Deities of Krynn

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Deities of Krynn

The gods of Krynn are very active in the lives of the people of Krynn. Many of them frequently roam the mortal world in
a variety of guises. They work to maintain the world, but all of them have different ways of going about it. For example,
Takhisis, the major goddess of evil, believes in subjugating the world to bring order. Paladine, the major god of good, tries
to educate the people to bring about order, and Gilean, the major god of neutrality believes that mortals have to be able to
choose their own path to have order. The gods of the three alignments (Good, Evil, and Neutrality) form the Balance of

The Gods of Good

(Bah’Mut in Istar; Draco Paladin in Ergoth; Thak the Hammer in Thorbardin;
E’li in Silvanesti; Fizban in Balifor and Goodlund)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Knowledge, Light, Order
Province: Order, hope, light, redemption, good dragons, rulership
Symbol: Silver triangle; Platinum Dragon; Platinum Anvil
Colors: Silver and White

Paladine (pal-uh-deen) was one of the first gods summoned by the High God
from the Beyond. He represents the divine power of majesty, and is patron deity
to the gods of Good. He supports the soul’s drive to strive for greatness, and is
representative of leadership. He is also representative of the ideal of redemption,
striving to bring those who have fallen to darkness back into the light.

Paladine is patron of the Knights of the Rose. He is also the highest deity of the elves, who referred to him as E’li. Paladins
especially flock to his cause. Paladine is husband to Mishakal, and father of Kiri-Jolith, Habbakuk, and Solinari. He is
advised by Majere. Paladine is opposed to all the gods of Evil, but especially to Takhisis.

(Bearer of Light; The Blu Lady in Hylo; Lightbringer in Solamnia;
Mesalax in Thorbardin; Mishas in Ergoth; Quen Illumini in Qualinesti;
Quenesti Pah in Silvanesti)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Life, Light, Peace, Twilight
Province: Healing, Compassion, Beauty, Love, Family
Symbol: Blue infinity sign
Colors: Sky Blue

Mishakal (mish-uh-kul) is goddess of healing and restoration, both in body and in the
spirits of mortals. She is also patron of motherhood, and seeks to restore those things
that were lost. She is also goddess of compassion and love. Her symbol is a the
Constellation Infinity. Her artifact is the Blue Crystal Staff of Healing, which was
owned by the plains barbarian chieftess known as Goldmoon.

God of compassion, healing, and love, Mishakal is widely worshiped by healers and
community guardians. Throughout history, she has reached out to chosen heroes to
soothe others' suffering. Her faithful offer healing and solace to all—even enemies.
(Dreamsender; Manthus in Ergoth; Mantis of the Rose in Qualinesti;
Matheri in Silvanesti)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Knowledge, Order
Province: Meditation, discipline, thought, contemplation, order
Symbol: Copper spider; Mantis; Rose
Colors: Copper and Red

Majere (mah-jeer) represents the divine power of discipline, seeking to

improve the soul through hard work, practice, and austerity. He works more
as a mentor than a savior, teaching mortals to look within themselves for

Austere and aloof, Majere is the god of meditation and discipline. Monks, his
most devoted followers, honor him by leading lives of quiet contemplation in
remote monasteries. Many orphans are raised in the monasteries of Majere;
some become monks themselves, while those who leave the monastic life often
take the surname Majere out of respect.

(The Bison of Heaven; The Sword of Justice; Corij in Ergoth;
Kijo the Blade in Thorbardin; Quetzal in Nordmar)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Order, War
Province: Honor, war, justice, courage, heroism, solidarity
Symbol: Bison's horns; Horned battle axe
Colors: Brown and White

Kiri-Jolith (kee-ree-jo-lith) represents the divine power of unity. He is patron to

warriors and soldiers who work with their companions to fight evil and combat
injustice. He is representative of the virtues of courage and honor. In essence,
he is the god of holy warfare.

