form an ester. The equation for the reaction is, HCOOH + GH,OH = HCOOGH, + H,0 (i) Give the name of the ester that forms. (i) State what is meant by the = symbol. (2) —_—_——X—)]aaee (d) A polyester forms when butanedioic acid reacts with ethanediol. The diagram shows the repeat unit of the polyester that forms. 9 tac, to -crcn-o-~ (i) Give the name of this type of polymerisation. a (ii) Draw the structural formulae of the two monomers used to make this polyester. (2) (Total for Question 5 = 12 marks) VaUV SIHLNIaLIUM LON OG ‘V3UV SIHLNIALINM LON OG are eyuaiy ute saint @ (i) ‘condensation (polymerisation) m1 1 onen_t vo-€-ce4,—-C-h MZ HO—CHCH,—OH ALLOW HOOCCH:CH,COOH for M1 ALLOW HOCH:CH:OH for M2 REJECT OH=C once onl Total 12 4 Fractional distillation is used to separate crude oil into fractions. The diagram shows a fractionating column and the fractions obtained from crude oil. \_ —— —> gasoline —> refinery gases ___ —> kerosene — diesel —— —> fuel oil TNC oe (@) (i) Describe how crude oil is separated into fractions in the fractionating column. (4) crude oil —- ‘VaMV SIHLNI SLIM. LON OG VauV SIHLNIaLIUM LON OG VaUV SIHLNI3LIUM LON OG (fl) Give a use for kerosene and a use for bitumen. kerosene bitumen DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (b) Some fractions obtained from crude oil are cracked to form alkenes. (). Describe what is meant by cracking, (il) Ethene is obtained by cracking. ‘This s the displayed formula of ethene. DO NOT WRITEIN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (2) @ 3) = ine 2 Turn over (ii) Describe a test to show that ethene is unsaturated. @ iL NI ALUM LON 0a. ‘Question ‘number ‘Answer ea “ 1A crude ol fs heated 7 vapourised 1M2 vapours J gases J compounds / hydracarbons rise up the column 13 the column is hotter atthe bottom than the top 1M vapours / compounds / hydrocarbons condense aC thei Boling paint kerosene = aeroplane fuel / fue fr heating bitumen = road tar / tarmac / (waterproofing) roofs ‘ALLOW boiled 4 REJECT burned ALLOW temperature gradient of the column ALLOW different temperatures at each levet ALLOW fractions with Lowest bolting point rise tothe top IGNORE refs to gradient in density of notecules ALLOW vapours / compounds hydrocarbons / condense at different heights ALLOW the vapours / ‘compounds / hydrocarbons / factions have different baiting points IGNORE melting point ALLOW fuel fr lamps | 2 ‘fuel for cooking ALLOW road surfacing / road making o “ 1H Breaking down long-chain hydeecarbons J Tong- chain molecules / long-chain alkanes 1N2 to form shorter chain (of alkanes / alkenes / hydrocarbons) 11 ethene fs unsaturated because It has a) double (CoC) Bon 12 (ethene fa hydrocarbon as it contains) hydrogen and carbon (atoms) M8 only (it) | att add bromine water M2 which decolourses / turns colautless REJECT polymers z IGHORE refs to separation ALLOW to break (C-C) bonds REJECT carbon and hydrogen molecules 1N3 dep on mention of, carbon and hydrogen in Ne ALLOW bromine solution | 2 NOT just “bromine? 2 dep on mention of bromine in| IGHORE starting colour of bromine IGNORE clear NOT just ‘changes colow” \f reaction takes place in presence of av, then score M1 only yT WRITE IN THIS AREA 6 When ethanoie acid reacts with ethanol in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid, ‘one of the productsis ester A. ‘This is the equation for the reaction. 4 ° | 4 I Hc + H-O-C—C-H = esterA + 0. i aN Hh O-H Hu KOH ethanoic acid ethanol water {@) ()Drawa circle around the functional group in ethanoic acid. (il) Give the displayed formula of ester A. (ii) Nameester A. (b) The reaction misture is kept in a sealed container until dynamic equilibrium isreached. State what is meant by the term dynamic equilibrium, 20 in (6) During the reaction, the number of moles of ethanoic acid in the reaction mixture decreases, but the number of moles of concentrated sulfuric acid does not change. (i) Give a reason why the number of moles of concentrated sulfuric acid does not change. VaUV SIH NI 411M LON OG ‘YaUY SIH Ni aLIUM LON 00 VSUY SIHLNISLIUM 10N OG Question number Notes ei REJECT more than one molecule or group circled i) Mt ester linkage (COO) correctly displayed M2 rest of the molecule correct 12 dep on ai (i) | ethyl ethanoate ) | Wt the forwards and the reverse reactions occur at the same rate M2 the concentrations of reactants ané products | REJECT concentrations remain constant of reactants and products are the same ALLOW amounts (© Wh } teoncentrated) sulfuric acid 7it a catalyst 3 This question is about alcohols. Ethanol can be manufactured using two differ + hydration of ethene + fermentation of glucose This is the equation for hydration rent methods. GH, + HO > C.H.OH (a) Complete the equation for fermentation. oy (b) The table gives some information about the two methods. Hydration Fermentation Reagents ethene and steam aqueous glucose Catalyst enzymes in yeast Temperature in°C 300 Pressure in atmospheres 1 Rate of process fast slow Purity of product pure impure () Complete the table by giving the missing information. 