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Christ-centred Child-focused Church-based
2 || Child
Sponsorship Handbook

Our Mission 4
Our Programs 6
The Child Sponsorship Program 8
The Compassion Neighbourhood 10
How Sponsorship Works 14
If Only You Knew: Liz’s Story 16
My Account 18
Writing Letters 20
Letter Writing Guidelines 22
Gifts 26
Prayer 30
Sponsorship Graduation 32
Give With Confidence 36
4 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

Our Mission
Releasing children from
poverty in Jesus’ name

Every child is special, We believe that all children are made

uniquely made by God. in His image and so deserve dignity,
respect, love and the opportunity to
become all He made them to be.
Transformed children transform their
communities, and that’s why one of
the best ways to tackle poverty is
through the holistic development of
individual children.

You play a very special role in this

mission. Your prayers, letters and
generosity help your sponsored child to
know they are deeply loved and valued.
You can show your sponsored child a
glimpse of God’s unstoppable love for
them—a love that has the power to
change their life.
6 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

Our Programs We address four key areas

of a child’s development.

Child sponsorship is one part of our holistic child

development model.
Poverty is complex and has a devastating impact on every area of life, and there is
no ‘one size fits all’ solution. That’s why our approach comprehensively addresses
all areas of a child’s development: physical, cognitive, spiritual and relational.
We call this integrated approach ‘holistic child development’. It’s a long-term
approach that starts before a child is born and continues through to school age
and into young adulthood.

Child Sponsorship
The Child Sponsorship Program provides holistic support for a
child’s unique needs, including nutrition, clean water, healthcare,
education and leadership skills. We surround each child with support
from a local church and a caring sponsor so they can realise their
God-given potential.
We work with children at
Critical Needs each stage of their lives.
Every child will, at some point, require additional care beyond what
sponsorship alone can provide. Critical Needs provides essential
support in crucial areas and at decisive times in a child’s life. These
might include in disaster relief, access to clean water, construction of
safe homes or covering fees to attend further education or training.

Mums and Babies

For mums and babies living in poverty, the first year of a child’s life is
critical for survival. Compassion works with caregivers and babies
to prevent premature death, secure good health and enable positive
development for babies and their parents or guardians.
8 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

The Child Sponsorship


Through Compassion’s Child Sponsorship Program, and

only with the help of local churches and supporters like
you, over 2 million children are now being released from
poverty in Jesus’ name.
Our program is delivered to children through their local church, who are best
placed to understand the unique needs and cultural context of their communities.
Our church partners are carefully selected and held to a high standard to ensure
funds are used wisely and children receive loving care. Each church partner is
equipped with the tools and resources to confidently deliver our Child Sponsorship
Program, but the power is in their hands to choose how to adapt the content to
best suit their community. Children are invited to be active participants in their
own development, and our partners have a strong sense of ownership over the
program’s delivery.
The Child Sponsorship Program connects one sponsor with one child so you can
invest in that child’s future. Through prayer, letters, gifts and support, you play a vital
part in your sponsored child’s development and spiritual growth.
Children who participate in the program are given the opportunity to hear the
gospel, pursue education, learn new skills, receive healthcare and good nutrition,
develop healthy relationships and play in safe places.
10 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

The Compassion MAP LEGEND

Countries raising support

Countries delivering program

Over 2 million

Over 8,500
12 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

We know the safety

and wellbeing of children is
foundational to their healthy
growth and development.
As a result, Compassion
has a zero-tolerance policy
for child abuse. We take the
protection and privacy of
all children involved in our
program seriously.
All children—regardless of their
gender, race, religious beliefs, age,
disability, sexual orientation, family or
social background—have equal rights
to protection from abuse.
You can read our full Child Protection
Code of Conduct and Modern Slavery
Policy on our website.
14 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

How Sponsorship

What can I Connect with a child in poverty What will my Connect with the local church
expect as a Discover more about your sponsored child and their sponsored Each child is individually known, loved and protected
sponsor? country online in your My Account. child receive? by a caring community of workers. The local church
was there before, and will be there long after,
Join a global neighbourhood Compassion’s programs.
Be part of a global movement taking action against
child poverty. Hear life-changing stories on our Experience God’s love
Facebook and Instagram pages. Children receive their own age-appropriate Bible
and hear the gospel. Children can participate in our
Receive regular updates program regardless of faith or cultural background.
We’ll send you community updates and crisis alerts,
as well as a new photo of your sponsored child every Thrive with holistic support
two years. Each child receives tailored support to meet their
unique physical, spiritual, cognitive and relational
Exchange encouraging letters needs simultaneously.
Send messages that help your sponsored child feel
special and full of hope. You’ll receive at least two Treasure encouraging letters
child letters per year, plus replies to the letters Words exchanged with you, a loving sponsor, bring
you write. hope and lasting encouragement for years to come.

