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Last Will and Testament

1. I, --------------------(name of testator) born on --------------------(date of birth) of -------

--------------------------(testator’s address) revoke all former wills and testamentary
dispositions by me and I declare this to be my last Will and Testament.

Executors and Trustees

2. I appoint -----------------------(name of the first executor) of ----------------------
(address of the executor) and ----------------------------(name of the second/reserved
executor) of ----------------------(address of the executor) to be my
executors/executors and trustees.

3. If my husband/wife/civil partner dies before me I appoint -----------------------(name
of chosen guardian) of -------------------------(address) and ----------------------- of -------
-------------------to be the guardian[s] of any of my children who are under 18.

Pecuniary Legacy

4. I GIVE to ----------------------[provided she/he survives me by 28 says] the sum of £--

--------- [free of tax/subject to tax]

Pecuniary Legacy to Charity

5. I GIVE to ----------------------- [Charity] for its general charitable purposes the sum of
a) If at my death the Charity has ceased to exist or has amalgamated with another
charity or has changed its name, my Trustees/Personal Representatives shall pay
it to the charitable organisation which they consider most nearly fulfils the objects
of my Charity.
b) The receipt of a person who appears to be a proper officer of the Charity or any
substituted charity shall be a sufficient discharge to my Trustees/Personal

Specific Legacy
6. I GIVE to --------------------[provided he/she survives me by 28 days] my --------------.

7. I GIVE to -------------------[ provided he/she survives me by 28 days] my personal
chattels as defined by Administration of Estates Act 1925 [s.55(1)(x)] [except those
which are the subject of specific gifts in this my will]

Gift of Residue
8. If my [husband/wife/civil partner] survives me by 28 days then I give all my estate
not otherwise disposed of (subject to the payment of my debts funeral and
testamentary expenses) to him/her absolutely.
9. If my [husband/wife/civil partner] does not so survive me then I give all my estate
not otherwise disposed of to my children/son[s]/daughter[s] [if more than one
shares to each beneficiary].
10. If all of the above provisions for the distribution of my residuary estate shall fail in
their entirety then my Trustee[s]/Personal Representative[s] shall divide my
residuary estate between those of my [relationship and name of the beneficiaries]
-----------of --------------------[their address] who survive me and if more than one in
[the share to be decided at the time of writing].

Gift of Residue on Trust

11. I Give all the rest of my estate to my Trustees upon trust to pay my debts funeral
and testamentary expenses [and legacies] and to hold the balance (‘my residuary
Estate’) on the following trusts:
a) to pay my Residuary Estate to such of my children as are living at my death [who
attain the age of [21] and if more than one in [equal] shares provided that if any
child of mine shall die before me or before attaining a vested interest in my
Residuary Estate leaving a child or children living at his or her death such child or
children shall provided they attain the age of [18] take by substitution and if more
than one in equal shares the share of my Residuary Estate which his/her or their
parent would have taken had he or she survived me to attain a vested interest.

Gift of Residue on Trust with a Life Interest

12. I GIVE all the rest of my estate to my Trustees upon trust to pay my debts funeral
and testamentary expenses and legacies and to hold the balance (“my Residuary
Estate”) on the following trusts:
a) to pay the income to my [husband/wife/civil partner] during his/her lifetime and
b) to pay my Residuary Estate to such of my children as are living at my death [who
attain the age of [21] and if more than one in equal shares provided that if any
child of mine shall die in my lifetime leaving a child or children living at my death
such child or children shall provided they attain the age of [18] take by
substitution and if more than one in equal shares the share of my Residuary Estate
which his/her or their parent would have taken had he or she survived me.

Administrative Powers of Trustees

13. Power to Invest
My Trustees may invest trust money with the same full and unrestricted freedom in
their choice of investments as if hey were an absolute beneficial owner including the
power to purchase land wherever situated and to allow any dwelling to be used as a
residence by any person or persons having an interest or prospective interest in my
Residuary Estate upon such terms and conditions from time to time as my trustees in
their absolute discretion may think fit.
14. Power to Insure Trust Property
My Trustee may insure the trust property against loss or damage however arising to
any property for the time being comprised in my residuary Estate to any amount and
to pay all premiums for any such insurance at their discretion out of the income or
capital of my Residuary Estate or the property itself.

15. Power to accept receipt

In any case where my Trustees have an obligation or a discretion under the provisions
of my will or under the general law to pay income or capital to or for the benefit of a
minor to discharge that obligation or to exercise that discretion if they think fit by
making payment either to a parent or a guardian of the minor or to the minor
personally if of the age of [16] at least and so that their respective receipt shall be a
full discharge to my Tustees who shall not be required to see to the application of any
income or capital so paid.

16. Charging Clause

Any of my trustees being a solicitor or other person engaged in any profession or
business shall be entitled to charge and be paid all professional and other charges for
any business or act done by him or his firm in connection with the administration of
any estate or the trusts hereof (including acts which an executor or trustee could have
done personally} on the same basis as if he were not one of my Trustees but
employed to carry out the work on their behalf .

17. Final Clause of the will

For the avoidance of doubt this is the last clause of this my Will and is followed by
the attestation on the next page.

IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this ------------------

day of ---------------------------2022

[Name of the testator]

Signed by the testator in our presence and attested by us in the

presence of the testator and each other.

Witness 1 Witness 2

Signed …………………………………………… Signed………………………………………….

Name…………………………………………….. Name……………………………………………

Address…………………………………………. Address………………………………………
……………………………………………………… …………………………………………………..
……………………………………………………… …………………………………………………..
……………………………………………………… …………………………………………………..

Occupation……………………………………. Occupation…………………………………

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