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Basic English Grammar

Md. Abdul Kader Basic
Assistant Professor
Department of English English Grammar-05
Cambrian School & College

Mobile: +8801715447430
Email :

The word 'verb' comes from Latin word -

By the 'verbum' means word.
end of
the •Verb A verb may describe an action or activity, or
lesson an event or happening.
you will •Classification of various
be able verb
 He does the work.
to say
 They bought a new car.
about …
 Come here.

Note: Verb
The most important word of a sentence
Finite Non-finite
is verb.
Principal Auxiliary Infinitive Participle Gerund
Without verb it is impossible to write a
Transitive Primary Present
Intransitive Modal Past

Linking Periphrastic Perfect


A finite verb is a verb that has a subject

and shows tense. Examples:
To be remembered:

Without finite verb it is impossible

to make a sentence.

Principal verbs are Verbs which show the

major actions carried out by the subjects.

Generally principal Verbs have ability to

Finite verb has two types. They are-
stand alone, however we can also find one or
1. Principal Verb more than one Auxiliary/Helping Verbs
helping them.
2. Auxiliary Verb
a. We play cricket. b. Man makes fire.
c. People know it. d. We need money.

Thing to be remembered:
Principal Verb has three types. They
Without principal verb it is impossible to
make a sentence. are as follows-

A main verb is also known as a lexical verb. 1. Transitive Verb

All main verbs are either action verb or 2. Intransitive Verb
linking verbs.
3. Linking Verb


Transitive comes from Latin word 'transire' It is further divided into three classes.
meaning 'to go across'. Mono transitive verbs:
The action of the verb 'goes across' from the Mono transitive verbs have only one object, a
subject of the verb to the direct object of the direct object.
verb. For example: I know the answer.

A transitive verb always has a direct object. Di transitive verbs:

Di transitive verbs have two objects, a direct
He flies a kite. object and an indirect object. For example:
We lost the pen. I told him (indirect) the answer. (direct)

Complex Transitive Verbs: An intransitive verb never has a direct or

Complex transitive verbs have a direct indirect object. Although an intransitive
object and a complement (a word or phrase verb may be followed by an adverb or
that says something about the direct object.) adverbial phrase, there is no object to
receive its action.
For example:
They have painted their house purple.
(complement) Milva rises slowly from her seat.
The verb is rises. The phrase, slowly from her seat, modifies
I will prove you wrong. the verb, but no object receives the action.

English has three primary auxiliary verbs: Primary auxiliary verbs which are
 BE derived from the verb BE are “am, is,
 HAVE, and are, was and were”.
 DO Example:
I am a teacher.
All three take part in the formation of various He is my friend.
grammatical constructions, but carry very
little meaning themselves. They are students.
I was a teacher.
They were students.


Primary auxiliary verbs which are Primary auxiliary verbs which are
derived from the verb HAVE are “have, derived from the verb DO are “do, does
has and had ”. and did”.

Examples: Examples:
They have five houses. I do the work.
He has two children. He does the examination very well.
She had ten cars. He did the assignment perfectly.

An auxiliary verb characteristically used with 1. They never change their form according to
other verbs to express mood, aspect, or the subject of the sentence.
tense. Example:
In English, the most common modal He can run. (Not he cans run)
auxiliaries are -
 can, could 2. They can make the sentence negative
 shall, should directly by using not/n’t.
 will, would Example:
 may, might I can’t go. (Not I don’t can go.)
 must

3. They form questions by inversion with the 5. Modals cannot be used for the things
subject. that happen naturally, and no one has
Example: any control over that.
Should I go?
4. They follow the base form of the verb
without the addition of any other form of the
verb. The sun rises in the east. ( Not “The sun
Example: must rise in the east”)
He can run in the sun. (Not he can to run in
the sun.)


The verb which has “to” & base form of Example:

verb with it is called Periphrastic Modal He is going to do it.
Auxiliary. You ought to obey your parents.
There are six Periphrastic Modal I am about to finish my work.
Auxiliary verb.
They are-
need to, be going to, dare to, used to, be
about to, ought to.

A linking verb connects the subject of a The most common linking verb is the verb “to
sentence to a noun or adjective. be” in all of its forms (am, are, is, was, were,
EXAMPLE: To become and to seem are always linking
Jason became a business major.
The verb, became, links the subject, Jason, to its
complement, a business major. Other verbs may be linking verbs in some
cases and action verbs in others:
Lisa is in love with Jason. to appear, to feel, to look, to remain, to stay,
The verb, is, links the subject, Lisa, to the subject to taste, to continue, to grow, to prove, to
complement, in love with Jason (describing Lisa). sound, to smell, to turn etc.

A non-finite verb is a verb form that Verbal is a verb form that is used as one
of the following:
has no subject and does not show
tense or number. It is also called  Noun
verbal.  Adjective
 Adverb
Lee likes playing rugby.
A verbal can never be the verb of the
He wants a game to play. sentence.
We watched Lee playing rugby.


There are three different kinds of An infinitive is a verb form that is

verbal: proceeded by the word “to.”
 Infinitive  To play
 Participle  To sleep
 Gerund  To be seen
 To steal
Each verbal has a specific purpose and  To have been stolen
use in a sentence.  To speak

In some sentences (following certain The verbs which call for an omitted “to”
verbs), the “sign of the infinitive” i.e. are:
“to” is omitted.  See
 Hear
Example:  Feel
 Help him (to) move the sofa.  Help
 Watch the fish (to) snap at the hook.  Let
 Can you feel the floor (to) move?  Make
 Watch

An infinitive has three possible As a noun:

functions:  I hate to go. (direct object)
 As a noun  To steal is a crime. (subject)
 As an adjective As an adjective:
 It’s time to go. (modify time)
 As an adverb
 There are jobs to be done. (modify jobs)
Knowing where an infinitive should go
As an adverb:
helps make the structure of the
 He always plays to win. (modify plays)
sentence more clear.


The infinite verb has two types:

Noun infinitive: When an infinitive works
 Simple or noun infinitive as a noun it is called Noun infinitive.
 Gerundial or Qualifying infinitive
To err is human.
To swim is a good exercise.
To find fault with others is easy.

Gerundial or Qualifying infinitive: When Verb forms that are used as adjectives
an infinitive means any purpose, are called participles.
condition, or result then it is called Participle has three forms:
Gerundial or Qualifying infinitive.
 Present (ending in “-ing”)
The children went to play.  Past (ending in “d, ed, t, n, en, or ne ’)
We eat to live.
 Perfect Participle (ending in having +
The baby tried to walk.
“d, ed, t, n, en, or ne ’)

Examples: Participles can appear in several places

in the sentence, but they are most
 Smoking gun commonly found describing / modifying
 Streaming video the subject.

 Broken window
Participle phrases can also be made
 Elected official from single participles.
 Having done Example
 Running along the path
 having closed


A gerund looks a lot like a present Examples:

participle because it ends in “-ing.” But
the gerund is going to be used as a  Chewing gum in class is not allowed.
noun. (subject)

Gerunds can be used as -  I liked eating at the new restaurant.

(direct object)
 subjects
 direct or indirect objects  Without running very hard I won the
race. (objects of prepositions)
 objects of prepositions

1. The verb is mainly classified into three

2. An intransitive verb always have an
Dear Student, Read the object.
following statement and 3. Without finite verb to make sentence is
decide whether they are impossible.
True/ False. 4. An infinite verb always express its full
5. Finite verb never depends on the number
and person of subject.

Answer the question of

this link.
ry/verbs-what_quiz.htm A word file has been
given to complete the home work.


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