Give gifts Rise from poverty

Choose to send a financial gift that will benefit your Children are equipped with valuable skills and
sponsored child, their family or their centre to help education to reach their God-given potential.
meet their most pressing needs.
Transform their community
Track your impact Youth are empowered to serve, lead and mentor the
Receive our annual report which shows the incredible next generation.
impact you’ve helped to make around the world.
16 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

If Only
“I thought you may not have known, so I
wanted to tell you: if only you knew your
prayers made a difference. The verses

You Knew: you shared with me in every letter gave

me hope. They brought happiness

Liz’s Story when I was in sadness. If only you knew

how these words changed my life; how
I shared my birthday gift from you with
the rest of my family.
“If only you knew how Jesus saved us
and saved my dad. Your sponsorship
was worthwhile: the experiences you
shared with me, all the pictures you
sent. If only you knew I wanted to be
like you—to praise Jesus like you and
to honour Him with my life as you did. If
only you knew you were a role model
for me.

“I want you to know

it made a difference.
Sponsorship changed
who I am today.”
“I am the team leader of a group of
teens in my church. I want to inspire
them and share God’s Word with them
as you did with me. I want them to
feel and see that there is someone for
them—to hear them, to see them, to
protect them, to love them—in Jesus.

“That is how I can repay all that was

once done for me.
“Thank you.”

–Liz, 27, Compassion graduate, Peru

18 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

My Account
My Account is your online platform to manage your
details, write to your sponsored child, give additional
gifts and download annual tax receipts.
If you haven’t already set up your My Account, please do!

To log in to 1. Go to
My Account for 2. Click ‘Log in for the first time’ and follow the
the first time: prompts to set up your password.
3. Log in with your new details and get started.

If you need help accessing My Account,

please email
or call 1300 22 44 53 and we’d be glad to help.
20 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

Writing “I remember the first time the staff

told me that I got a letter from my
Letters sponsor. I was very excited to hear
what it said, and I felt amazing.
Someone was asking about me!”
—Thidarat, 18, Thailand

Writing letters to your For children, letters are a treasured

sponsored child is one of source of hope, courage and
belief that they can overcome their
the most powerful ways to
circumstances. For you, letters are
have a positive impact in
the best way to get to know more
their life. about your sponsored child, their
family and their community. They’re
also an amazing opportunity for you
to be encouraged by their resilience,
perseverance, joy and faith.
Sponsored children generally write two
letters each year, and usually up to four
additional replies to your letters. That
means the more often you write, the
more letters you’re likely to receive.
How do I send 1. Log in to My Account
Please remember that letter writing is 2. Click on your sponsored child’s photo
a letter?
not always easy for children. In many 3. Click ‘Write a Letter’
countries where we work, writing letters 4. Choose your letter template, type your message
isn’t customary. You could be the first and share an optional photo
and only person your sponsored child
5. Click ‘Send’
has ever written to, and it will likely
take time to develop familiarity and
The quickest and most cost-effective way to write
friendship through letters.
is online. If you’d like to send a physical letter to your
We’re so grateful for you making time to sponsored child, please check our website or
write. Your words mean so much! contact us for more details.
22 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

Letter Writing Please do:

Guidelines • Keep your letters short and simple. Ask no more than a couple of
questions at a time about your sponsored child’s life and interests.

• Tell your sponsored child about yourself. Share about your family,
hobbies, daily life, neighbourhood or church.

• Share a photo! Children love to see who you are and what’s
important to you.

• Visit our blog for more letter writing ideas and inspiration.

Please keep in mind:

• Protecting your privacy and information is important. Please sign
off your child letters using only your first name and avoid
disclosing personal contact information or social media details.
Letters containing contact information will not be delivered.

• Local traditions, customs, family structures and beliefs may

differ significantly from Australia. In some places where we
work, discussions of same-sex relationships, gender identity or
encouraging religious conversion may put a child at risk.

• Your faith should be shared with sensitivity. You are most welcome
to share your personal testimonies and encourage prayer. Keep
in mind that Christians are the minority in some countries where
we work, and children are welcome to participate in our program
irrespective of their religion and background.

• Avoid criticising local governments and leaders as this could

negatively impact Compassion’s work in some countries.

