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As I mentioned before, this project focuses on putting into practice the training
obtained during the academic period, in the assigned work center.

During this experience, I have obtained an intensive and more realistic learning
about the aspects related to marketing, commercial, financial and economic
management of the company, multiple market search and various communication
channels of the company.

During my internship, I have performed task such as implementing strategies to

launch products in the market compared to our competitors, organizing events in
collaboration with our clients, register commercial documents; customer orders,
claims… in the company server, and many more activities that I have learned every
day and that have helped me to complete my academic learning, with more training
applied from another work environment.

In addition to the above mentioned, I have also studied English during my time at the
company. Sofidel offers her employees and families, a training designed to learn and
improve their language skills. The training consists of online assistance by weekly
english classes with employees from other company plants located in different
countries, which are conducted by a licensed teacher.

In my case, during my internship I couldn't

attend these classes, but I have access to
similar training, a “miniserie” in English (The
Inside Man) of cybersecurity, that is launched
from the company on the training platform.
Every day I watch two episodes and get
learning certificates for completing the training.
This series not only provides important
information about cybersecurity, but also offers
an educational and entertaining way to learn
the language.
And therefore although I'm not an official employee of the company, I have taken
advantage of this opportunity to improve my English skills.

I consider that my time at the company has been satisfactory and practical, both for
me and for the company.
Since I have learned with them, they have learned about me.
Especially in terms of design and on a personal level; thanks to my charism, my
efforts and my desire to want to learn and understand what future work awaits me.

For me this experience has been an opportunity to open new ways, thanks to many
aspects that have helped me strengthen my skills and that will be very useful in my
professional future.

Andrea Saez Rosano | Entrega Final Síntesis Inglés TFG

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