Mate Master Oral Question

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Edited : 16/12/18

Name : Shahzad Ahmed
Examiner : capt saat
Time : 38 mints
Status :pass
1. Ask I.S
2. Mlc - about latest and dmlc part 1 and all in detail like hours of work, medical,
3. All marine insurance, explain in detail
5 .stability.. Gm and GZ curve
6. For Audit how u prepare as ch off
7. duty officer not coming on watch ch officer action .
8. fire in hold answer as consider stability .
9. list ,angel of lol counter act also .
10. dry dock survey
11. Certificate on board
12. deal with safety equipment maintenance.

Name : Muhammad Hasif Amin

Examiner : Capt. Saat
Time : not sure
Status : Alhamdulillah Pass
1. Duty as Chief Officer
2. IS as per IMO then IS for bulk carry grain..draw and explain the gz curve each
and every point..
3. Explain about ILC (Loadline cert), how to calculate loadline (LKK subject),
draw plimsol mark, explain what is inside plimsol mark (thickness, which side,
how to calculate FWA and explain what is FWA and DWA)
4 . Chief officer proceeding for anchor, how to prepare for anchoring from A to Z
and explain why and how u decide each anchor to be used??, Calculate swing
circle in meter and how many cable u will let go ur anchor?? Calculate min dist
between ur ship and other ship
5. Explain about the all survey that u know. (Initial,intermideate,dry docking
survey when and diff of time of survey for old ship and new ship,special survey)
6 . How do u train junior officer onboard ??
7. Vsl sail out and suddenly master notified ship listed to stbd 5° , explain action
and how to counter..with related to ship stability..
Examiner : capt saat
Time : 1 HR
Status : NOt Pass
2. DRY DOKING/survey/GM/ Critical period? Time duration for dry dock?
3. INSURANCE how many types
4. ROR Actions
5. Bulker load with grain 1 cargo compartment get fire and using water for fire
fightin how maintain stability?
8. ISM
9. MARINE INSURANCE how many types?
10. CHART TYPES / SYMBOLS/ Why Charts have GREEN/ BLUE & WHITE clr?
sarafuddin Bin Sidek
Examiner : Capt. Rosli
Status : Pass ( Alhamdulillah )
Duration : 1hour?

1.Safe speed
2.Rule 19
4.Docking Preparation
5.Marpol Annex I
6.East Cardinal Mark
7.West Cardinal Mark
8.Safe Water Mark
9.Special Mark
12.LOA, Fwd Perpendicular & Aft Perpendicular
13.Maintenance windlass
14.Shell Expansion Plan?
Thats all i can remember

Examiner : Capt Rosli
Duration : 1.10 hrs
Status : Pass
1.rule 2
2.east cardinal Mark
3.squat effect
4.stopping distance
5.type of chart
7.ais & lrit
8.flag B
9.duty as co as per stcw
10.enclose space permit n duration
11.preparation for dry dock
12.capacity plan n ga plan,kb,kg given find GM.. min GM req n how to increase GM if GM is 0.1m
14.type of survey there CO standing order ?
Rohit Singh
Examiner capt Rosli
Status :FAILED
1.Radar plotting
3.dry docking preparation.
4.chart symbols and type of chart
5.Capacity plan
6.buoy cardinal Mark
7.AIS in which certificate

Candidate: Pretty
Examiner: Capt rosli
1. Explain rule 2
2. East cardinal mark without top mark( identity by colour).
3. Chief engineer want to pump out machinery bilges. What I do as officer?
4. MLC explain all.
5. Given KM, KB, KG. We will get answer of negative GM what caused
negative Gm?action to bring GM to positive?
6. Bravo flag?
7.Dry dock preparation.
8. Which plan does docking master wants to know the positioning of blocks?
How he does it?
9. Pilot ladder maintenance.
10. MLC surveys.
11. Talk about near Miss reporting.
Any near misses I observed last ship.
12. IMO intact stability criteria. Draw and explain

