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1. The cubical are of low partition 2.0 meter.

Also the exhaust and fresh air fans are strategically placed for cross ventilation. Therefore, we ensure that the provided system can work
without any issue and it will keep complete area in negative pressure. 1. Closed.

2.Fresh air through infiltration is considered through openable windows, please Note these are modular buildings, Providing fresh air to individual bedroom will make system over
complicated specially for smaller demand. 2.As mentioned in the DBR fresh air is not provided. But, infiltration in HVAC calculation is added. Refer SBC code section 402 Natural
Ventilation 402.2 Ventilation are required. As mentioned the minimum openable area to the outdoors shall be 4 percent of the floor are being ventilated which is achieved via openable
window. Also Providing fresh air to individual bedroom will make system over complicated. Furthermore as NC-2 is the benchmark for this project, these type of system are not provided
& fresh air requirement are being fulfilled by infiltration and natural ventilation.

3. Reference above point 2 for response. Also Heat recovery not part of scope of work and also not required. 3. Heat Recovery not part of scope, In reference to the above point 2 reply
Heat recover unit not proposed.

4. Door grille/ undercut cancelled and a dedicated fresh air to the toilet is provided to functional independently.
4. For toilet area dedicated fresh air fan of lesser capacity is proposed in comparison to the exhaust, The fans will be with gravity shutter louvers and PP GI covers ,Additionally due to
negative pressure due to more extraction small air from corridor is being extracted through infiltration of passage. Refer Image showing the installation for Mockup.

6. Refer section A for refrigerant pipe routing. 6. The refrigerant piping will be below the floor it's already mentioned T/B (to below) and it will be cover as shown in drawing and in
section and the horizontal pipes below the floor will be clamped from the skid with U clamp and support.

7.Condensate drain final connection to be decided later.(Maybe discharge to landscape) 7.Soakaway pit proposed for condensate drain discharge.

8. Location of indoor units with windows and curtains is coordinated. Refer the sectional B drawing 8. Closed.

9. It's coordinated and located in the drawing for the outdoor unit location. 9. Closed.

Aug 20th, 2022 concept 3A

1. Closed
2. As discussed during weekly progress meeting dated 17.08.2022,NC2 is the benchmark for this project so,Fresh air requirement is fulfilled in terms of natural ventilation through
infiltration and openable windows same as in NC2 which is acceptable to Neom and confirmed by NEOM representative
3. Toilet main entrance door is provided with door louver which will introduce cool air to the space and moderate the temprature of this zone. Also NC-2 as a benchmark is followed and
provided fresh air and exhaust air accordingly with door louver at the mian entrance door.
5. 07-630003-4800000393-TPE-ARC-DRG-206001 ,Architect needs to update showing PP GI cover on elevation.
6. Closed
7. Closed.
8. 07-630003-4800000393-TPE-ARC-DRG-306001.Architect already shown,Please refer layout.
9. Closed.

Aug 29th, 2022 concept 3A

1. As discussed during weekly progress meeting dated 17.08.2022,NC2 is the benchmark for this project so,Fresh air requirement is fulfilled in terms of natural ventilation through
infiltration and openable windows same as in NC2 which is acceptable to Neom and confirmed by NEOM representative.Same is discussed during weekly meeting on dated 12-Sep-
2. Noted.
3. Noted.

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