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02/03/2022 Risk assessment for : Saltire Facilities Management Ltd

Risk assessment name NLC Renewable Heating 2021 - 2024 - Solar Roof Panels Installation Assessment type General

Assessor name Lorraine Dunn Affected site(s) Various throughout North Lanarkshire
Assessment date 25/02/2022 Review period Annually
Approved by Lorraine Dunn Review date 02/03/2023
Approved date 02/03/2022 Reference RA 000015

Workspace(s) Description

Installing Solar PV Roof Panels

Access / Egress Attic Outside Area

Who could be Risk rating

Hazard Existing controls
harmed and how? (L x S)

Contractors, Members of 1x4

Access Into The Site Is Controlled All Employees Receive Induction
the public, Operators,
Access into the site is controlled so no Training
unauthorised persons can enter. All employees receive induction

Access & Egress Hazards

training upon commencement of work
to ensure walkways and kept clear of
Risk of injury whilst moving about material and equipment.
the premises
All Visitors Are Accompanied Unauthorised Access Resticted Medium
All visitors are accompanied by a No Unauthorised Access Permitted
member of staff at all times.

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02/03/2022 Risk assessment for : Saltire Facilities Management Ltd

Who could be Risk rating

Hazard Existing controls
harmed and how? (L x S)

Contractors, Members of 1x3

Ladders are not used in extreme Scaffold or access equipment not
the public, Operators,
weather conditions used if wind speed exceeds
visitors recommended limits

Weather conditions checked

Adverse Weather
Caution - lighting strikes, high Undertaking of tasks are determined by assessing site and weather conditions/direction of
winds/heavy rain, snow and ice. wind. Supervisor should stop work and return to ground level should wind speed or weather Low
conditions deteriorate.

Weather conditions planned for

Weather conditions are considered
and planned for. Suitable clothing and
equipment is provided (including sun

Members of the public, Face Covering (Types IIR) Information, instruction and 3x2
Protects others from infection by training given on COVID 19
catching bacteria in liquid droplets from Information, instruction and training to

COVID-19 (Coronavirus Infection)

wearer's mouth & nose be provided to staff on COVID 19 and
the importance of good hygiene
Risk of ill health due to exposure to Must be worn in line with latest
the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Government Guidance
Social Distancing Suitable Sanitising Wipes Used
Avoid gatherings, non-essential use of Operatives to clean down surfaces on
public transport, limit close contact completion using wipes provided
work - keep minimum 1 metre apart
where possible

Use Of Hand Sanitisers

Use of a hand sanitiser to reduce the
risk/spread of infection

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02/03/2022 Risk assessment for : Saltire Facilities Management Ltd

Who could be Risk rating

Hazard Existing controls
harmed and how? (L x S)

Contractors, Members of 1x5

Competent people to inspect
the public, Operators,
Scaffolding inspections will be carried
out only by those trained and
competent to do so.
Collapse of Scaffold
Incomplete, unstable, inadequately Competent scaffolders
constructed/checked or subjected to Low
adverse weather conditions. Erection/dismantling by competent persons or under competent direct control and carried
out in accordance with statutory requirements and Codes of Practice, to satisfy design
criteria (load, usage, etc.) CITB Scaffold registration scheme provide mechanism for
establishing competency of operatives.

Overloading of tower scaffold with Scaffold inspection

personnel and materials is not Scaffold structure will be inspected by
permitted a competent person and entered in the
appropriate register.

Scaffold to be placed on firm and Scaffolding inspected on handover

level ground to or from scaffolding contractors
Ground to be inspected prior to
positioning of scaffold.

