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To Date: 21-12-2023

Mr. Umayad Arshad Butt

Assistant Director / Inquiry Officer
FIA Corporate Crime Circle

Subject: General Adjournment in the call up notice U/Section 160 CrPc and Requisition of
Record in Inquiry No 54/2023 of FIA Corporate Crime Circle Karachi.

This is with reference to your letter No. FIA/ CCC/ INQ 54-2023/ Call-up/ 2023/ 11071-72 dated 14 th
December 2023 received on 21-12-2023, in this respect we would like to inform you that our company is
registered at Lahore and all the relevant record as required by your good self is in Lahore hence we need
sufficient time to produce the record as well as our reply in response to this letter.

You are therefore requested to adjourn the matter for fifteen days or as convenient to this honorable

Thanking you in anticipation.

Shehzad Sherwani

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