Kiri-Jolith is the patron deity to the Knights of the Sword. He is also patron to
the minotaurs, who revere him as “Emperor”. Though he opposes Sargonnas, he also respects him as well.

Kiri-Jolith is the twin brother to Habbakuk, brother to Solinari, and son of Paladine and Mishakal.

Kiri-Jolith is the god of righteous war. He blesses all who fight in the name of good and scorns those who delight in
slaughter and lust for battle. He is particularly revered by the Knights of the Sword, an order of the Knights of Solamnia
that seeks to root out evil wherever it dwells.
(The Fisher King; The Blue Phoenix in Ergoth, Silvanesti, and Qualinesti;
Skylord in Balifor and Goodlund)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Nature, Tempest
Province: Animal life, natural balance, hunting, rebirth, seas, passion
Symbol: Blue kingfisher; Blue-flamed phoenix
Colors: Deep Blue and White

Habbakuk (hab-buh-kuk) is the divine power of persistence. He is lord of the

beasts, and patron of hunters, rangers, druids, sailors, and the natural cycle of
life and death. He opposes undeath and aberrations of magic. Habbakuk is the
twin brother to Kiri-Jolith and son of Paladine and Mishakal. He is closest to Branchala, works well with Chislev, and
opposes Zeboim.

Habbakuk is patron to the Knights of the Crown, representing the virtue of loyalty.

Habbakuk, known as the Fisher King, oversees animal life, the sea, and the balance of nature. Many sailors, farmers, and
hunters revere him. His holy sites are often marked with the image of a blue bird or a phoenix wreathed in blue flames.

(The Bard Kimg; Astarin in Silvanesti; Astra in Qualinesti; Bardilun in Thorbardin;
Bran in Ergoth; Songmaster in Goodlund)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Knowledge, Nature, Trickery
Province: Music, harmony, poetry, forests, weather, luck, elves, kender
Symbol: Bard's harp
Colors: Green and Yellow

Branchala (bran-cha-luh or bran-kah-luh) is one of the gods of Good, and is

representative of inspiration. Also called the Bard King, Branchala is patron to bards,
performers, minstrels, and so forth. He is revered highly by elves and kender. He
was also known to have created the Dragons' Graveyard for the Metallic Dragons to
go and die at.

Called the Bard King, Branchala is the god of music, poetry, and the inner beauty of all living things. Many elves and
kender worship him above all other gods. Both groups revere him as a champion of life and laughter, bringing solace and
joy to those who listen.
(The Mighty Hand, God’s Eye in Thorbardin; Ivory Disk in Hylo; Solin in Ergoth;
White-eye in Balifor and Goodlund)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Light
Province: Good magic, abjuration, divination
Symbol: White circle or sphere
Colors: White or Silver

Solinari (so-lin-ah-ree) is the god of good magic, and is sponsor to the Order of the
White Robes. Once the divine power of vigilance, he has since removed himself from
the heavens to be closer to the mortal realm. Solinari is a patient god, slow to act,
preferring always to let matters sort themselves over time. Once he makes a decision,
he does so boldly and fearlessly. Through these acts he has prevented his cousins
from making rash decisions, even to their great ire.

Solinari is the son of Paladine and Mishakal, and brother to Kiri-Jolith and Habbakuk. He regularly interacts with Lunitari
and Nuitari.

Solinari’s power manifests through the white moon of Krynn, the brightest of its three moons. Along with his cousins
Lunitari and Nuitari, he watches Krynn from the heavens and encourages magic that aids, heals, and protects.
The Gods of Balance

(The Book; The Sage; The Gray Votager; Xilon in Nordmar)
Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Knowledge
Province: Knowledge, history, lore
Symbol: Open book; Scale or balance resting on an open book
Colors: Gray

Gilean is the chief deity of the Gods of Neutrality and the Divine
Power of knowledge. He was given the Tobril by the High God.
Gilean is an observer, appearing passionless and uncaring. Gilean’s constellation is poised between good and evil, and he
is mediator between the two. Gilean is the primary proponent of free will.

