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720] - Speaker 1
ttttInttttI it put out, it put out projections for the next couple of fiscal years ttttInttttI 2025 fiscal year
and 2026 fiscal year for them look like they're going to see a massive jump. Like earlier their
projections were like 3 billion. But like one of their most recent ones, they hit 5 billion. But this time
around they're looking at 8 billion. That is a significant jump.

[00:01:36.360] - Speaker 1
And that's considering Zynga and those acquisitions and everything. So a lot of people are
extrapolating. That what is going to fill that massive bubble, that huge void of money. The next Grand
Theft Auto game. And this is significant because technically their fiscal year begins April 2024.

[00:01:52.120] - Speaker 1
So that can at least give you some sort of idea that 2024 into 2025 might actually be the time of
Grand Theft Auto Six. Now, we've been talking about this game forever. We know Rockstar is officially
working on it. They've acknowledged that the game also leaked a shit ton, so there was that as well.
So at the very least, what you can take from this news, obviously it's a massive window.

[00:02:12.980] - Speaker 1
But what you can take is that it is real and it is actually coming at some point. And seemingly the big
parent company of Take Two is preparing for it. They've got their bag of money open and they're
ready to bring some in. Does that make sense? I mean, there's probably a lot more to look into with
this stuff with earnings reports and projections and stuff, but I can't do math.

[00:02:31.780] - Speaker 1
So let's move on and talk about the next biggest story. Of course, it's got to be Mortal Kombat. Mortal
Kombat One has officially been announced. It's releasing September 19 for all the platforms this year.
And it kind of goes back to what we were talking about last week with FAM predictions and the
theories and they turned out to be pretty much right.

[00:02:50.380] - Speaker 1
So essentially it's fire god Lu Kang after the events of the previous games. Now there is this new
timeline where he is the guy, and there is a lot to dive into here if you're like an old Mortal Kombat lore
fan. So this isn't totally what I was expecting. While it is a reboot, I was expecting almost like a reboot
back to basics type thing, like an actual Mortal Kombat one, like based on the old Ninety S one. But
no, this is essentially a clean slate new Mortal Kombat lore.

[00:03:19.350] - Speaker 1
Like the trailer teased a lot of different things with characters in different situations and different
alliances and stuff like that. A lot of rivalries are ended, which I guess creates opportunities for new
weird things to happen. I mean, they show Molina, that's a pretty big deal. It seems like once again,
Shangsung is the bad guy, but there's probably something going on different with that. The trailer was
wild, totally very different.

[00:03:41.960] - Speaker 1
But where it wasn't totally different is the gore. The gore was absolutely insane. And I hope in a way
they can actually take it to the next level because the original game pioneered it and created a bunch
of chaos. So maybe they're taking it even further because this trailer was over the top. We can't show
any of that gore, of course, or we're going to get flagged on YouTube, but just know that it's there.

[00:04:02.410] - Speaker 1
You can watch the trailer for yourself. It will be linked in the description down below, of course, with
everything else I talk about this week, but it's like a full thing, full speed ahead. They announced like
collectors edition, preorder bonuses, early access, yada yada yada, all that stuff. There's going to be a
story mode, online modes, new modes, things like that to expect. There's also going to be like a kind
of cameo system where you're going to be able to select other characters that are apparently going to
assist you.
[00:04:25.300] - Speaker 1
We don't know how that's essentially going to work, but also in the fine print in the Q and A section of
the Mortal Kombat website, a lot of people didn't notice this, but there's going to be a preorder type
whatever bonus skin for Johnny Cage. So Johnny Cage is going to be in the game. It's interesting
because I don't know how those characters like Johnny Cage, Jax, Sonya, how they're going to show
up in the game, but Johnny Cage is apparently going to be in the game. And one of these skin
bonuses these alternate skin options is actually going to be Jean Claude Van Damme as Johnny
Cage, which is extremely cool if you're into the history of Mortal Kombat and the inspirations and
stuff. Love to see it.

[00:05:02.540] - Speaker 1
I hope this game is good. Could they screw it up? Yes. I think we have to have a disclaimer like that
with every single game. But if it's gory and you can punch, dudes, I'm in.

[00:05:11.650] - Speaker 1
So, of course, we'll keep you guys peeled once we actually hopefully see some gameplay soon. I
expect to see some during the Summer Game Fest thing in early June. I'll be there. Maybe I'll be able
to touch the game. So I'll let you guys know.

[00:05:22.820] - Speaker 1
I have two requests, though. bowride Show and Jericho. Put them in the game. I think a lot of people
don't want them in the game, but I want them in the game. Damn it.

[00:05:30.670] - Speaker 1
Do it anyway. In the last couple of weeks, we've talked about Xbox a lot in the headlines for various
reasons. Redfall the activision blizzard stuff. But it seems like it's PlayStation's turn because they
announced a PlayStation showcase. This is apparently going to be a big one.

