практична король 4

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Task 1

Reading sub-skills and strategies Sub-skill Number

Inferring meaning 3

Extensive reading 6

Prediction 5

Gist reading 4

Intensive reading 1

Skimming reading 7

Scanning reading 2

a. Reading to get detailed information from the text. (Sub-skill 1 - Intensive reading)

b. Reading a text to locate a specific piece of information such as a word or a number or a time. It is not
necessary to understand the whole text in order to do this. (Sub-skill 7 - Scanning reading)

c. Either guessing the meaning of new vocabulary in a text or understanding meaning or a message in the
text that is not immediately obvious. (Sub-skill 3 - Prediction)

d. Reading to get a general but not detailed understanding of the text. (Sub-skill 4 - Gist reading)

e. Also reading to get an overall but not detailed understanding of the text. (Sub-skill 5 - Intensive reading)

f. Reading longer texts frequently over a period of time. This is usually done independently and not in the
classroom. (Sub-skill 2 - Extensive reading)

g. Looking at headlines, pictures, typeface, and layout to guess what you think a text will be about. (Sub-skill
6 - Skimming reading)
Activities Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading

Find in the text the

description of the main
character and explain
how his nature influenced
his actions ✓

Divide the story into the

logical parts. Explain your
choice. ✓

Look at the title of the

story and say what the
text will be about. ✓

Compare the two

characters of the story.
Whom do you give
preference to? Why? ✓

Judging from the title of

the story in 2 groups
come up with the list of
the words you expect to
see in the text. ✓
Read and find the key
points that influenced the
development of the plot ✓

Complete the sentences

from the text and then
use them as a plan to
retell it. ✓

Read the story and write

an opinion essay on the
main problems raised in
it. ✓

Read out sentences with

modal verbs which
convey: possibility;
obligation; necessity.
Translate them into
Ukrainian and use in your
piece of advice for
travelers. ✓

Role play one of the

episodes from the story. ✓

Brainstorm the words

associated with a
person’s well-being. How
important is this notion
for life success? ✓
Work in groups and
present beauty spots of
the world you
recommend travelers to
see. ✓

Certainly, here are the explanations for the words:

Limousines: Limousines are long luxury cars, often associated with wealth and elegance. They are commonly
used for transportation services, special events, or by individuals who want a comfortable and stylish mode
of travel.

Homelessness: Homelessness refers to the state of being without a permanent, safe, and adequate place to
live. People who are homeless may live on the streets, in shelters, or in temporary accommodations. It is a
complex social issue with various causes, including economic hardship, mental health issues, and lack of
affordable housing.

Glamorous Lifestyle: A glamorous lifestyle is characterized by opulence, luxury, and an emphasis on beauty
and elegance. It often involves indulging in extravagant experiences, fashion, and activities that are
associated with a high social status and wealth.

HIV-Positive: HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, a virus that attacks the immune system,
weakening the body's ability to fight off infections. Being HIV-positive means that a person has tested
positive for the presence of HIV in their blood. It does not necessarily mean they have AIDS (Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome), but they are carriers of the virus. HIV is a serious health condition, but with
proper medical care, individuals can lead healthy lives.

Here are the matched words with their translations:


b) V) утекти; врятуватися N) втеча; порятунок


c) злодій

child abuse
a) жорстоке поводження з дитиною


d) красти

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