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• The inverse of an elementary matrix is an elementary matrix
• To prove whether a matrix is singular or not, we get the
determinant if it is equal to zero then it has no inverse but if it
has a value then it has an inverse.
• The sum of determinants of two matrices is NOT equal to the
determinant of their sum: |A| + |B| ≠ |A + B|
• A matrix `A` is symmetric if A = At
• To say that a matrix is symmetric, it must be a square matrix
• (A ± B)t = At ± Bt

(A . B)t = Bt . At

(A . B)-1 = B-1 . A-1
• (At)t = A
• A.B≠B.A
• A . B = B . A ONLY when A is an inverse matrix of B or the
other way around. And actually, in that case it will be equal to
the identity matrix
• |AB| = |A| * |B|
• |cA| = cn |A|, where `c` is a constant and n is the size of the
• |A-1| = 1/|A|
• |A| = |At|

|A2| = |AA| = |A| . |A|

(At)-1 = (A-1)t
• If there was any column or row that is equal to zero, then the
determinant is equal to zero
• If there were two columns or two row that are equal, then the
determinant is equal to zero
• If the determinant is zero, the matrix won’t give a unique
solution, it may give an infinite number of solutions or no
• Cramer's rule is ONLY applied when the system has unique

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