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Gantt Chart for a PhD student workng n an Arts dscplne

Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4

Tasks Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Organse supervson meetng schedule
Fnalse topc
Locate resources- prntng and
photocopyng access n department
Arrange workspace at home – get dal-n
dentfy databases and search terms
dentfy respondents
Draft ntervew questons

Draft research questons and ams
Readng target: 5 artcles per week
Draft project outlne
Make notes and summares of relevant
dentfy theoretcal approaches and
dentfy and begn to engage wth key
theoretcal texts
Draft chapter outlne for thess
Draft confrmaton report and tmelne
Revse and edt conf report

Professonal Development:
Conferences and semnar attendance
Software courses – NVVO; EndNote
Language development – oral
presentaton course

Holdays (4 weeks)

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