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Tutorial Topic #4
Student ID: 2023379567
Group: M3CDCS2553A

Answer ALL Questions:

1. Are both UDP and IP unreliable to the same degree? Why or why not?
Answer: UDP is more unreliable. Its header is simple and there is no error detection
mechanism.but IP uses preudoheader and error correction and detection facilities

2. Answer the following questions:

a) What is the minimum size of a UDP datagram?
Answer: 8 bytes
b) What is the maximum size of a UDP datagram?
Answer: 65,535 bytes
c) What is the minimum size of the process data that can be encapsulated in a UDP datagram?
Answer: 0 bytes
d) What is the maximum size of the process data that can be encapsulated in a UDP datagram?
- Answer: (2^16-1) = 65535 bytes
65535 bytes – 8 bytes = 65527 bytes

3. Calculate the checksum for the following UDP user datagram. Present your answer in Hexadecimal.
(Use the ASCII conversion table below to answer the question.)
All 0s 17 15
1088 11
15 All 0s
A H All 0s All 0s

ASCII Conversions
A 65
H 72
I 73
S 83

Answer :

10100110 01000010 = 166.66

01000010 01000010 = 66.66
11000111 01100011 = 199.99
01100011 01100011 = 99.99
00000000 00010001 = all 0 and 17
00000000 00001111 = 15
00000100 01000000 = 1088
00000000 00001011 = 11
00000000 00001111 = 15
00000000 00000000 = 0(checksum)
01000001 01001001 = A and I
01010011 01001000 = S and H
01000001 01001000 = A and H
00000000 00000000 = all 0s
11101101 10101101
00000000 00000010
11101101 10101111 = sum
00010010 01010000 = checksum

4. The following is a dump of a UDP header in hexadecimal format.

00 0D 07 64 00 1C E2 17

a) What is the source port number? Answer: 13

b) What is the destination port number? Answer: 1892

c) What is the total length of the user datagram? Answer: 28 bytes

d) What is the length of data? Answer: 28-20 = 8 bytes

e) What is the client process? Answer: Daytime client

f) Is the packet directed from a client to a server or vice versa?

Answer: packet directed from server to client

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