Development Program

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Eva Katrina R.

Lopez, CPA Human Behavior in Organization

Development Program on Absenteeism, Tardiness and Inefficiency in Work

General Objective
The general objective of this development program is to address and reduce absenteeism,
tardiness and inefficiency in the workplace, thereby improving overall productivity, employee
satisfaction and organizational success.

Specific Objectives
1. Increase awareness. Raise awareness among employees about the negative impact of
absenteeism, tardiness and inefficiency on individual and organizational performance.
2. Enhance time management and productivity skills. Provide employees with tools, techniques
and training to improve time management, prioritize tasks effectively and enhance overall
3. Strengthen work processes. Identify and address inefficiencies in work processes and systems
to optimize productivity and reduce time wastage.
4. Foster a positive work environment. Promote a positive work culture that values and
recognizes employee contributions, encourages collaboration and enhances motivation and
job satisfaction.
5. Establish accountability. Develop clear attendance, punctuality and performance standards,
and establish systems to hold employees accountable for meeting these standards.

Program Timeline
Duration: 6 months

Program Activities
Month 1
 Conduct a comprehensive assessment of absenteeism, tardiness and inefficiency rates.
 Communicate the program's objectives and benefits to all employees through meetings,
emails and posters.

Months 2-3
 Conduct training sessions on time management techniques, productivity enhancement and
the impact of absenteeism, tardiness and inefficiency on individual and organizational
 Provide employees with tools and resources to improve their productivity and time
management skills.
 Analyze work processes and systems to identify inefficiencies and develop improvement

Months 4-5
 Implement revised work processes and systems to streamline operations and eliminate
 Conduct regular performance feedback sessions with employees to identify challenges and
provide guidance on productivity improvement.
 Establish a rewards and recognition program to acknowledge employees who consistently
demonstrate high productivity and adherence to attendance and punctuality standards.

Month 6
 Monitor attendance, punctuality and performance data regularly to identify areas for
improvement and address individual challenges.
 Provide ongoing coaching and support to employees who face difficulties in meeting
performance expectations.
 Evaluate the program's effectiveness through surveys, feedback sessions and data analysis.

Process to Execute the Program

1. Gain support and commitment from key stakeholders, including management, HR
department and employees.
2. Develop a detailed program plan outlining objectives, activities, timelines and requirements.
3. Allocate necessary resources, trainers and technology to support program implementation.
4. Communicate the program to all employees, highlighting the importance and benefits of
addressing absenteeism, tardiness and inefficiency.

5. Execute planned activities ensuring active participation and engagement from employees.
6. Monitor progress regularly, collect feedback and make adjustments to the program as needed.
7. Provide ongoing support and guidance to employees addressing their concerns and
8. Celebrate achievements and recognize individuals or teams who have made significant
improvements in attendance, punctuality and productivity.

Expected Outcome for Target Individuals

1. Increased awareness of the negative impact of absenteeism, tardiness and inefficiency on
individual and organizational performance.
2. Improved time management skills and ability to prioritize tasks effectively.
3. Enhanced productivity and efficiency in work processes.
4. Strengthened sense of accountability and ownership of individual attendance, punctuality and

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