Tutorial Assignment 1

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1. Answer
A. Ragam bahasa yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut adalah ragam bahasa formal atau
B. Jawaban A didasarkan pada penggunaan frasa dan kata-kata yang menunjukkan tingkat
formalitas dalam komunikasi antara dua orang. Misalnya, "I would like to make an
appointment," "I will be available," dan "Could you bring me the outline of the project when
you come?" Semua frasa ini menunjukkan bahwa percakapan tersebut bersifat formal, yang
umumnya digunakan dalam konteks bisnis atau profesional.
C. Topik percakapan adalah "membuat janji temu untuk pertemuan proyek." Dalam percakapan ini,
A ingin membuat janji temu untuk pertemuan proyek, dan B menawarkan dua opsi tanggal.
Selanjutnya, A memilih hari Senin dan B meminta A untuk membawa ringkasan proyek saat

2. My office is a sanctuary of productivity and creativity. Located in a quiet corner of a modern office
building, it offers a perfect blend of functionality and comfort. The centerpiece of this workspace is a
spacious desk, strategically placed by a large window to let in an abundance of natural light. The desk
is neatly organized with a computer, a variety of stationery, and a few well-placed potted plants that
bring a touch of greenery to the surroundings.

A comfortable chair sits at the desk, ergonomically designed to support long working hours. The soft
glow of a desk lamp illuminates the space, creating a cozy atmosphere during late hours. Adjacent to
the desk is a well-organized bookshelf, filled with a diverse collection of books and reference
materials, serving as a constant source of inspiration and knowledge.

The highlight of this office is the subtle incorporation of nature through the presence of plants, which
not only add a vibrant, refreshing touch but also enhance air quality. The office exudes a sense of
tranquility, offering an ideal setting for focused work and creative brainstorming.

In this space, I feel not only productive but also connected to nature, which instills a sense of calm
and inspiration. It's the perfect place to embark on any professional journey and let creativity flow

3. Memo
a. The sender of the memo is Daniel Livingstone, the director of personnel.
b. The memo is addressed to "All Employees."
c. The memo is about the "November Growth Initiative: Punctuality." It reminds employees to
be punctual and emphasizes the value of being on time. The company plans to track start
times throughout the month, and the department with the most on-time employees can receive
a half-day of paid time off as an incentive.
d. The department with the most on-time employees will get the benefit of a half-day of paid
time off.

Fakultas : FKIP Sumber Soal

Jurusan : Mata Kuliah Umum
Kode MK & Nomor
Kode/Nama : MKWI4201 / Bahasa Inggris / 3
Nomor Modul KB
Mata Kuliah SKS
Penulis : Istyasmi Suminar, S.Pd., M.A. Modul 3 KB 1
Penelaah : Vica Ananta Kusuma, S.Pd.,
Soal/Institusi M.A. / Universitas Terbuka
Tahun : 2022
Butir Soal No. : 4
Skor Maks : 30

Capaian Pembelajaran: Mahasiswa dapat menulis email informal sederhana secara akurat,
jelas, wajar, dan benar.
Indikator:Jika diberikan deskripsi suatu situasi, mahasiswa dapat menulis email/balasan
email dalam bahasa Inggris sebanyak 50-100 kata.

Subject : Inquiry About Downloading My City Got Talent Competition Forms

Dear committee My City Got Talent

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in participating in the
My City Got Talent competition, but I have been unable to locate the necessary forms for
application on the official website. Could you please provide guidance on where and how I can
download these forms?

Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.


Muhamad Iqbal Lutfi

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