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submitted to Bangalore City University in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree

Bachelor of Business Administration

Bangalore City University

Mohammed Saqlain

Under the Guidance of

Sindhu M M
Associate Professor
Department of Commerce and Management
Seshadripuram College

Seshadripuram College
Nagappa street
(Affiliated to Bengaluru City University)
NAAC Accredited 'A++' grade
Nagappa street Bangalore-560020


Student Mentor/ Supervisor

Name: Name:

Reg. No:

Date: Date:

Evaluation Summary

Particulars Project Viva-Voce Total

Max. Marks 60 40 100

Marks Allotted
Name of Examiner: Signature:
(Affiliated to Bengaluru City University)
NAAC Accredited 'A++' grade
Nagappa street Bangalore-560020


This is to Certify that this Internship Report on ROYAL ENFIELD. Is carried out by
MOHAMMED SAQLAIN, Student of VI Semester BBA, bearing the Reg. No.
U18GH21M0065. He has Successfully completed his 4 Weeks Organisational Study.

The Internship Report is submitted to Bengaluru City University in the academic year 2023-
24, in the partial fulfilment for successful completion of VI Semester BBA and award a
Bachelor of Business Administration Degree of Bengaluru City University.

Place: Bengaluru

(Affiliated to Bengaluru City University)
NAAC Accredited 'A++' grade
Nagappa street Bangalore-560020


This is to Certify that the Content on this Report on ROYAL ENFIELD. carried out by
KARRTHIK H, Student of VI Semester BBA, bearing the Reg. No. U18GH21M0065 is a
bonafide work carried out by the student under my supervision during the academic year 2023-
24 in partial fulfilment for the completion of VI Semester BBA, of Bengaluru City University.
This Internship Report is an original work carried out by the said student and there is no
plagiarism. This internship report has not been submitted for the award of any other degree/
diploma in this institution or any other institution.

Place: Bengaluru

Date: Name of the Supervisor


I hereby declare that this internship report on “Organizational study with particular
reference to ROYAL ENFIELD.” Is an original record of my experience while conducting the
internship study at the firm.
The Organizational study was carried out by me, in partial fulfilment for the successful
completion of VI Semester of BBA of Bengaluru City University. This Report is not submitted
to any other university for the award of any Diploma/Degree etc.

Place: Bengaluru

Date: Signature of the Student


I take this as an opportunity to express my profound gratitude to all who have been
significant contributors in helping me complete this Internship.
I would like to express my gratitude to our Principal, Dr. B G Bhaskara for his constant
support and encouragement.

I am thankful to Prof. Kalanaika, Head of Commerce and Management Seshadripuram

College, for his support, guidance and encouragement.

I would also like to thank Dr. S Sharmila, Co-ordinator -BBA Department Seshadripuram
College, for her encouragement and moral support throughout the work.

I am extremely grateful to my supervisor Sindhu M M, Department of Commerce, for her

support and timely guidance provided for the completion and preparation of this report.

I am deeply indebted to Deepak Raj Kumar for giving me an opportunity to carry out the
organizational study at ROYAL ENFIELD. and for giving vital support and guidance to
complete this endeavour.

This endeavour would not have been possible without the support of my parents. My special
thanks to them.

Place: Bengaluru

Date: Signature of the Student


1. Introduction...

2. Activities...

3. Services Rendered...

4. Learning Outcomes...

5. Reflection of Internship...

6. Conclusion, Bibliography, Annexures...


3.1 Age Group...

3.2 Gender Group...

3.3 Occupation...

3.4 Model of Royal Enfield You Presently Own...

3.5 Satisfaction Level with Respect to After-Sale Service of Your Royal Enfield Bike...

3.6 Company Acts Towards the Complaints Lodged by the Customers...

3.7 Rate of Fuel Consumption of Royal Enfield Bike...

3.8 Satisfaction with the Bike’s Mileage...

3.9 Availability of Spare Parts of Royal Enfield in Market...

3.10 Comfort and Convenience...

3.11 Performance of the Bike...

3.12 One Thing You Want to Improve in Your Bike...

3.13 What Can Be Done to Improve Royal Enfield Bike’s Sale in the Local Market...

3.14 Overall Satisfaction...

Royal Enfield, based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, holds a revered status in the motorcycle industry,
backed by a rich heritage and a global footprint. Originating as an Indian multinational motorcycle
manufacturer, its inception dates back to 1901, making it the world's oldest continuously produced
motorcycle brand.