Name: Justin
Examiner : Capt Rosli
Duration : 35 mins
Status : Pass
1. Rule 2
2. East cardinal mark
3. Ram vsl seen from stern
4.watertight / weathertight how you check integrity and maintainence AB sign on . What you do
6. Duties as CO
7.squat effect
8.your ship listing 1 degree.why and action.
9. How you maintain required gm
10. Lifeboat requirement to carry
11.MLC rest and work hours daily/weekly
12.docking survey( duration)
13.preparation for docking
Candidate : Mohd Fazrullah Shahidi Bin Ariffin
Examiner : Capt. Rosli
Status : Failed ( Alhamdulillah )
Duration : >1hour

1.Radar Plotting - Bearing steady (045xtaken 3 times)

2.Action as per question (1) in restricted visibility.
3.Meaning of ship detained and ship arrested.
4.What plan should refer when ship enter drydocking.
5.Ship hull found dented, which plan should refer (no & name of the plan).
6.East Cardinal Mark
7.West Cardinal Mark
8.Intact stability criteria for cargo ship.
9.Give KM, KG & BM.
10.Chief Engineer want to discharge bilges.What should you do?

Examiner : capt Rosli

Time : 30 mint
Status : Pass
1. MLC
2. Survey/GM
3. INSURANCE how many types
4. LOAD LINE surveys/ drawings of Load line Mark
5. CHART TYPES / SYMBOLS/ Why Charts have GREEN/ BLUE & WHITE clr?
6. Abt my self
7. What is the IMO theme for seamans
8. KM , KG, BG given
Calculation gm was -ve
He ask what is this?
How u correct ?

Name.Mukesh Kumar
Examiner.capt Rosli
Time.30 min
1.Radar plotting
2.Preparation for dry dock.
Explain all the plan in detail
3.Ais and LRIT
Ais can be switched off or not
Fail- made error in Polaris calculation.
1. Marpol annex 6. Explain all.
2. What certificate u obtain when u bunker LSFO indicating the sulphur content
3. Compass error methods.
4. How to obtain compass error from transit lights.
5. Polaris, how to obtain compass error?- this is where I went wrongly.
Calculation was wrong.
6. Why calculating amplitude at half the semi diameter above the horizon?
7. When u take the amplitude at sunrise,the lower limb of the sun will show what
reading on the sextant?
8. How to keep safe watch at sea?
( handing over/ taking over).

Name: Immanuel Raj

Examiner : Capt Rosli
Duration : 40 mins
Status : Pass

1.rule 1
2.east cardinal Mark
3.squat effect
4.intact stability criteria
5.type of chart
6.great circle sailing
8.responsibility of co for ukc
9.where to refer location of bottom scupper plug for dry dock
10. During drydock, how to make sure the block doesn't cover the bottom
11.duty as co as per stcw
12.enclose space permit n duration
13.preparation for dry dock
14.CO standing order
15. Draft survey
16. How to stow and precaution of showing timber deck cargo.
17. What is Critical period & precaution.
18. How do you attain weather information.
19. Work and rest hour requirement.
20. Enclosed space procedures.
21. How work rest hour affects crew working in enclosed space.
Candidate : Mohamad
Examiner : Capt. Rosli
Status : Pass ( Alhamdulillah )
Duration : <30mins

1.Quote rule 19
2.SWL / breaking test , diff?
3. East Cardinal buoy with West cardinal mark top mark?
4. Marpol annex 5, bosun want to throw garbage overboard ? Explain garbage
management plan requirement
5.imo intact stability criteria
6. Vessel ran aground? Action?
7. ISPS - explain
One question I forgot.
He asked me about requirement of ECDIS ON BOARD. compare Raster chart
Ecdis with Ecdis using SENC charts. Which one is better.

Marking on anchor shackle you arrange work for crew you load cargo
8.last ship and introduce your self
some Additional Question for me ...........what is GT,NT,Dead
weight,Displacement,Dead weight scale,why need to take 6 points draft, how u
will find out displacements......suppose u have draft fwd 7 M and aft 7.3 M.

