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• Produces 4 %

Initially introduced
of the world’s
on Baba Budan Hills
Coffee coffee.
15˚C - 28˚C 150 - 200 cm - even today
- (Plantation Crop) • Arabica –
cultivation is
Good quality
confined to Nilgiri in
coffee, great
Karnataka, Kerala and
demand in
Tamil Nadu

• Rubber is an
Kerala, Tamil Nadu, important
25˚C and Moist Karnataka and industrial raw
(Plantation Crop) Tropical and Sub
and humid 200 cm - Andaman & Nicobar material.• Ranks
& (Equatorial Tropical Areas
climate Islands, Garo hills of fifth among the
Meghalaya World’s Natural
Rubber producers.

• Main raw
Maharasthra, Gujarat, material for
High temperature
210 frost free Madhya Pradesh, cotton textile
and bright days
Cotton (Kharif Light rainfall Karnataka, Andhra industry.
sunshine for or Black and requires 6 -
Crop) Pradesh, Tamil • India is the
its growth are irrigation Soil 8 months to
Nadu, Punjab, third largest
needed mature
Haryana and Uttar producer of
Pradesh cotton in the
• Known as
Well the golden
drained West Bengal, fibre
Jute - fertile soils Bihar, • Used for
in the - Assam, Orissa making gunny
during growth
flood and Meghalaya bags, mats,
plains ropes, yarn,
carpets and
other artefacts.

• India is the
largest producer
as well as
consumer of
pulses in the
world.• These
are the major
source of
protein in the
Pulses (Tur, Urad,
Need vegetarian diet.•
Moong are Kharif
less Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Major pulses
moisture and Pradesh, Rajasthan, grown in India are
Crops. Masur, - - -
survive even in Maharashtra and Tur (Arhar), Urad,
Peas, Gram
dry conditions Karnataka Moong, Masur,
are Rabi
Peas and Gram.•
Leguminous crop
(except ARHAR) –
Help in restoring
fertility by fixing
Nitrogen from the
air. Therefore
grown in rotation
with other crops.
India is the largest producer of oilseeds
in the world.• Covers 12
Groundnut is a Kharif% of the total Crop
and accounts forcropped area of about
50 % of majorthe country.• oilseeds
produced inMain oilseeds India. Andhra
Pradeshproduced in India is the leading
producerare – groundnut,
followed by Tamilmustard, coconut,
Nadu, Karnataka,sesamum, Gujarat,
Maharasthra.•soyabean, castor Linseed
and Mustardseeds, cotton
are Rabi Crops.•seeds, linseed and
Oilseed - - - - Sesamum is a Kharifsunflower.• Used
s Crop in north and Rabias a medium of
Crop in South.• Castorcooking.• Used as
Seed is grown both asa raw material in
Kharif and Rabi seasonthe production of
crop.soap, cosmetics
and ointments.• After extracting oil
residue is used as cattle fodder.
Q24.) Distinguish between subsistence and commercial agriculture

Ans= The differences are :-


1.) Subsistence agriculture is practiced on 1.) commercial agriculture is done on

small patches of land with the help of large scale with the use of huge
primitive tools like doe, hoe and digging doses of modern inputs eg- HYV
sticks. Seeds, chemical fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides.
2.) Farmers and his family produce cereals
for themselves and for the local market. 2.) crops are grown with a view to 3 3) It is labour intensive where most of
the export them to other countries. Export them to other counteries
3) It is labour intensive where most of the
activities are done by family and community 3) It is capital intensive where much
labour of the work is done by machines
4) It is practiced in thickly populated areas
4) It is practiced in sparsely populated
5) Wheat, maize, millets etc are raised
5) Cotton, jute,coffee etc are raised
Q25.) Write important features of plantation agriculture?

Ans= Important features of plantation agriculture :-

Plantation is a type of commercial farming. In this type of farming, a single crop is grown on a large area

The plantation has an interface of agriculture and industry plantation cover large tracts of land, using capital intensive inputs,
with the help of migrant laborers.

