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Name: Finela erica Pascua Subect: The life and works of Rizal

Course and section: DAT-2

Reflection Paper on Jose Rizal Movie

The video presented is about the life of a hero, it is a documentary telling the life of a hero that we
admired and who became the national hero of our country. According to the Video, the
dramatization was based on the letter they saw and it has a signature from our national hero. It can
be seen in the novels and his works that he is a famous and intelligent boy named Jose Rizal, even
though he has many names but in the heart of the Philippines, he is the only Jose Rizal national hero
who sacrificed his life and loyalty for the country. In the video, you can see the life of Jose Rizal from
his birth to his growth and development in education. His parents were both from Biñan but they
moved to Calamba and that's where Jose Rizal began studying arts and other things from his first
teacher who was also his mother. Rizal was a quiet child, fond of painting and reading . It can be
seen that Jose Rizal's family is wealthy, this is because he has a nanny, he was nine years old when
he first separated from his mother, this because he had to study. Rizal experienced bitter success
and love as a student in Manila, Rizal was 11 years old when he entered the university. Here they
must know the Spanish word. Rizal loved to read books, and his intelligence flourished when he
went to college and his mother was freed. Here he composed and translated poems. Because of
Rizal's perseverance in studying and with the help of his teacher, he was honored for his smartness
in class, Rizal studied again in different schools and he took medicine, here Rizal met his first love
who was Segunda's partner, Many also liked him. Experiencing abuse from the civil guards,
Malacañang paid no attention to it. Because of the incident of insulting the Filipinos, Rizal wisely
planned to study abroad. With every discovery Rizal made, he never tired of writing it down, lessons,
and things he saw. He also wrote to be published in Diaryong Tagalog. The video shows the love of
each one of Rizal's family from his brothers and parents, in other countries Rizal, met different
Filipino students in the place he went to. In other countries, Rizal became skilled in medicine, and
Rizal met different doctors in other countries such as Blumentritt. Rizal went home to prove and
show a sign of his Filipinos to fight for his novel about the torture of the Filipinos by the Spaniards.
The video shows that Rizal visited many countries and studied their cultures and laws. Rizal saw a
book from Morga and read it and he studied it, compared its contents about the Philippines, and
printed the book. from his writings to the last breath of his life, he dedicated his love and loyalty to
our country.

its reflection as a student discovering the history of our country is to show the audience the
adventure of Jose Rizal before he won awards and became a national hero. She also shows that as a
female individual you can do a lot for your country and family. You don't need to be a hero to do
good for our country and fellow Filipinos, but in small things, you can show your Filipinoness or
patriotism. In his biography, we can imagine that in his love life he purposely put it aside for his
dream, in the hardships and pains of the diseases that he received he became proficient in different
fields of excellence. on the other hand, our insight in this video is to show us the life of Rizal,
inevitably, many people do not agree with it and many are also impressed by it currently, as pro-
Rizal and anti-Rizal may it be equal in the future Judging from the video, whether it's fiction or real,
we should appreciate every sacrifice our heroes made for the country. Disregarding the information
shared by such a video is not helpful but can serve as a mirror to life to fulfill every dream. To the
students who watched the video because it was necessary to watch it, may we learn a lesson, In the
experiences of our national hero, from his educational background and childhood memories, may
this lesson serve to make us optimistic about the things of can't step on a fellow Filipino. Nowadays
most people become happy and excited when there are fellow Filipinos to play with online and in
person. But if we open the video we will see Rizal's care and love for the Filipinos and I hope that
love we carry with us now and in the future. if we think and we are in Rizal's situation, can we do
what he did? or can we just be slaves to those who hug? or just join them because we are smart and
educated? if you think that what Rizal did was easy for him but for his mother and his family, for his
country and beloved Filipino he did those things to save the future.

Lastly, I hope we will learn to appreciate his teachings as a reminder and respect him, so there was a
law that Rizal's life should be studied so that students and past students will always remember how
to love and appreciate our freedom. With every laugh, cry, and cheer we will remember that we
couldn't have done this if we didn't get freedom from the invaders and if the Filipinos didn't get
ideas from Rizal's novels they wouldn't have had the strength of heart and the spirit of each one
would not have woken up to fight for our country. His writings served as tools to open the
consciousness of our countrymen to fight to the death for our freedom

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