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This means that if the total value of

the benefits received by an employee
within a year does not exceed Php
DE MINIMIS BENEFITS 90,000, they will not be subject to
income tax.
De minimis benefits are non-taxable
allowances or perks that employers give What if the de minimis benefits
their employees in the Philippines. exceed the Php 90,000 limit?
Usually, there are of relatively small
value or a minimal amount. Should the total bonuses for the year,
including the de minimis benefits,
exceed the Php 90,000 limit, it will be
subject to the withholding tax rates of
What is de minimis in the rank-and-file employees. In contrast, the
Philippines? Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) of 32% will
apply if the employee holds a managerial
Private employees often receive benefits position.
that are not part of their basic minimum
wage. When relatively small in value or
amount, these are classified as de
Is de minimis part of the 13th-
minimis benefits. month pay?

These include non-taxable benefits, No, de minimis benefits are not part of
allowances, or perks given by the 13th-month pay. The 13th-month pay
employers to their employees in the is a separate benefit mandated by law,
Philippines. When they are below the which requires employers to pay their
cap, these benefits are generally not employees an additional month’s worth
subject to income tax. of salary by December 24th of each year.
Moreover, it is not included when
computing the 13th-month pay as it only
How much are de factors the employee’s basic salary.
minimis benefits in the
De minimis benefits are non-taxable up
to a certain monetary limit, which is
currently set at Php 90,000 per Is it included in the basic salary?
No, de minimis benefits are not included
in an employee’s basic salary. They are
separate from the employee’s regular
salary and are given as additional perks Starting in 2018, the following changes
or allowances. were made to the de minimis benefits
under the TRAIN law:
What is the de minimis limit in
the Philippines? Increase in total annual value

The de minimis and other bonuses limit The law increased the total annual value
in the Philippines is currently set at PHP of de minimis benefits that employees
90,000 per year. This means that if the can receive from Php 82,000 to Php
total value of the de minimis benefits 90,000.
received by an employee within a year
does not exceed PHP 90,000, they will
not be subject to income tax.

New de minimis inclusions

The TRAIN Law also added the
What is the new de following under de minimis benefits:
minimis benefits rule under the
 Rice subsidy cap
TRAIN Law?  Uniform and clothing
Under the Tax Reform for Acceleration
 Actual medical benefits
and Inclusion law, there have been
 Laundry allowance cap
changes to the previous de minimis
 Employees’ achievement
benefits that employees enjoy. Mostly, it
awards or loyalty awards
clarifies what items are exempt from
with monetary value
income tax and withholding tax.
 Rules on the gifts on
Christmas and major
anniversary celebrations

Increase in de minimis tax-

TRAIN increased the law tax-exempt
threshold for the 13th-month pay and
other benefits from Php 82,000 to Php
90,000. In other words, benefits
amounting to Php 90,000 or less are non-

De Minimis beyond Php 90,000

Anything in excess of the Php 90,000
bonus threshold is taxable under the law.

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