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Food Sci. Technol. Res., +- (-), ,.

1ῌ,/,, ,**1

Technical paper

Quantitation of Carotenoids in Commonly Consumed Vegetables in Japan

Koichi AIZAWA῍ and Takahiro INAKUMA

Research Institute, Kagome Co., Ltd., +1 Nishitomiyama, Nasushiobara-shi, Tochigi -,3ῌ,10,, Japan

Received February +, ,**1 ; Accepted May +*, ,**1

The carotenoid content, potentially an antioxidant, of 1* vegetables in Japan was determined by

reversed-phase HPLC. a-Carotene was detected in // of 1* vegetable samples ; b-carotene, in all 1* ;
lycopene, in four types of tomatoes and Kintoki carrot ; capsanthin, in only two types of sweet peppers ;
lutein, in 02 of the 1* ; zeaxanthin, in -* of the 1* ; and b-cryptoxanthin in +, of the 1* samples. All leafy
vegetables contained relatively high levels of b-carotene and lutein. In contrast, fruits showed variable
carotenoid compositions. A high content of lycopene was quantified in tomatoes and capsanthin was found
only in red sweet peppers. In root crops, orange carrots contained high levels of a- and b-carotene, and a
high level of lycopene was found in the Kintoki carrot. In other crops, such as head, beans, pods,
inflorescences, and spears, carotenoid content was not found to be high in this study.

Keywords : vegetable, carotene, lycopene, capsanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, b-cryptoxanthin

Introduction conditions. Yano et al. (,**/) reported that the caro-

Carotenoids, present in fruit and vegetables, are widely tenoid levels in some fruits obtained in Japan were slight-
believed to provide many health benefits. They are known ly di#erent from those listed in the USDA-NCC Carote-
as superior quenchers of singlet oxygen (Di Mascio et al., noid Database. Thus, the objective of this study was to
+323), and some epidemiologic studies have shown an determine the carotenoid content in commonly consumed
inverse relationship between carotenoid consumption and vegetables in Japan.
the risk of many cancers and other chronic diseases
(Ziegler, +33+ ; Sies et al., +33, ; Gerster, +33- ; Kritchevsky, Materials and Methods
+333). Carotenoids Capsanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, and b-
More than 0** natural carotenoids have been identified. cryptoxanthin were obtained from Extrasynthese (Genay,
Chemically, they are classified as carotenes (those without France). a-Carotene, b-carotene and lycopene were ob-
any oxygen molecules) or xanthophylls (those with one or tained from Wako (Tokyo, Japan).
more oxygen molecules). However, only about ,* caro- Sampling and Sample Preparation All samples were
tenoids, including their metabolites, have been identified purchased from local Japanese markets in the Nasu-
in human plasma (Khachick et al., +33/). Lutein, zeaxan- shiobara city of Tochigi area. For each sample, , or .
thin, b-cryptoxanthin, a-carotene, b-carotene, and lycopene vegetables were selected from di#erent production areas
are the most abundant in plasma. Carotenoids are bio- and seasons. Each vegetable was homogenized with -ῌ
synthesized by bacteria, algae, fungi, and plants (Armstrong pyrogallol and +*-g samples were removed for analysis.
et al., +330), but not by animals, which must obtain them Carotenoid analysis was performed in duplicate.
from their food. Carotenoid quantification The AOAC procedure (AOAC,
With the increased interest in the possible link between +32*) for measuring carotenoids in feeds was modified and
carotenoid intake from food and health, the need for used to extract the samples.
reliable data on the individual carotenoid content of those Approximately /.*-g samples were first added to a +*-
foods has become increasingly important. For vegeta- mL hexane : ethanol : acetone : toluene (+* : 1 : 0 : 1 [v/v/v/
bles, Mangles et al. (+33-) compiled a carotenoid database v]) (HEAT) solvent and extracted using a mortar and
of +,* foods from published data to which they attach pestle. The sample was then extracted two or three more
confidence levels. The USDA-NCC Carotenoid Database times until the extraction solvent was colorless. The
(Holden et al. +333) is also an extremely valuable resource. extracts were combined and the volume was brought up
However, there may be some di#erence in the carotenoid to +** mL in ethanol in a volumetric flask. The extract
composition of vegetables grown in Japan due to the (+* mL) was mixed with *., g pyrogallol, 0*ῌ (w/v)
di#ering characteristics of cultivars, climate, and growing methanolic KOH (+ mL) and *./ g solid KOH and sapo-
nified for -* minutes at .*ῌC. The pigments were extra-
῍ cted with hexane : ethyl acetate (3 : + [v/v]) several times
To whom correspondence should be addressed.
E-mail : and evaporated to dryness. Subsequently, the residue
248 K. AIZAWA et al.