[00:05:44.260] - Speaker 1
It's next week, the 26th, and it's apparently going to be more than an hour. And it's going to be
focusing on showing new games for PlayStation Five and PSVR Two. Nice to see that they're not
immediately leaving the PSVR Two in the dark. Love to see that, but this seems to be the one that a
lot of people have been hyping up anticipating. What is the next thing for PlayStation Five?

[00:06:05.120] - Speaker 1
A lot of people are expecting Spiderman gameplay. I think that's a pretty safe bet. Are we going to see
something from Wolverine? Who knows? Some projects that we have no idea.

[00:06:12.360] - Speaker 1
Just some unexpected stuff, maybe. But a lot of insiders, andy Robinson from Video Game Chronicles
is alluding to a Metal Gear reveal, some sort of new Metal Gear Solid thing. Now, we've talked about
rumors in the past. You guys have probably heard them all. It could be Metal Gear Solid Three

[00:06:30.810] - Speaker 1
Who knows? You guys know. You see the T shirts I wear all the time. Metal Gear Solid is like a
significant portion of my life. I am a loser for Metal Gear Solid since I played MGS in 1990 819 99
when I first laid eyes on it.

[00:06:44.500] - Speaker 1
And I'm skeptical. I'm nervous. I'm not looking forward to anything without Hideo Kojima, unless it's
like a remake or certain specific things that I need to explain longer in a different video. But I'm
nervous. Essentially, what I want to say to some of you old fans out there like me is just cherish what
we have right now.

[00:07:02.200] - Speaker 1
Where the Metal Gear Solid series, the Metal Gear series, rather, is preserved in amber, where it's just
those games, they exist in a bubble, and they will still forever, whether new stuff comes or not. The
discourse. The conversation around new games can probably be annoying, but I said this on social
media. Like it's kind of like being a Star Wars fan for a really long time. I was alive for when it was just
the original three movies and you didn't think anything else was coming.

[00:07:25.580] - Speaker 1
And then suddenly there were prequels. Then after that you thought George Lucas was done, didn't
think anything was coming. And then the Disney ones and then more and more and more and more
and more. So is Metal Gear style going to become that? Like now that the floodgates are open and
the companies want to make money, are they just going to keep throwing Metal Gear stuff at us?

[00:07:40.210] - Speaker 1
I don't know, but it doesn't affect those original great games that we got, whether these new ones are
good or bad. Again, I'm nervous. But still, we still always have those original games and I weirdly
cherish and take comfort in the time where we didn't think anything else was coming. Still, if you're
excited, good for you. I don't want to dampen anyone's, but I'm going to be really annoying about
Metal Gear Solid for the foreseeable future if they announce something.

[00:08:02.780] - Speaker 1
So keep your eyes peeled. Let's see what we got. Next week I'll be talking about that PlayStation
showcase, probably on the Friends Per second podcast and of course next Friday. Got you covered. I
threw on some hot takes though, so I definitely want to know what you guys think in the comments
about a possible Metal Gear resurgence.

[00:08:18.170] - Speaker 1
The conversation again, but speaking of hot takes and wild stuff, Overwatch Two, activision Blizzard
announced that they're scrapping hero mode, basically a big portion of Overwatch Two, and why
people bought into Overwatch Two, even though it's technically a free to play game. The whole idea
about Overwatch Two was essentially supposed to be an overhaul and actual, real, genuine story
content and a whole PvE mode with breakout modes centered around specific heroes progression
with those heroes special abilities only for these modes and we're not getting that. They're ditching
that. Activision blizzard expressed regret. They seem like they're not happy about the decision, but it
is what it is.

[00:08:56.030] - Speaker 1
They chose to ultimately focus their resources on making the base game better. And apparently we're
still going to see little bits of that story content and some co op stuff here and there, but this is a
pretty big blow for a lot of people. For me. I had passive interest in overwatch two. Like we covered
the game when it first released, seemed like a little bit of an upgrade, but it felt like there was more

[00:09:17.220] - Speaker 1
I was excited for a possible, real, genuine story mode with some progression specifically because I
like what Activision Blizzard builds with these things. The characters are cool and quirky, the vibe is
great, cinematics are wild, so they were finally going to really take advantage of that and now they're
not, and that is questionable. I think this seems to me very much to be like long term planning gone
wrong. Who's managing it? How hard is the top execs pushing this thing because something was lost
in translation?

[00:09:47.440] - Speaker 1
And for this plan to not be executed is a WhereWhereWhere for a lot of people. A lot of the big
streamers and YouTubers have come down hard on this. The Overwatch community themselves, I
don't really know how they feel. I'm never going to speak for them, but.

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