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At the end of 60 minute period, the class is expected to

a. Discuss the relationship between pressure and volume of the gas at constant temperature
b. Solve a problem involving pressure and volume
c. Relate the concept of Boyle’s law in real life scenario


a. TOPIC: Boyle’s Law



c. MATERIALS: Visual Aids, pictures, syringe, marsmallow, laptop and projector

d. VALUE FOCUS: Cooperation, problem analysis and solving



Preparatory Activities
Greetings & Prayer

“ Good Morning class” “Good Morning Ma’am”

“Let us Pray” (One student will lead the prayer).

Thank you for leading the prayer! Ok. Class you may take Thank you Ma’am
your sit.

Checking of Attendance

“Class who are absent for today”? “We’re glad to Say Ma’am that no one is absent
for today.”
“Thank you”

Before we proceed, kindly arrange your chair and make sure Each student is double checking to make sure that
that there are no scattered garbage or paper around you. there’s no piece of paper around them.

One more thing class, if I’m going to start the lesson I want Yes Ma’am
everybody to listen and pay attention and I don’t want to see any
student writing while I’m discussing. Do I make myself clear
Yes Ma’am
Ok, If I’ll count 1, 2, 3 eyes on me!!! It’s about time to pay
attention and you need to respond to me that you’re ready by
saying 1,2 eyes on you!!! If you’re not responding it means that
you’re not yet ready to listen. Understood class?

Ok everybody, 1, 2, 3 eyes on me!!!! 1,2 eyes on you!!!


Class, what do you feel when you only have one minute left on a Student 1. For me Ma’am, I felt nervous and
test? anxious that I might get multiple errors and might
not finish answering the test.

That’s good! Thank you for sharing your experience!!

How about if your parents told you to get a high remarks on the (Varied answer) Of course ma’am somehow we feel
test and they’re expecting you to be on the achiever’s list at the the pressure, and we’re afraid and anxious again that
end of the quarter? Don’t you feel the pressure as a student? they might get disappointed.

Again, Thank you for sharing and participating.

Of course everybody feel the same and experiencing that, is We strongly agree ma’am
normal even me as a teacher I feel pressured if someone told me
to do things without giving me enough time, right?

Ok let’s have an activity!!! Divide this class into 3 groups.

I will distribute the material to each group and you need to
observe and later I will ask questions.
Activity 1: Instruction: Fill up the syringe with particles by
putting circle inside the syringe as many as you can with the Student is preparing for the activity.
given time interval. Each group has given different time interval
in putting circle inside the so called “syringe”. So I will present
this on blackboard. When time is up you need to
Group I 1 min.

Group II 40 sec

Group III 30 sec

Group I, II, III what did you observe in each syringe with
different time interval what happened to particles or circles As the time gets shorter the circles inside or
inside and at the same time the space inside the syringe? particles decreases and the space or volume inside
the syringe increases.

Very good class!!!! Amazing Catch..!! So meaning with the

given different time interval to each group as the time gets Yes Ma’am!
shorter the volume or space inside the syringe increases however
when the volume increases the particles or circles inside the
syringe decreases or the other way around.

Right now, I’m going to show you something in front of these 3

groups, You need to participate and observe. Again 1, 2,3, 1,2 eyes on you!!!
everybody eyes on me!!!!

Thank you for responding it means you’re listening attentively.

This time I’m going to show you the real syringe which is empty
and one piece of marshmallow which I’m going to put inside the “It expands Ma’am!!”
syringe. I will push the plunger until it touches the marshmallow
covering the tip of syringe with my index finger, I will pull the
plunger up, this time what happened to marshmallow? Group I

How about when you push the plunger inside? What happened
to the marshmallow? Group II
“It shrinks and compressed Ma’am”

How about the volume inside the syringe? Group III?

How do you make judgement on this?
We observed that upon pushing the plunger inside
and we decrease the volume occupied by the
marshmallow the marshmallow compresses. And if
we increase the volume of the syringe occupied by
marshmallow the mallow expands.
Excellent interpretation group III!! Very good!!!


The activity that you had a while ago has something to do with
our topic for today.

Do you have now any idea about our lesson to be discussed

Yes Ma’am, It’s all about volume and pressure.
Very good class.!!!

Yes correct!! We’re going to discuss volume and pressure

relationship in Boyle’s Law.

So please, do listen carefully, because at the end of the lesson

you’re expected to solve problems involving this topic.

Let’s discuss now the Volume and Pressure.

Who do you think is the proponent or discovered the volume

and pressure? Any Idea? Student 4. It’s Robert Boyle!

Very good!! It’s Robert Boyle.


