Question Bank of Padarth Vigyan Paper 2nd

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Padarth vigyan paper 2nd

Topic - Pariksha
1. How many factors are responsible for smriti (remembrance) according to the acharya
a. 6 b. 5 c. 8 d. 9

2. Which is not the type of aprama

a. Samshaya b. sadrishya c. viparyaya d. tarka

3. Which is not the synonyms of pramana

a. Upalabdhi b. sadhan c. gyana d. buddhi

4. Which prmana is first and most important among trividha pramana

a. Aptopadesha b. anuman c. yukti d. pratyaksh

5. Arthapatti pramana can be included under which pramana

a. Aptopadesha b. anuman c. yukti d. pratyaksh

6. aitiha pramana can be included under which pramana

a. Aptopadesha b. anuman c. yukti d. pratyaksh

7. Anupalabdhi pramana can be included under which pramana

a. Aptopadesha b. anuman c. yukti d. pratyaksh

8. Yukti pramana is accepted by which acharya

a. Charak b. sushrut c. vagbhatta d. Kashyap

9. Shabda pramana is accepted by which darshan

a. Nyaya b. mimansa c. vedant d. all the above

10. Anupalabdhi pramana is accepted by which darshan

a. pauranika b. mimansa c. vedant d. all the above

11. Shambhav pramana is accepted by which darshan

a. Nyaya b. mimansa c. vedant d. pauranika

12. cheshta pramana is accepted by which darshan

a. Nyaya b. mimansa c. vedant d. all the above

13. yathartha Anubhav (real knowledge) is known as

a. prama b. prameya c. pramata d. aprama

14. Recollecting the things which are drishta (observed), shruta (heard) and anubhut
(experienced) is called
a. Prama b. buddhi c. Anubhav d. smriti

15. According to Charaka, the cause of smruti is not-

a) sadrushya b) abhyas c) punaha srutant d) uhyam

16. the reality of things is estimated or examined by

a. prama b. prameya c. pramata d. aprama

S.A.Q. (5 marks for each question)

1. Write the definition and necessity of pariksha
2. Write the definition of of prama, aprama, prameya, pramata and praman
3. Write Significance and importance of praman
4. Write Enumeration of praman accprding to different school of philosophy
5. Write the definition of pamana and subsudate the different pramanas under tree pramana
L.A.Q. (10 marks for each question)
1. Describe in detail about Practical application of chaturvidha-parikshavidhi in nidan and

Aptopadesha pamana
1. Agama is the synonym of which pramana
a.Pratyaksha b. Aptopdesh c. Upaman d. Anuman

2. Who is vibuddha (enlighten person)

a. One who directs the world through his virtuous act.
b. They are valid source of knowledge, who don’t require help of other source of
c. Who possesses the complete knowledge of concern subject
d. All the above

3. Apata purush is free from which dosha

a. Raja and tama b. vata and pitta c. vata-pitta-kapha d. sattva-raja-tama

4. “Everything in this universe is made from panchmahabhuta” this statement is

a. Drishtarth b. adrishtarth c. satya d. anruta

5. “Kaal (time) is responsible factor for destruction of all the objects” this statement is
a. Drishtarth b. adrishtarth c. satya d. anruta
6. “There is no medicine in ayurveda for sadhya vyadhi (curable disease)” this statement is a.
a. Drishtarth b. adrishtarth c. satya d. anruta

7. “Overeating causes for manifestation aama dosh in the body (undigested metabolic waste)”
this statement is
a. Drishtarth b. adrishtarth c. satya d. anrita

