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Fingerprint attendance system for classroom needs

Conference Paper · December 2012

DOI: 10.1109/INDCON.2012.6420657

157 36,606

2 authors:

Mohamed Basheer C.V. Raghu

Etiq Technologies National Institute of Technology Calicut


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Fingerprint Attendance System for classroom needs
Mohamed Basheer K P Raghu C V
Dept. of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Dept. of Electronics and Communications Engineering,
National Institute of Technology Calicut, National Institute of Technology Calicut,
Kerala, India Kerala, India
Email: Email:

Abstract—Fingerprint attendance system aims to automate

the attendance procedure of an educational institution using
biometric technology. This will save time wasted on calling out
names and it gives a fool-proof method of attendance marking.
A hand-held device is used to mark the attendance without the
intervention of teacher. The device can be passed and students
can mark attendance during the lecture time. Students would be
made to place their finger over the sensor so as to mark their
presence in the class. It can communicate with a host computer
using its USB interface. This device operates from a rechargeable
battery. GUI application in host computer helps the teacher to
manage the device and attendance.
Index Terms—Fingerprint, Classroom attendance, Portable Fig. 1. Portable fingerprint attendance system
attendance system

I. I NTRODUCTION (which is the normal duration of a subject), approximately 7

Conventional attendance system followed in an educational hours is used for marking attendances. Some faculty members
system where the teacher call out the name of each and every use signature method(explained before) also for attendance
student and mark the attendance causes time wastage during marking.
lecture time. This becomes more and more severe especially in Many organizations use fingerprint attendance system for
the current scenario where number of students in a class is very marking attendances of their employees. These are computer
large. Managing the attendance data of such a large group is connected devices in which database of employees are stored
also very difficult. Another disadvantage of present system is in computer and these are fixed at specific location. But the
the chance for the student to mark fake attendance. Fingerprint situation in a classroom is different. Students cannot come
based devices are being used in corporate environments. These near the device to mark the attendance in a class room.
devices use computer to store and verify fingerprints. It can The concept of fingerprint attendance system has been pro-
be ported to academic environment with modifications. posed by several research groups. L. Jian-po et al. developed a
system using wireless technology [1]. They created a database
A. Motivation in remote system and the fingerprint data transmitted to the
Educational institutions still use attendance registers for computer using Zigbee wireless technology. It can provide 30
managing student attendances. The teacher has to call out to 70 meters range if there is no barrier. So if the class room
names during the lecture time. Increased number of students is not in the range of Zigbee, students cannot use this device.
causes wastage of reasonable amount of time from the valuable A. Kassem et al. developed a attendance system using
lecture time. To save this time, some teachers follow the RFID technology for university applications [2]. Students have
method of marking attendance by signing on a paper which to carry RFID tags to mark the attendance for university
is passed to the class during the lecture time. Here there is processes. The database of the system is implemented in
a chance of cheating by the students by putting signature of computer and student has to carry the RFID tag near to the
a absent person. These issues motivate the design of a new reader. In this type of device, students cannot mark their
system. attendance during the classroom. Also students can cheat this
device using proxy method. So this type of device also cannot
B. Field survey and Literature survey be implemented in classroom.
In an institution like NIT Calicut, average student count in
one classroom is 100. Students have to mark their attendance II. P ROPOSED SYSTEM
in every hour. Using conventional method of calling out names The proposed system comprises two sections, one portable
for attendance, it takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes for device and a host computer. Fingerprint attendance device is
marking attendance of entire class. Then in a 42 hour subject a hand-held device which can be carried to the classroom. A
Fig. 2. System Architecture
Fig. 3. Microcontroller part