Gilean was called from the Beyond by the High God, from out of Time, raising him to godly stature as companion and
brother to Paladine and Takhisis.

Gilean has only one child, the goddess Lunitari who sprang fully formed from him. The other neutral gods are those that
he gathered to him from the Beyond, who aided in the order of Creation.

Gilean’s Clerics act as Scribes, Librarians, and Historians. No Cleric of Gilean may ever destroy a book, no matter the

The god of knowledge and nominal leader of the neutral gods, Gilean embodies the ideal of neutrality. He stands back
and observes, recording all that unfolds. Gilean is keeper of the Tobril, a book said to contain all the knowledge of the
gods, though portions are sealed to all but Gilean. Some people believe the scribe Astinus of Palanthas to be Gilean in
human form.

(The Alchemist; Firemaster; The Flowing Flame;
Udras the Alchemist in Mt. Nevermind)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: None
Province: Change, fire
Symbol: Multicolored flame
Colors: Bright Red and Orange

Sirrion is the god of alchemy, creativity, passion, and transformation. He is master of

flames, and sculpts the fire of the soul into beautiful forms. He was brought from the
Beyond by Gilean, and is said to provide the fire for Reorx’s worldforge and the spark
of divinity within all life. Artists, alchemists, and lovers are his followers.

His clerics must tend to an ever-burning flame in his home or a temple of Sirrion.
They also act as firefighters, and are knowledgeable in the use of fire to clean out the
old and make way for the new.

Sirrion is said to have formed his mate, Shinare, from wondrous metals. The two are close, though their relationship is
characterized by fiery debate.

Passionate and impulsive, Sirrion is the god of alchemy, transformation, serendipitous creation, and flames. He embodies
momentary excitement, flaring quickly into fiery passion and smoldering long afterward. Sirrion's followers embrace
extremes of emotion as forms of divine expression.
(Forge; Reorx the Life-giver; World Smith)
Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Forge, War
Province: Craft
Symbol: Forging hammer
Colors: Gold and Steel Blue

Reorx is the divine power of creation. He is the supreme god of Dwarves, and
holds sway over Gnomes as well. Kender see him as a grandfather figure. Reorx
is patron to smiths and craftsmen from all races. He invents new things that alter the world and spur its people to action.
Reorx works with Shinare to spur dwarven economies.

With his forging hammer and the direction of the High God, Reorx forged the world, the stars, and the souls of mortals
into existence from the essence of Chaos. Later, Reorx crafted the Graygem, which trapped the essence of Chaos. Reorx
hates and fears Chaos, referring to him as the “Father of All and of Nothing”. Reorx to the Dwarves is known as the forger
of the world, also Reorx the Life-Giver, and is praised as the god of the forge fire. Just like all dwarves, he loves to gamble,
and has in the past gambled on almost anything. He has also been known to offer others a taste of his home brew Dwarf
Spirits, usually just before he will make a bet.

(The Beast; The World Mother)
Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Life, Nature, Twilight
Province: Nature
Symbol: Feather of brown, yellow, and/or green
Colors: Brown, Yellow, and Green

Chislev (kiz-lev or chiz-lev) is nature incarnate, governing the rhythms of life that
unfold heedless of mortal action, and the divine power of instinct. The animals and
plants of Krynn revere Chislev, who is said to be their mother. Chislev is patron to
many druids and rangers. Chislev extends her divinity to the world of Krynn, feeling
all that is done to it. Her moods change with the seasons, and her fury is directed at
those who abuse the wild, especially in unnatural ways.

Chislev has few clerics (who mainly live in farming communities), instead being served
mainly by hermit-like, forest-dwelling druids. Chislev's followers are often druids, and
others who revere nature without asking anything in return. Though enigmatic and shy, they are fiercely protective of
their domain, regarding all plants and animals as their children.