Statutory Inspection of Equipment

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02/03/2022 Risk assessment for : Saltire Facilities Management Ltd

Who could be Risk rating

Hazard Existing controls
harmed and how? (L x S)

Operators Electrical Lock Off Procedures In Electrical Supply Isolated At 1x5

Place Mains/Breaker
Electrical lock off procedures In place Electrical Supply Isolated At
with operatives suitably equipped &
Mains/Breaker 5
Electricity (General)
Risk of injury due to faulty Electrical Work Carried Out By
equipment, contact with live Competent Workers Medium
electrical components or improper
use. Electrical Work Carried Out By
Competent Workers

Operative must have competency card

and produce it when requested

Contractors, Members of 1x3

Foot protection worn Head Protection Must Be Worn
the public, visitors

Procedure for carrying tools in Toe Boards Provided & Used on

Falling Tools
Due to un-secured items. place Scaffolds
Light tools are carried in a shoulder Toe boards provided & used. Low
bag or holster attached to a belt so
that both hands are free for climbing.

Tools Carried Safely

Contractors, Operators Avoid any unnecessary lifting and Correct Lifting Equipment Always 1x2
Handling Used

Suitable gloves are provided and

Fragile surface. worn

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02/03/2022 Risk assessment for : Saltire Facilities Management Ltd

Who could be Risk rating

Hazard Existing controls
harmed and how? (L x S)

Tools are used by authorised staff Tools Carried Safely
All Staff, contractors, only
premises residents and
other persons in the
Tools Checked Before Use
Hand Tools
Potential burns, sparks, debris,
electrical fault etc. Low

Operators 1x4
Do Not Stand Under Load Lifting Equipment Provided & Used
Do Not Stand Under Load - Hoists
Lifting Equipment Provided & Used -
Hoists 4
Lifting Operations Safe Operating Instructions For Safe Working Loads (SWL) Clearly
Risk of injury/death due to the The Work Equipment Displayed/Marked
failure of lifting operations Medium
Operatives work to the safe operating The safe working loads (SWL) are
instructions in place for the work clearly marked/displayed on the
equipment and manufacturers equipment.

Scaffold Loads Clearly Displayed

Scaffold loading weight limits are
displayed to control overload issues
from personnel & materials

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02/03/2022 Risk assessment for : Saltire Facilities Management Ltd

Who could be Risk rating

Hazard Existing controls
harmed and how? (L x S)

Operators A Manual Handling Assessment has Avoid Any Unnecessary Manual 2x2
been carried out Handling
Unnecessary manual handling
activities are avoided by the use of
lifting equipment.
Manual handling
Tall, awkward & unwieldy loads that
Avoid manual handling operations Good Manual Handling
are difficult to lift, transport and on uneven ground Techniques/Postures Used Medium
Where this cannot be avoided, a task All staff are provided training on safe
specific manual handling risk lifting techniques and recommended
assessment will be conducted to postures
establish the necessary controls.

Lifting Equipment Provided & Used Manual Handling - Team Lifting

- Hoists Team lifting will be applied as required
Lifting Equipment Provided & Used -
Hoists Follow latest Government Guidance on
COVID close contact work

Manual handling training

All staff are trained in Manual Handling
and instructed to comply with good
manual handling techniques.

Operators 1x3
Eye Protection Must Be Worn Regular checks on tools to ensure
in good order and in good repair

RPE - Disposable Respirator FFP 3 Tools fit for purpose

Particles from tools
Activity may cause residue/debris Protects against fine dust, mists & All tools provided are assessed to
that could make contact or be fumes ensure that they are fit for purpose, fit Low
inhaled, causing further health for the environment in which they are
issues. to be used and that they are in good
working order.

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02/03/2022 Risk assessment for : Saltire Facilities Management Ltd

Who could be Risk rating

Hazard Existing controls
harmed and how? (L x S)

Contractors, Members of Adequate lighting provided All staff are trained in good 1x3
the public, Operators housekeeping techniques

Avoid Trailing Cables Employees are provided with anti

Poor housekeeping
Slips and trips can occur if there is slip footwear
poor housekeeping within the Low
workplace, also areas that are
inadequately lit. Ensure work area is kept tidy and Good Housekeeping Observed
spillages cleared up

Materials and equipment storage

Materials and equipment stored safely
so as not to restrict or impede access

Operators Only competent persons use Procedure for carrying tools in 1x3
power tools place
Light tools are carried in a shoulder
bag or holster attached to a belt so
that both hands are free for climbing.
Power tools
Use of equipment for main purpose Regular checks on tools to ensure Tools Carried Safely
or if subject to mechanical/electrical in good order and in good repair Low
malfunction - may cuase further
harm if used incorrectly.

