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Science assessment task 2: Research task - Qiana

Part 1

Explain how a Lunar eclipse occurs?

When the sun moves into the Earth’s shadow, a lunar eclipse occurs, and the moon,
sun, and Earth have to align simultaneously with the Earth between the other two

Why is a total Lunar eclipse sometimes called a Blood Moon? Explain.

A lunar eclipse is sometimes called a blood moon because of its red-covered look.
The red look only appears when the Earth blocks the moon entirely.

How did the Moon’s surface get craters?

Constant asteroids cause craters on the moon’s surface because the moon doesn’t
have an atmosphere.

Discuss two ways in which humans have studied the Moon:

In the 1940s, we used to study the moon using telescopes before, and humans
invented any spacecraft. Later on, or more precisely, in the 1960s, the first
spacecraft was developed and sent to the moon.

Describe two issues humans might face in trying to build and live in structures
on the Moon.
Astronauts have provided us with a lot of information as to what it’s like on the moon.
Firstly, they complained about getting sore throats and watery eyes due to the
amount of dust on the moon; we need to find a solution to this problem to stay on the
moon. Secondly, humans would face the problem of needing a new power grid. Our
current power grid took centuries to develop, and making another one on the moon
is another big problem for humanity; it would be extremely costly and dangerous.

Part 2

The effects on the Earth if the Earth specifically had no moon; The moon gives us a
majority of the light we see, it gives us all the different climates we experience, which
is done by the moon helping the Earth rotate on its axis. Also, the moon has found
out to control our moods and our behaviour in different phases.

A short description of the moon: The moon is white during the day and a yellow-ish
colour as seen at night. The moon also has craters, these craters have been carved
in by asteroids and rocks in outer space. The moon’s surface was actually found out
to be dark instead of light like most people imagined. Every year, the moon drifts
further and further away from the Earth.

First, the moon’s light generally combines with the earthlight and sunlight to mainly
produce ‘moonlight’ which we see with the stars when we mostly look up at the sky
at night time in a sort of significant way. Depending on the moon’s generally current
phase, we get typically a relatively certain amount of light at night, which primarily
helps us see most things at night in a big way. Without this light, we would mostly not
essentially be able to see in the night in a very major way.

Secondly, Most of the major climates and weathers we experience on earth basically
is all caused by the moon and its positioning and effect it mostly has on the earth, for
all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. Basically, when the moon is
above us the gravity makes our Earth’s atmosphere to immediately connect to where
the moon is directed near the Earth. Once this happens, the weight of the
atmosphere reduces causing us to change temperatures in certain parts of the Earth.
In addition, if the pressure is higher then the temperature is way more likely to
increase in a specific part of the Earth.

Also, The moon brings in tides in its own unique way which took a very long time for
scientists to figure out. Basically, the moons strong, powerful gravitational pull
creates a tidal force which then forces the water closest to the moon to break out
immediately to the side of the Earth where the moon is and another where the
opposite side of the first tide is pulling in.

Thirdly, The moon can control our moods and behaviours. Scientists and many other
people found out that different phases of the moon can cause different behaviours
and moods towards humans. For example, a full moon could lead to depression,
suicidal acts or even trauma. To add, the moon also has an impact on females as a
whole, different moon phases can affect reproduction and menstruation.
In conclusion, humans could not be able to live without a moon because we wouldn’t
have different temperatures, we wouldn’t have any light at night, we wouldn’t have
pretty tides coming in and we wouldn’t know how to act properly since the moons
phases changes and affects the way we behave and our moods from time to time.

Bibliography: › ~smaddiso › astro › craters

‘The Moon Project’ 2021, in Swinburne University, viewed 9 June 2021,
< › ~smaddiso › astro › craters>.

‘Living On The Moon’ 2021, in Herox, viewed 9 June 2021,


Lunar Eclipse’ 2021, in Wikipedia, viewed 10 June 2021,


‘Moon Facts’ 2021, in National Geographic, viewed 10 June 2021,


Solar System Exploration’ 2021, in NASA, viewed 10 June 2021,


‘Can The Moon Affect Our Behaviour’ 2021, in RMG, viewed 10 June 2021,

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