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Creating a book around your expertise,

Hey there - experience, or knowledge is considered to be
My name is Raam Anand and I
the #1 strategy today to build personal
help experts, entrepreneurs, and branding and increase influence.
professionals create their own books
that allow them to have more impact,
more freedom and more money.
A book raises your visibility and best media coverage.
It's about using compelling content to
build your business or professional
(personal) branding from your valuable When a media outlet wants a comment on something, who do they
and distinct perspective which go to? The expert, right? And how do they know someone is an
positions you squarely as the
"influencer" in expert? Because that someone wrote a book!
your field, market and industry.

The cool thing is, when done right, you A book helps people talk about you.
make a great living doing what you
love, while having a big impact and an
incredible life. There is no better marketing than word of mouth. Anything that helps
other people talk about you and your expertise is the best marketing
To do that you need to be known for
making a difference with what you tool possible, and a book enables word of mouth better than almost
anything else.

Copyright ® Stardom Alliance (USA/India). Raam Anand. All rights reserved.

Do not copy or duplicate without permission.

Complete these sentences:

The biggest benefits of writing my own book are:



The right beliefs to get these benefits are:



Copyright ® Stardom Alliance (USA/India). Raam Anand. All rights reserved.

Do not copy or duplicate without permission.

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