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Q.1. How does the formation of TRS take place?

 When the Ocean surface is warm (More than 27°C) the air along above
the surface is also warm and thus the evaporation of sea water takes
 With the increase of Wind speed the rate of evaporation is more and the
water vapour rises up due to evaporation. With the rise in altitude the
temperature decreases and the water vapour condenses to form Cloud.
During the ascent of the water vapour, it cools and release latent heat in
the atmosphere which provides the required energy for formation of
 The mixture of the Heat and the water vapour creates Thunderstorms.
These storms may group together, if the warm water is present and
begins to spin around as one large system.
 As they are pushed further across the ocean, they draw in more warm air
and get more energy.
 Because the air moves upward and away from the surface, there is less
air left near the surface, i.e LOW PRESSURE is created at that place.
 Air from surrounding High Pressure Areas rushes into the Low Pressure
Area and the new air becomes warm and moist and rises too.
 As the warm air continues to rise, the surrounding air swirls (spins) in to
take its place.
 The whole system of Clouds and the wind spins and grows to form
Thunderstorm and further to TRS.
Q. What are the ideal condition for formation of a TRS?
Ans: Ideal condition for formation of a TRS are as follows:
 1. Sea surface temperature must be 27°C or more.
Such a high temperature is needed to produce steep lapse rate in
troposphere to maintain vertical circulation.

 2. Fair amount of Coriolis force (Latitude more than 5°North/South):

The circulation has to be sustained and hence the formation can take
place where Coriolis force is available. Hence no Cyclogenesis occurs
close to the equator. That is, within a belt of 5° latitude of both sides of
equator no cyclone forms.
The maximum cyclonic development takes place around latitude 15°.
About 65% of TRS of the world develop between latitudes 10° to 20°.

 3. Low pressure area surrounded by areas of High Pressure:

Cyclones develop from a pre-existing trough or diffused low-pressure
areas associated with shear lines. This makes the cyclones to have
preferred period and regions of formations in the oceans. The periods are
linked with the oscillations of Inter tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
and they form on Doldrums on the sea area.

 4.Convection current(daytime over large islands):

Ensure that air rises continuously so that adiabatic cooling results in
condensation that liberates latent heat, which provides energy for the

 5. Weak prevailing winds(During change of season)-

If the prevailing winds are strong, the air would not rise vertically. It
would be carried off horizontally,thereby not allowing a TRS to form. It
exists during day time over large tropical islands, in mid ocean,
between latitudes 5° & 20°, during change of monsoon in Indian waters,
mid Apr – mid June & from Oct toDec.

 6. High humidity is required which is available in maritime atmosphere.

TRS form with warm moist air below and steep lapse rate aloft. They
form on the western side of the ocean in summer or autumn.
Q. Explain with the diagram, what avoiding action to take if the ship is in
the Northern Hemisphere?
Ans: The following are the actions to be taken if a storm is suspected in the
vicinity of a vessel
 The Master should transmit a Safety Message to the nearest Coast
Station & other vessels in the vicinity as required by SOLAS Chapter V
(Safety of Navigation) Regulation . This message could be repeated
every 3 Hours as long as the ship is under the influence of the Storm.
 To Obtain the bearing of the Storm Centre
“Face the True Wind”, and according to Buys Ballot’s law, the storm
centre, will lie
 8 – 12 points on your Right in the Northern Hemisphere,
 8 – 12 points on your Left in the Southern Hemisphere.

 To Monitor the Barometric Pressure

 If the pressure has fallen 5 mb below normal, allow 12 points as it

means that either the vessel is in the outer fringes of a well
developed TRS, or that a new TRS is forming in the vicinity.

 If the pressure has fallen 10 mb below normal, allow 10 points as

it means that either the vessel is between the outer fringes and the
EYE or Vortex of a well developed TRS.

 If the pressure has fallen 20 mb or more below normal, allow 8

points as it means that the vessel is near the eye of a well
developed TRS.

(c) To monitor the Wind Direction and decide which semicircle the
vessel lies.
 If the wind is veering continuously, the ship is in Right Hand Semi
Circle, (RHSC)- (True for both the Hemispheres)
 If the wind is backing continuously, the ship is in Left Hand Semi
Circle, (LHSC) (True for both the Hemispheres)
 RHSC is the Dangerous Semicircle in NH and Navigable Semicircle
in SH.
 LHSC is the Dangerous Semicircle in SH and Navigable Semicircle
in NH.
 Dangerous Semi
Circle: Right Hand Semicircle
in NH
& Left Hand Semicircle
in SH
 Navigable Semi
Circle: Left Hand Semicircle
in NH &
Right Hand Semicircle in SH
Navigable Semi Circle: Left Hand Semicircle in

 If there is NO Change in the Wind direction, but Wind speed

increases, - It means that the vessel is in the path of the TRS.

 Rule of Wind direction to decide which semicircle the vessel lies

 The Veering Wind

(Clockwise Movement of the
wind) should continue to veer
 The Backing Wind (Anti
Clockwise Movement of the
wind) should continue to back.