As part of our commitment to child protection, Compassion reserves the right to determine
what information is communicated to children in our program through letters. Letter content
that is deemed inappropriate for a child in their context will not be delivered.
24 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

When will I get a response to my letter?

An important note on
letters to Sri Lanka and
Delivery of your letter usually takes two to four months. It can then take another
two to four months until you receive your sponsored child’s reply, depending on

their location.
When you write a letter online in My Account, it’s immediately sent to the national
office in your sponsored child’s country for review and translation. If you post a
physical letter to our office, the delivery process will take longer. If you support a child who lives in Sri Lanka or Bangladesh, there are specific
writing guidelines we kindly ask that you follow. This will help keep your sponsored
Once reviewed and translated, letters are printed and sorted ready for delivery to
child safe and ensure our work in their community can continue.
your sponsored child. The journey can be long and dangerous and may involve
travel by foot, boat, air, car, motorbike or even elephant!


In your letters, please do: Please be mindful not to:
• Translation and processing times
• The remote location of some child development centres • Talk about God rather than Jesus • Share biblical references
• Irregular local mail systems • Share your personal stories and • Criticise local leaders or
• Unexpected natural disasters or other crises testimonies, without specific government
reference to Jesus
• Elevate Christianity above other
• Continue writing and asking religions or encourage conversion
questions, offering encouragement
Are there other ways to connect with my and sharing about yourself
• Ask questions about specific
sponsored child? religious practices like baptism or
attending church
We’re always working on new and different ways to connect supporters with
their sponsored children. Depending on their capacity and available technology,
some of our partner countries are trialling faster ways of sending messages to
supporters, known as Compassion Moments. You may receive a Compassion
Moment during your sponsorship.
You may also know of friends and loved ones who’ve had the special opportunity
to meet their sponsored child face-to-face. In-person visits were paused during the
COVID-19 pandemic because of travel restrictions and to consider the changing
needs of local church partners and families during this time. Check our website for
the latest updates on visits.
26 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

Gifts You’re welcome to give your

sponsored child, their family or
their local child development
centre an additional monetary gift
if you’d like to. For many families
in poverty, receiving a gift has the
potential to radically change their

When you give a monetary gift to your sponsored

child, the staff from their local child development
centre will help them and their family and purchase a
gift they need. Gifts are bought within the community
to help support the local economy where possible.
Unless otherwise specified, 100 per cent of
your gift benefits your sponsored child and
their family.
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You can send:

CHILD GIFTS: To assist with your sponsored child’s most pressing need, such as
school shoes, clothing, sports equipment, books or something else.
BIRTHDAY GIFTS: We recommend giving the gift two months before the child’s
birthday to allow plenty of time to receive it by their special day.
FAMILY GIFTS: To help with the needs of your sponsored child’s family, such as
furniture, livestock, household items or home repairs.
CHILD CENTRE GIFTS: To benefit all children and workers at your sponsored
child’s child development centre.
CHRISTMAS FUND: Donations are pooled so that a gift can be purchased for
every Compassion assisted child at Christmas. Ten per cent of donations to
Compassion’s Christmas Gift Fund is allocated to administration and fundraising,
and your Christmas Fund donation cannot go directly to your sponsored child.
FINAL GIFTS: A one-off gift can be given during your sponsored child’s final year in
the Child Sponsorship Program to help with their future endeavours.

How do I give a monetary gift?

To give a gift, and to find out any gift limits, please visit My Account, click on your
sponsored child’s photo and select ‘Send a gift’. Alternatively, please contact us
on 1300 22 44 53 or by emailing

Can I send a physical gift like a toy or book to my

sponsored child?
We know that some supporters would like to choose a specific gift for their
sponsored child, but unfortunately we can't send overseas parcels because of
possible theft and high customs and postage costs. Instead, giving a monetary
gift empowers the family to select an appropriate present that matches the child’s
needs and cultural sensitivities and helps support the local economy.
30 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

Prayer Praying for your sponsored child is

powerful and effective. Prayer has
the power to soften hearts, change
lives, draw people closer to God and
help end poverty.

When you tell your sponsored child that you’re

praying for them, they’re reminded that they’re loved
and important to both you and God.
Here are some ways you can pray for your
sponsored child:

→ Pray for renewed hope in their life and

their family
→ Pray for their education and future employment
→ Pray for protection over their health and safety
→ Pray for good friendships
→ Pray for them to experience God’s love
and faithfulness

You can use the prayer card enclosed in your

welcome pack as a physical reminder to pray for
your sponsored child. Specific prayer points for the
countries where we work can be found in our monthly
Prayer Partners email or on the country pages on
our website. To make sure you’re receiving Prayer “I call on you, my God, for you
Partners emails, check your email preferences will answer me; turn your ear to me
in My Account. and hear my prayer.” —Psalm 17:6 (NIV)
32 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

Sponsorship Graduation from the Child Sponsorship Program

is a time of great celebration!