Graphical user interface application in the host computer helps

the faculty to manage the device. He can perform tasks like
add students, import and export attendance data etc.
After feeding the student list to the device, faculty can take
the device to the classroom. Faculty can authorize and select
the batch from a menu. In the first class, students have to
register their fingerprint by selecting roll number and placing
their finger. From second class onwards, they can mark their
attendance. Faculty can take the device to his room after class
Fig. 4. Battery charge measurement
hour and it can be connected to the computer. The attendance
details can be updated using the GUI application.
A. Portable device A. Main circuit
It is a hand-held device and works from a rechargeable A modular design approach is used. Connectors are used
battery. Fingerprint Module is the heart of the system. Mi- to interface different components wherever possible. This
crocontroller controls the entire system, which consists of helps for better assembly, easy repair etc. The microcontroller
the fingerprint module, Real Time Clock (RTC), buttons and used in this design is PIC18F4550 [3]. Fingerprint module
Graphic Liquid Crystal Display (GLCD). Various options is connected to the UART interface. It connects transmitter
can be selected using buttons. Device can communicate with and receiver pin of the module with that of microcontroller. A
the host computer using USB interface. LCD displays the double colour LED shows the status of fingerprint authentica-
status and details of each student during the enrolment and tion. Menu button is used as user input switch. Graphic LCD
attendance marking processes. It also displays time and status data connectors, control signals connector and power signals
of battery. RTC keeps track of time and can be synchronized connector is interfaced to the microcontroller circuit. The
with host system and date is stored with every attendance backlit of Graphic LCD is controlled through microcontroller
sessions. LEDs are used for status indications. port. So the backlit can be controlled whenever needed. The
USB type-A female connector is connected to PIC using USB
B. Host Computer module.
The system uses RTC DS1307 for keeping track of time.
A Graphical User Interface application in the host computer The chip is interfaced with PIC using I2 C protocol. There is
helps to manage attendance of students. Students list can be a 3V CMOS battery CR2032 as a backup.
transferred to the device using this application. The computer 1) Microcontroller: The controller used in this device is
can read the details of attendance through USB interface and PIC18F4550. This microcontroller is a low power type and it
stores it in a database. The data can be accessed by only supports USB, UART, I2 C and SPI standards. The flexible
authorised person. It needs authentication using password or oscillator structure helps portable devices to save battery
fingerprint. The data entered in the device can be synchronized charge by allowing microcontroller and USB module to run
with the host computer. at different frequencies.
The device is using two 1.4Ah Li-ion batteries for power.
Battery charge is measured using the circuit in Fig. 4. The
battery charge is displayed and if the battery charge is below
the specified level, microcontroller will switch to internal
oscillator mode.

C. Power conservation
Fig. 5. Li-ion battery pack charger Since it is a hand-held device, power consumption is an
important issue to be addressed in the design. To minimize
this, low power components are selected and the design is
2) Fingerprint Module: The heart of the fingerprint at- optimized for low power consumption. Also following mea-
tendance system is Fingerprint module. The system is using surements are taken to minimize power consumption. The
MIAXIS SM630 [4] fingerprint module. SM630 is an opti- back-lit of the display will turn off if the voltage is below
cal fingerprint verification module. It can support functions a certain level. The backlit is controlled using a transistor. If
such as fingerprint addition, deletion, verification, upload and the low battery condition occurs, microcontroller will turn off
download. The current consumption in the active mode is the transistor and backlit would be off.
only 80mA, so it is suitable for portable devices. Because PIC18F4550 can work from both internal and external
of integrated design, the size of the module is very small. It oscillators. USB communication requires external oscillator
uses TTL level standard serial interface at 57600bps baud rate to work properly. It will work from internal oscillator 8MHz
and it can store up to 768 fingerprints. when it is not using USB communication. During the USB
3) Graphic LCD: JHD12864E [5], a 128x64 graphic LCD communication, it will switch to external 20MHz oscillator.
is used as a display in the system. This LCD is based on The battery charge of the system is monitored by using the
Samsung KS0108 controller. circuit Fig. 4. This circuit will read the charge from battery
4) Memory: The attendance details are to be stored in whenever it is necessary thus saves the charge being drained
external memory. A 1Mbit E2 PROM AT24C1024 [6] is used out.
for this purpose. This is interfaced to microcontroller using
I2 C protocol. D. Mechanical Design
5) Buttons and Switches: The device is using a push button Since the device is used by the students in teenage, it has
as its main input which is called as Menu button. This can be to withstand rough and careless handling. It uses a rugged
used to select different options in the device. If the press in enclosure which is made up of plastic. In order to protect
menu button is less than 1 sec, cursor will change to next the fingerprint sensor from dust and moisture, it is placed in
option. If it is more than 1 sec, the highlighted option will be a inner cabinet. Only the sensor part would be visible and
selected. The device also have a power ON button and reset finger can be placed through the open part of that cabinet.
switch which is placed with batteries. Status LEDs are protected with LED caps. The USB port and
6) Status LEDs: The Device is using two LEDs for status DC adapter port is placed on left side.
indication. A power LED is used to give indication about The menu button is placed on the front side of casing. There
power status. There is a status LED which would indicate is a separate battery cabinet which can be opened and closed
the fingerprint status. by a lid. The reset button and power button is placed in the
battery cabinet. So these would not accessible to students.
B. Charger circuitry Only teacher can use these buttons. The power status LED is
Two Li-ion batteries having typical voltage of 3.7V is placed on the upper right corner of the casing. The fingerprint
connected in series, so that together they produce more than status LED is placed along with Menu button.
7.4V. A voltage regulator is used to convert this voltage to 5V.
The supply is controlled by a power ON switch and the power IV. GUI A PPLICATION
status would be notified by a LED. The circuit in Fig. 4 is used The host computer can communicate with the device using a
to monitor battery voltage. This circuit conserves the power GUI application called Fingerprint Attendance Data Manage-
by turning ON it only when required. When the transistor Q2 ment(ADM). The application is designed using Visual basic
is turned ON, then it will turn ON the PMOS also. Then the 2010 express edition [7].
battery voltage is fed to the PIC through a internal ADC and
is processed to monitor battery critical functions. A. Features of Fingerprint ADM
The circuit in Fig. 5 is a charger for Li-ion battery pack 1) Installation file: Installation file would be provided to
of 2 batteries. The adjustable voltage regulator LM317 is install in any Windows based system. It can be installed in
regulated to 8.4V. The transistor BC337 will cut off the ground any Windows XP and above systems. It requires .NET Frame-
connection when the current is zero. This circuit provides 1.2A work version 4 to operate. During installation of Fingerprint
charging current. So it takes less than 2 hours for charging a Attendance Data Management software, it will automatically
battery pack. check for .NET and installs if it is not already installed.
Fig. 7. Front panel