All the produce is used as raw material in respective industries. Since the production is mainly for markets, a well developed
network of transport and communication connecting the plantation areas, processing industries and markets play an important
role in the development of plantations.

In India tea, coffee, rubber, sugarcane and banana etc. are important plantation crops.

Q 26.) Explain the technological and institutional reforms introduced by the government to improve the agricultural production in
Ans = In the 1980’s and 1990’s a comprehensive land development programme was initiated, which included both institutional and
technical reforms

Technological reforms :-

Highyielding and early maturing seeds are developed. They are now being increasingly used to raise productivity.

Chemical fertilizers are being used on a large scale to increases farm yields and productivity. They are now being
supplemented by bio fertilizers which greatly add to the fertility of the soil.

Irrigation methods- the flooding of water is now being replaced by drip- irrigation and the use of sprinklers.

The water pump replaced the Persian wheel, the plough by tiller and harrow drawn by the tractor, the bullock cart by truck

Institutional reforms :-

□ LAND REFORMS – it was the main focus of our ‘first five year plan’. The right of inheritance had already lead to fragmentation
of land holidays necessitating consolidation of land holdings.
a) Consolidation of land holiding - the government took the step of promoting consolidation of small and scattered
holdings through chakbandi. The larger plots have become economically more productive. They save farmer’s time,
money and energy.
b) Abolition of zamindari – zamindari system was abolished. Farmers became land owners. Earlier cultivated land was
owned by the zamindars who themselves did not cultivate the land, instead they exploited the actual cultivators. On
becoming the owners of the land, the peasants took cultivation seriously. Agriculture production started increasing.

Provision for crop insurance – provision for crop insurance against drought, flood, cyclone, fire, and disease was
another step to provide protection to the farmers against losses caused by these calamities.

Loan facilities– grameen banks, cooperative societies and banks for providing loan facilities to the farmers at lower
rates of interest were some important steps in this direction.

Special bulletins and agricultural programme – special weather bulletins and agricultural programme for farmers
were introduced on the radio and TV.

Minimum support price – the government also announces minimum support price, remunerative and procurement
prices for important crops to check the exploitation of farmers by speculators and middle men.

OTHER SCHEMES – kisan credit card, personal accident insurance scheme are some other schemes introduced by the government of
India for the benefit of farmers.

Q 27.) What are the concerted efforts made by the government of India to modernize agriculture?

Ans- Considering the importance of agriculture in India, the government of India made concerted efforts to modernize agriculture:-

□ Establishment of Indian council of agricultural research and agricultural universities.

□ Providing veterinary services and animal breeding centers
□ Horticulture development.
□ Research and development in the field of meteorology and weather forecast were given priority for improving Indian
□ Apart from this, improving the rural infrastructure was considered essential for the same.
Q28.) Why are farmers in India withdrawing their investment from agriculture?

Ans- Farmers are withdrawing their investment from agriculture for the following reasons:-

□ Today, Indian farmers are facing a big challenge from international competition
□ Our government is going ahead with reduction in the public investment in agriculture sector particularly in irrigation, power,
rural roads, market and mechanization.
□ Subsidy on fertilizer is decreased leading to increase in the cost of production.
□ Moreover, reduction in import duties on agriculture products have proved detrimental to agriculture in the country.

Q29.) Write short note on horticulture.

Ans- India is the largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world. India is a producer of tropical as well as temperate fruits. India
is well known for:-
□ Mangoes of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
□ Oranges of kerela,Mizoram, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
□ Lichi and guava of Utter Pradesh and Bihar.
□ Pineapples of Meghalaya.
□ Grapes of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra
□ Apples, pears, apricots and walnuts of Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.

There is a great demand of these the world over. India produces about 13% of the world’s vegetable. It is an important producer of
pea, cauliflower, onion, cabbage, tomato, brinjal and potato.

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