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it was constructed between 1955 and 1957, using mainly concrete and iron.

The stadium’s maximum height is 48 Sarriá, along with Pedralbes, are the wealthiest districts in the city. Sarriá is a place where acquiring a home was and
01.Camp Nou metres, and it covers a surface area of 55,000 square metres (250 metres long and 220 metres wide). 08. Sarrià
still is a true luxury (that being said, it isn't much different in the rest of Barcelona nowadays since the price of
How to get there: Metro L1, L7 stop Catalunya. | Bus:9, 14, 16, 17, 24, 28, 41, 42, 55, 58, 59, 66, 141. |
housing has increased enormously and proportionately in all areas).The Passeig de la Bonanova and the calle Major
de Sarriá are the defining routes on this walk. For a long time was a separate village outside of the city and this gave
Metro L2, L3, L4 stop Passeig de Gràcia.
Monday to Saturday: 9:30 am to 7 pm / Sundays 9:30 am to 2:30 pm.
rise to the independent character that has always marked the area's way of life.
How to get there: Metro L6(FGC), stop Sarria. 3.Diagonal to Collserola
JUNE 2013

01.Camp Nou
The University area of the UPC brings multitude of Rationalist buildings of the 1950s like:
02. Zona Universitaria UPC
02. Zona Universitaria UPC 09. Bellesguard In that place was an old castle, built by the King of Catalunya Martí the Humane, who had here his summer residence
a.Universidad de Derecho,Diagonal 684, Architect: Guillermo Giráldez, Xavier Subias
b.Escola d’Estudis Empresarials ,Diagonal 694, Architect: Javier Carvajal
in 1410. In the seventeenth century was a refuge for the bandit Serrallonga and in 1900 Gaudí took the few remnants
of the old castle(walls, courtyard, etc..) to build the new Bellesguard, a modernist house. That's why the house has 03. Palau Reial
an external appearance of the castle, including the battlements.
c.Universitat d’Historia,Baldiri Reixac street s/n, Architect: Robert Terrradas i Via
Architect: Antoni Gaudí.
04. Business District
How to get there: Metro: L3 stop Palau reial. | Bus:7, 33, 67, 68, 74,75
Address: Bellesguard, 16 - 20
How to get there: Metro L7 (FGC), stop Tibidabo. | Bus: 17, 22, 58, 73, 75, 60 y 196. 05. Illa Diagonal
06. Bonanova, houses 50’s
07. Ferrater FGC
03. Palau Reial
In the past it was used by the Spanish Royal family when visiting the city. Given National Historic status in 1931. 10. IMO The characteristics of this architectural project are based on the actual location of the building, in a fragile landscape 08. Sarrià B
Now open to the public, it has a museum with a permanent collection including decorative ceramic pieces, Catalan environment situated on the limit between the built city and the countryside, building a large roof whose geometry, in the
and Arabic pottery and works by Miró and Picasso. The main access to the building from Diagonal Avenue is
presided by a beautiful sculpture designed by Eulàlia Fàbregas de Sentmenat, and that bears the meaningful name
manner of artificial topography, characterises its image by giving priority to the orientation and the magnificent views.
The Institute for Ocular Microsurgery (IMO) is an ophthalmology clinic dedicated to treating ocular diseases as well as to
09. Bellesguard
of Mediterrània. Meandering through the gardens one finds a fountain created by Antoni Gaudí . protecting and conserving vision. Access from the street is via an exterior walkway situated in the main façade, protected
by different roofs whose purpose is to filter the sunlight, while forming a whole that folds at the top part and is structured
with overhangs acting as visors to protect this façade from excessive sunlight. This produces a filtered sunlight gradation
10. IMO
Architect: Eusebi Bona and Fransesc de Paula Nebot. / Nicolau M. Rubió i Tudurí (gardens).
aimed at providing a gradual increase of comfort for the users of this building. Under this umbraculum is a terraced space
with landscaped areas. 11. CosmoCaixa
Address: Av Diagonal, 686./ Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm.
How to get there: Metro: L3 stop Palau reial. | Bus:7, 33, 67, 68, 74,75 Architect: Josep Llinàs i Carmona
Address: Ronda de Dalt - Bellesguard street
12. Avinguda Tibidabo
more at:
How to get there: Metro L7 (FGC), stop Tibidabo. | Bus: 17, 22, 58, 73, 75, 126, 131 and 196. 13.Tibidabo and Collserola
The building was built between 1904-1909 by Josep Domènech i Estapà to serve as an asylum for the blind which
04. Business District
In this district have been built skyscraper and corporate buildings of important businesses, by this several important 11. CosmoCaixa closed in 1979. The building was renovated, retaining the original facade, and an expansion took place bringing the
Catalonian architects worked here.
building to four times its original size. An expansion of the building took place in 2004. CosmoCaixa has a large spiral
a.“La Caixa” tower,Diagonal 621, Architect: José Antonio Coderch de Sentmenat walkway that takes visitors from the basement to the 5th floor. The centerpiece of the walkway is an Amazonian tree.
b.BBVA corporate building ,Diagonal 662, Architect: Josep Mª Fargas & Enric Tous
c.Trade Towers,Carles III Avenue 92, Architect: José Antonio Coderch de Sentmenat Architect: Esteve and Robert Terradas i Via
d.Atalaya Tower,Diagonal - Sarria Avenue, Architect: Federico Correa Address: Isaac Newton, 26 / Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00am to 8:00pm.
e.Atlantico Tower,Balmes street 168, Architect: Fransesc Mitjans more at:
How to get there: Metro L7 (FGC), stop Tibidabo. | Bus: 17, 22, 58, 73, 75, 60 y 196.
How to get there: Metro L3 stop Maria Cristina. Bus:6, 7, 16, 33, 34, 63, 66, 42, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 78.