2) USB notifications: The Device would show the USB

connection status in the display top bar when it is connected
to the host computer using USB cable.
3) Battery charge indicator: The device monitors battery
and display charge status graphically.
Fig. 6. Graphical User Interface application 4) Menu button for all: Menu button would be used to se-
lect, change and other operations. This reduces the complexity
of the usage.
2) Excel file importing and exporting: It can be used to
import a list of students to the application and this data can
B. Installation and configuration
be transferred to the device through USB. Visual Basic uses
Microsoft’s Excel interface class to interface with Microsoft The software, Fingerprint Attendance Data Management,
Excel. It can read Excel file and can create new workbook is to be installed before using the device. Both device and
without opening Microsoft Excel application. Using Visual software is to be configured after installing software.
Basic, the software can read cell by cell details and write new 1) Software installation: The first step to use the device is
data into it. installing Fingerprint Attendance Data Management Software.
3) Automatic detection and data transfer through USB: A Start menu group along with Desktop shortcut would be
The software will automatically detect the device when it is created along with installation of the software. The software
connected to the USB port. Students’ lists can be transferred to can be uninstalled using the shortcut provided in Start menu.
the device using USB bus. Attendance data can be transferred 2) Configuring the device: After the installation of soft-
to the computer using Human Interface Device mode of USB ware, connect the device to the computer using the USB cable.
standard. Then the HID driver will be automatically installed.
4) Device notifications: When the USB is connected to the
Computer, it would be notified in system notification area of
C. First time operation
Windows operating system. The status will be displayed in the
GUI also. After configuring device, faculty has to do following oper-
B. Help documentation 1) Authentication: Faculty has to authenticate using pass-
The software provides two help documents, one for software word for opening the software.
help and other for device usage. They are compiled in to 2) New admin registration: This option is used for regis-
popular Compiled HTML(CHM) format. There is another help tering new fingerprint of the faculty. It is required because
file on how to install and configure the device. ABEE CHM the same fingerprint is used for logging in to Fingerprint
Maker [8] is used to compile different HTML help files to a attendance system while usage.
single CHM file.
D. Transfer students list
For transferring students list, the faculty has to create an
A. Device features Excel file containing students’ name and roll numbers.
1) Device security: Device is secured from unauthorized 1) Import Excel file in to the software: First step is import-
access by fingerprint authentication. Only authorised person ing the Excel file.
can access the device. He has to setup the device and select the 2) Send the saved list to the Device: After the successful
batch for attendance marking. The reset and power switch are connection notification, software can be used to send the
placed in inner cabinet of the device, so they are not accessible student’s details to the device. After sending lists, faculty can
to students. take the device to the class room for registration.
Fig. 8. Registration Menu