Renowned for crafting enduring and sturdy motorcycles that blend nostalgia with modern engineering, Royal
Enfield operates cutting-edge manufacturing facilities in Chennai, India. Here, each motorcycle undergoes
meticulous craftsmanship, upholding the brand's tradition of excellence.

As part of Eicher Motors Limited, Royal Enfield preserves its legacy while embracing the evolving tastes of
riders worldwide. Its diverse range of motorcycles caters to various enthusiasts, from classic admirers to
adventure seekers.

Central to Royal Enfield's allure is its distinctive design ethos, fusing classic aesthetics with contemporary
elements. Models like the Royal Enfield Bullet, Classic 350, Meteor 350, Classic 500, Interceptor 650,
Continental GT, and the rugged Himalayan exemplify the brand's ethos of character and performance.

The enduring success of Royal Enfield stems from its steadfast focus on quality and innovation. From the
iconic Bullet, with the longest production run in motorcycle history, to cutting-edge engine advancements,
each Royal Enfield motorcycle embodies durability, reliability, and timeless charm.

Royal Enfield's iconic branding, symbolized by its cannon logo and the slogan "Made like a gun," reinforces
its association with strength, legacy, and craftsmanship. This imagery reflects the brand's enduring heritage,
resonating with enthusiasts globally.

Beyond transportation, Royal Enfield embodies a lifestyle, heritage, and a spirit of adventure that captivates
riders across generations. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for motorcycling, Royal Enfield
continues to thrive, ensuring a lasting legacy in the years ahead.

The narrative of Royal Enfield in India is a testament to its enduring influence and pivotal role in shaping the
nation's automotive narrative.

Back in 1949, Royal Enfield sold its inaugural bike in India, marking the genesis of its journey. However, it
wasn't until 1955 that India witnessed the genesis of its Royal Enfield manufacturing hub. This historic
moment was realized through a partnership between the Redditch Company and Madras Motors, giving birth
to Enfield India. Nestled in Chennai, Enfield India laid the groundwork for a lasting presence in the Indian
motorcycle scene.

Today, Royal Enfield operates as a subsidiary of Eicher Motors Limited, a prominent name in India's
automotive domain. Guided by Dr. Venki Padmanabhan as its CEO, Royal Enfield navigates its operations
and strategic pathways.

Royal Enfield's reputation as a reliable manufacturer of high-capacity motorcycles has solidified over six
decades. Its bikes have not only captivated enthusiasts but have also earned favor with governmental bodies.
Notably, the Indian government has long trusted Royal Enfield motorcycles for their sturdiness, power, and
dependability, making them the preferred choice for the Indian Army and police forces for patrolling duties.

A notable testament to Royal Enfield's partnership with the Indian government occurred in 1965, marked by
an order for 800 units of the 350cc Royal Enfield Bullet model. This order underscored the trust and reliance
placed on Royal Enfield by the highest levels of the Indian administration.

Despite hurdles faced by the original Enfield Manufacturing Company Limited, which ceased operations in
1971, Enfield India continued to flourish, cementing its stature and reputation in India's motorcycle realm.
Through unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, Royal Enfield not only
navigated through changing tides but emerged stronger, reaffirming its status as a pioneer in two-wheeled

Marketing plan’s:
A consumer making a purchase decision will be affected by following


❖ Cultural Factors
❖ Social Factors
❖ Personal Factors
❖ Psychological Factors

The marketer must be aware of these Factors in order to develop an appropriate

marketing plan for its target market.

Cultural Factors

Cultural factors exert a profound influence on consumers' buying behavior, making them crucial
considerations for marketers when developing effective marketing plans. Here's a deeper look at how these
factors impact consumer behavior:

Culture: Culture encompasses a broad range of values, beliefs, customs, and traditions shared by a group of
people. It shapes individuals' perceptions, preferences, and behaviors regarding products and services.
Marketers must understand the cultural context in which their target market operates to ensure their offerings
align with cultural norms and values. For example, in cultures where family values are highly prioritized,
marketing campaigns may emphasize family-oriented themes to resonate with consumers.