6) ‘ m8 0 000 0 00 = VaUV SIHL NIZLIUM LON OG VaUV SIHLNISLIYM LON OG V3UV SIHL NI aLIUM LON OG DO NOTWRITEIN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE INTHIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (ii) Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of using fermentation rather than hydration to produce ethanol. You should use information from the table to help your answer. advantage disadvantage () Explain why fermentation needs to occur in the absence of air. (4) (2) — VINE T0008 A A ‘Question number. Answer Notes 3 (a) CéHiOe > 2CH3O0H + 2COr ‘ACCEPT CH;CH,OH M1 both formulae correct ‘M2 balancing of correct formulae ‘M2 dep on M1 but if HO given no M1 but allow M2 for correct balancing IGNORE state symbols even if incorrect. ALLOW multiples and fractions (b) (i) ACCEPT H;PO, Hydration Fermentation | jf formula alone must be correct, but. Reagents ethene and steam | aqueous glucose | if name given and formula incorrect Catalyst Phosphoric acid | enzymes in yeast | ignore formula Temperature in Belen 300 30 ALLOW sulphuric Pressure in acid / H:50, atmospheres ae A ACCEPT any temperature between 20 and 40 ‘inclusive ACCEPT any pressure between 60 and 70 inclusive wo ‘An exolanation that links one advantage and one disadvantage advantage: (M1 use lower) presture / atmospheric pressure / 7 atm 'M2 so less energy needed / less coslly equipment / safer oR 1 uses low(er) temperature 1N2 so les energy / heat needed oR (MY alucose /sugar cane is @ natural resource /'s renewable [M2 whereas ethene obtained from crude ol /ethene is non-renewable / ethene fa finite resource OR (Mt yeast & a natural resource [M2 whereas phosphoric acid fsa manufactured catalyst disadvantage: (M3 fermentation 'ssiowier) M4 Fermentation is less efficient /s0 hydration is more efficient on 13 athanel te impure ‘4 30 ethanol needs tobe purified ORA on [M9 growing sugar cane takes up land 1a that can be wed to gtow food crops IGNORE cheaper ess costly alone IGNORE cheaper ‘ess costly ALLOW 1N3 fermentation sa batch process Md winereas Ihydtation fs continuous process {0 more eticieat) IGNORE reference to viel © ‘2 explanation that links the following two points (M1 oxygen would oxidise / react with ethanol / alcohol 'M2 mich would proguce ethanoic acid / CHsCOOH oR (M1 fermentation needs to be anaerobic 12 s0 etharol / alcohol willbe formed / otherwise ‘only carbon dioxide and water would form ALLOW acetic acid / Yinegar NGNORE carboxylic acid 5 This question is about carboxylic acids and esters. (2) Ethanoic acid reacts with magnesium to form two products. (Complete the equation for this reaction. + > (CH,COO),Mg + (ii) Give two observations that could be made during this reaction. (b) Propanoic acid reacts with methanol to form an ester. (i) Give the name of a suitable catalyst for this reaction. (ii) What is the structural formula of the ester that forms? A HCOOCH,CH,CH, GB CH,COOCH,CH.CH, € CH,CH,CoocH, _D CH,CH,CH,COOcH, (2) a a 4 C= Va¥V SIHLNIZLIYM LON OG VaUY SIHLNI SLUM LON OG WaUV SIHLNI LIM LON OG DO NOT WRITE INTHIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA ss. (0) A polyester can be made by reacting ethanedioic acid with ethanediol. These are the displayed formulae of the two reactants. HoH H—O—C—C—O—H noonttonn Ha ethanedioic acid ethanediol () Give the name for this type of polymerisation. a) (ii) Give the name of the other product of this reaction. a (ii) Draw the displayed formula for the repeat unit of the polyester that forms. @) (d) State what is meant by the term biopolyester. qa) (Total for Question 5 = 11 marks) co omc {N00 000 0 0 0 » P7304 A@15 2 4 Tamover ‘Question haar “Answer Notes Marks: 5 (a) (i) | 2CHCOOH + Mg —> (CH,COO)Ng + Hp "ALLOW multiples and 2 fractions Mt 2CH.COOH + Ng ALLOW 2G:H.0; REJECT 2CH,COO Mat, IGNORE state symbols even if incorrect (i) | Mt effervescence fizing/bubbles IGNORE gas evolved 2 ‘M2 magnesium becomes smaller/disappears ALLOW dissolves (b) (i) | (concentrated) sulfuric acid ALLOW any suitable 1 inorganic acid e.g. hydrochloric or nitric or phosphoric IGNORE ditute (ii) | € (CHACH,CoOCHS) ' Ais incorrect as it is propyl methanoate Bis incorrect as it is propyl ethanoate Dis incorrect as it is methyl butanoate Te) A | condensation (polymerisation) 7 (ii) | water: ALLOW 0 1 (i) | OO HH 2 wnt “66-06 C0: ri HH M1 correct displayed ester functional group ‘M2 rest of structure correct ALLOW structure without extension bonds O can be on LHS instead of on RHS- IGNORE brackets and n 1a {a polyester that) is biodegradable ‘ACCEPT can be degraded T by bacteria ALLOW can be decomposed Total 11

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