8. “This boy is a monkey” this sentence can be considered as which shabartha bodhak vritti a.
a. Abhidha b. lakshana c. vyanjana d. tatparyakhya
9. “Get out” this sentence can be considered as which shabartha bodhak vritti
a. Abhidha b. lakshana c. vyanjana d. tatparyakhya
10. “Arogya (health) is the root cause of dharma, artha, kama and moksha (pursharth
chatushtaya). what is the tatparyakhya vritti of word “artha” in this sentence
a. Money b. objects c. sense d. meaning
11. “Teacher told his stupid student that you deserve a gold medal” this can be considered as
which shabartha bodhak vritti
a. Abhidha b. lakshana c. vyanjana d. tatparyakhya
12. Which is not a shaktigraha
a. Upaman b. apta-vakya c. vakyashesha d. sannidhi
13. If words are spoken too speedy or too slowly in a sentence is considered as which vakyarth
gyana hetu
a. Akansha b. yogyata c. sannidhi d. sanidhya
14. Which of the following is not hetu of vyakyarth Gyan..
a) aakansha b) yogyata c) abhidha d) sannidhi
15. Which of the following is termed as synonym of aapt by charak acharya?
a)sishta b)vibudha c)ghanishtha d)vitarka
a. : Select the correct answer using the code given below
b. a) 1 and 2 only b) 1, 2 only b) 3c) 1 and 3 only d) 1,2,3,4
S.A.Q. (5 marks for each question)
1. Write the lakshan of apta and aptopadesha
2. Write the lakshan of shabda and its types
3. Write shaba-vritti and its types
4. Write vakyarth-gyan-hetu and its types
5. Write shaktigraha hetu and its types
L.A.Q. (10 marks for each question)
1. Write in detail about importance of aptopadesha in maintaining health, prevention of disease,
diagnostic, therapeutic and research
Topic - Pratyaksha pariksha
1. Which pramana is accepted by all the astik and nastik darshsan and considered as praman
shiromani (best praman)
a. Pratyaksh b. aptopdesha c. anuman d. yukti
2. In the etymology of pratyaksha (prati + Aksh ), what is the appropriate meaning should be
considered for word “Aksha”
a. Chakshu b. indriya c. chakshurendriya d. mana
3. In definition of pratyaksha what meaning should be considered for word “tadatve”
a. Confirm b. spontaneous c. perception d. direct
4. Which is not included under the indriyarth sannikarshotpanna gyana
a. Avyapadesh b. savyapdesh c. avyabhichari d. vyavasayatmak
5. Perception of sukha, dukkha, iccha, dvyesha etc. is called
a. Manas pratyaksh b. indriya pratyaksh c. indriyartha pratyaksh d. atma pratyaksh
6. The knowledge occurs based on general features of species is known as
a. Gyana lakshan prtyasatti b. samanya lakshan pratyasatti c. yogaj d. yunjan
7. When only presence of the object is perceived, we are not sure what is it, this type of pratyaksha is
a. Laukika b. alaukika c. nirvikalpa d. savikalpa
8. If any one feel burning sensation by observing the patient having redness, swelling and lacerated
skin at burn wound is called
a. Gyana lakshan prtyasatti b. samanya lakshan pratyasatti c. yogaj d. yunjan
9. If the person always gets the knowledge of each and every object is called
a. Gyana lakshan prtyasatti b. samanya lakshan pratyasatti c. yogaj d. yunjan
10. which is not included under antah- karan
a. Mana b. buddhi c. ahankara d. gyan
11. If a student is thinking about his parents during the lecture, he cannot perceive the knowledge
about the subject serving by his teacher is called
a. Karan dorbalya b. mano-anavasthan c. samanabhihar d. avaran
12. Endoscopy is useful to visualize the internal canals is helpful for which pratyaksh bhadhak bhava
a. Karan dorbalya b. mano-anavasthan c. samanabhihar d. avaran
13. Adana pradan indriya vritti is related to which karmendriya
a. Payu b. pad c. hasta d. upastha
14. What is the correct sequence of conjunction in pratyaksha praman
a. Atma – indriya – mana – artha
b. Atma – mana - indriya – artha
c. Atma – indriya – artha – mana
d. Atma- - mana- artha- indriya
15. For the manas pratyaksha which conjunction should be necessary
a. Atma – indriyarth
b. Atma – mana - indriya – artha
c. Atma – indriya
d. Atma – mana
16. Which of the following is not an obstacle to the pratyaksh?
a) ati sannikrusta b) ati vipakrusta c) avyavdhanat d) abhibhavat
17. Which of the following does not give praman of trikal gyan –
a) yukti b) anuman c) pratyaksh d) aptopdesh
18.Which of the following is an example of samvay sannikarsha
a) ghatbhav ka gyan
b) b)chaksurendriya dwara sabatwa ka gyan
c) c)shravanendriya dwara sabdo ka gyan
d) d)chakshurendriya dwara Ghar ka gyan
19.Kshanika and Nischayatmika are types of?
a) Panchendriya Buddhi b) Panchendriyaartha c) Panchendriya Dravya d) Panchendriya
20. Ekadash indriya are originated from which Ahankar
a) Vaikarik+Tejas b) Tejas+Bhutadi c)Raja+Tama d) Sattva + Tama
21. Indriyaartha Sannikarsh Janyam Gyanam......
a) Pratyaksham b) upnam c)anuman d)sambhavan
22. Knowledge of smell by looking at flower is an example of
a) anuman b) Pratyaksham c) upman d) yukti
S.A.Q. (5 marks for each question)
1. Write the definition and types of pratyaksha in detail
2. Write the six types of indriya sannikarsha with example
3. Write the lakshan, classification of indriya in detail
4. Write the lakshan of indriya and indriya panchapanchak
5. Write the lakshan of indriya and trayodasha karan and dominance of antahkaran
6. Write the pratyaksh-badhak bhava and enhancement of pryaksha by various instruments
7. Write the definition of pratyaksha and necessity of other pramanas in addition to pratyaksh
L.A.Q. (10 marks for each question)
1. Describe in detail about practical application of pratyaksha in sharir, nidan, chikitsa and
Topic - Anumana praman
1) What is meaning of Anumana ?
a) Inference b) Interpretation c) Austerity d) Insinuating

