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Module 5&6.


Assoc. Prof. Ruthela P. Payawal

Topic Content with Corresponding Learning Objectives:

1. The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the future of work:

• Describe the role of AI and automation in various industries.
• Explore the potential effects of AI on employment opportunities.
• Identify strategies for adapting and thriving in a digitally-driven workforce.

2. Ethical considerations of emerging technologies:

• Recognize the ethical dilemmas raised by emerging technologies.
• Analyze the potential impacts of facial recognition, genetic engineering,
autonomous vehicles, and data collection on individuals and society. –
• Develop ethical guidelines and considerations for the responsible use of
emerging technologies.

3. Enhancing human capabilities through technology:

• Identify different types of assistive technologies and their applications.
• Understand how prosthetics, brain-computer interfaces, and other technologies
enhance human capabilities.
• Evaluate the impact of assistive technologies on the quality of life for individuals
with disabilities.

4. The psychology of technology adoption:

• Analyze the sociological and psychological factors that influence technology
• Assess the impact of technology use on mental health and social
• Develop strategies for promoting responsible and healthy technology use.

5. The future of healthcare:

• Identify and describe the advancements in medical technology and their
impact on healthcare, i.e. gene therapy, stem cell therapy, etc.
• Explore the benefits and challenges of remote care, diagnostic accuracy, and
patient outcomes.
• Analyze the potential of medical technologies to revolutionize the healthcare

6. The intersection of technology and education:

• Evaluate the role of technology in education and its potential benefits.
• Analyze the impact of virtual reality, online learning, and personalized tools
on educational outcomes.
• Identify the challenges and potential solutions associated with integrating
technology into educational settings.

7. Building meaningful human connections in a digital world:

• Understand the impact of social media and online communities on human
• Analyze the challenges and benefits of virtual reality in building authentic
• Develop strategies for promoting positive online interactions and combating
issues such as cyberbullying and digital addiction.

8. Environmental sustainability and technological innovation:

• Evaluate the potential of technology to address environmental challenges.
• Identify innovative solutions for climate change, renewable energy, and
sustainable agriculture, e.g. Use of GMO in agriculture
• Understand the importance of technological innovation in achieving
environmental sustainability.
9. The future of transportation:
• Analyze the potential impact of emerging technologies on transportation
• Evaluate the benefits and challenges of electric and autonomous vehicles,
hyperloop systems, and drones in transportation.
• Identify the implications of emerging technologies on urban planning and
environmental sustainability.

10. Ensuring equity and inclusivity in a technology-driven world:

• Understand the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusivity in technology
development and deployment.
• Evaluate the potential biases and limitations of technology.
• Identify strategies for ensuring equitable access to and benefits from
technological advancements.


1. For this activity, you will have to divide the class into 10 groups (alphabetically
2. Your group number will correspond to your topic number in the content, e.g. Grp 1
will do Topic #1.
3. Prepare a ppt presentation through CANVA in at most 15 minutes each group. Your
discussion should be recorded in CANVA, then you will just post the link at MS Teams.
4. Your guide for your presentation are limited to your objectives. No extra information
but you may just include lots of examples. Just satisfy each of the objectives.

Note: I have been thinking of how we can discuss topics that are more recent and
more mind boggling. I think these topics are the ones that we are facing today, not
outdated! However, I cannot do all of them altogether. Hence, let us help one
another. Iniisip ko sana for this week is to give a recorded lecture on GMO,
Nanotechnolgy & Stem Cell, but those are quite limiting compared to the volumes of
information that we can instead learn.

We will start discussing your output in a synch meet in class in the week of January 29
and Feb 5. I will be in the boondocks and seas again starting Friday till Friday of next
week, I cannot promise to have a good signal in the area.

This will be your last task. I will give you your Final exam online, multiple choice on Feb
10. While on the field I hope and will work on giving all your finished tasks back.

God bless you all the time! Take care!

Mam Payawal :)

Today is holy to our Lord

So don’t be sad
The joy that the Lord gives you
Makes you strong

Nehemiah 8:10

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