Subculture: Subcultures are smaller groups within a larger culture that share distinct sets of values, beliefs,
and behaviors. These subcultures may be based on factors such as nationality, religion, ethnicity, or
geographic region. Marketers need to recognize and cater to the unique preferences and needs of different
subcultures within their target market. For instance, a clothing brand may develop specific product lines
tailored to the fashion preferences of different ethnic or religious groups.

Social Class: Social class refers to a person's position within society based on factors such as income,
education, occupation, and lifestyle. It influences individuals' purchasing power, consumption patterns, and
brand preferences. Marketers often segment their target market based on social class to tailor their marketing
strategies accordingly. For example, luxury brands may target affluent consumers with high-end products and
exclusive experiences, while value-oriented brands may appeal to budget-conscious consumers with
affordable pricing and practical features.

Social Factors

Reference Groups:

Reference groups are social groups to which individuals compare themselves and seek guidance or
validation in their attitudes, behaviors, and purchasing decisions. These groups can be either direct (e.g.,
friends, family, peers) or indirect (e.g., celebrities, social media influencers, professional associations).
Individuals often aspire to conform to the norms and expectations of their reference groups to gain
acceptance or approval. Marketers leverage reference groups by associating their products or brands with
influential individuals or groups that appeal to their target audience's aspirations and values. For example, a
clothing brand may use testimonials or endorsements from popular influencers to persuade consumers to
purchase their products.


The family serves as a primary reference group and exerts a significant influence on individuals' attitudes,
values, and consumption patterns. Family members play various roles in shaping consumers' purchasing
decisions, providing advice, support, and socialization. Marketers recognize the importance of family
dynamics and target their marketing efforts accordingly. For instance, brands may develop advertisements or
promotions that resonate with family-oriented values and appeal to different family members' needs and

Roles and Statuses:

Each individual occupies multiple social roles within society, such as parent, student, employee, or
community member. These roles are associated with certain statuses or positions that confer varying degrees
of influence and authority. Individuals' behaviors and consumption choices are influenced by their perceived
roles and statuses, as well as societal expectations and norms associated with those roles. Marketers consider
consumers' roles and statuses when developing marketing strategies to address their specific needs and

preferences. For example, a brand may tailor its product offerings or messaging to align with the lifestyle and
aspirations of individuals in particular roles or positions, such as working professionals or retirees.

Personal factors

Personal factors are individual characteristics and attributes that influence consumer behavior and purchasing
decisions. Here's an expanded explanation of how these factors impact consumer behavior:

Age: Age plays a significant role in shaping consumers' preferences, needs, and purchasing behavior.
Different age groups have distinct consumption patterns and preferences influenced by life stage,
generational experiences, and developmental milestones. For example:

Younger consumers, such as Generation Z and Millennials, often prioritize experiences, authenticity, and
social responsibility in their purchasing decisions. They are more likely to gravitate towards brands that align
with their values and offer innovative, socially conscious products.

Older consumers, such as Baby Boomers and Generation X, may prioritize practicality, reliability, and value
for money in their purchases. They may have established brand loyalties and prefer familiar brands with a
reputation for quality and dependability.

Occupation: A person's occupation and professional status can influence their purchasing behavior and
consumption patterns. Occupation not only determines income level but also influences lifestyle choices,
interests, and product preferences. For example:

Professionals in high-income occupations may have greater purchasing power and may be willing to spend
more on luxury or premium products and services that reflect their status and aspirations.

Individuals in certain occupations, such as healthcare or technology, may have specific needs or preferences
related to their profession. Marketers can tailor their product offerings or marketing messages to address
these unique requirements and appeal to professionals in specific industries.

Lifestyle: Lifestyle encompasses the activities, interests, opinions, and values that characterize an
individual's way of life. Consumers' lifestyles influence their consumption choices, brand preferences, and
purchase decisions. Marketers often segment consumers based on lifestyle factors to target specific market
segments effectively. For example:

Consumers with active lifestyles may seek out products and services that support their interests in fitness,
outdoor recreation, or adventure travel. Brands that align with these lifestyle preferences can create targeted
marketing campaigns to engage with this demographic effectively.