Ok, let’s discuss now the Boyle’s Law

(Students listening to the discussion)
Boyle’s Law was named after chemist and physicist Robert
Boyle, who published the original law in 1662.
Boyle’s Law states that the volume of a gas is inversely
proportional to its pressure (P) at constant temperature (T).

In symbol; P∞ K/V

The product of pressure and volume is constant

In symbol; PV=k
To prove this, let’s have this example.
Table 6. Data on volume pressure relationship
Volume (V) Pressure (P) VxP
2.0 10.00
4.0 5.00
8.0 2.50
16.0 1.25

Who can complete the data?

Yes Mr./ Ms. ______________. Volume (V) Pressure (P) VxP
2.0 10.00 20
4.0 5.00 20
8.0 2.50 20
16.0 1.25 20

Thank you for completing the table!!

So, based on the data were you able to verify the proportionality
Yes Ma’am!

Alright! Very good.

Let us now apply the equation you learned about the Boyle’s
Students listen to the discussion
Since volume and pressure of a gas can be varied, let P1 and V 1
be the initial pressure and volume respectively. And P2 and V 2
be the final pressure and volume respectively.
According to Boyle’s Law, PV=k

Therefore: P1 V 1=k
P2 V 2=k

Then, P 1 V 2= P 2 V 2
Its volume will decrease by ½
Based on the relationship of pressure and volume, what do you
think will happen to the volume if pressure of a gas doubles?

Very good!

Based also on the relationship of pressure and volume, in what

(Students varied answers)
particular situation where you can relate the concept of pressure
and volume relationship? (Pick two students to give example)

Let us now apply the concept of Boyle’s Law in solving

problem involving pressure and volume.

Let’s have this sample problem.

Student will read the problem
Who wants to read the problem?
Yes, Mr/Ms.______
Solve the Problem:

A balloon with a volume of 2.0 L is filled with a gas at 3

atmospheres. If the pressures is reduced to 0.5 atmospheres
without a change in temperature, what would be the volume of
the balloon?

Okay thank you Mr./Ms._______

Who can now solve the problem? One student will volunteer.

Since the temperature doesn’t change, Boyle’s law

can be used. Boyle’s law can be expressed as:

P i V i= P f V f

 Pi= initial pressure
 Vi= initial volume
 Pf= final pressure
 Vf= final volume

To find the final volume, solve the equation for Vf.

Given: Vi= 2.0 L

Pi= 3 atm
Pf= 0.5 atm

Required:? (Vf)

Formula: V 2= P1 V 1/ P2

Solution: P1= 3 atm

V1= 2.0 L
P2= 0.5 atm

Vf= (3 atm)*(2.0L)/(0.5 atm)

Vf= 6L/0.5 atm

Vf= 12L (the volume of the balloon will expand to

12 L).

Thank you for answering the problem number 1.

Very Good that is correct!

Next let’s move to the next sample problem.

Who wants to read the next problem?

Ok everybody let’s read the problem.
A gas occupies 11.2 liters at 0.860 atm. What is the pressure if
the volume becomes 15.0 L?

What is being asked in the problem? We are looking for final pressure P2?

Very good class!

Who wants to solve the problem Student will volunteer

Given: P1=0.860 mmHg

V 1= 11.2 L
V 2= 15.0 L

Required:? P2

Formula: P2= P1 V 1/V 2

Solution: P1=¿¿ 0.860 mmHg

V 1=¿¿ 11.2 L
V 2=¿¿ 15.0 L

P2=¿¿ (0.860 mmHg)*(11.2 L)/(15.0 L)

P2=¿¿ 0.642mmHg

So the final pressure is 0.642mmHg

Good work class!

Take note class that the unit of pressure must be in mmHg, atm.
or torr. And our standard pressure will refer to the STP (standard
temperature and pressure) which is 760 mmHg, 1atm, and 760
torr. You can use either one of those conversion factor.
The students are listening to the discussion.

Ok, Since I’ve given you 2 sample problem I guess we’re good
to go for our group activity.

Ok group yourselves into 4. All you have to do is answer these
problems. Each group will be given one problem to solve.
Students are listening to the instructions.
Solve the following problems:

Group I will answer no.1
Group II will answer no.2
Group III will answer no.3
Group IV will answer no.4
1. A gas occupies 1.56 L at 1.00 atm. What will be the
volume of the gas if the pressure becomes 3.00 atm.?

2. A gas occupies 12.3 liters at a pressure of 40.0 mmHg.

What is the volume when the pressure is increased to

3. A tank of nitrogen has a volume of 14.0 L and a

pressure of 760.0 mmHg. Find the volume of nitrogen
when its pressure is change to 400.0 mmHg while the
temperature is held constant.

