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Step 1

Our situation

© Iqbal Nasim

• More consistency, less irregularity

• More focus, less distraction

• More tranquility, less agitation

Today is about


The human condition
Life is a test
Exalted is He who holds all control in His hands; who has power over
all things; who created death and life to test you and reveal which
of you does best – He is the Mighty, the Forgiving.
Chapter 67, Control, Verses 1-2

We offered the Trust to the heavens, the earth, and the mountains,
yet they refused to undertake it and were afraid of it; mankind
undertook it - they have always been inept and ignorant.
Chapter 33, The Joint Forces, Verse 72
Life is so short
All that is hidden from view in the heavens and earth belongs to
God. The coming of the Hour of Judgement is like the blink of an
eye, or even quicker. God has power over everything.
Chapter 16, The Bee, Verse 77

They ask you about the Hour, saying, ‘When will it arrive?’, but how
can you tell them that? Its time is known only to your Lord; you are
only sent to warn those who fear it. On the Day they see it, it will
seem they lingered [in this life] an evening or its morning.
Chapter 79, The Forceful Chargers, Verses 42-46
Life is so short
They see it is as something distant. We see it to be close.
Chapter 70, The Ways of Ascent, Verses 6-7

The Prophet (may God grant him blessings and peace) is reported
to have said, “What is the example of this worldly life in comparison
to the Hereafter other than one of you dipping their finger into the
sea? Let them look at what they bring forth.”
Life is deceiving
Tell them what the life of this world is like: We send water down from
the skies and the earth’s vegetation absorbs it, but soon the plants
turn to dry stubble scattered about by the wind: God has power
over everything.
Wealth and children are the attractions of this worldly life, but
lasting good works have a better reward with your Lord and give
better grounds for hope.
One day We shall make the mountains move, and you will see the
earth as an open plain. We shall gather all people together,
leaving no one. They will be lined up before your Lord: ‘Now you
have come to Us as We first created you…’
Chapter 18, The Cave, Verses 45-48
The stakes are so high
Bear in mind that the present life is just a game, a diversion, an
attraction, a cause of boasting among you, of rivalry in wealth and
It is like plants that spring up after the rain: their growth at first
delights the sowers, but then you see them wither away, turn yellow,
and become stubble.
There is terrible punishment in the next life as well as forgiveness
and approval from God; the life of this world is only an illusory
Chapter 57, Iron, Verse 20
We are all in need of God
Say [Prophet], ‘Just think, if God were to cast perpetual night over
you until the Day of Resurrection, what god other than He could
bring you light? Do you not listen?’
Say, ‘Just think, if God were to cast perpetual day over you until the
Day of Resurrection, what god other than He could give you night in
which to rest? Do you not see?
Chapter 28, The Story, Verses 71-72

People, it is you who stand in need of God; God needs nothing and
is worthy of all praise.
Chapter 35, The Creator, Verse 15
What has all this
got to do with our Salat?
What has all this got to do with our Salat?
If we know that:

• life is a test…

• life is so short…

• life is deceiving…

• the stakes are so high…

• we are all in need of God…

And if we know that Salat is
the most important way in
which we connect with Allah
in our lives
Why do so many of us…

miss prayers? see prayer as a burden?

delay prayers? communicate badly in prayer?

rush prayers? lose focus in prayers?

Practical ways of increasing urgency

• Visit the graveyard

• Memento mori
Last Day Living exercise
Imagine a visit from the Angel of Death:

• “Your soul WILL be taken on 31st December 2022!”

• What would your immediate response be?

• What are the implications for the way you live?

Write down
3 things that you would start doing (or do more of)

1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________

3 things that you would stop doing (or do less of)

1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________

Keep your commitments visible and act accordingly!

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© Iqbal Nasim

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