Individuals with eco-conscious or sustainable lifestyles may prioritize environmentally friendly products and
ethical brands that minimize their ecological footprint. Marketers can capitalize on this trend by highlighting
their products' sustainability features and promoting their commitment to environmental responsibility.

Personality: Personality traits reflect enduring patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguish
individuals from one another. Personality influences consumers' brand perceptions, product preferences, and
purchasing decisions. Marketers often use personality-based segmentation to target consumers with specific
personality profiles. For example:

Consumers with adventurous and risk-taking personalities may be drawn to innovative or unconventional
products that offer excitement and novelty. Marketers can appeal to these individuals by positioning their
products as cutting-edge or trendsetting.

Individuals with conscientious and pragmatic personalities may prioritize practicality, reliability, and value
for money in their purchases. Marketers can emphasize the functional benefits and utility of their products to
appeal to this demographic.

Psychological factors

Psychological factors profoundly influence consumer behavior and are crucial for effective marketing
strategies. Key factors include:

1. Motivation: Understanding consumers' desires and goals helps tailor marketing messages to appeal to
their needs.

2. Perception: Shaping brand image and presentation influences how consumers interpret and respond
to products.

3. Learning: Providing information and experiences educates consumers and builds trust and loyalty.

4. Beliefs and Attitudes: Influencing consumers' beliefs and attitudes toward products strengthens
brand affinity and drives purchasing decisions.




❖ To know about the experience after purchase relating various parameters (Service,bike performance,
mileage etc.
❖ To identify the factors influencing in selection of Royal Enfield.
❖ To determine the factors that affects the satisfaction of a bullet user.
❖ To understand the overall performance of Royal Enfield bike.


This study delves into customers' perceptions and awareness regarding Royal Enfield's brand items and
services. The findings are constrained by the sample size of 100, thus reflecting the opinions of a selected
group of consumers. Specifically, this study is conducted within Bangalore District, limiting its scope.
Customer satisfaction stands as a crucial determinant of any company's success, as satisfied customers
contribute significantly to the organization's profitability. However, it's important to note that these results are
limited in number and should be viewed as indicative or preliminary findings, suggesting the potential for a
more comprehensive study on a larger scale.


Subjectivity of Responses: One major limitation of customer satisfaction studies is the subjective nature of
respondents' answers. These studies heavily depend on how individuals interpret survey questions, which can
differ based on factors like education, culture, and personal biases. Furthermore, respondents may vary in the
effort they put into providing accurate responses, leading to inconsistencies in data quality. Accuracy may also
be affected by memory recall and social desirability bias, where respondents may give socially acceptable
answers instead of their genuine opinions or experiences.

Limited Geographic Scope: The study's focus on urban and semi-urban areas presents a limitation by excluding
rural populations from the survey. This exclusion introduces a geographical bias and reduces the
generalizability of the study's findings. Rural areas often have distinct socio-economic characteristics,

consumer behaviors, and market dynamics compared to urban settings. Including rural populations in the study
would provide a more comprehensive understanding of customer satisfaction trends but requires significant
resources and logistical coordination due to their dispersed nature. Adjustments to research methodologies and
survey instruments may also be necessary to accommodate rural preferences and needs, adding complexity to
data collection and analysis.


❖ Primary Data Collection: The study primarily relies on gathering data directly from respondents
through structured, standardized questionnaires tailored for customers of Royal Enfield Bullet bikes.
This approach involves designing comprehensive survey instruments aimed at capturing specific
insights into customer satisfaction, preferences, and experiences related to the product. By
administering questionnaires to a representative sample of customers, researchers can obtain firsthand
information and feedback directly from the target audience. The use of structured questionnaires helps
ensure consistency in data collection and facilitates the systematic analysis of responses to draw
meaningful conclusions.

o Secondary Data Collection: In addition to primary data, the study incorporates secondary data
obtained from various sources to complement and enrich the research findings. Secondary data
sources include:

❖ Company Website: Information and data available on the official website of Royal Enfield serve as
valuable sources of secondary data. This may include product specifications, customer reviews,
historical sales data, and corporate publications. Accessing the company website allows researchers to
gather up-to-date information directly from the manufacturer, offering insights into the brand's
marketing strategies, product offerings, and corporate initiatives.