Fig. 10. A sample exported Excel file opened using Microsoft Excel

Fig. 9. Attendance marking and status LED

E. Registration
For registration, faculty has to authenticate using his regis-
tered fingerprint and select the batch for registration. In the
registration menu, list of roll numbers and a NEXT menu
would be displayed. In a single window, six roll numbers
would be displayed. Remaining lists can be accessed by
selecting NEXT.
After selecting a roll number, device would ask to place
finger for registration. By placing the finger, student can
1) Registration on different days: All the students need not
be registered on the first class. There is a provision to register
on different days. Fig. 11. The device prototype model

2) Add additional students after registration: Faculty can

add additional students using the software. If a student is
H. Transfer of attendance details
added, fingerprint registration of that student can be done.
1) Transfer attendance details to the computer: Device can
store one semester’s complete attendance details. These stored
F. Batch Selection
details can be transferred to the computer using Fingerprint
The system supports up to 3 batches at a time. Faculty can Data Management software. This is possible multiple times
select the batch using the menu button. After batch selection, in a semester and new data will be appended to the old. The
system checks whether all students on this batch are registered system can transfer the attendance details at any time.
or not. If any students are not registered, device will ask to 2) Export attendance details as Excel file: The transferred
select registration or attendance taking. attendance data can be exported as an Excel file. Fig. 10 shows
1) Multiple classes in one day: If there is more than one an exported Excel file which is opened using Microsoft Excel.
class in same day, there is a provision to mark different The excel file can calculate and display total days, number of
attendance on different hour on the same day. present days and percentage of attendance.
G. Attendance Marking
A prototype level implementation of Fingerprint attendance
Students can mark attendance after faculty selects the batch system is completed as in Fig. 11. This is a hand-held device
name. Students can place their finger and attendance would be which can be carried to the classroom. The device can be
marked if they haven’t marked their attendance already. The handed over to students and they can mark their attendance.
status LED would display colors according to the status of the The device is tested with students and it worked without any
attendance marking. It displays RED for no match, GREEN error. Fingerprint Attendance Data Management software is
for fingerprint match and ORANGE for already marked. The designed and created a setup file for the installation. It is
attendance marking menu will be displayed until the device is provided with a help file for installation and configuration.
switched off. The software is tested and was working perfectly.
Fig. 12. Software setup with help file

The Fingerprint attendance system and Fingerprint Data
Management Software has been successfully designed. The
designed fingerprint attendance system solves these issues by
the following means.
1) No time waste as the attendance is taken during lecture
without intervention of teacher
2) Mangaging the attendance is automated
3) No chance for fake attendance marking
One of the future enhancements possible is reducing the
size of the device by using SMD components. An option may
be provided to download whole fingerprint templates to the
computer from the device. So the students need not register
in another semester. Faculty can transfer the stored fingerprint
templates along with student list. The GLCD can be replaced
by touch screen GLCD so that buttons can be removed. So
push buttons can be removed. The current fingerprint module
uses a unique protocol and hence cannot be replaced with
similar modules from different companies. In order to make
a general purpose device, the system can be designed using
a fingerprint image sensor and a powerful DSP processor.
This enables the replacement of fingerprint image sensor from
another manufacturer.
[1] L. X. LI Jian-po, ZHU Xu-ning and Z. Zhi-ming, “Wireless fingerprint
attendance system based on zigbee technology,” in 2nd International
Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications (ISA), May 2010, pp.
1 – 4.
[2] Z. C. A. Kassem, M. Hamad and S. E. Dahdaah, “An rfid attendance and
monitoring system for university applications,” in 17th IEEE International
Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2010, pp. 851
– 854.
[3] “Pic18f4550 datasheet,” Microchip corporation, USA.
[4] “Sm-630 manual,” Miaxis Biometrics Co., China.
[5] “Jhd12864e datasheet,” JHD Electronics Co., Ltd, China.
[6] “Two-wire serial eeprom at24c1024,” Atmel Corporation., USA.
[7] “Visual basic express edition 2010,” Computer software, Microsoft Cor-
poration, USA, 2010.
[8] “Abee chm maker,” Computer software, AbeeTech, Belarus, 2008.

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