Chislev and Zivilyn love each other profoundly. Chislev despises Zeboim, and is allied with Habbakuk. She also opposes
Shinare, goddess of industry. She despises Morgion’s cultists.
(The Tree of Life; World Tree; Wise One in Mithas)
Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Knowledge, Life, Nature, Peace
Province: Wisdom
Symbol: Great green or gold tree
Colors: Brown, Gold, and Deep Green

Zivilyn (zi-vill-in) is deity of wisdom, enlightenment, and insight. His realm is awareness,
balance, and understanding. His branches reach into every time and place in the
River of Time, into the past and into the future. He exists in all times and places
simultaneously, and is wisest of the gods.

Zivilyn was called from the Beyond by the High God to serve as counselor to Gilean,
to give insight to his mate Chislev’s instinct, and to bear witness to the world and
share this divine experience with mortals.

Zivilyn opposes the consuming hatred by deities such as Sargonnas and Takhisis, and the martial ambition of Kiri-Jolith,
but calls no god his enemy. Many believe that The World Tree is the physical manifestation of Zivilyn, upon the world of

Where Gilean embodies knowledge, Zivilyn exemplifies the calm wisdom necessary to wield knowledge in the world.
He's said to exist in all times and places, possessing the collected wisdom of every plane of existence. Zivilyn often
attracts the worship of eccentrics, philosophers, and sages.

(Winged Victory; Silver Master in Thorbardin; Winged One in Silvanesti,
Qualinesti, and Kagonesti)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Knowledge, Trickery
Province: Trade, wealth
Symbol: Griffon's wing
Colors: Deep Brown, Silver, and Gold

Shinare (shih-nar-ay) is the god of wealth, industry, and commerce. She governs negotiations, contracts, enterprise and
partnerships. Though many of her followers are merchants, her influence spans legitimate and underhanded commerce
alike, and she receives occasional worship from thieves. Despite this, most consider her a god of fair dealing; supplicants
pray she favors them as they bargain.

Shinare was called from the Beyond to serve Gilean. She is companion to Sirrion, though their relationship has been
volatile and problematic. She is also friendly towards Reorx, Kiri-Jolith, and Majere. She opposes Hiddukel, who serves as
god of ill-gotten wealth and bad business deals.
(The Veiled Maiden, Luin in Ergoth; Night Candle in Thorbardin)
Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Trickery
Province: Neutral magic
Symbol: Red circle or sphere
Colors: Red

Lunitari (loo-nuh-tah-ree) is the goddess of neutral magic, and is sponsor to the

Order of the Red Robes. She is known to be a trickster by creating illusions to
confuse people to amuse and entertain herself. For a vivacious young woman, she
seeks total balance in the world of magic between her two cousins.

Lunitari is the daughter of Gilean, which it is said that she was born fully formed from his thoughts. She has neither
brothers nor sisters, but two ambitious cousins in Solinari and Nuitari.

With her cousins Solinari and Nuitari, she watches over the people of Krynn from the heavens, conveying her power
through the red moon that shares her name. She appears as a trickster figure in mythology, using her mastery of illusions
to fool gods and heroes alike.
The Gods of Evil

(Dark Queen; Queen of Darkness; Dragon Queen in Ergoth and Silvanesti;
Tamex the False Metal in Thorbardin)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Domains: Death, Order, War
Province: Evil dragons, hatred, night, control, intrigue
Symbol: Black crescent
Colors: Iridescent Black

Takhisis, leader of Krynn's evil gods, is known as the Dragon Queen, the Queen of
Darkness, and—on other worlds—Tiamat. She is the god of power, pride, and control,
as well as the queen of chromatic dragons. She tempts mortals to her service with
offers of dominance over others. Barred from Krynn since before the Cataclysm, she
found her chance to return in the centuries that followed. She sometimes appears as a
powerful human warrior with gleaming armor and long black hair, but her true form
is a five-headed dragon.