was dissolved in +* mL of a HEAT : ethanol (.* : 0* [v/v]) samples, but no samples showed high levels (῍+ mg/+** g
solution and filtered through a *../-mm filter for the HPLC fresh wt.). Similarly, although b-cryptoxanthin was detect-
analysis. ed in +, of 1* samples, no samples showed a high level of
The carotenoid levels were determined using HPLC as b-cryptoxanthin.
previously described (Hart et al., +33/ ; Yeum et al., +332). The content of carotenoids may be a#ected by cul-
The HPLC system consisted of a LC-+*AD vp pump tivars, culture conditions, and seasons of the year. Thus,
(Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan), a SIL-+*AD vp autosampler several samples were analyzed to determine the di#er-
(Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan), a C-* carotenoid column (S/ ence in carotenoid profiles with varieties of color and
mm, ,/*ῌ..0 nm, YMC, Wilmington, NC), a CTO-+*AC vp varying seasons of purchase.
column oven (at .*῎C, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) and a SCL- The variation in carotenoid contents between color
+*A vp system controller (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). The varieties in tomatoes and sweet peppers are shown in
SPD-M+* vp diode array detector (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Table +. There were relatively large di#erences in carote-
Japan) was set at .0* nm for carotenoid. The HPLC noid contents in these vegetables. Lycopene content in
mobile phase was methanol : methyl-tert-butyl ether : water tomatoes ranged from * mg (not detected) to 3./+ mg/+** g
(2- : +/ : ,, [v/v/v], with *.*/ῌ triethylamine and *.+ῌ fresh wt. The highest lycopene levels were found in red
butylhydroxyltoluene ; solvent A) and methanol : methyl- tomatoes, but lycopene was not detected in yellow toma-
tert-butyl ether : water (2 : 3* : ,, [v/v/v], with *.*/ῌ tri- toes. Also, capsanthin content in sweet peppers ranged
ethylamine and *.+ῌ butylhydroxyltoluene ; solvent B). from * mg (not detected) to +1./0 mg/+** g fresh wt.
The gradient procedure at a flow rate of + mL/min was The variation in carotenoid content of vegetables pro-
+**ῌ solvent A for ,/ minutes to +**ῌ solvent B, +**ῌ duced in the same prefecture but purchased in di#erent
solvent A for , minutes (linear steps). Using this method, seasons was also determined (Table ,). There were rela-
capsanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, b-cryptoxanthin, a-caro- tively large di#erences in the carotenoid content of 0 out
tene, b-carotene, and lycopene were adequately separated. of +, vegetable samples : watercress, Chinese chives, spin-
The peaks were identified by comparing their specific ach, tomatoes, Japanese radishes, and tossa jute. In these
retention times and absorption spectra with the authentic vegetables, an approximate ,* to -*ῌ di#erence in
standard. Carotenoids were quantified by determining carotenoid content was confirmed due to the seasons of
peak areas in the HPLC chromatograms, calibrated against purchase.
known amounts of standards. The carotenoid concen-
tration was expressed as milligrams per +** g fresh weight. Discussion
The aim of this study was to obtain qualitative and
