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3. Subhag Dhokle - @bambusa.

homestay - Started in 2018

Namaste! Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today as Subhag

Dhokle, the founder of @bambusa.homestay, a humble venture that began its
journey in 2018. In the world of hospitality, we have faced unprecedented
challenges, particularly during the tumultuous period of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Today, I am honored to share my experiences, shedding light on the challenges
and opportunities that came our way in the homestay business and how we not
only survived but thrived by adapting to the changing times.

Challenges Faced:

When the pandemic hit, we faced a multitude of challenges that shook the very
foundation of our business. Firstly, being situated in an unfamiliar and lesser-
known location posed a significant hurdle in promoting our destination. Adding to
that, the lack of adequate government promotion further compounded our
struggles. Moreover, the absence of proper basic infrastructure made it difficult
to provide seamless experiences to our guests. As a result, there was a decline in
enquiries for our homestay, making us wonder about the future of our dream

Embracing Opportunities:

However, amidst these adversities, we recognized the opportunities that lay

before us. With ample time on our hands, we took the chance to renovate and
elevate our homestay to provide the best possible experience for our guests. By
extending our accommodation options, we were able to cater to larger groups,
broadening our potential customer base. Moreover, we embraced the virtual
world, leveraging digital platforms to promote our homestay in the right markets,
reaching out to travel enthusiasts worldwide. We devised a comprehensive
marketing and promotion plan, offering value-added services and local excursions
to create unforgettable memories for our guests.


In conclusion, our homestay business faced numerous challenges during the

COVID-19 pandemic, but we emerged stronger by embracing change and
innovation. We navigated through the difficulties of promoting an unfamiliar
destination and the lack of government support by leveraging digital platforms
and our passion for hospitality. Adapting to the changing landscape, we turned
challenges into opportunities, renovating and expanding our offerings to cater to
diverse guests. Today, I am proud to share that our perseverance and
determination have paid off, and we continue to provide exceptional experiences
at @bambusa.homestay.

As we move forward, let us remember that challenges are not insurmountable

roadblocks; they are stepping stones to growth and progress. Let us all learn from
the experiences of the past and stay committed to embracing changes that come
our way. Together, we shall rise above any adversity and create a brighter future
for our businesses and the world of hospitality. Thank you.

4: Sujay Kartikya - ViajIndia - Started in 2021

I am truly delighted to stand before you today to share the remarkable journey of
ViajIndia, a travel startup that embarked on its path in the challenging year of
2021. My name is Sujay Kartikya, and I am honored to represent a team that
dared to dream during one of the most uncertain times in recent history. Today,
I'll take you through our remarkable voyage, the challenges we faced, and the
opportunities we seized in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The inception of ViajIndia was driven by a passion for exploration and an undying
love for the rich tapestry of cultures that make up our incredible nation, India.
However, venturing into the world of travel during a pandemic was no small feat.
Our journey was sprinkled with challenges that tested our determination and
innovative spirit.


Our very first challenge was understanding the intricate dynamics of a market
already saturated with established players. Being newcomers, we needed to
unravel the complexities of this industry. We reached out to key stakeholders for
insights, but the lack of familiarity with the business slowed down our progress.
The absence of face-to-face meetings, a result of the pandemic's restrictions,
presented another hurdle. The essence of personal interaction was missed,
making it harder to connect and build relationships.
Yet, challenges are often the stepping stones to greatness, and ViajIndia was no
exception. With determination and resilience, we embraced these hurdles and
transformed them into opportunities.


The pandemic gifted us something invaluable – time. It provided us with the

precious resource to delve deep into research and identify the untapped potential
within our chosen niche. By connecting virtually with industry experts, we
harnessed the power of technology to gain valuable insights and acquire the
know-how required to navigate this complex landscape.

Furthermore, the gift of time allowed us to meticulously craft our product

offerings. Our dedicated team invested countless hours in research and
innovation, ensuring that our travel experiences were not just unique, but also
aligned with the evolving needs of our customers. This commitment to creativity
enabled us to stand out and present a fresh perspective to our clients.

Our journey with ViajIndia is a testament to the human spirit's ability to adapt and
innovate, even in the face of adversity. The challenges we encountered served as
catalysts for growth, while the opportunities that emerged pushed us to explore
new horizons.


In conclusion, I stand before you today as a proud representative of ViajIndia, a

startup that braved the storm of uncertainty and emerged stronger and more
resilient. Our story is a tribute to the power of passion, the strength of teamwork,
and the infinite possibilities that lie within even the most challenging situations.

Thank you for lending your ears to our tale. Here's to the spirit of travel, to the
indomitable human spirit, and to the incredible journey that is ViajIndia.

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