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2008 Mumbai


The 2008 Mumbai attacks [13] (also referred t o as 26/11, pronounced "t went y six
eleven")[14][a] were a series of t errorist at t acks t hat t ook place in November 2008, when 10
members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, an Islamist [15] t errorist organisat ion from Pakist an, carried out
12 coordinat ed shoot ing and bombing at t acks last ing four days across Mumbai.[16][17][18] The
at t acks, which drew widespread global condemnat ion, began on Wednesday 26 November
and last ed unt il Sat urday 29 November 2008. A t ot al of 175 people died, including nine
at t ackers, and more t han 300 were wounded.[4][5][19]
2008 Mumbai attacks

Locations of the 2008 Mumbai attacks

Location Mumbai, India

Leopold Café

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus

The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel

Oberoi Trident

Cama Hospital

Nariman House

Metro Cinema[1]

St. Xavier's College[2]

Coordinates 18°55′19″N 72°50′00″E (https://geohack.toolfor

ge.org/geohack.php?pagename=2008_ Mumbai
_ attacks&params=18_ 55_ 19_ N_ 72_ 50_ 00_ E_
type:event_ region:IN-MH)

Date 26 November 2008 – 29 November 2008

21:30 (26/11) – 08:00 (29/11) (IST, UTC+05:30)

Attack type Bombings, shootings, mass murder, hostage

crisis,[3] siege

Weapons AK-47, RDX, IEDs, grenades

Deaths 175 (including 9 attackers)[4]

Injured 300+ [5]

Victims See casualty list for complete list
Perpetrators Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi[6][7] and Lashkar-e-

No. of participants 10

Defenders National Security Guards [11][12]


Mumbai Police

Indian ATS

Railway Protection Force

Mumbai Fire Brigade

Motive Islamic terrorism

Eight of t he at t acks occurred in Sout h Mumbai: at Chhat rapat i Shivaji Terminus, t he Oberoi
Trident , t he Taj Palace & Tower,[2] t he Leopold Cafe, t he Cama Hospit al,[2] t he Nariman
House,[20][21] t he Met ro Cinema,[22] and in a lane behind t he Times of India building and St .
Xavier's College.[2] There was also an explosion at Mazagaon, in Mumbai's port area, and in a
t axi at Vile Parle.[23] By t he early morning of 28 November, all sit es except for t he Taj Hot el
had been secured by t he Mumbai Police and securit y forces. On 29 November, India's Nat ional
Securit y Guards (NSG) conduct ed Operat ion Black Tornado t o flush out t he remaining
at t ackers; it culminat ed in t he deat h of t he last remaining at t ackers at t he Taj Hot el and
ended t he at t acks.[24]

Ajmal Kasab,[25] t he sole surviving at t acker, disclosed t hat t he at t ackers were members of
t he t errorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba,[26] and were cont rolled from Pakist an, corroborat ing init ial
claims from t he Indian Government .[27] Pakist an lat er confirmed t hat t he sole surviving
perpet rat or of t he at t acks was a Pakist ani cit izen.[28][29] On 9 April 2015, t he foremost
ringleader of t he at t acks, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, was released on bail and disappeared;[30] he
was arrest ed again in Lahore on 2 January 2021.[31][32] In 2018, former Pakist ani prime minist er
Nawaz Sharif suggest ed t hat t he Pakist ani government played a role in t he 2008 Mumbai
at t ack.[33] In 2022, one of t he mast erminds of t he at t ack, Sajid Majeed Mir —who had been
earlier claimed t o be dead by t he Pakist an Government — was convict ed for funding t errorist
act ivit ies by an ant i-t errorism court in Pakist an.[34][35][36]




Casualties and compensation





Published accounts

See also

Explanatory notes


Further reading

External links
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Last edited 8 days ago by StephenMacky1

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