❖ Research Papers: Existing research papers, academic journals, and scholarly articles related to
customer satisfaction, motorcycle industry trends, and consumer behavior serve as essential sources
of secondary data. By reviewing relevant literature and studies, researchers can gain valuable insights,
identify key trends, and contextualize their findings within the broader academic discourse. Research
papers provide a wealth of empirical evidence, theoretical frameworks, and industry insights that
contribute to the depth and rigor of the study.

❖ Company Magazines: Magazines published by the company, such as marketing materials, customer
newsletters, or industry publications, offer additional sources of secondary data. These publications
may contain articles, interviews, case studies, and market analyses related to Royal Enfield Bullet
bikes, customer experiences, and brand perceptions. By reviewing company magazines, researchers
can access firsthand accounts, expert opinions, and market intelligence that complement the primary
data collected through surveys.


The study involved surveying a sample size of one hundred respondents, who were customers of the
company. The research methodology employed was descriptive research, utilizing a questionnaire as the
primary research tool. The data collected comprised both primary and secondary sources.







No 3.1


Age groups Respondents Percentage (%)

20-24 42 42.00(%)

25-29 32 32.00(%)

30-35 1 18.00(%)

Above 35 8 8.00(%)

Total 100 100(%)

According to above table 42% Respondents are in age group 20 to 24; 32% Respondents in between 25-

29; 18% were in 30-35; 8% in above 35 years old. It is inferred that most of the Royal Enfield users are

youth and adults are generally not preferring Royal Enfield bike.

Graph No 3.1

Table No 3.2


Gender Respondents Percentage (%)

Male 95 95.00%

Female 5 5.00%

Other 0 0%

Total 100 100%

According to above table out of 100 Respondents, 95% were male, were as 5% were female. It is inferred
that majority makes are consumers of Royal Enfield Bike and only some girls are using it.
Table No 3.3Occupation

Occupation Respondents Percentage (%)

Student 44 44.00%

Govt.servant 7 7.00%

Ex- serviceman 4 4.00%

Professional 20 20.00%

Self employed 23 23.00%

Other 2 2.00%

Total 100 100%

According to (A)able 44% respondents were students; 7% were govt.servant; 4% were Ex-servicemen;

20% were professionals; 23% were self employed and 2% respondents doing other jobs. Majority of

students are owning Royal Enfield and the main reason is it shows strongness, other professionals are

less as compare to students.

Table No 3.4

Which model of Royal Enfield do you presently own?

Product Respondents Percentage (%)

Classic 350 23 23.00%

Classic 500 7 7.00%

Bullet Electra 8 8.00%

Thunderbird 500 11 11.00%

Thunderbird 350 16 16.00%

Bullet 500 10 10.00%

Bullet 350 4 4.00%

Classic Chrome 4 4.00%

Classic Desert Storm 5 5.00%

Classic Battle Green 6 6.00%

Bullet Machismo 3 3.00%

Continental GT 3 3.00%

Total 100 100%

According to (B) table 23% respondents are using bullet classic 350 which is highest number after

that 16% respondents are using Thunderbird 350 and other models of bullet having less users in

the district. It is inferred that Classic 350is favorite among the customers and other models are

unable to attract customer.

Table No 3.5

How you rate for your satisfaction level with respect to after sales service ofyour

Royal Enfield bike?

Satisfaction Respondents Percentage (%)

Highly satisfied 22 22.00%

Satisfied 47 47.00%

Dissatisfied 31 31.00%

Total 100 100%

According to (B) table 23% were Highly Satisfied; 47% of them are Satisfied;while 31% of them

are Dissatisfied; with the after sales service of Royal Enfieldbike. It is inferred that smaller number of

respondents are satisfied with after sales service of Royal Enfield.

Table No 3.6

Do you agree that company acts towards complaints lodged by the customers?

Company acts Respond Percentage (%)

towards the


Yes 66 66.00%

No 18 18.00%

Can’t say 16 16.00%

Total 100 100%

According to (B) table 66% respondents are of the view that, agree company acts towards the

complaints lodged by the customers,18% of them don’t agreewith this statement, while 16% of

them can’t say anything. Most of thecustomer say that company acts towards the complaints

lodged by the customers.

Graph No 3.6

Table No 3.7

What is the rate of fuel consumption for Royal Enfield Bike?