Hi guys: my questions
Fail- made error in Polaris calculation.
1. Marpol annex 6. Explain all.
2. What certificate u obtain when u bunker LSFO indicating the sulphur content
3. Compass error methods.
4. How to obtain compass error from transit lights.
5. Polaris, how to obtain compass error?- this is where I went wrongly.
Calculation was wrong.
6. Why calculating amplitude at half the semi diameter above the horizon?
7. When u take the amplitude at sunrise,the lower limb of the sun will show what
reading on the sextant?
8. How to keep safe watch at sea?
( handing over/ taking over).
Candidate : Satish
Examiner : Capt. Sukhbir singh
Status : Pass
Duration : 1 hr 30mins

1.Taking over as chief officer

2.Last 2 cargo load (sulphuric acid and palm oil)
3. How to do tank cleaning from palm oil to load sulphuric acid
4. Loading operation sulphuric acid
3. Sulphuric acid properties
4. What information can get from msds
5. Thermal expansion cargo pipeline
6. Diff between cargo sweat and ship sweat
7. Heavy weather preparation
8. Mooring rope maintenance
9. FFA all item onboard
10. Rule 6
11. Stbd lateral region B
12. South cardinal right ahead action
13. Towing vessel seen from stern 2 point port bow action
14. Towing vessel less than 50 mtr and length of tow less than 200 mtr arc of

Capt sukhbeer/capt rasoli...3rd attemp
1.1 pt how many degree
2.kentar shakle draw n explain
3.anchor preparation,dragging anchor while at fwd station how u know,dragging
anchor on brdge how u know.
3.anchor additional sound signal in res.visibility.
4.BWM, what r disadvantaged while doing sequential method.
5.BM n SF...which one have to consider more..
6.polaris all.
7.why taking sun half dia meter...draw what da sun position while at visible
8.method to take compass error..HSA
9.PDV vsl,towing vsl seen from astern action.
10.port hand bouy,stbd hand bouy,region A n B.
11.sun seems brighter how u shoot da sun(by azmith mirror)
12.GRT NRT DWT Lt ship.
13.find displ at 7 meters darft.
15.annex 4 colreg
16.sos how to send. water mark..where 2 use as per shape.
18. 90 degree cos seen N cardinal bouy.action.
19.1 prolong and 2 pronglong blast duration..
Capt rasoli...
1.previous some questuions..
2.cargo stability caritiria draw also
3.intact stability caritiria draw also.
4.rule 19..all..n draw situations by ur own n explain as per rule 19.
5.east cardinal wid top mark north cardinal.
6.stiff n tender vsl...for container which is better..
7.anti corrions measures on board.
8.nuc vsl seen stbd side action.
9. Nuc right a head action..
This is all passed finally.

Anjith Karthikeyan
Examiner: Capt. Sukhbir
1. Advantages and disadvantages of COW
2. IG System, draw and explain
3. Emergency shut down system for COP. (Locations of COP trip and other
4. Oil spill on deck actions as a chief officer.
5. Contents of SOPEP.
6. What are the oil pollution equipments onboard.
7. PDV underway lights
8. PDV 2 point stbd bow, crossing, actuon?
9. Stbd lateral mark region B and safe water mark.
10. Draw plunson mark port side.
11. Why different load line if density is same.
(Tell about weather bad safety reasons)
12. MARPOL annex 1
(in the midway of anwering, he chopped pass and gave me the paper)

Examiner : Capt Sukbir

Time: sorry sir. I didn’t keep check
1. Duties and responsibilities as a I implement ISM ON-BOARD.
2. 2 red light and one white light. Possibilities.
3. How to know the above is NUC it aground?( ans: speed)
4. How to communicate between two vessels without the vsls in vicinity being
aware of it?
5. South cardinal mark.
6. Heading west and sighted south cardinal mark. Action
7. Explain maritime lein.
8. Vsl aground right ahead. Action.
9. Wat is official log book.Entry in official logs.
10. Penalties for overloading ship as per MSO 1952.
11. Heavy wx preparation as master.
12. Intact stability criteria. When I started to answer , he gave me pass.
Nick Name : Cimet Kurt
Examiner : Captain Sukhbir Singh
Time : 2.5 Hours

Status : PASS

1) Who is Cargo Engineer and his role onboard LNG Carrier?