Tools Checked Before Use Use 110 volt powered tools or

battery powered tools
Carry out visual safety check for
damage prior to each use.

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02/03/2022 Risk assessment for : Saltire Facilities Management Ltd

Who could be Risk rating

Hazard Existing controls
harmed and how? (L x S)

Members of the public, Access equipment inspected by a Access equipment is suitable for 1x4
Operators, visitors
competent person the use

Defective ladders not used Secured ladder

Unsecure Ladders
Ladders susceptable to falling, Any defective ladders are removed If not able to tie off, the ladder is
injuring the operator and those in from use until they are repaired or suitably stacked or footed Low
the surrounding vicinity. replaced.

Contractors, Members of All areas are fenced Fall protection is used 1x4
the public, Operators
Where edge protection is removed for
access, or is not practicable, safety
lines and harnesses are worn by
operatives working at or near the
Unsecure edge
Edge is exposed, leaving potential edge.
for falls from height and or loss of Permit to work Suitable edge protection provided Low
Edge protection provided and installed
by competent persons.

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02/03/2022 Risk assessment for : Saltire Facilities Management Ltd

Who could be Risk rating

Hazard Existing controls
harmed and how? (L x S)

Contractors, Operators Access equipment is suitable for Inspection Of Access Equipment 1x5
the use For Work At Height
All access equipment used for working
at height is inspected prior to use by a
competent person
Work At Height (Scaffold)
Risk of falls whilst working at height. No Throwing of Materials/Items Roof area inspected prior to
Factors causing falls from height From The Scaffold accessing Medium
including operative incompetence,
supervision, atmosphere or Throwing of materials/items from the
environment or equipment failure scaffold (a.k.a. "bombing") is prohibited
may contribute.
Scaffold Loads Clearly Displayed Scaffold Regularly Inspected
Scaffold loading weight limits are Scaffolding inspections will be carried
displayed to control overload issues out only by those trained and
from personnel & materials competent to do so

Scaffold Tied/Anchored Into Scaffold use procedures in place &

Structure training given
Scaffold is tied/anchored into the Safe Use of Scaffold Procedures in
structure as per the Assembly, Use & place & training given to those using
Dismantling Plan (AUD) working platforms.

Scaffolding Provided Work area zoned off

Scaffolding provided, constructed by Ensure no authorised persons can
competent persons & regularly access site.

Further control measures

None required

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02/03/2022 Risk assessment for : Saltire Facilities Management Ltd

Supporting evidence

CITB - Heatlh & Safey - Solar Panel Method Statement - Installing Solar PV Roof P-3 Health Safety Environmental Welfare
Installation.pdf Panels.docx Policy Statement 2021.pdf

04/03/2021 -928845 kb 25/02/2022 -38578 kb 08/02/2021 -95547 kb

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02/03/2022 Risk assessment for : Saltire Facilities Management Ltd

Risk rating explanation

Risk ratings are calculated by considering the likelihood of an event occurring along with the severity of the potential consequence should an accident occur. After considering existing
control measures, values are assigned to the likelihood and severity from the scales below and these figures multiplied to established the risk rating.

Highly unlikely Likely Highly likely

1 3 5

1 3 5
Minor injury / harm Major injury / harm Fatality

What do your risk ratings mean?

Risk is categorised as LOW: Look to reduce risk if practicable

Risk has been categorised as MEDIUM: Begin to plan your action to reduce the risk immediately
Risk has been categorised as HIGH: Immediate action required to reduce the risk

Assessor's signature: Lorraine Dunn Approved by signature: Lorraine Dunn

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