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Introduction of HRM

Discuss the operative functions of human resource manager.

State the difference between personnel management and Human resource management.
Discuss the objectives of human resource management in organization.
Explain the concept of KRA and KPI.

Human Resource Planning & Man-Power Planning

Define KRA and KPI. (10)

Discuss the objectives of Man-Power Planning in organizations.
Discuss Demand and supply forecasting.
Short note on job enrichment and job enlargement.
What is Job Analysis?
-JD (Description) Task
1) Designation
2) Location
3) Profile Summary
4) Job Title
5) Terms & Conditions
-JS (Specification) Person
1) Skills
2) Qualifications
3) Experience

Recruitment and Selection

State the sources of recruitment. (5)

Internal Sources of recruitment

-Job Rotation
External Sources of recruitment
-Employee Reference
-Consultancy Hiring
-Job Portals
-Head Hunting

Discuss the process of Selection. (5)

Discuss the selection error.

-Halo Effect (Positive to Negative)

-Horn Effect (Negative to Positive)
-Contrast Error
-Stereotype Error
-System Error

Define Layoff and Retrenchment. (5)

-Layoff means temporary separation of the employment.
-Retrenchment means permanent separation.

Training and Development

Difference between Training and Development.

What is Training Need Analysis (TNA) ?
-Personal Oriented Need
-Occupational Need/Task Oriented

Discuss the process of Training Session. (10)

-Identifying the Organizational Need
1) Define Department objectives
2) Measure the training need analysis
3) Design the Training Calendar
4) Arrange/Initiate the training session
5) Implementation of training session
6) Evaluation of training session
7) Reaction, Learning, Behaviour and Outcome

Discuss different types of training.

-On-the-job training
1) Traineeship
2) Job Rotation
3) Field Sales Experience
4) Sensitivity Training Session#
5) T-Group Training (For Blue Collar worker)
6) In Basket Method
7) Committee Assignment
-Off-the-job training

1) Coaching
2) Mentoring
3) Seminar
4) Case Study Analysis
5) Webinar

Define Management Development Program (MDP).

Performance Appraisal

Discuss the objectives of performance appraisal.

State the difference between performance appraisal and potential appraisal.
Discuss the error in performance appraisal.
Discuss the techniques of performance appraisal.
Career Planning.
What is career? Discuss the stages of career planning.
Short note on Management By Objective (MBO)
Advantages of MBO.

Exit Interview

Discuss the causes of employee resignation and employee termination.

Employee Resignation
-Non cooperation from colleague and manager
-Role mismatch
-CTC expectation
-Cultural mismatch
-Managerial biasness

Employee Termination
-Violation of law
-Non cooperation with management
-Stealing the official documents
-Misrepresentation of the fact
-Misleading the other personnel
-Non completion of the task

State the difference between Layoff & Retrenchment.

Layoff- Temporary separation
Retrenchment- Permanent separation

Strategic Human Resource Management

Define strategy. State the difference between HRM and Strategic HRM.
-Strategy means action plan and it follows a cycle of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA).
-Personnel Management focus for health, safety and security and welfare amenities.
-HRM focus on CV sourcing, employee hiring, training and development, performance appraisal
and payroll management.
-Strategic HRM
1) Minimize rate of attrition
2) To maintain employee stability
3) Talent acquisition
4) Knowledge nurturing (MDP)

Discuss the Strategic HRM model or ULRICH model.

-Co working space facility

McKinsey's-7s Framework.
-Shared values

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