Takhisis was sister to Gilean and Paladine, and was the goddess of control and Evil. Takhisis, along with Paladine, was
called from the Beyond to be custodians of the world. She was the head of the Evil gods, consort to Sargonnas, and
mother to Zeboim and Nuitari. Takhisis was responsible for the corruption of the Chromatic Dragons, and appeared in
one form as a dragon with heads of blue, black, white, red, and green.

(Dark Vengeance; The Red Condor; The Firebringer in Hylo;
Kinis in Qualinesti; Kinthalas in Silvanesti; Sargonax the Bender in Thorbardin)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Domains: Forge, Order, War
Province: Fire, revenge, destruction, wrath, volcanoes, conquest, rage, strength
Symbol: Stylized red condor
Colors: Red and Black

Sargonnas is the god of wrath, vengeance, and retribution. He is a god without compassion or mercy.. Though he's a
consort to Takhisis, he schemes against her as often as he fights on her behalf. He is worshiped by those who seek
retribution. His true form is that of a monstrous minotaur, and many minotaurs revere him under the name Sargas.

Though he works in the hearts of all mortals, his favored children are the minotaurs. Minotaurs refer to him as Sargas,
who represents power gained through brute strength and held with honor. Sargonnas appears to minotaurs as a gigantic
minotaur with either char-black fur or blood-red fur.

Sargonnas was summoned from the Beyond by Takhisis to be her consort. The two have had a rocky relationship through
the eons, which ended with the War of Souls. Sargonnas also has a rough relationship with his children, Zeboim and
Nuitari. Sargonnas hates the gods of Good, save for Kiri-Jolith, who he grudgingly respects.
(Black Wind; Master of the Bronze Tower; H’Rar in Ergoth;
Morgax the Rustlord in Thorbardin)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Domains: Grave, Knowledge, Trickery
Province: Disease, secrecy, decay, famine, weakness, vermin, madness, suffering
Symbol: Hood with two red eyes
Colors: Dark Brown and Black

Morgion is the god of decay in all its forms, including such things as plague and
pestilence, rust, and madness. He wishes to see all things wither away into
decadence, and for mortals to suffer as much as possible prior to going on to the
next stage of their soul’s journey.

Morgion lives in the Bronze Tower on the edge of the Abyss, where he carries out his
plots. He rarely allies with the other gods of Evil, and stands in opposition to all the
gods of Good, especially Mishakal.

Solitary and secretive, he doesn't consult or act in accord with the other gods, preferring to brood in his otherworldly
fortress, the Bronze Tower, and pursue his own schemes. His worshipers follow his example, meeting in the dark and
maintaining secrecy in all things.

(The Black Goat; Lord of Bones; Aeleth in Ergoth; Khemax in Thorbardin; Orkrus to the Hobgoblins)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Domains: Death, Knowledge, Trickery
Province: Undeath, murder, false hope, death
Symbol: Yellowed skull
Colors: Black and Pale Yellow

Chemosh is the god of undeath, false redemption, and is representative of fatalism,

tempting his followers with the promise of immortality. Chemosh hates life, thinking
it a gift wasted on mortals. He festers within the hearts of mortals, trying to get them to give up the shell of mortality and
move on to the next stage in the soul’s journey. Chemosh tempts mortals with the promise of “immortality.” In reality, he
is condemning them to an eternity of undeath as his slaves. This is Chemosh’s way of mocking life.

Chemosh opposes Mishakal, who stands as a champion of life, as well as the rest of the gods of good, and is often also in
conflict with Chislev and Sirrion. One of his divine messengers is the Death's Head Scorpion.

