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10 Major Scope of HRM or Human Resources

The 10 major scope of HRM includes the following:

1. Budgeting
2. Job Analysis
3. Recruitment
4. Onboarding
5. Payroll
6. Training
7. Operations
8. Engagement
9. Grievances
10. Compliances

1. Budgeting
Budgeting or planning refers to the process of assessing the company resources and defining the job
roles. This process considers the numerous resources available in the company and allocates a
budget for each job position, while clearly defining their roles and responsibilities.

Human resource planning also includes the various resources associated with employee
management such as manpower planning, training and development, compensation and benefits
structure planning, productivity improvements, rewards and recognition, expense management, and
HR planning also includes future budget allocations for new jobs and the workforce required to
undertake those jobs.

Hence, it efficiently matches the supply and demand of the company’s workload with the staff,
ensuring that the work is completed within the prearranged timeframe.

2. Job Analysis
Job analysis and evaluation help the HR team understand the basic construct of a job, such as the
basic responsibilities of a specific role, the qualifications and experience required to undertake it, as
well as the remuneration to be provided for the work undertaken.

Job analysis also deals with matching the skillset of the candidates for a specific role with the job
role, making it easier for the recruiters to employ them. It also considers the finances of the
company and allocates adequate resources for each position.

Job analysis also helps in arranging training and development programs for the staff who are placed
in a specific position, ensuring long-term retention.

3. Recruitment
Now that we have covered the job analysis process, we need to discuss recruitment and selection as
it deals with searching for the right candidate for a job role and recruiting them for a specific role.

It includes posting the jobs on various job boards, both online and offline, after creating the perfect
job description to attract the relevant talent.

The scope of human resource management in recruitment and selection also includes interviewing
the candidates who respond to the job posting, assigning them tasks for assessing their skills, and
providing them with offer letters.

The process also includes freeing the interviewers from their daily tasks to help them conduct the
interviews, as well as arranging for any specific requirements from their end.

4. Onboarding
Onboarding and induction also come under the scope of human resource management since it
provides the recruit with a clear idea of things to come.

Having a clearly defined onboarding routine enables the HR team to provide the new employee
with an overview of the company and their daily roles and responsibilities.

Having a robust onboarding process enables the HR to help the new joiner get acquainted with their
new job profile and understand their company better. It also helps them understand the company
culture and work ethics.

Additionally, it ensures that the recruit is aware of the company ethos and understands their daily
responsibilities well.
5. Payroll
It is a well-established fact that payroll is the primary motivation for most employees to come to
work. Hence, payroll management is another aspect of employee management which comes under
the scope of human resource management.

It includes various processes related to employee compensation and benefits such as collating the
payroll cycle input data, calculating the compensation and benefits based on this data, and
disbursing it through the preset methods.

Payroll management also deals with adhering to statutory compliances, which helps the company
avoid hefty fines. Once the payroll for an employee is calculated, the HR is required to deduct taxes
from it and pay it to the Government.

6. Training
Similarly, the training and development of the employees also fall under the scope of human
resource management. Training helps the staff improve their performance since it enhances their
skills, making them better at their individual tasks.

For a company, training and development of the staff has the dual advantage of making them better
at their work and retaining them for longer with the organization, since they realize their value for
their company.

Training and development may also be conducted for existing long-term staff to refresh their skills
or provide cross-skilling enhancements. It enables them to stay updated with the latest trends in
their respective domains, making them more efficient in their work.

7. Operations
HRM is also responsible for maintaining employee-employer relationships. It involves addressing
the employee concerns by providing grievance mechanisms, providing counselling to them, as well
as taking disciplinary action in case of malpractices and misbehaviour.

Maintaining amicable relations also extends to the workers’ unions as they represent the body of
workers. Such relations ensure that the employees and employers work together to achieve the
organizational targets.

Similarly, HR operations also ensure that the management understands the requirements of their
staff, while the employees understand their management’s viewpoint in certain scenarios.

For example, HR operations ensure workplace safety as unsafe work conditions should not be
tolerated by any worker.

8. Engagement
Keeping the employees engaged also comes under the scope of human resource management. The
HR team undertakes various strategies for keeping the employees engaged in the company.
Since engaged employees stay longer with the company and are more productive, it enhances the
company’s employer brand and overall success rate. To ensure employee engagement, HRs also
take care of their mental well-being, which improves their trust in the company.

Additionally, they also undertake various fun activities to ensure that their staff feel valued and
become a contributing member of their team.
Such activities, combined with rewards and recognition, help change the ambience of the workplace
to a fun-filled one, which keeps the staff engaged with the organization.

9. Grievances
Another crucial task which comes under the scope of HRM is grievance redressal. When a diverse
group of individuals work together, there are bound to be multiple instances of disagreements and
differences between them.

If an issue escalates, the HR department must take action and ensure harmony in the workplace.
There are specific grievance redressal units created within large enterprises to ensure that a peaceful
atmosphere is maintained throughout the company premises.

Even in case of an issue, there are multiple safeguards set up to ensure that it does not escalate
beyond a certain point.

10. Compliances
Since organizations are required to follow compliances set by the authorities, the HR team ensures
that the employees follow the same. The company is also required to follow various employment-
related laws, which again come under the scope of HRM.

Various labour laws and safety regulations require the help of other teams along with the HR
department to ensure complete adherence in an organization.

Similarly, the HR team also helps the management avoid legal fines by enabling the company and
its employees to work in harmony. By avoiding legal issues, the company and its staff can stay
productive to ensure long-term success.
Here are some functions that describe the importance of hrm:

Maximizing Productivity and Profitability:

It really focuses on both the quality and quantity of employees, as

it provides them with opportunities. Opportunities to grow in their
respective domains. As a result of these opportunities, employees
are highly motivated and meet the established goals. Hence, it
allows the organization to capitalize, create a presence in the
market, and enhance profitability.

High Quality of Work:

A positive work environment, employee recognition, and a sense

of responsibility motivate employees to give their best, which
makes sure to yield a high quality of work as it helps to achieve set
goals. Also, hiring the right people and making sure to train them
well is important for getting the best quality work. This is crucial,
as it helps the employees learn and quickly adapt to the
organization’s working culture.

Helping employees achieve the set goals:

Human resource management is important in achieving the set

goals, as companies provide compensation, benefits, and rewards
to recognize their employees. Whereas HR’s should plan for
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Bookatrekking will help in motivating teams enthusiasm. These
activities help motivate employees to give their best. It also
improves employee morale and gives employees new energy to
perform better.

Improving Teamwork:

HR managers need to make sure every employee feels important

and worthy in every department. They emphasize the importance of
HRM in teamwork and team spirit in the workplace. So, that it will
make a great contributions to get the desired results. Moreover, AI
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GPT-4 powers, are revolutionizing the way businesses interact.
Also, they automate tasks, further enhancing the teamwork.

Reducing the gap between demand and supply

of Human resources:

The role of HR management in an organization extends beyond

personnel management. So, to include determining the sufficiency
of the pool of available human resources. HR manager organize
hiring and selection campaigns to fill any employment gaps that
may exist within the company. Similar to laying off ineffective
employees, human resource management is responsible for this.

Building a corporate image:

For businesses, sustainability involves preserving their storied,

ideal reputation in the marketplace. Everyone wants to be
associated with a business that is well-known for its ethical
behavior. Also, which offers commitment to the community and its

Contrarily, businesses that treat their employees more like

resources than as people are in danger of failing completely.

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