2) Derivation of Anumana
a) Ana+ lyut + cha
b) Ana +Yu + ma
c) Anu+ma+ lyut
d) Anv +u +man

3) Types of Anumana. (as per Nyay Darshan)

a) Purvavat b) Swartha c)Seshavat d) A & c both

4) Which vakya is not given in panchavayava Vakya ?

a) Pratijna b) Upama c)Nigamana d) Hetu

5) What kind of example of anuman is in intercourse from Garbh Darshan (Chakrapani)

(a) Karanat Karyasya (b) Karyaat Karanasya c) samanyato drashta (d) savilalpa

6) Vyapti vishista pakshadharmata gyanam ...

a) Vyapti b) paramarsha c)anuman d)sidhhant
7) Tallingilinga purvakam is related to
a) pratyaksha b)anuman c) Upamana d) Aptopadesh

8) Sandigdha sadhyavan.....
a)paksha b)sapaksha c)vipaksha d)pakshadharmata

9) "The lotus of the sky is fragrant" Which hetwabhas is this?

a)savyabhichar b)ashrayasidhh hetwabhas c)swarupasiddh hetwabhas d)vyapyatwasidhh

10) How many sadhanas are required for knowledge of Anumiti?

a) 12 b) 9 c) 7 d) 6
S.A.Q. (5 marks for each question)
1. Write the lakshan of anuman and type of anuman mentioned by charak
2. Write the lakshan of anuman and type of anuman mentioned by nyaya darshan
3. Write the lakshan and types of vyapti
4. Write the lakshan and types of hetu
5. Write the lakshan and types of hetwabhas
6. Write the lakshan and significance of tarka
L.A.Q. (10 marks for each question)
1. Describe in detail about practical application of anuman in sharir, nidan, chikitsa and
Topic – Yukti praman
1.The fetus is formed after the union of factor like five fundamental elementan & soul.
This example indicates the
A.yukti pramana B.anumana pramana C.upamana D. Aptopdesh pramana
2.synonymes of yukti
A.yojana B.pravriti C.upaya D.a,b,c
3.according to some acharya yukti pramana is ancillary to
A. Anumana pramana B.pratyaksha pramana C. Aptopdesh pramana D.none
4. vyutpatti of yukti from….
A.yuja dhatu B. Yukti C.yujya dhatu D. None
5. how many pramanas are considered by acharya charak for chikita
A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10
6. Which of the following Acharya has described the yukti....
a) Charaka only b) Sushruta only c) Vagbhata only d) Sushruta Charaka both
7. By which praman siddhi of trivarg is done? a)anuman b)apt updesh c)upman d)yukti
S.A.Q. (5 marks for each question)
1. Write the lakshan and description of yukti
2. Write the importance of yukti in ayurveda
L.A.Q. (10 marks for each question)
1. Describe in detail about practical application of yukti in nidan, chikitsa and anusandhan

Topic – Upaman praman

1.Which acharya named upaman as aupamya praman?
A) charak B) sushruta C) vaghbhata D) sarangdhara

2. The knowledge Obtain through similarity or resemblance, is the feature of which praman?
A) Pratyaksha B) Anuman C) Aptopdesha D) Upaman