Result quantitative carotenoid data for vegetable samples that
Table + shows the carotenoid composition of 1* vegeta- could be used to estimate individual carotenoid intake
bles commonly consumed in Japan. a-Carotene was from vegetables. Since the Japanese consume many vege-
detected in // of 1* vegetable samples. High a-carotene tables that are specific to Japan and uncommon in other
levels were only found in carrots, orange type (,.-+ mg/ countries, we wanted to determine the carotenoid levels
+** g fresh wt.), but other samples did not show high of the vegetables most frequently consumed in Japan.
levels (῍+ mg/+** g fresh wt.). b-Carotene was detected We studied 1 carotenoids in 1* vegetables : -. leafy
in all 1* vegetable samples. High b-carotene levels were vegetables (with or without stems), +0 fruits, . heads, -
found in tossa jute (+,.*. mg/+** g fresh wt.), perilla (+*.+2 beans, - pods, - inflorescences, , roots (with skin), , pears,
mg/+** g fresh wt.) and mugwort (3.+3 mg/+** g fresh wt.). + shoot, + bulb, and + scape.
Also, many dark green leafy vegetables (such as parsley, All leafy vegetables contained relatively high levels of
komatsuna, water dropwort, and garland chrysanthe- b-carotene and lutein. In addition, minor carotenoids,
mum) and orange carrots showed high b-carotene levels. such as a-carotene and zeaxanthin, were detected in almost
Lycopene was detected in only two kinds of vegetables : all of these vegetables. It was suggested that dark green
four types of tomatoes (Red type ; 3./+ mg/+** g fresh wt., leafy vegetables widely contributed to the consumption
Cherry, red type ; 0.+3 mg/+** g fresh wt., pink type ; -.3. of carotenoids, especially b-carotene and lutein. Leafy
mg/+** g fresh wt., orange type ; ,.*3 mg/+** g fresh wt.) vegetables have a strikingly constant carotenoid pattern,
and Kintoki carrot (+,.+3 mg/+** g fresh wt.). Similarly, the main carotenoids being lutein (about ./ῌ) and b-
capsanthin was detected in only two types of red sweet carotene (usually ,/ῌ-*ῌ) (Britton, +33+). The composi-
peppers (Tomapi red type ; +1./0 mg/+** f fresh wt., red tion of carotenoids in leafy vegetables obtained in the
type ; 2.02 mg/+** g fresh wt.). Lutein was the second present study are approximately the same as reported in
most frequently detected carotenoid and occurred in 02 of that study.
1* samples, with the highest lutein levels found in perilla In contrast to leafy vegetables, fruits showed a variable
(+..,/ mg/+** g fresh wt.), tossa jute (+-.0- mg/+** g fresh carotenoid composition. A high content of lycopene was
wt.) and mugwort (++.,0 mg/+** g fresh wt.). Along with quantified in tomatoes (3./+ mg/+** g fresh wt.) and
high levels of b-carotene, many dark green leafy vegeta- capsanthin was found exclusively in red sweet peppers
bles also showed high lutein levels. Two types of red (+1./0 mg/+** g fresh wt.) in this study. The Japanese
sweet peppers were the only vegetable in which lutein pumpkin did not contain relatively high levels of b-
was not detected. Zeaxanthin was detected in -* of 1* carotene (*.1. mg/+** g fresh wt.) in spite of its orange
Quantitation of Carotenoid in Vegetables 249

