The Big 5 Workbook

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A book is great for getting ATTENTION and

Hey there - TRUST because it’s a multipurpose tool!
My name is Raam Anand and I
help experts, entrepreneurs, and
professionals create their own books
A book gives you authority, credibility, and expertise.
that allow them to have more impact,
more freedom and more money.
Your own book shows the world that you can commit to something
It's about using compelling content to and follow through. It shows you get things done; things that are hard
build your business or professional
(personal) branding from your valuable and prestigious, and require a lot of skills.
and distinct perspective which
positions you squarely as the
"influencer" in A book helps people find you.
your field, market and industry.

The cool thing is, when done right, you The #1 search engine is Google. #2 is YouTube. You know what #3
make a great living doing what you is? Amazon. And even more relevant to you, it’s the #1 search engine
love, while having a big impact and an
incredible life. when looking for products and services (with 44% searches for
products and services starting there).
To do that you need to be known for
making a difference with what you
know. Whatever you offer and wherever you do that, being on Amazon
cannot be ignored. And, the best way to do that is… writing a book.

Copyright ® Stardom Alliance (USA/India). Raam Anand. All rights reserved.

Do not copy or duplicate without permission.

Complete these sentences:

The big mistakes I would have made include:



The worst consequences of not solving the problems right now are:



Copyright ® Stardom Alliance (USA/India). Raam Anand. All rights reserved.

Do not copy or duplicate without permission.

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