3. Which darshan did not considered upaman as a independent praman?

A) Nyaya B) Vaisheshika C) Sankhya D) Both b and c

4. What are the use of upaman praman?

A) For proper planning and reasoning
B) To identify unknown things based on resemblance
C) For inference
D) None of these
5. dhanustham disease like dhansh is which type of upaman praman
a. sadhrmya-upaman b.vaidhrmya-upaman c. dharmamatra-upaman d. none
6. the rakta is like indragopa, padmak, laksha, gunja etc is which type of upaman praman
a. sadhrmya-upaman b.vaidhrmya-upaman c. dharmamatra-upaman d. none
7. which is not type of upaman
a. sadharmya-upaman b.vaidhrmya-upaman c. dharmamatra-upaman d. asadharmya-upaman

S.A.Q. (5 marks for each question)

1. Write the lakshan and types of upaman with example
L.A.Q. (10 marks for each question)
2. Describe in detail about practical application of upaman in nidan, chikitsa and anusandhan
Topic – karya-karan Siddhant
1.which Karya karana vada is mentioned by sankhya darshan
A. satkarya-vad B. parmanu-vad C. svabhavoparm-vad D. vivart-vada

2.नासतो विधते भािो……complete the sentence

A. नाऽस्तुनो िस्तुतः। B. नाऽभािो विधते सतः। C. कार्योत्पादकत्वं कारणम्। D. तत्र कारणानुरुपं कार्ययवमवत।

3.Pilu paka is explained by which darshan

A. Vaisheshik Darshan B. Nyay Darshan C. Bauddha Darshan D. Vedant Darshan

4. svabhavoparm vada is......

A. Presenting the different opinions on subject without uniforming
B. The equilibrium of dosha,agni,dhatu,mala
C. The dosha,dhatu,mala kshay occurs naturally without specific cause
D. The supreme last-minute particle which is the cause for transformation

5.आरम्भिाद is ……

A. सतः सत जार्यते। B. असतः सत जार्यते। C. कार्योत्पादकत्वं कारणम्। D. असाधारणकारणं करणम्।

6. Arambha-vad is also known as

A. satkarya-vad B. parmanu-vad C. svabhavoparm-vad D. vivart-vada

7. Pithar-paka is explained by which darshan

A. Vaisheshik Darshan B. Nyay Darshan C. Bauddha Darshan D. Vedant Darshan
8. Svabhavoparm vad is explained by….
A. Vaisheshik Darshan B. Nyay Darshan C. Acharya charak D. Vedant Darshan
9. which is not the type of karan
A. samavayi karan B. asamavayi karan C. nimmita karan D. animmita karan
10. which Karya karana vada is mentioned by nyaya darshan
A. satkarya-vad B. asatkarya-vad C. svabhavoparm-vad D. vivart-vada
11. karan never changing in to karya, karan is to be imagined as karya (manifestation of mithya
gyana) is known as
A. satkarya-vad B. asatkarya-vad C. svabhavoparm-vad D. vivart-vada
12. vinasha of dosha, dhatu and mala occurs naturally without specific cause is known as
A. satkarya-vad B. asatkarya-vad C. svabhavoparm-vad D. vivart-vada
13. in the world the objects undergoes changes and destruction for every kshana (moment) is known
A. satkarya-vad B. asatkarya-vad C. svabhavoparm-vad D. kshan-bhangur vad
14. kshan-bhangur vad is explained by….
A. boddha Darshan B. Nyay Darshan C. Acharya charak D. Vedant Darshan
15. anaikant vad is explained by….
A. jain Darshan B. Nyay Darshan C. Acharya charak D. Vedant Darshan
16. presenting the different opinions on subjects without uniformity is known as
A. satkarya-vad B. anaikant vad C. svabhavoparm-vad D. kshan-bhangur vad
17. Parmanu vad is explained by which darshan
A. Vaisheshik Darshan B. sankhya Darshan C. Bauddha Darshan D. Vedant Darshan
18. pilu means
A. parmanu B. pithar C. ghat D. pat
S.A.Q. (5 marks for each question)
1. Write the lakshan of karya and karan and types of karan
2. Write the significance of karya and karan in ayurveda
3. Write about sat-karya-vad
4. Write about asat-karya-vad
5. Write about parinam vad and vivart vad
6. Write about swabhavoparam vad
7. Write about kshan-bhangur vad and anekant vad
8. Write about parmanu vad
9. Write about pilu pak and pithar pak

L.A.Q. (10 marks for each question)

1. Describe in detail about karya-karna sambandha in contemporary sciences

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