Table +. Carotenoid content of raw vegetablesa.

color. Other fruits, such as zucchini, eggplant, bitter (Cucurbita moschata) and Western pumpkins (Cucurbita
gourd, and cucumber, did not show a high level of any maxima) (*.1* mg and -.3* mg/+** g fresh wt. respectively).
carotenoids. The composition and content of the carote- In root crops, the carotenoid levels of two types of
noids found in sweet pepper has been investigated for a carrots were found. Orange carrot, available worldwide,
long time, and it is widely known that sweet peppers are contained high levels of a-carotene and b-carotene.
very rich sources of carotenoids, particularly capsanthin. Carrots are well known to be carotenoid rich roots
Deli et al. (,**+) reported that the capsanthin content of (Heinonen, +33*). However, in this study, a high level of
the red sweet pepper was 0.02 mg/+** g fresh wt., calculat- lycopene was found in the Kintoki carrot, which is mainly
ed by dry weight. Also, Sugita (,***) reported in a book cultivated in Japan and is uncommon in other countries.
of Japanese agricultural products that red sweet peppers Reports show that lycopene is contained in red vegetables
contained 0.,ῌ1.. mg/+** g fresh wt. of capsanthin. In the and fruits such as tomatoes, apricots, watermelons,
USDA-NCC Carotenoid Database, the b-carotene level in papaya, guava, and red or pink grapefruits, with tomatoes
pumpkins (canned, without salt) was reportedly higher providing over 2/ῌ of total lycopene consumed (Gerster,
(0.3. mg/+** g) than the level of the Japanese pumpkin +331). Although it was thought that lycopene was almost
researched in this report. The di#erence can probably exclusively provided by tomatoes and its products, the
be attributed to variations in the cultivars investigated. Kintoki carrot might also contribute somewhat to the
In the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan consumption of lycopene in Japan.
(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Tech- In other crops, such as heads, beans, pods, inflore-
nology, Japan, ,**/), the most useful resource concerning scences, pears, shoots, bulbs, and scapes, the carotenoid
food composition in Japan, large di#erences in b-carotene content was not found to be high in this study. These
contents were observed between Japanese pumpkins results suggest that these vegetables do not significantly
250 K. AIZAWA et al.

Table +. (Continued)

: All vegetable samples were purchased at a local market.
: , or . vegetables of di#erent production area and seasons were selected.
: Carotenoid quantitation was performed in duplicate. Results presented as meansῌSE.
ND, not detected.

contribute to carotenoid consumption. carotenoid content and quality of sweet peppers (Markus,
The carotenoid composition of vegetables is likely to be +333). In addition, we showed that there were relatively
a#ected by factors such as cultivar or variety, stage of large di#erences in carotenoid content based on the season
maturity, climate of production, geographic or geologic of purchase (Table ,). Although the data is not shown in
conditions, harvesting and postharvest handling, as well this paper, it is natural for carotenoid content in vegeta-
as the part of the plant that is consumed. In this study, bles to vary between di#erent parts of the vegetables.
there were relatively large di#erences in carotenoid con- For example, the peel of the Japanese pumpkin contained
tent by color or variety in tomatoes and sweet pepper. It high levels of b-carotene and lutein (/.+* mg and +0.,* mg/
was generally confirmed that lycopene increased in con- +** g fresh wt., respectively), whereas the fruit did not
centration throughout the ripening process in tomatoes. (*.1. mg and +./* mg/+** g fresh wt., respectively). As
Also, carotenoid content in ripe fruit of di#erent tomato shown above, it is likely that the carotenoid content
varieties showed quite a wide variation ; the highest con- changes according to a vegetable’s variety, cultivation
tent being approximately ,* times that of the lowest environment, seasons, and parts. Our research suggests
(Davis, +32+). In sweet peppers, it has been reported that that vegetables with light color contain less carotenoid.
the ripening stage and some cultural conditions a#ect the We should be aware of these results in order to increase
Quantitation of Carotenoid in Vegetables 251

Table ,. Content of b-carotene, lycopene and lutein in vegetables purchased in di#erent seasons.

: All vegetable samples were purchased at a local market.
: Carotenoid quantitation was performed in duplicate. Results presented as means῍SE.
ND, not detected.

abled the investigation of 1 carotenoid contents in 1* raw

vegetables commonly consumed in Japan. Our data will
be helpful for estimating the intake of carotenoids from
raw vegetables and provide a base for epidemiological
studies investigating the relation between carotenoid
intake and the risk of cancers or other chronic diseases in

Acknowledgements This study was partially supported by Spe-

cial Coordination Funds from the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, and New Food Creation
Technology Research Association, a project of the Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.

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