2) How do you joining a ship as chief officer?
3) What is the difference between seafarer employment article ( SEA) and article
of agreement ( AOA)?
4) What do you prepare prior departure port as chief officer? ( Once i mentioned
stability aspect he ask further below )
5) How do you determine you GM? What method do you use?
- KM ( How do your find yr KM)
- KG ( How do you find yr KG)
- He give situation that yr ship with draft 7.0 mtrs.
So yr captain request to adjuat yr KG but maintained yr KM at 7.0 mtrs draft.
What your action?
6) Give IS criteria word by word + sketch
- what is X & Y axis including the unit
- How You determine yr GM from the curve?
7) Flamibility Diagram drawing ( rough sketch).
- What is yr LNG LEL & UEL?
- From thw sketch..he give statement " is it 5% concentration of HC = 5% of LEL?
What is LEL? Clarify the statement he give
8) What safety precaution for connecting bonding wire/cable once alongside?
- What is impressed electric current for hull protection? What is sacrifial anode
- How do you monitor the hull protection using current? Who is responsible
9) What maintenance carried out for ballast tank?
-explain in dry dock how do you remove yr mud/sediment?
- Entry into enclosed space procedure?
10) What type of equipment to be used for checking tank atmosphere? In term of
O2 / Hydrocarbon / Toxicity.
- What is TLV ( STEL/Ceiling Limit)
- Requirement for GAS measurement/ Concentration of gas safe for entry?is it
posibble to enter the tank with slight reding of HC?
- Principle of Explosivemeter?
11) Explain gas free operation onboard LNG Carrier? From last port of discharge.
- explain how you use flamibility diagram to use during inerting
12) ROR
- PDV light
- He give 3 situation with 3 bearing of each target.
Determine ROC exist or not?
- Visibility and range of light
- Vsl enganged in pilotage duty
Any other Possibility ? ( WHITE OVER RED + ONE WHITE LIGHT)
Is it PDV?Signal pilot boat at anchor? Is it compulsary HOTEL flag to be hoist up?
Please prove in COLREG if any? Identity signal?
- Safe water mark?
- special mark? Purpose? Ensure you include 3 new purpose
-Prefered channel stbd region B
- Stbd hand buoy region B
He will give as much as possbile the rhytm. You have to decide can used or cant
be used.

Akter Hossain
Status Fail
Examiner: Capt. Sukhbir
1. Various chart symbol
2. MLC
Manning agent take money from seafarers is it legal or illegal explain as per MLC
What is AOA & SEA
3. Safe anchor watch
4. You are chief officer get information that after 2hrs POB as chief mate what is
your action.
5. Anchor vessel

1 h 30 m
Capt Sukhbir
1. Stbd Lateral mark region B
2. Safe Navigation Watch
3. ISPS Surveys
4. What is the anniversary date in annual survey? Can it be different from the
date of issue of the certificate?
5. ISPS drills
6. Duties as per muster list in all kinds of emergency drills
7. Light for PDV less than 50 m
8. Shapes and lights for dredging vessel. Fog signal.
9. Methods for position fixing
10. Meridian passage calculations. Why use MP for position fix?
11. True Alt with reference to the declination and latitude during mer pass
12. Cargo safety equipments survey. What are the preparations?
13. West cardinal buoy seen right ahead heading 180. action?
14. General alarm and. Fire alarm
15. Lifeboat lowering duties
16. How to calculate HSA and how to obtain a fix?
17. If oil spill on deck. Actions?
18. What can be found in the SOPEP equipments?
19. If you want to raise security level more than the port security level. What are
the procedures? Who will you contact?
20. What if the port does not agree to increase the security level, provided that
both vessel and the port should be at the same security level?
21. The sections of ROR Part B
*22. What is the cheapest sandwich in Subway?*

Overall review:
ROR and Buoy Very good
Other answers were short and brief and lack of marine terminologies used. Need
to explain in more details.

