Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Overview of Question-Answer System

The evolution of question-answering systems has seen significant advancements in

recent years. Traditionally, such systems were rule-based and struggled with the
complexities of natural language. However, with the rise of artificial intelligence and
natural language processing, contemporary question-answering systems have become
more sophisticated.

2.1.1 Traditional Rule-Based Systems: Early question-answering systems

relied on predefined rules and patterns, limiting their adaptability to diverse

2.1.2 AI-Powered Question-Answering Systems: Modern systems

leverage machine learning and deep learning approaches to understand
context, making them more adept at handling nuanced questions and
providing relevant responses.

2.2 Existing AI Applications in Education

Artificial intelligence has made substantial inroads into the education sector, offering
innovative solutions to enhance learning experiences. Noteworthy
applications include:

2.2.1 Coursera: Coursera is an online learning platform that offers a wide

range of courses, specializations, and degree programs from universities and
institutions around the world. It utilizes AI to enhance the learning
experience for its users in several ways:

a) Personalized Recommendations: Coursera's recommendation system

uses machine learning algorithms to suggest courses based on a user's
interests, past course enrollment, and learning behavior.

b) Language Learning: Coursera offers language courses that leverage AI-

powered speech recognition and natural language processing
technologies to provide interactive language practice exercises,
pronunciation feedback, and personalized learning paths.

2.2.2 DreamBox Learning: DreamBox Learning is an adaptive math

program designed for students from kindergarten to grade 8. It utilizes AI
algorithms to provide personalized math instruction tailored to each student's
learning needs and pace. Here's how DreamBox incorporates AI into its

a) Adaptive Learning Pathways: DreamBox's AI engine continuously

assesses students' mathematical abilities by analyzing their responses to
interactive math lessons and problems.

b) Individualized Instruction: DreamBox delivers individualized instruction

by offering targeted lessons and activities that address specific areas of
mathematical growth for each student.

2.2.3 Project Alexandria: Project Alexandria is an initiative that

demonstrates the potential of AI in historical research, particularly in the
analysis of digitized historical texts and documents. The project aims to
apply natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to large collections of
digitized historical books and manuscripts, enabling scholars to uncover new
insights and trends in historical literature.

a) For example: Researchers at Project Alexandria have used AI to analyze

digitized newspapers from different historical periods, spanning
centuries of print journalism. By applying NLP techniques, they can
identify recurring themes, sentiments, and rhetorical strategies within the
newspaper articles, shedding light on how public discourse and media
narratives have evolved over time.

b) Project Alexandria utilizes AI-driven recommendation systems to

suggest relevant historical texts and sources to researchers based on their
areas of interest and expertise. These recommendation algorithms
leverage data from the digitized collections to provide personalized
suggestions, helping scholars discover new resources and perspectives
for their research.

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