An Elephant in The Garden Intro

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An Elephant in the Garden

Looking at the Front Cover

1.Who do you think the main characters will be?

_______________________ 2. What else can you see on the
front cover?__________________________ 3. When do you
think the story is set?_______________________________
4.What clues do you get from the picture on the front?

Looking at the Blurb

5. In what year is the story set?

___________________________________ 6. What important
historical event was taking place at this time?
___________ 7. What country is the city of
Dresden in?__________ 8.Who does Elizabeth
live with?________________ 9. How is their
home destroyed?_________________
10.What is the weather like?________________
11.Who must they escape from?
_________________ 12. What extra difficulty have they got to
cope with?_ _________________________________________

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