Examiner: Capt Sukhbir
Time: i dont know
Documents asked : CDC and mock orals report

1. Personal questions
(why did you choose to join sea) and many more even some questions like
physcometric test like that
2. Joining as chief officer from shore to sea all i explained including SEA etc and
explain what do you do on safety familiarization
3. When do you know you're officially cmate onboard? (Additional he asked AOA
and sign c/l)
4. How do you prepare for departure port? Tell all including checklist and rest
etc stowaway checks isps etc etc talk a lot so less questions and also additional
he asked for tanker cargo documents immediately after taking over
5. IMO stability criteria. Explain and draw (PLEASE make sure draw properly
including details)
6. How do you do FFA maintenance onboard specifically maintenance (i included
latest 2018 requirement of walkie talkie) and others
7. Buoy safe water mark and port hand buoy region bravo where will u leave u
decide (u must tell i will follow direction of buoyage)
8.Rules only NUC the lights how many possibilities. He gave me 2 red lights and 2
white lights which can be seen from stbd (pls answer all including arc of vis. And
shape and soung sig)

Total he was looking more on your delivery how you answer if you answer few
things extra without him asking will be plus point and he said if you answer
confidently then sure pass.
Name : Vinod Vengata
Examiner : Capt Sukhbir
Time : 25 mins
Status : Pass
1. Last ship and company
2. Investment in real estate and contact
3. PDV full details and action to avoid
4. Fishing vessel full detail n anchor light n signal
5. Action as C/O for heavy weather
6. Why fwd liferaft has no HRU

Name : Velah Narayanan

Examiner : Capt Sukhbir
Time : 1 hour
Status : Pass
1. After check my documents. Why you leave BA?
2. Offshore Operation DP 500 m. Types of operation. What the PRS use for DP.
3. How the operation in Brazil.
5. Garbage Annex 5
6. How you drop anchor and shackle to drop.
7. Chain Register
8. PDV LIGHT action.
9. Anchor Light / Code Signal
10. How much your salary on your last vessel

Name: Sheikh Mohammad Ayman

Examiner: Sukhbir singh.
Time: 2.5 hrs
Result: fail

1) Your duty onboard as a chief officer.