Chemosh was brought from Beyond during the time of creation to serve Takhisis. He alone was given the right to sit at the
Hall of Souls Passing to witness the passing of the dead. During the Age of Dreams, he gained a major foothold on the
realm of Ansalon when he formed the Bone Warriors and the Bone Acolytes, who conquered in his name before
eventually being destroyed. The Lord of Death taught Takhisis how to manipulate the souls of dead, a secret which she
used for her own personal gain.

Those who heed him find that while they may live forever, their bodies still decay and putrefy. Followers of Chemosh
embrace his baleful reputation, dressing in white skull masks and black robes.
(Sea Witch; Darkling Sea; Rann in Ergoth; Zyr in Tarsis; Baizia the Fierce in Khur)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Nature, Tempest, Trickery
Province: Seas, storms, tempests, weather, jealousy, spite, strife
Symbol: Spiked turtle shell
Colors: Seafoam Green and Red

Zeboim is the god of the ocean in its destructive aspect, including storms and
dangerous sea creatures. She is also the god of jealousy and strife. She is a mercurial
god, and even her followers aren't safe from her frequent bouts of rage. Most sailors pray to
Habbakuk to keep Zeboim at bay, but some make offerings to Zeboim to allay her wrath.

Her moods change with the storm, being calm one minute and in a violent rage the next. Zeboim is perhaps the most
unpredictable of all the gods. Zeboim is twin to Nuitari, and the daughter of Takhisis and Sargonnas. Of all the gods, she
detests Habbakuk the most. She feels that she should have sole domain over the sea, where he has dominion over sea

(Prince of Lies; The Broken Scales; Hidex the False in Khur;
Hitax the Flaw in Thorbardin; Hu-del in Balifor; Usk-Do to the Hobgoblins)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Knowledge, Trickery
Province: Greed, lies, damned spirits, slavery, secrets, betrayal, ill-gotten wealth
Symbol: Broken merchant's scales
Colors: Red and Bone

Hiddukel (hid-doo-kell), also known as the Prince of Lies, the Betrayer, the Broken
Scales and the Prince of Tarnished Gold, is the god of avarice, exploitation and treachery. His symbol is broken merchant
scales and his colors are red and bone. Red Dragons are his loyal followers due to their common avaricious nature. He is
also the patron of evil businessmen, thieves and many hobgoblins. His clerics often lead double lives.

He is a deal maker who trades in souls. Hiddukel's deal making skills are so great that it is said that he is the only being
able to barter with Takhisis and come out in front. He influences souls to use every encounter with another person to their
advantage. He captures souls who are desiring or despairing to use the misfortune of others to their profit. He is
ultimately selfish and cares for no one but himself, and passes that attitude on to his mortal followers. Hiddukel
constantly attempts to make deals with the other gods, and his lies lead mortals to carry out evil in the world.

. He holds domain over all ill-gotten wealth in the world, and criminals and unscrupulous traders worship him in secret.
While Hiddukel gladly accepts their worship, his true goal is the acquisition not of riches, but of souls.
(The Devouring Dark; Black Hand in Balifor; Ungod in Thorbardin)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Domains: Arcana, Death, Knowledge
Province: Evil magic
Symbol: Black circle or sphere
Colors: Black

Nuitari (noo-uh-tah-ree) is the god of evil arcane magic and is represented by the black
moon. He is patron to the Black Robed Wizards of High Sorcery. He works with Solinari
and Lunitari to further the cause of magic, though his methods differ from theirs. He works through dark means in order
to accumulate power, and quickly. He encourages selfish and destructive magic. His power flows through the black moon
that shares his name, which is visible only due to the stars it blocks in the sky.

Nuitari is the son of Takhisis and Sargonnas and is the twin brother of Zeboim. He was once the divine power of ambition
prior to the time that he removed himself from the heavens in order to be closer to the world. He has come to odds with
Chemosh in the past, as both have some domain over the realm of necromancy. The differentiation is that Nuitari is
patron to necromancer wizards while Chemosh is patron to the undead and cleric necromancers.

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