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Group Dynamics

Assistant Professor: Cheng-Wei Li

Homework 1

• How do you make grouping????

– Why do you use this way???
– Any risk???
Homework 2

• Review the five stages of team development

(forming, storming, norming, performing,

• Reflect on each stage of team development you

can do now and what the key elements should
be in each stage.

• To identify and analyse the social processes

that impact on group development and
• To develop the necessary capacity to
enhance individual and group performance in
an organisational context
• To build an successful organisations by using
techniques that have direct impact on positive
goal achievement
Group Dynamics

“Never doubt that a small group of

thoughtful citizens can change the world.”
Margaret Mead
• The social process by which people
interact in a group environment
• The influences of personality, power
and behavior on the group process
Black Box of Group Dynamics

Input Process Output

Gender traits?
Gender roles in a group or team?
Types of Groups

Structured to perform specific tasks
Emerge naturally in response to organisational
or member benefits and interests
Group Structure

Issues need to be considered:

• Ensure that all regulations are included
• Observe the impact of a poor performer on
group performance or achievement
• Ensure a combination of leaders and
followers in a positive way
• Examine the potential for personality
• Realise the impacts of member diversity
Group interaction
Issues need to be considered:

• Ensure the opportunities of

expressing individual viewpoints
• Examine the development of social
• Ensure everyone’s participation
• Enhance the individual recognition
Group Development
Orientation, guidance (dependence 依賴)
Conflict, roles and responsibilities, rules
and procedures, individual recognition
(counterdependence 反依賴)
Group Development
Problem solving, develop social agreements,
cohesion, establish group norms
Mutual assistance, creativity, understanding
goals and roles (independence獨立)
Closure, symbolism, ceremonies, and emotional
Sentence Shuffle

A represent A
Each group has 5
2 represent T cards
3 represent T
4 represent F Making an sentence
. or a word
. Acting for guessing
Group Functions
• Task behaviours 任務行為
The extent to which a leader engages in spelling out the duties and
responsibilities of an individual or group to perform a specific task and
closely supervises their progress.

• Maintenance behaviours 維持行為

Behaviour carried out by an animal for basic subsistence, including
searching for food, finding or constructing suitable shelter, and mating

• Self-interest behaviours 利己行為

Anything done for seeking personal gain. An example of self-interest, for
example, is pursuing higher education to get a better job, so that you can
make more money in the future.
Task Behaviours
…the extent to which a leader engages in spelling
out the duties and responsibilities of an individual
or group to perform a specific task and closely
supervises their progress.
– Initiating 發起
– Information seeking/giving 尋求/提供信息
– Clarifying ideas 理清思路
– Bringing closure 結束
– Consensus testing 共識檢驗
Maintenance Behaviours

… Behaviour carried out by an animal for basic

subsistence, including searching for food, finding or
constructing suitable shelter, and mating.
– Encouraging 鼓勵
– Improving group atmosphere 改善團隊氣氛
– Harmonizing 調和
– Compromising 妥協
– Gate-keeping 把關
Self-interest Behaviours
It refers to individual actions and
behaviors that provoke positive personal
– Dominating/controlling 支配/控制
– Blocking 阻擋
– Manipulating 操縱
– Belittling 貶低
– Splitting hairs 鑽牛角尖
Group Norms

• Social standards and acceptable

• Collectively held expectations of group
• Provide regularity and predictability to
group functioning
Types of Norms
Standards related to:
• Implementation
• Work performance/attendance
• Rearranging personal space
• Assisting co-workers
• Loyalty
• Rewards

Assigned roles 分配的角色

Appearing roles 出現的角色

Influencing Factors on Effectiveness

Role Ambiguity 角色模糊

Worker is unclear of job definition
Role Conflict 角色衝突
Worker experiences job overlap

• Interaction Relationship
• Gender Traits
• Similarities and Differences in Gender
Communication Skills
• Use body language to communicate, such as eye contact,
facial expression, movement, posture, tone of voice, touch
behavior, interaction distance, willingness to spend
communication time
• Supportive approaches
– Training
– Reward system
– Empowerment/self-management
– Organizational representativeness/diversity
• Community Capacity Building Program
• Thank you for choosing this EMI course!!!!

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