2) What type of maintenance work done on deck? How will u do
maintenance on loading crane? When to change the fall wire? How u will know
this is the time to change fall wire? How will u make sure that there is wearing
and tearing on 10% of strands? How will u visually check the condition of crane
wire as it is covered with grease? What is the length of your crane wire onboard
last ship?
3) Where will u get the info about number of strands on your crane?
4) How many parts of chain register?
5) Crane’s sheave is broken. You don’t have any spare onboard. What are the
criteria to determine whether you may use the different size of sheave?
6) Your provision crane’s SWL 5 ton. You need to load a weight of 8 tons.
How would you do? (he said present days it’s not practiced anymore so u guys
are not supposed to know)
7) What was the LSA equipments onboard your last ship? Mention one by
one with details of no and location and requirements?
8) Why there is only one lifeboat if it’s stowed at stern but 2 lifeboats if
stowed one the ship’s side?
9) Your ship’s lifeboat designed to launch at maximum how many degree of
10) Life raft markings
11) SOLAS pack A and pack B what is the difference?
12) How many life buoy? How many with self igniting light?
13) Do your rescue boat have immersion suit? If yes why to have immersion
suit although u have TPA in rescue boat?
14) To find compass error& deviation. ( given: Tr. Brg Polaris. Gyro bearing,
gyro heading and compass heading. Variation to take from chart).
15) How to get compass error from HSA?
16) Port hand lateral mark(Region B), isolated danger mark, east cardinal
17) Distress signal as per annex 4.
18) You received distress signal through VHF DSC ch.70. action how would u
acknowledge if no acknowledgment from shore.
19) Duty of On Scene Command.
20) IAMSAR manual search pattern. Draw expanded square search, sector
search, contour search)
21) Ballast water management plan. How will u do ballast water exchange.
What was the approved method for BWE on ur last ship.
22) How to do sequential method.
23) How many type of BW treatment plant.
24) Your ship is fully loaded. How will you bring down ship’s G? Liquid cargo
no way of cargo shifting.
25) Dry dock preparations.
26) How will u make sure you maintain the positive GM throughout? Formula
for calculating up thrust and virtual loss of GM.
27) How to calculate free surface correction?
28) Will your propeller be immersed during arrival of dry dock?
29) Can you enter in dock with even keel draft? If can why to enter with trim
while there is a critical period of losing GM?
30) Fire fighting at dry dock. Fire in paint store action.
31) How will u know your CO2 cylinder is filled? 10% loss of total weight or
weight of CO2?
32) How will pressurize fire main at dry dock? To draw the ISC. What will u
do if the ISC is not fitted with flange of shore ISC? ISC can be fitted to any
hydrants or there is dedicated hydrants?
33) Heavy weather precautions as chief officer.
Name : Asaduzzaman
Time: Around 40 minutes
Examiner:Capt Sukhbir Sing
1. Ask my mock oral and attendance sheet,Passport and CDC.
Type of ship I am sailing what type of cargo carrying and trading area.
2. Why I chose Malaysia for my exam
3.Joining as a chief officer and responsibilities of co.
4.How you Maintain Ballast water OB.
5.Work and rest hour details.
6.Ram vessel light describe.
7.Vessel doing under water operation light describe...he give me light of Ram
vessel seeing from Port side with two green all-round light.what is this?Sound
signal ....right ahead action.
8.Safe water mark buoy describe use...what is Morse code A .how to identify ,
where to leave the buoy?
9.Isolated danger mark buoy use and describe where to leave the buoy.
10.North cardinal mark describe ...course 090 right ahead action.
11.Vessel entering restricted visibility what precaution u take as a chief
officer...what is restricted visibility....Speed reduction gradually or at a short.If it
is gradually then does it contradict with rule 8.what does rule 8 says.
What is safe speed.
what are the available means do I have on board?I add night vision camera then
he twist this question ....this is ISPS equipment can I use for navigation it's
function etc. Annex 4.
11.Maintenance of Pilot ladder draw pilot ladder dimensions of step ,Use of
spread, Spreader broken how to change,How to inspect Manila rope,how u
maintain equal distance between step?
12.During heavy lift operation your walkie talkies broken no spare how you
communicate with crane operator?How u maintain stability during operation?
13.How u prepare for sfaety equipment survey.....then he twist this question
several way...what are the things u will check in life boat and life raft...does pilot
ladder include in safety equipment....What are shape u carried on board.What is
Form E...where u will find Safety equipment certificate..?He give me 10min to
find copy of certificate?And start asking again..
Candidate :Fateh Ali Tipu
Orals : Master
Examiner : Capt sukhbir
Result : pass

1. First check my seman book and asked me how many contracts as chief officer.

2. Talk about my last company and wages.

3. How effective is your company complying with ism.

4. How you implement ism on board ship as master.

5. Ship on right ahead. Showing two mast lights and side lights. What are the
possibilities. I each possibility explain me arc of vis of lights, day shape, fog
signal, and action.

6. Same lights on 3 points on stbd side. Action.

7. Show me stbd hand buoy region B . Full details.

8. Clc 92 convention.

9. Clc 69 convention.

10. You duty officer called you on bridge. And tell you vessel is not steering.
Action. ans as master.

11. Ballast water management. What is D1And D2 .

12. New Ammendments to marpol Annex v.

14. What is CRS. Who issues it.

15. How you feel confident as master.

At the end of the oral he told me you must train you junior officers and that is
reponsibility of master.
1 join as c/o
2 how you load cargo
4 type of survey
5 preparation for load lines survey
6 precaution for cow
7. ecdis
8 vessel aground as c/o action
9 safe water iso danger special buoy
10 towing vsl power driven vsl more than 50m cod
11 marpol all
12 BWM
13 type of survey
14 certificate on board
15 MLC


Time: 35 mins
Examiner: Capt Azlan

1.Check CDC. Tell me safe loading and discharging operation of chemical ship.