 If the wind is veering in the beginning and then starts backing or vice
versa, that
To ascertain in which semicircle vessel lies

While determining the semicircle, the

following points should be noted.
Wind Observations, though logged every hour during
bad weather, should be compared with that 2 hours
earlier. This is to give time for significant veering or
backing and hence weed out errors that may be
caused by irregular gusts of wind.
Veering or backing, once detected, should be
continuous while the observer remains stationary, ie. a
veering wind should continue to veer and a backing
wind should continue to back. If the wind veers at first
and then backs, or if it backs at first and then veers,
the vessel must have passed from one semicircle into
another, due to change of path of the storm
Finding the Quadrant – Northern Hemisphere
 If the wind veers she is in the right
hand semicircle (Dangerous
 If the wind backs she is in the left
hand semicircle (Navigable

Northern Hemisphere
Navigable Semicircle
 Proceed at maximum practical speed,
 Alter courses as wind backs, keeping the wind between 1 and 4 points on the
starboard quarter.
Northern Hemisphere
Dangerous Semicircle
 Proceed at maximum practical speed,
 Alter course as wind veers, keeping the wind between 1 and 4 points
on the starboard bow.
In Direct Path
Northern Hemisphere
Keep wind on starboard quarter and make all possible speed to
navigable semicircle

Vessel overtaking storm

Northern Hemisphere
Heave to, keep the wind on
starboard bow, storm will clear.

Finding the quadrant – Southern

 If the wind backs she is in the
right hand semicircle
(Navigable Semicircle)
 If the wind veers she is in the
left hand semicircle (Dangerous
Navigable Semicircle – Southern Hemisphere
 Proceed at maximum practical speed,
 Alter course as wind veers, keeping the wind between 1 and 4 points on
the port quarter.

Dangerous Semicircle – Southern Hemisphere

 Proceed at maximum practical speed,
 Alter course as wind backs, keeping the wind between 1 and 4 points
on the port bow
In the direct path – Southern Hemisphere
 Proceed at maximum practical speed,
 Alter course as wind veers, keeping the wind between 1 and 4 points
on the port quarter.

Vessel overtaking storm – Southern Hemisphere

Heave to, keep the wind on port bow, storm will clear
Q.3. Explain with example how you will use the Safety Sector for keeping a
ship clear of a Tropical Storm, in Northern Hemisphere?

Safety Sector: The Fan diagram

 Plot the reported position of the storm

 Draw a circle of radius of 75

miles about the storm centre.

 Draw a sector of 80degrees ,

by drawing 40degree lines on either
side at the storms current position

 Draw tangential lines to the circle

parallel to the 40degree sector
 Mark the distance the storm will travel for 24 and 48hours along its
predicted path, from its current position.
 Complete the fan.

 Amend the fan with each new position and predicted path of the storm.
 Due to erratic movement of a TRS it is required to plot a danger area.
 To plot a danger area , from the reported position, of the centre of the
storm, lay off its track and distance expected for next 24 Hours.
 From the reported centre of the storm, lay off two lines 40°, on either side
of the track.
 Make an arc to cut the two lines on either side of the track, from the
expected position of the storm after next 24 hours.
 This is the sector in which the Storm is expected for next 24 hours.


 A vessel is in Northern Hemisphere.

At 0000 z
 Report Observed : Suppose a ship is in position A at 0000 z steaming
180°(T) at 20 Knots.
 The ship receives a report of TRS to south of her with centre at H1,
moving NNW at 6 knots.
 Assessment of Storm Position with relative to ship
Sector 1 is drawn , and found if the storm continues on its course, the
ship will pass more than 200 NM away from its centre.

 Action Taken but no action was taken at this time.

At 0600 z
 Report Observed : At 0600 z, when the ship is at position B, the storm
is reported at Position H2, moving Northerly at 10 Knots.
 Assessment of Storm Position with relative to ship : Sector 2 is drawn
and now it is apparent that if storm continues on the path, the CPA
would be about 150 NM.

 Action Taken : Vessel’s speed reduced to 15 Knots and maintained.

At 1200 z

 Report Observed At 1200z, when the ship is at position C, the storm is

reported at H3, now moving NNE and have increased its speed to 12
 Assessment of Storm Position with relative to ship : Sector 3 is drawn
and it is apparent that if the vessel continues to steer 180°, she will
steam into dangerous area of the storm and get the vessel closer to
Action Taken: A bold alteration of course to 250° is made and speed
increased to 20 knots to keep her clear of storm.

At 1800 z
Report Observed :At 1800 Z, vessel is in position D, and the Storm is
reported at position H4, now moving NE at an increased speed of 15
Assessment of Storm Position with relative to ship :
 Sector 4 is drawn now.
 If the vessel maintains her course 250°, it is apparent that the
Storm centre’s CPA is more than 200 NM.
Action taken: Maintain this course of 250° till midnight.
By this time the TRS could pass well clear of the vessel and the vessel is
again altered back to 180° on her original course.
By drawing the different Sectors on evaluating the changing position of the
storm centre and its relative position from the vessel’s current position we
have to continuously monitor , and analyse the situation and corrective
measures like alteration of courses, increase/ reduction of ship’s speed are
taken and thus use the safety Sectors for keeping the ship clear of the tropical

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