The age that children complete the program varies from country to country
and depends on the education system and other cultural or organisational
differences. Graduation usually occurs between 18 and 22 years old.
Breaking the cycle of generational poverty takes time, commitment and
perseverance. Compassion’s program works towards holistic development of
children so that when children graduate they are:

• Healthy and able to make wise decisions about their health

• Motivated with skills to be economically self-supporting
• Able to interact with others in a healthy and compassionate manner
• Given the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel message

Every teenager registered in our program writes a plan for their future,
including their expected date of graduation. You are welcome to write to your
older sponsored child and ask about what is in their My Plan for Tomorrow.
Sponsored children graduate from the Child Sponsorship Program once
they have completed school or a vocational training course. Depending on
the community and the child's situation, they usually complete secondary
education before graduating.

Sometimes, a child may unexpectedly leave the program before

graduation. Reasons could include an improvement in their situation,
a family relocation or because the family chooses to withdraw them
from sponsorship. We will contact you directly to notify you of your
sponsored child’s graduation or when there are other changes to their
participation in our program.
34 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

Can I stay in contact with my sponsored child

after they graduate?
It may be possible to remain in contact with your sponsored child
after they graduate. After forming a special bond with a young
person through sponsorship, we understand it can be difficult to say
When your sponsored child graduates, we will give you the option
of sharing your preferred contact details with them by completing
a Continuing Contact form. We’ll send your completed form to the
local staff in your sponsored child’s country, who will endeavour to
forward your contact details to your sponsored child. It will be the
child's responsibility to contact you and we cannot guarantee that
further communication will be initiated.
Compassion always respects the right of either the sponsor or the
former sponsored child to decline continuing contact.

If I need to cancel my sponsorship,

what are my options?
We completely understand that circumstances can change and
there may come a time when you can no longer continue sponsoring
a child. We are always so thankful for any and every contribution to
releasing children from poverty—please be assured that you have
made an important difference in the life of a child.
If you need to discontinue your sponsorship, please call us on
1300 22 44 53 or email us at
We may be able to help you stay connected with your sponsored
child and are happy to discuss options with you. When a sponsored
child loses a sponsor, we try to find another sponsor for the child as
quickly as possible. Local workers will sensitively notify the child and
their family of the changes and, if you’d like to, you can write a letter
to say goodbye. During this time, the child receives support through
our Unsponsored Children’s Fund so they can continue participating
in our program.
36 | Child Sponsorship Handbook COMPASSION AUSTRALIA

Give With Confidence How is my financial

contribution distributed?

We are committed to earning and keeping your To read our full automatic
trust and confidence through transparency and contributions agreement, please
see our Terms and Conditions.
godly stewardship.
Integrity is a value that drives the whole organisation in Australia and across
the world. Our annual accounts are independently audited each year, and
you can give confidently, knowing that your support will be stewarded well
and that it makes an impact in the lives of vulnerable children.

20% Administration and

fundraising costs

We are a charity registered by the Australian Charities

and Not-for-profits Commission and comply with its 80% Program delivery and
standards about governance and management of our
activities outside Australia.

We are accredited as complying with the CMA

Standards Council’s nine principles of ministry

We are a member of the Fundraising Institute of

Australia and comply with its code of conduct for
ethical and professional fundraising.
What is our We are committed to protecting the
Privacy Policy? privacy of our supporters and others
We are a member of Missions Interlink and must
who provide us with their personal
comply with its membership standards.
information, in keeping with the
Australian Privacy Principles contained
in the Privacy Act 1988.
We are also authorised to fundraise in NSW (CFN/10658), Vic (FR0010734), Qld You can view our privacy policy on our
(CH1569), SA (CP2632), Tas (F1A-208) and WA (20740). No authority to fundraise website or, to obtain a copy, please
is needed in ACT or NT. email:
38 | Child Sponsorship Handbook

Thank you
Thank you for choosing to sponsor a child in poverty
through Compassion. We pray this is the beginning of
a life‑changing friendship—both for your sponsored
child and for you.


PO Box 1, Hunter Region MC NSW 2310

Phone: 1300 22 44 53
ABN 67 001 692 566

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