2. ballast water management.

3.ism and ESP in details.
5.Catagory X,Y,Z
6.MARPOL all annex, explain annex 1.
7.Drydock preparation related to cago and stability.
8. Ship grounded,duty as a chief officer.
9.Take over as a c/o.
10.Buoy: isolated danger mark, special mark,east Cardinal mark,safe water
mark.all in details.
11. Light: RAM, towing,2 white light and side light details and action.
12. Explain rule 18.

Thanks all of you and best of luck.

Mohammad Al-Mamun Prodan
Examiner: Capt. Mohd Azlan Bin Aziz
Time: 0100 Hr
Alhumdulillah Pass

1. Joining as Chief officer take over duty.

2. Load line survey Preparation.
3. Chief officer responsibilities as per solas.
4. Safety Equipment survey Preparation.
5. What's cargo carry last ship. Methanol after washing tank man entry as c/o
One person fall Down in the tank unconscious what's your action.
6. What's your ship's length. Accordingly LSA regards as per SOLAS details.
7. Regarding Fwd L/R
Solas regulations.
8. L/Boat lowering procedures. Drills duration time.
9. How to maintain lifeboat devits.
10. You are in cabin fire alarm hearted.
Fire in galley take action.
11. What extinguisher used. Can't extinguish, fire gradually big fire what action
Which Distress signal sent. by which ch frequency details.
12. Safety officer duty.
13. Bouy port hand lateral region B, safe water, special mark details, action and
14. Towing vessel, nuc, two white light details.
15. Radar plotting collision course, port bow, restricted visibility. How to
maintain 1 nm cpa.
16. Rule 19
17. DPA Duty.
18. Where you get information ship's statutory certificate.
Ships trade certificate one by one tell me....
19 How many distress signals
20. Go through......
Master Class 1 Oral
Date : 17/08/2017
Candidate : Suryassinudin Bin Kamarudin
Examiner : Capt Sukhbir Singh
Status : Pass

Check disch book,ask about company from which country,why vsl is port klang
1. How can a foreign vessel register for Malaysian flag? *explain from MSO 1952*
2. Cabotage policy,what is it?
3. RoR . NUC light + 1 white light - what other vessels using this light?
4. Aground vessel right ahead,your officer not sure of what vsl is that,action?
5. Porthand buoy region B-explain- and u see this buoy right ahead,action?

Examiner :- capt sukbir Singh

Candidate: Gérard Johnny

Status:- pass.

Talk about operation of previous vessel.

1.Charter party- what is bimco,voyage, time, bareboat. - Explain what you


Difference between time n bareboat charter?

2. Mlc- how do you enforce mlc onboard ship. Explain about cert of mlc n dmlc
cert. How you determine food is fresh, n sufficient quantity? Ans must be balance
as per mso

3. Repatriation n ship owners liability- who will pay crew member if wages not
paid n company bankrupt.

4. Showed one white light, got 21 possibilities.

Examiner :- capt Sukbir Singh

Candidate: Gananaden Sethu

Status:- pass.

Talk about operation of previous vessel. Type of ship. Nature of operation inside
TSS,how we go about it.

1. R.O.R - Single white light. State the possibilities. There are 21 possibilities. If
can give more than 10, he would go on to next question.
2. IALA Buoyage - have to be thorough. He asked about safe water mark.
3.Charter party- what is bimco? voyage, time, bareboat. - Explain in your own
words. Demurrage and Despatch.

4. Mlc- Brief description about chapters.

Bonus question- How ready are you to be a Master?

Examiner :- capt sukbir Singh

Candidate: Aravin.G

Status:- pass

1) Talk about operation of previous vessel.

2. What you know about MLC? I answered the 5 chapters and expand each
chapters accordingly.
3. Master duties in own words. I quoted as per Ism.
4. Stbd hand buoy Reg B, spar with top mark. He asked to explain by
shape,color,light rhythm, region, how to pass.
5. Are you confident to take over as a Master?
Say YES confidently.

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