Rate of fuel Respond Percentage (%)


Low 31 31.00%

Average 50 50.00%

High 19 19.00%

Total 100 100%

According to (B) table 50% respondents are of the view that, Royal Enfield bike has average fuel

consumption rate,31% of them are saying that the fuel consumption rate is low, while 19% of them

are of the view that it has high fuel consumption rate. It is inferred that half of the respondents feel

that the fuel consumption is average as compare to other bikes.

Table No 3.8

Are you satisfied with the bike’s mileage.

Satisfied with the Respondents Percentage (%)

bike’s mileage ?

Yes 28 28.00%

No 36 36.00%

Can’t say 36 36.00%

Total 100 100%

According to (B) table 28% of respondents are satisfied with the bike’s mileage, 36% of them don’t

agree with this statement, while 36% of them can’t say anything. It is inferred that the customers are

not fully satisfied with the mileage of Royal Enfield bike.

Graph No 3.9

Table No 3.9

Will you get easily spare parts of Royal Enfield in market?

Availability of spare Respondents Percentage (%)


Yes 43 43.00%

No 37 37.00%

Can’t say 20 20.00%

Total 100 100%

According to (B) table 43% respondents are of the view that, they get easily spare parts in market, 37%
don’t agree with this statement, while 20% of them can’t say anything.
Most of respondents feel that parts of Royal Enfield are available in market, thereis no any shortage kind of

GRAPH 3.10

Table No 3.10

When it comes to comfort and convenience, the Royal Enfield bike is

Comfort and Respond Percentage (%)


Very Comfortable 39 39.00%

Average 35 35.00%

Not comfortable 26 26.00%

Total 100 100%

According to (B) table 39% respondents are of the view that, the Royal Enfield bike is very comfortable and
convenience for them, 35% of them are saying that comfort is average, 26% of them says that the bike is not
comfortable and convenient. It is inferred that Royal Enfield bike is more comfortable as compare to other
sport bikes.

Table No 3.11

Are you satisfied with the performance of the bike?

Satisfaction with Respond Percentage (%)

the ents

Highly satisfied 25 25.00%

Satisfied 45 45.00%

Dissatisfied 30 30.00%

Total 100 100%

According to (B) table 25% respondents are highly satisfied, 45% of them are satisfied, while 30% of them
are dissatisfied with the performance of the Royal Enfield bike. There is fewer number of respondents who
are highly satisfied with performance of Royal Enfield. Most of customer are not fully satisfied with
performance of bike.

Table No 3.12

What is the one thing that you want to improve in bike?

Want to improve Respondents Percentage (%)

Speed 16 16.00%

Mileage 43 43.00%

Look 28 28.00%

No need to change 13 13.00%

Total 100 100%

According to (B) table 16% respondents says that company should improve speedof bike, 43% says

mileage, 28% says look and 13% says that there is no need to change. It is inferred that maximum

number of customers want more fuel- efficient bike. They suggested improvement in mileage.

Table No 3.13

According to your opinion what can be done to improve Royal Enfield Bike’s salesin local


What can be done to Respondents Percentage (%)

improve sales

Advertise more 11 11.00%

Provide better 22 22.00%


Improve quality 24 24.00%

Should reduce prices 34 34.00%

No need to improve 9 9.00%

Total 100 100%

According to (B) table 11% respondents says that company should advertise more, 22% says that

company should provide better service, 24% says improve quality, 34% says that company should

reduce prices of product, 9% says there is no needto improve for growing sales in local markets.

Most of respondents think that company should reduce prices of its product as well as improve quality

of bikes.

Table No 3.14

Overall satisfaction level has derived as expected from Royal Enfield Bike?

Overall satisfaction Respondents Percentage (%)

Detractors 60 60.00%

Passives 28 28.00%

Promoters 12 12.00%

Total 100 100%

According to (B) table and graph no.11, 60% of respondents are detractors, 28% of them are passives,

while 12% of them are promoters of Royal Enfield bikes. Itis inferred that most of the customers are

not fully satisfied with Royal Enfield bike. They want more from Royal Enfield.






