Bar Chart Sample 3

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The provided bar charts give information about how many hours people spent at work in the

industrial sector in certain European countries in 2002.

Overall, what stands out from the graphs is that the majority of workers dedicated nearly 40
hours to their work except in France. Very few worked for less than 30 hours in all countries.

Moving on to further details, in Sweden, exactly 80% of industrial sector employees spent 36 to
40 hours at work, which is the highest among all nations surveyed. Just below 40% worked for
31-35 and 41-45 hours while the figures for other working durations did not exceed 20%. The
same pattern can be observed in Denmark and the UK, but the latter had more people devoting
more than 50 hours to their work than any other country at approximately 20%.

A closer look at the details reveals that half the workers in this sector in France worked for 31-
35 hours, which was around 15% higher than the those spending 36-40 hours. Ranked third was
the number of people who spared 46 to 50 hours for their jobs. The remaining figures varied at
more or less 10%.

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