Due to its size, the complex of L'illa Diagonal was known at first as the "Superblock": the extent of the area occupied 12. Avinguda Tibidabo The Tramvia Blau, which dates from 1901, is the survivor of the old Barcelona. It runs 1,276 metres up to the foot of
05. Illa Diagonal the Tibidabo funicular, past Modernista and Noucentista buildings that give way to nature and splendid views of the
and the impact on the city resulting from the construction of the complex, required an international consultation for
ideas. The final project had to combine municipal needs concerned with street layout, the creation of free space and city.
amenities for the district of Les Corts, with the range of private construction envisaged, for commercial, hotel and
office use. Commercial area: 35.000 m2, Office area: 48.000 m2, Façade length: 334 m.
Address: Avinguda del Tibidabo / From 2 April to 21 June: Saturday, Sunday and from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm
Architect: Rafael Moneo more at:
Address: Av. Diagonal 557. / Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 21:30. How to get there: Metro L7 (FGC), stop Tibidabo. | Bus: 17, 22, 58, 73, 75, 126, 131 and 196.
more at:
How to get there: Metro L3 stop Maria Cristina. | Bus: 6, 7, 33, 34, 63, 66, 67, 78.

The most important catalan architects of 50’s,60’s 70’s designed residential building in this district of the city. Tibidabo is a mountain overlooking Barcelona. At 512 meters it is the tallest mountain in the Serra de Collserola.
06. Bonanova, houses 50’s 13.Tibidabo and Collserola Rising sharply to the north-west, it affords spectacular views over the city and the surrounding coastline.
There is an amusement park, a telecommunications tower (Torre de Collserola) designed by Norman Foster, and a
a.Dwellingss block ,General Mitre 1-13, Architect: Federico Barba Corsini Catholic church, the Temple de Sagrat Cor, at the top,designed by Enric Sagnier all of which are visible from most of
b.Seida dwellings block,Carles III Avenue 92, Architect: Fransesc Mitjans the city.
c.Cotxeres de Sarrià,Manuel de Girona 75, Architect: José Antonio Coderch de Sentmenat
Architect: Temple de Sagrat Cor by Enric Sagnier
Collserola tower by Norman Foster.
How to get there: Metro FGC stop Les Tres Torres /L3 stop Maria Cristina. | Bus: 6, 16, 14, 34, 70, 74. Address: Avinguda del Tibidabo / From 2 April to 21 June: Saturday, Sunday and from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm
How to get there: Tibidabo can be reached by funicular railway

07. Ferrater FGC The demolition of the old workshops in Sarrià and the cover of the rails train in this zone provides a great plaza and
the possibility of two new buildings .

Architect: Carlos Ferrater

Address: Vía Augusta – C/ Vergós.
more at:
3.Diagonal to Collserola
JUNE 2013

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