1. Most Royal Enfield users are youths, while adults generally prefer other bike brands.
2. The majority of customers are males, with a smaller number of females using Royal Enfield bikes.
3. A significant portion of Royal Enfield owners are students, attracted by the brand's perceived strength.
4. The Classic 350 model is favored among customers, while other models struggle to attract buyers.
5. Customer satisfaction with Royal Enfield's after-sales service is relatively low based on responses.
6. A considerable number of respondents believe that the company addresses customer complaints
7. Approximately half of the respondents find the fuel consumption of Royal Enfield bikes to be average.
8. Many customers express dissatisfaction with the mileage offered by Royal Enfield bikes.
9. Parts for Royal Enfield bikes are readily available in the market, without any shortage issues.
10. Respondents generally find Royal Enfield bikes more comfortable than other sport bikes.
11. Fewer respondents are highly satisfied with the performance of Royal Enfield bikes; most are not fully
12. A majority of customers desire a more fuel-efficient bike and suggest improvements in mileage.
13. Customers recommend that Royal Enfield should reduce prices and enhance bike quality.
14. Overall, most customers express a desire for improvements and are not fully satisfied with Royal Enfield



The study conducted has provided valuable insights for Royal Enfield bullet dealers regarding customer
satisfaction. It has helped identify areas where customers may not be entirely happy, pinpointing the main
reasons for their dissatisfaction with dealer services. Additionally, the study sheds light on strategies to
enhance customer satisfaction levels, particularly focusing on post-sale services. The younger generation and
middle-aged individuals, particularly males aged 20-35, along with some students, show a keen interest in
Royal Enfield Bullet motorcycles. Their purchasing behavior is influenced by the desire for power and the
brand's enduring reputation.

The study indicates that many customers are attracted to the latest models like the Classic 350/500.
Moreover, customers exhibit strong loyalty towards Royal Enfield bikes, often prioritizing the brand over
others due to perceived value. Efforts should be directed towards improving mileage and ensuring
availability of spare parts, as these factors contribute significantly to customer satisfaction. Customers also
appreciate the sound, comfort, and safety features of Royal Enfield bikes.

Overall, the majority of respondents express satisfaction with the bike's performance. However, the company
should consider reducing bike prices and enhancing after-sale services to further improve customer
experience. Addressing concerns related to fuel consumption is also crucial. In conclusion, while customers
generally appreciate Royal Enfield bikes, there are areas where improvements can lead to higher levels of
satisfaction among the local market.


Links ajst


Q1. Name:

Q2. Age:

a. 20-24

b. 25-29

c. 30-35

d. Above 35

Q3. Gender:

a. Male

b. Female

c. Other

Q4. Occupation:

a. Student

b. Govt. Servant

c. Ex- Serviceman

d. Self Employed

Q5. Which model of Royal Enfield do you presently own?

a. Classic 350

b. Classic 500

c. Bullet Electra

d. Thunderbird 500

Q6. How you rate for your satisfaction level with respect to after sales

service of your Royal Enfield


a. Highly satisfied

b. Satisfied

c. Dissatisfied

Q7. Do you agree that company acts towards the complaint lodged by the


a. Yes

b. No

c. Can’t say

Q8. What is the rate of fuel consumption for Royal Enfield bike?

a. Low

b. Average

Q9. Are you satisfied with the bike’s mileage?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Can’t say

Q10. Will you easily get spare parts of Royal Enfield in market?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Can’t say

Q11. When it comes to comfort and convenience, the Royal Enfield bike is

a. Very Comfortable

b. Average

c. Not Comfortable

Q12. Are you satisfied with the performance of the bike?

a. Highly satisfied
b. Satisfied

c. Dissatisfied

Q13. What is the one thing you want to improve in bike?

a. Speed

b. Mileage

c. Look

Q14. According to your opinion what can be done to improve Royal Enfield

bike’s sales in local markets?

a. Advertise more

b. Improve quality

c. Should reduces price

d. No need to improve

Q15. Who influenced you to buy Royal Enfield bike?

a. Friends

b. Family

c. Dealers

d. Others

Q16. What is the reason to purchase Royal Enfield bike?

a. Brand

b. Price

c. Fuel economy

c. High

Q17. Do you feel that service charges or repair charges are affordable?

a. Yes

b. No

Q18. Do you get in time delivery of your bike after servicing?

a. Yes

b. No


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