4. A gas has a volume of 100 ml, when the pressure is 735

mmHg. How many milliliters will the gas occupy at 700

You have 10 min. to work on that.

Then, one member of your group will explain it in front.
The first group who will post their solution will be given
plus 5 pts. In their oral participation. In addition, you will
be graded according to the rubrics.

Is that clear? Yes Ma’am

Okay! You can start now! Each group start answering the activity.

After 10 minutes,
Are you done class? Yes Ma’am

Okay! Let’s have now the group I. The group 1 will show their solution
(Read first the problem then show your solution.)
A gas occupies 1.56 L at 1.00 atm. What will be
the volume of this gas if the pressure becomes
3.00 atm.?

Given: P1= 1.00 atm.

V1= 1.56 L.
P2= 3.00 atm.

Reguired V2=?

Formula: V2= P1V1
To substitute: V2= (1.00 atm)*(1.56L)
3.00 atm
V2= 1.56 L

V2= 0.52 L.
The final volume is 0.52 L.

Very Good! Next, group II

A gas occupies 12.3 liters at a pressure of 40.0
mm Hg. What is the volume when the pressure
is increased to 60.0 mm Hg?

P1= 40.0 mmHg
V1= 12.3 L.
P2= 60.0 mmHg

Required V2=?


V2= P1V1

To substitute:

V2= (40.0 mmHg)*(12.3L)

60.0 mmHg

V2= 492L
V2= 8.2 L.
The final volume is 8.2

That’s awesome class! Good Job! One member will present in front of the class.
Next, group III
A tank of nitrogen has a volume of 14.0 L and a
pressure of 760.0 mmHg. Find the volume of
the nitrogen when its pressure is changed to
400.0 mm Hg while the temperature is held

P1=760.0 mmHg
V1= 14.0 L.
P2= 400.0 mmHg
Required: V2?

Formula: P1V1=P2V2

V2= P1V1
To substitute:V2= (760.0 mmHg)*(14.0L)
400.0 mmHg


V2= 26.6 L.

The final volume is 26.6 L.

That’s great group III!

Ok, the last but not the least, let’s hear it from group IV.
The group IV will present.

A gas has a volume of 100 ml, when the

pressure is 735 mmHg. How many milliliters
will the gas occupy at 700 mmHg?

P1=735 mmHg
V1= 100 ml
P2= 700 mmHg

Required: V2=?

Formula: P1V1=P2V2

V2= P1V1

To substitute: V2= (735mmHg)*(100 ml)
700 mmHg

V2= 73,500 ml
V2= 105ml
The final volume is 105 ml.

Ok, Thank you so much to all the groups!!

Let’s give everybody around of applause! Indeed, you did a
good job!

Alright! To sum up our lesson, What does Boyle’s law states? Boyle’s law states that the volume of a gas is
inversely proportional to its pressure (P) at
constant temperature (T).

What will happen if the pressure increases?

If the pressure increases the volume decreases.
What about if the volume increases?
If the volume increases, the pressure decreases.

Alright! Very good

So, for your quiz get ½ sheet of yellow paper.


Direction: Solve the following

1. 1. A gas occupies 25.3 mL at a pressure of 790.5 mm Hg.
Given: P1= 790.5 mmHg
Determine the volume if the pressure is reduced to 0.804
V1 = 25.3 ml
P2= 0.804 atm.

Convert: 0.804 atm*760mmHg = 611.04 mmHg

1 atm

Required: V2?

Formula: P1V1=P2V2

V2= P1V1

To substitute:

V2= (790.5mmHg)*(25.3 ml)

611.04 mmHg

V2= 19,999.65 ml

V2= 32.73 ml

So final volume is 32.73 ml

2. 2. Convert 77.0 L at 18.0 mmHg to its new volume at

standard pressure. Given: P1= 18.0 mmHg
V1= 77.0 L
P2 = 760 mmHg

Required: V2= ?

Formula: P1V1= P2 V2
V2= P1V1

V2= ( 18.0 mmHg)*(77.0L)

760 mmHg

V2= 1,386 L

V2= 1.82 L

So the final volume is 1.82 L

3. 3. 500.0 mL of a gas is collected at 745.0 mm Hg. What

will the volume be at standard pressure? Given: P1= 745.0 mmHg
3. V1= 500.0 ml
4. P2= 760 mmHg

5. Required: V2=?

Formula: P1V1=P2V2

V2= P1V1

To substitute:

V2= (745.0 mmHg)*(500.0 ml)

760 mmHg
V2= 372,500 ml

V2= 490.13 ml

So the final volume is 490.13 ml


Direction: Answer the following question;

1. 1. What is Charles law?
2. 2. What are the variables involve in Charles law?

Prepared by:
Magnolia L. Militar

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